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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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this is despite the fact that khamatov’s chulpan corresponds with a real ermak. here are the screenshots. the prankster was provided by smolyaninov, who was sure that both he and chulpan were communicating with the same person. well, what did they expect, that the escape to latvia would result in crowded auditoriums, hollywood directors who were about to hire the same smolyaninov. but in reality you have to beg for at least something and take what they give. hence the depression on the agent. evgeniy petrukhin's fate as a traitor. the success and future of everything depends on education states, knowledge has become part of the economic growth of increasing the country's defense capability. with such an insult , vladimir putin. today he addressed
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students, the president held a traditional festive meeting with university students in kaliningrad, where the head of state took part in the launch ceremony for the production of silicon wafers and chaired a meeting on the development of the region. interestingly, vladimir putin’s arrival in kaliningrad was closely monitored by reconnaissance aircraft from the french british air force. so it's not surprising that the topics that were raised during the russian leader’s visit to the region related to the country’s national interests. details in the report by anna semyonova. on the day of russian students. vladimir putin at the westernmost university in russia, the kant baltic federal university, special in many respects. the great german philosopher was a russian subject, swore allegiance to elizabeth petrovna when küningsberg first became part of the russian empire. the purpose of our meeting in this format is to congratulate you on your holiday, on russian day students. congratulations to you, all students of our country, graduate students, teachers, and graduates. the desire to obtain higher
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education in russia is growing, more than 70% of school graduates hope to enter a university ; the president recalls that the same attitude existed during his youth. i myself come from a working -class family, and my mother, father, are working people, but they tried to create conditions for me to get a higher education, it was like a general attitude in society. baltic federal university, one of the flagships of higher education in russia. almost 13 students study at ikbfu
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. the president’s communication with students took place in a free mode, the conversation lasted almost 3 hours. a student family, a future ichthyologist and nutrition specialist, asked for help with housing, the president had a counter question. you don’t have children, you’re some kind of bureaucrats, we’re planning. it’s a blessing to have children, you will know it, it will be a good example for everyone else.
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to make this subsidy not for everyone who wants to come to kaliningrad or leave from kaliningrad, only for citizens permanently residing here, including students, of course, more, a much larger number of people who live here will be able to use this... for all categories, not divided into any categories, for all permanent residents of kaliningrad. russia values ​​its rich cultural heritage and does not try to rewrite history. that is why, after the victory over fascism in the territory of the former east prussia , the memory of the city’s centuries-old past was always preserved. we, unlike some of our neighbors, we don’t destroy anything, we treat everything with care. elements of german culture, we carefully carefully.
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we study everything and try to save it, even in 2005, in my opinion, it was no coincidence that we named your university after kant, also in order to emphasize those. historical, cultural ties that connect us in this case with germany, by the way, it was i who suggested naming your university after kant, we were here with the former chancellor of the federal republic of germany, mr. schrödor, then we agreed with him on this, in unlike our neighbors, who are destroying monuments there to heroes of the great patriotic war, soviet monuments, monuments to pushkin have already begun to be demolished, and so on. this of course takes advantage of stunning ignorance and misunderstanding of where they live, what they do and what will follow. one of kant’s sayings first became the motto of the entire european enlightenment,
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and now of the baltic federal university. the president was asked to comment on the famous expression. have courage with your own mind. how do you feel about this phrase? in some countries? our neighbors have forgotten this, this thesis, everyone , many, in any case, live on someone else’s income, this will not and will not bring them any good, we must be guided by our national interests, this does not mean at all that we did not care about the interests of others, this means respecting the interests of our partners, we do so, but we will never allow the interests of russia to be neglected. among them is strengthening relations with friendly countries. putin supported the idea of ​​creating an international organization that would unite participants of the world youth festival. the holiday will take place in march in sirius. already 300,000 people and 190 countries have sent applications. that’s why this event promises
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to be so large-scale, powerful and beautiful. the soviet union and russia regularly hosted such events of this scale. i hope that it will take place at... i opened an innovative kaliningrad enterprise, allow me to start the production process, of course, start with pleasure, monocrystalline ingots will be grown here flint is the basis for the manufacture of solar cell cells, europe's largest
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production of equipment for solar power plants. the launch of these advanced enterprises allows us to localize the production of essential components in our country .
