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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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now, what's going on there now? vladimirovich, we have seen growth in the economy since august, that is, month by month we see an upward trend, but it takes time to overcome this failure that we had, this is very good, we need to support this positive trend, this also applies to the economy , incentives for business, especially small medium-sized businesses, and of course the creation of comfortable living conditions for people, will come to life here, let me remind you of the order.
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last september, at a meeting with government members, we discussed in detail the need to extend such a program until 2030, as well as those activities that should be included in it. as a result of the meeting, a number of instructions were given, and today i would like to hear about how our agreements are being implemented, i would like to hear from you in general, what else needs to be taken into account in the upcoming work, what measures should be... additionally included in this program. i repeat, our task is to achieve dynamic growth of the region’s economy in a new situation for it. in this regard, please tell me in detail what has already been provided, specifically through business support in the kaliningrad region program, and also be sure to discuss issues of transport accessibility of the region and in particular the delivery of goods to the region and the export of finished export products to other regions of russia and to... markets, as
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for transport accessibility, now only in the university discussed this issue, this proposal of the governor, these flat tariffs, for which we allocate 450 million rubles a year for the region, to be extended exclusively to residents region, regardless of the category to which the people living here belong. and only for residents of the region who permanently reside here, including, of course , students, some other specialists who work on a permanent basis and may not even be formally registered here, but according to the governor, this will give the opportunity to a much larger number of residents of the kaliningrad region to take advantage of with this benefit, as i understand it, nikolaevich does not mind the big threats to the tourist flow. he doesn't see
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quite large, i would like to ask the minister of transport, how do you feel about this proposal, we will consider it, we have carnal tariffs actively working here, i heard, we will just assess the situation together with anton andreevich, and my mother gave, i think, a possible option , and we run out of money in the first 4 months, but if we extend this benefit not to the whole country, we won’t squander
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the gaming potential. in this area , the region, without exaggeration, has very large, if not colossal, opportunities, the disclosure of which will serve to strengthen and diversify the economy. without any exaggeration, it will create thousands of additional jobs, especially since in recent years interest in holidays in kaliningrad, svetlogorsk, zelenogradsk, and other cities in the region has been growing noticeably, well, by 23, in my opinion, it has grown, and from 490 thousand in the twenty- second year to more than 700 thousand in the twenty- third year. vladimirovich, if i may, indeed, the figures that... you name are official figures from rosstat, and there are many things that are often not taken into account, this is private sector, someone simply rents housing , or is accommodated in some unclassified holiday homes, for example, not all collective accommodation facilities
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provide correct statistics, but we have a unique opportunity here, our geography gives us an advantage here, the airport and railway, we know everyone who comes to us and grew up. the airport's turnover is already 4,300,000, we estimate based on data from sberbank, various operators, bank cards, which means mobile communications, that the number of these people exceeded 2 million at the end of last year, here such a difference, but this is a separate conversation, questions of statistics, but we approach this quite critically, that is, we do not consider one-day trips, that is, business trips are not considered, only if a person spent the night here ,
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will require expanding the airport’s capacity, completing all stages of construction of the primorsky ring. this is necessary , among other things, so that tourists from other regions of our country can quickly and comfortably get to vacation spots, as well as to improve transport links within kaliningrad region, so that there are no traffic jams that create discomfort for residents and for guests of the region. other priority tasks include: increasing the pace of housing commissioning, updating public infrastructure, major repairs and construction of new healthcare and sports cultural facilities. regarding the development of the cultural sphere, i would like to note such a large-scale project as the creation of a modern cultural
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cluster in kaliningrad with branches of the tretnyakov gallery, the bolshoi theater and the russian state institute performing arts, we are just getting acquainted with what... is happening, what stage this project is at, well , i hope that all planned events, commissioning of facilities will be completed on time, i understand certain difficulties associated with the supply of equipment, etc. and so on, nevertheless , those who walk overcome the road, everything can be done, i have no doubts here, we just need to move and... be sure that we will do all this, i am sure, i hope that the builders, everyone who is involved project, also get involved with with such confidence, this cultural center should qualitatively increase access to the best examples of musical, theatrical,
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and visual arts for residents of the region, and of course it will provide additional opportunities for creative self-realization, for the artistic education of youth, this of course does not mean that... people are no longer it will be interesting to travel, as they say here, to the mainland to the theaters of moscow, st. petersburg, other large cities of russia to museum centers, of course all this will happen, but the creation of such a center here multifaceted, will certainly encourage people who live here to visit those very cultural centers that i said will be here? work a branch of the bolshoi theater, you will want to go to the bolshoi theater , the tretyakov gallery will work in the branch, you will want to go see what we have in the russian museum of st. petersburg or in the hermitage, this is a completely different quality of life, well
