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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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yes, after 4 months, literally in april , starting in january, they are already running out, unfortunately, and what do you think about - providing - subsidized air tickets, if not for all residents of the kaliningrad region, then at least adding a student category , because today these are young people under 23 years old, i ’m 23 years old this year and i understand that next year i won’t have such an opportunity, unfortunately, well... we were driving now, we also discussed it, and the governor proposes to make this subsidy not for everyone who wants it certain categories of citizens, not for everyone who wants to come to kaliningrad or leave kaliningrad, only for citizens permanently residing here, for permanent residents, including students, then these 450 million, right? they will not end
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within 4 months, and of course more, a much larger number of people who live here will be able to take advantage of this, and of all categories, divided into some categories, for everyone permanently residing in kaliningrad, but then remove these here these flat tariffs are for... residents of other regions of the russian federation, for any categories, withdrawn, that is, all this money, we are now allocating 450 million of it per year, only for permanent residents of kaleningrad, then of course the number of people who will be able to take advantage of it, will increase severalfold, well, the governor proposed, we will consider this at the meeting today, this is one of the solution options. problems, that is, in
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principle, of course, we need first of all to ensure, to ensure passage back to the mainland for those who live here, of course, this could somewhat reduce, reduce, as it seems to me, the tourist flow, because these preferential categories that now enjoy this flat tariff, surcharged tariffs, they also use from all over the russian federation, even those who are here permanently don’t live, well, 450 million quickly ends, and if this is done only for those who live here, then the tourist flow may be slightly reduced, well , it seems to me, not very much, in fact, i agree with the governor, not very much, because what he is constantly growing here too. the number
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of permanent residents of the kaliningrad region is growing ; it’s already a million; the plenipotentiary said 99.3400, which is quite a significant number ; the population of the kaliningrad region has recently grown by 16%.
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by age, there are pensioners, students under 23 years old, people with health restrictions, everyone living here will then be able to take advantage of preferential rates, but now we still have to consult and make a decision, so please, what else am i asking of you, sergey, yes, danila, sadovsky, i want another one it’s very nice to put a question on the agenda.
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i, as a representative of this category of people , would like, in principle, to express gratitude for this opportunity to receive this scholarship; in principle, this scholarship is considered quite authoritative and prestigious, the very fact of receiving it quite raises the status of the student himself, now if you receive a presidential scholarship, yes, i receive government money, so 20 thousand would also be quite good, now yes, the question has been partially resolved, yes, there was a request for the amount, so i talked with representatives of the same people who receive this scholarship, so there is a request, that’s what you think, is it worth somehow creating a procedure for awarding and some kind of solemn atmosphere for this scholarship, because as i know, here i am from my
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experience of it is not provided for, i think that you are right, because of course it’s nice to receive a little more money than everyone else, but still , even the point is... that’s not the point, although it’s important, but well, it should be prestigious, that’s the result of a person’s work, but if you do it somehow, well, solemnly, well, not every time, of course, here’s 20,000, here ’s 20,000, the very fact of noting that a person receives a government or presidential degree, that this somehow needs to be formalized, i agree, i wanted to celebrate so that it would be so personally pleasant, emotional, so that i remember it so solemnly. after all, the scholarship is of a really high level, everyone appreciates it, we have already appreciated what you get, now we know what you get, thank you very much, thank you for your success, please, yes, i ask you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, my name
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is daria svetucheva, i am a student at the western campus of the presidential academy, as well as the deputy chairman of the russian youth union of the kaliningrad region, and i would like to tell you that in our region... there is an opportunity to undergo an internship in regional authorities , students of our presidential academy have repeatedly proven that this is where management experience begins, we have such an idea , a wish, perhaps the dream of some of us, to do such a practice and the same project on at the federal level, so that the best students in the country can undergo internships in such positions in the government, in the administration and the like, because... for example, i personally dream about this, it seems to me that some of us, especially from the direction of state municipal management , where i am studying at the presidential academy, also dreams of this, and it seems to me that this would be a very good practice of rapprochement, this is how verifiable mentoring also seems to me, that
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it seems to me that such a practice exists, but if you weren’t there, let’s do this about what is the name of your educational institution, and the educational institution, and the western branch of the presidential academy? well, it was not by chance that i asked again, well, of course, this should be formalized accordingly in relation to practice, we’ll do it, thank you, yeah, yes, please, vladimir vladimirovich, hello, my name is akimkin, pavel iliich, i’m a fourth-year mechanical engineering student, were affected various issues, but unfortunately the same issues related to engineering students were not touched upon, engineering class, and i have enough... for a very large number of acquaintances, friends who are now studying at higher educational institutions such as mining university, moscow state university, st. petersburg drilling rig and others, but unfortunately, the interest of my friends is falling every year in their specialty,
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due to the fact that the salary still does not suit them on a large basis, and pilots of an aircraft, say the same airbus, can receive 100,000 rubles, that is, an aircraft pilot, as well as a chief engineer or not even a chief engineer, the average engineer receives a salary from 60 to 100 thousand rubles, while a taxi driver in moscow earns from 100 and above, why does this happen, well, as for pilots, this is due to the fact that these airbuses there or boeing, at one time, we were forced to attract specialists from the international labor market, those who felt comfortable at the helm.
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but as for say, taxi drivers in moscow, yes or? yes, it is regulated by the market, it is unlikely that a good engineer, even if he earns a little less than a taxi driver, wants to work as a taxi driver, because besides, this is very important, salary, level, i agree with you, but if a person has received a good education and he, say, works in some large russian company. then his salary level is decent, i won’t give you
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any specific names there, but i know that even people moving, for example from north america, from the states, from europe, means that here they are starting to earn more in our companies, than for the same work there, taking into account the level taxation, real income.