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, there are a number of other pressing issues related to development on our agenda economy and industry of the region, let's start working, word to maxim genadyevich reshetnikov, please, dear. vladimirovich, dear colleagues, in september last year i reported on the measures that were launched by the government to help the kaliningrad region cope with sanctions, today i would like to tell you how these measures worked, how... the implementation of your additional instructions that you september, as well as about the regional development program, which the government, on your instructions , extended until 2030 in december of this year. according to the results of last year in the kaliningrad region, with that indeed some reduction is expected, but as anton andrevich said, in recent months they have really caught up a lot, but nevertheless, nevertheless, it means that in a number of industrial sectors production has increased, electronics, chemical industry, food industry . above the russian average , agricultural production, construction, and investments
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grew by a record 45% based on the results of three quarters. according to russian railways, supplies to the region by rail not only recovered, but exceeded the pre-sanction period by almost 40%; the decrease in transportation from the region, caused precisely by the bans and restrictions of the baltic countries , was compensated by a reorientation to sea transport. thanks accepted. measures in the field of transport managed to generally increase the volume of transportation by 20% by the twenty-second year, real incomes of the population increased by more than 5%, unemployment decreased, the region continues to increase its own income and becomes more independent from federal transfers. the long-term development of the region is associated with the solution of two key tasks. the first is transport supply and service to the region, independent of sanctions, as you noted, thanks to the subsidization mechanism. maritime transportation increased the cargo turnover of kaliningrad with russian ports by one and a half times over the year. on your
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instructions, following the results of the september meeting, the ministry of finance has reserved 1.800 million rubles for this year to subsidize poroms, but at the same time, according to last year, which means the volume of subsidies in demand is more than 2 billion turned out, therefore, this means that these funds will not be enough, it is already clear that 1.8 billion rubles and that means it will be important until... paromov, colleagues will report on this separately. the second strategic task is to make the economy less dependent on cargo transportation, to rely more on the competence of residents, on technology, on the high added value of products, and this is associated with attracting investment. what's going on here? well, firstly, within the framework of the special administrative region , the conditions for the relocation of foreigners were simplified
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companies to russia, the so-called redemilitation procedure, we have two territories in russia, this is either the island of the eastern primorsky territory, or the island, russky island, excuse me, in the far east, which means primorsky territory, or oktyabrsky island, here in the kaliningrad region of course, companies that move from europe usually choose kaliningrad last year. 150 residents from other countries arrived, this is twice as many as a year earlier and six times more than in the twenty-first year, in the last 2 years alone, residents of the special administrative region brought the region more than 30 billion rubles of investment and more than 11 billion rubles of taxes. there is a special economic zone, its features are the return of customs duties and reduced insurance premiums, here 7.6% is four times the general rate. about 300 residents, they invested more than 200 billion rubles. in a variety of sectors of the economy, from
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agriculture, the automotive industry, light industry to fishing, tourism, and today at the moment, residents produce 40% of the goods produced in the region and provide 50% of taxes. in addition, more than thirty large investment projects worth 400 billion rubles are being implemented in the region. well, one of them has just been opened, or rather the first stage, as it were, yes. will continue, i would like to separately note the rosatom project for the construction of a plant for the production of batteries for hybrid cars and electric buses, including to support this project and attract employees, provided for in the state program the construction of medical centers in sovetsk is exactly the point of development where the plant will develop, and together with the region we found such a solution. a large automaker, a resident of the eco, has now reoriented the assembly of cars from chinese ones. resumes the construction of twelve factories at once for the production of automotive components. in the agro-industrial
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complex, greenhouse livestock breeding complexes are being created. a full-cycle cluster for the production and deep processing of potatoes is being created here, and factories for processing milk, and of course fish products. it is important that not only large but also small projects are being implemented. 2 years ago, on your instructions, we allocated 5.5 billion rubles. region to... diversify the economy by supporting small-medium business projects. as a result , more than 80 projects were supported. this is the production of electrical equipment, plastic products, fertilizers, paper. packaging, composite windows, furniture, cosmetics, amber products. all companies have started implementing projects and 24 projects have already been put into operation, that is the investment stage has ended, out of 2,000 jobs, 500 jobs have already been created, all other projects and what is called on the march are actively being implemented. considering that these funds are repayable, that is,
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once the business starts, the regions will gradually return them. here we agreed with anton andreevich that we would make a mechanism. permanent, that is, this money will be such a revolving fund, at the expense of which the region will then continue to support smes. well, in general , it must be said that since anton andreevich heads the state council commission on small and medium-sized businesses, the region is very actively and effectively participating in our national sme project. a separate promising point of growth is tourism. the kaliningrad region uses all government support mechanisms for development. as part of the national project , modular hotels and two large hotels are being created. now we are in the third stage of selection under the preferential lending program, we are also receiving applications, using infrastructure budget loans, utility networks are being built for three sanatorium-resort complexes with 1,300 beds. we included in the program an event on bank protection and shore strengthening for the development of the pioneer city, this is, in general, also such a powerful resort area, it is an embankment, and here
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a good impetus will be given by the development of the embankment associated with this... a sea terminal for receiving cruise and cargo-passenger ships, which are within the ministry of transport implements transport programs. as part of the five seas project, as we have already said, white dune, work is underway under the leadership of dmitry nikolaevich chernyshenko. dmitry nikolaevich will tell you in detail. we support businesses for from a regulatory perspective, since the region has such a special position, it is very important to fine-tune foreign trade activities. since august last year, we have introduced a ban on imports from... unfriendly countries, canned fish and seafood products, analogues of which are produced in the region, this was anton andrevich’s proposal and we considered it, all departments supported it, the regulatory framework was adopted. moreover, on your instructions, at the end of the year a law was adopted that allows for exemption from export duties goods from individual entities. this was just such a request from kaliningrad and
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the far east, since the markets are far away, the transport link often makes these markets for a number of products. loosely connected and for kaliningrad it is extremely important to exempt the canned fish and seafood produced here from duties, which means that as a result, we have now considered all the issues, since the law was adopted only at the end of the year, but now the draft resolution has already been submitted to the government literally this week, the government promptly considers and accepts such issues, so we will resolve this issue in the near future; we have also removed soy protein concentrate from exchange rate export duties. which is produced here in large volumes and supplied to third countries, the manufacturer’s savings are estimated at more than 300 million rubles per year, well, that is, we , together with the regional administration, with anton andreevich, are working out all such issues , trying to quickly resolve these even if they are spot-on, they are very important for the region. within the framework of the eurasian economic commission, we are actively discussing
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simplification of the procedure for processing customs operations for those vessels that are engaged in fishing in the world’s oceans. international input, this is also extremely important, what else is important: the implementation of all projects in the economy and the launch of new ones will require personnel, in industry alone, by the thirtieth year , more than 14 thousand new jobs will be created in the region , this is a big challenge for the region, it is already here demand for personnel is more than five times higher than the supply, so the solution to this problem is connected with the expansion of the professionalism program, with an increase in labor productivity, the region too...
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with the region we will quickly implement the tasks that arise, thank you for your attention, good, thank you very much, in general, on the whole it works out , we still need to maintain this
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trend, as i said in my speech, one of such promising areas is tourism, please, dmitry nikolaevich, thank you very much, dear vladimir vladimirovich, thanks to your decision about with the launch of the national project tourism, industry and hospitality in the twenty-first year , the development of the tourism sector in the country has become systematic. the quality level , the state support measures provided for by the national project, make it possible to build new tourism infrastructure, stimulate investors to invest in tourism, all this allows us to create conditions for safe and affordable recreation for our citizens, recently the direction of state support has changed, from stimulating demand, with it now everything is in order, to the creation of new accommodation facilities and points of attraction, and the kaliningrad region actively participates in the activities of the national project, federal... state support in conjunction with regional support allows the creation of a new number of rooms, ensuring an increase in tourist flow. according to preliminary data from rosstat, we
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are guided by the ministry of development so that regions can be compared using data from rosstat. based on the results of the twenty-third year, the number of people who stayed in collective accommodation facilities in the region is about 800 thousand, which is more than 20% than in the pre-covid reference year of nineteen. year's holidays, the kaliningrad region was especially popular among our citizens, along with moscow, st. petersburg, sochi and kavmenvody, and for the entire last year the tourist flow to the region actually amounted to more than 2 million trips, which is what the figures indicate in general the governor who says, we confirm. well, the potential of the region, of course, as you rightly said, has not been fully revealed, there is huge potential there, and it is now needed to increase the flow of tourists. infrastructure like governor i said that now the infrastructure is over, so it is over for the tourism sector, since there is huge demand, so in general
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i said that the risks that a flat tariff only for citizens can reduce the tourist flow, we assess as extremely low, we separately this we will still work on it, we will justify it, especially since we have launched a separate special project at the government coordination center on behalf of michal vladimirovich, according to which we are monitoring... the non-increase and availability of tourism products, including transport components, so if something deviates by more than 20%, for us this is already an incident, we deal with it separately. and vladimirevich, on your instructions, but the creation in the country of new federal year-round seaside resorts, which should ensure an increase of an additional 10 million tourists per year year -round at our seaside resorts. on the territory of the kaliningrad region , a large-scale white dune project is being developed according to the stated regional parameters; the project
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is expected to create more than 10,500 hotel rooms, this is a gigantic project, in the five seas, in these 10 million , his contribution will be almost 11%. the resort infrastructure is designed with the possibility of year-round operation due to heated thermal water.