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especially modern mechanical engineering, thank you, good luck, thank you very much, yeah, please, something else, we’re finishing, please, we’ll finish, okay, little by little. or ranhiks under the president of the russian federation, tell me, how do you, in principle , feel about this rather important, pompous name, and do you associate our academy with yourself? i associate this with the interests of the state with personnel training, this is the most important area of ​​the country’s work, personnel training in all areas, in
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engineering majors, we include music, literature, and history in the humanities . management activities , this name is well, i didn’t come up with it, to be honest, but i think it should be attractive to a certain extent, because it emphasizes, as it were, the direction of future activities, including in executive authorities, this is an important direction, and i wish you success, future work, so what? thank you very much, thank you very much for this conversation, i was interested, i hope it was useful to you, let me once again congratulate you on the holiday, on russian students' day , wish you all the best, thank you very much, thank you, goodbye, goodbye
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vladimir vladimirovich. these were shots from a meeting between vladimir putin and university students in the kaliningrad region. a court in st. petersburg sentenced daria trepova to 27 years in prison. she was found guilty of the terrorist attack in which war correspondent vladlen tatarsky died. another defendant in the case, dmitry kasintsev, who sheltered trepova, received one year and 9 months. imprisonment. and now we are in direct contact from st. petersburg. our correspondent, dmitry akimov. dmitry, i welcome you, tell us how this meeting went? yes, tatyana, hello, well, reading the verdict took the judge literally 15 minutes, only the effective part was announced, according to which daria trepova actually received 27 years of imprisonment in a general regime colony, as well as a fine
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of 700,000 rubles. trepova arrived at the verdict in a white jacket with oranges, convicted. behaved calmly when asked by the judge, for example, “is the verdict clear to her?” answered one difficult question. let me remind you that trepova was convicted on three counts: an act of terrorism, as well as illegal trafficking in explosive devices and the use of a deliberately forged document in order to hide another crime. the state administration requested 28 years in a general regime colony for trepova and a fine of 800,000 rubles. now i propose to listen to what the prosecutor told us after that. of the criminal code of the russian federation, namely in committing actions related to the illegal trafficking of explosive devices, which was used in the commission of the above-mentioned terrorist act. in
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addition, she was found guilty under part 4 of article 327 of the criminal code of the russian federation. in committing the illegal acquisition of a knowingly counterfeit driver's license, which she kept, transported and carried on her person for use in facilitating the commission of the above-mentioned crimes. trepova previously stated that she did not admit her guilt, allegedly she did not know what was inside the figurine, she thought that there was eavesdropping device, however... in ukraine, ukrainian journalist roman popkov was involved in the organized group. this crime was planned for a long time by yuri denisov and other persons. later , the accomplices also involved daria trepova.
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trepova was given instructions to carry out preparatory actions by popkov and a person under a pseudonym. punishment under article 316 for previously unpromised concealment of a particularly serious crime, the judge sentenced him to a year and 9 months in prison, he was taken into custody right in the courtroom, let me remind you that... all the time it was going on investigation and trial, he was under house arrest, civil claims from the victims were partially satisfied, for example, the mother of vladlin tatarsky, the court decided to pay
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5 million rubles in moral damages, when the original amount of the claim was 15 million, in total strepova was recovered almost 16.5 million rubles, the convicted lawyer daniil berman has already announced that they will appeal the court's decision. this is the last one. for headaches, there is askafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. i pay for techno cyberweek at the megamarket, buy a smart sber tv for only 11,990 rubles. the feed
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it is important to be honest. convenient, why are there cameras in elections, today my dad and i found ourselves in a new place together, he wanted to vote, choose a candidate, we walked in, i immediately froze, dad, why are there so many cameras here, monitoring the progress fair elections by the people are guaranteed by the law of our rights on guard; if there is a suspicion that a violation has occurred, it will record an instant, this case, observation, to choose in the country. free, important, honestly comfortable. now it's time for economic news. exports of russian pipeline gas this year will grow by 18% to 108 billion cubic meters. this forecast was given by deputy prime minister alexander novak in the magazine energy policy. he noted that russia continues to redirect supplies to new markets with an emphasis on countries asia-pacific region. this is how gas exports to china and siberia are growing, as
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gazprom previously reported at the end of the year. the company increased supplies in this direction by one and a half times to 22.5 billion cubic meters. fertilizer production in russia at the end of the year increased by 9%, to almost 60 million tons. this was stated by deputy head of the ministry of industry and trade mikhail yurin. according to him, the ministry does not yet see any grounds for adjusting or canceling export duties. now russia is one of the leaders in the global mineral market fertilizers by export volumes. the largest consumers are brazil, india and the usa. china has approved the import of russian pork and products made from it into the country, according to the general customs administration of the people's republic of china. the supply of this meat has been banned since 2008. according to estimates by the national union of pig breeders, russian pork exports to china could reach 200 thousand tons per year. since 2020, our country has been among the top 10 global pork suppliers, led by the european union, the usa and brazil. and one of the world's largest mining
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companies, australian. hp leads away from the red sea has almost all its own ships. now their route will bypass us with good hope in southern africa, the woll street journal writes about this. as a result, the delivery of oil and bulk cargo may slow down significantly, the publication notes. let me remind you that in december last year, shelling of international ships in the red sea became more frequent. this happened against the backdrop of a war between israel and the palestinian hamas movement, which is supported by the houthis. it was economic news. short.
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hello, i am boris sakilov, and i am oleg skepanov and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future
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in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized. give me the recipe in general , here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, stood up, shook himself off and went, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure?


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