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restrictions in order to do it in the white dune resort there, since the planned marina is precisely the site for which we could provide parking for these here too, but this will also be an additional attractive factor for tourists who could go there come, the marina is pre-provided in the project, we we’ll take the cost into account, now we’ll study the bottom, that is, the existing ones. also
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the creation of a resort, because without this money there, there is a decent cost, it’s about 600 million. yes, yes, absolutely right, you correctly noted that the creation of resorts will additionally increase the flow of tourists to the region, according to preliminary calculations of the subject, this will increase by approximately with 1.1 million additional people per year, it is extremely important for us to synchronize work to ensure transport accessibility to the resort.
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theater educational complexes in kaliningrad , the region has indeed become one of the four regions where such complexes are being built by your decree and... a branch of the museum complex of the trikovskaya gallery and a branch of the bolshoi theater and the baltic higher school of musical and theater arts, all these are magnets, tourist attractions, especially since you heard that in the twenty -fourth year the museum complex, planet ocean, will be completed, we are sure that all these additional points of attraction will attract tourists from all over our country, the region is also developing dynamically and such
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distinctive feature of the region. tourism , and the kaliningrad region is a leader in the country in creating cycling infrastructure , a 130 km long bicycle path is being built along the baltic sea coast, on my last visit the governor and i tried it out, an excellent path from the federal budget, about 900 lanes have been allocated for these purposes, we drove 130 km , no, there was less, yes, the governor gave in to me being the first to arrive, i even believed that... i succeeded, here, vladimirovich, on your instructions, we we will continue in the twenty-fourth year , within the framework of the national project for the tourism and hospitality industry, to create infrastructure in the region and introduce new facilities; now, under the preferential lending program in the region , projects with a total loan portfolio of 3.6 billion rubles are financed. 3.4 star hotels are being built,
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more than... 400 million rubles have been allocated under the region’s modular non-capital construction program, they will build another 230 rooms by the end of the year, 13 investor projects have been supported, this year in the form of a single subsidy - this is a new a form of support that an entity can direct to priority areas at its discretion, funding is also provided, and thanks to your decisions to increase funding, the creation of modular accommodation facilities and a preferential program will subsidize large projects. in the regions , new issues appear in a short time , large-scale projects are launched, and vladimir vladimirovich, i also wanted to add an interesting point here, taking advantage of the large audience, since you recently announced the 24th anniversary of the family, and we remember that we honor traditional family values ​​that instill, first of all, in children a sense of kindness, not only towards people, but towards our smaller brothers, there is a very interesting...
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resort place zelenogradsk, which is considered the city of kotikov, and it is a purring city, it attracts tourists from all over russia, from abroad, navy seals, no, ordinary cats, ordinary cats, so the governor showed that cats are full-fledged residents there, if not to say that they are the owners of this city, there are even traffic lights for cats built for them, they are everywhere there, children can cuddle them all. v in general, family tourists will have something to see and come to. let me conclude, vladimir vladimirovich, the kaliningrad region really has great tourism potential, and we recommend all our residents to come here, it’s impossible not to fall in love, you want to come back here, and the government, on your instructions, will continue to work together with the region to create conditions for a comfortable stay, safe for our citizens .


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