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then in kaliningrad, industrial production decreased by 7.7% over the 11 months of 2023, we have seen growth in the economy since august, but it takes time to overcome this failure that we had, this is very good, we need to support this positive trend . the architectural dominant of modern kaliningrad, the building of the world museum. ocean in the shape of a globe , still inoperative, the museum has been under construction since 2014, they wanted to be in time for the world cup in 2018, but so far, despite the fact that all the money has been allocated from the federal budget, construction has not been completed, when
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this ocean museum is completed, the museum will be completed by the end of the year, this is a well-known long-term construction, what year, this year, the museum claims to be such a pearl, it’s in monaco, in my opinion, it’s like this... so it’s small, theirs is small, theirs is small, so what is their country, but here in the kaliningrad region cycling is very popular, the mild climate, today, for example, in kaliningrad +5, contributes. tour de crans is held annually, as primorsky zelenogradsk used to be called. they decided to play with the name. the kaliningrad governor, by the way, also periodically comes to work by bicycle. a 130 km long bicycle path is being built along the baltic sea coast; on my last visit, the governor and i tried it. have you traveled 130 km? no, there was less, did you hear the remark of alexander vladimovich butsan, the plenipotentiary? he says: "weaklings." these days, in eastern europe, and the kaliningrad region is surrounded by nato countries, the largest
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nato exercise since the cold war is beginning , but this has not affected the president’s work schedule in the westernmost russian region. anna semenova, magomeda minatsaev, stanislav ponomarenko, alexander feaktistov and yulia shchedrova, news from kaliningrad. investigative committee today opened a criminal case under terrorism in connection with the crash of an il-76 in the belgorod region. reports the press service of the investigative committee, an inspection of the crash site has already de facto confirmed that the plane was attacked by an anti-aircraft missile fired from the position of the ukrainian armed forces in ukraine, and now it will be established who exactly carried out the launch and who gave the corresponding order, although the kiev regime is still in turmoil , and his western sponsors are not lagging behind, evgeniy reshitnev was convinced. fragments were found at the crash site, presumably the missiles that shot down il, an examination will be carried out, which has already will finally put an end to it, but only what kind of weapon. used the apu to attack a russian plane, otherwise there has long been no doubt, already today there are fragments,
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it was clear where part of the missile is located, in general, the tail part, we can even determine it by numbers, after all, investigators here confirm, it is possible to determine even from which launcher, who exactly served it and how it ended up on the line of contact. it became known that both black boxes were found and the recorders were sent for decryption. v the equipment can store a record of conversations between crew members about a missile hit, the orders of the ship commander are recorded, and their analysis will be carried out in the moscow laboratory. the russian ministry of defense accuses ukraine of shooting down a military plane, according to ukrainian prisoners of war. most western media immediately acted as lawyers for the kiev regime. they tried to make the version of the russian defense department seem unlikely and even false, like journalists from the italian newspaper lastampa. here's the headline: all the russian lies about the secret a plane shot down over belgorod. there are too
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many things that don't add up in moscow's version. the plane was flying north, and not towards the ukrainian border, where the prisoner exchange was supposed to take place. why fly 45 km from belgorod to the border with ukraine by plane; two buses would be enough? in war - said von clausowitz. the only certainty is uncertainty. in this case , the uncertainty is apparently a consequence of incompetence and careless work with sources. just yesterday, the russian ministry of defense announced that... the plane was not flying somewhere ukraine, to belgorod, flying from the chkalovsky airfield near moscow. the exchange was supposed to take place in the village of kolotilovka on the border, in the sumy direction. naturally, no one was going to land a military transporter in the village, where there are obviously no conditions for this. probably they were already planning to transport the prisoners there by bus. but western publications , instead of authorities, prefer to move into some telegram channel and a former russian publication, a new newspaper, which is now published in riga. for the most part , western resources tried to cast a shadow on fence, calling the crime a mysterious
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incident, the causes of which humanity will never know. although the cause of the crash could not be confirmed, senior russian officials, without providing evidence, said the plane was shot down by ukrainian forces. the ukrainian armed forces missile was fired from the area of ​​the village of libtsy , kharkov region, and was detected by russian radars. the ukrainian reaction is noteworthy. there , at first they began to joyfully report the defeat of the russian plane. claiming to be on board there were no prisoners, but only missiles for the s-300 air defense system. then, following western canons, ukrainian sites began to clean up messages. the main intelligence department of ukraine was the first to de facto recognize the death of ukrainian prisoners. at 18:46 this post appears in the official telegram channel. today the failed exchange of prisoners was supposed to take place; for its part, ukraine fulfilled all agreements. the russian prisoners were delivered to the agreed place on time. for exchange where they were safe. in in his evening address, zelensky accuses russia and
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demands some facts from his special services. facts are nothing but bullshit. facts are the main word now. heard the commander-in-chief and the general staff regarding the use of air forces. our state will insist on an international investigation. this would be a precedent if an international investigation came to the conclusion that ukraine killed its own citizens. here the western media are making guesses, based, however, on the opinions of the aviation industry. military experts, francfo publication cites a source in french ministry of defense. according to this source, the il-76 aircraft was shot down by this american- made patriot air defense battery. belonging to the ukrainian army, this is more than serious, firstly, such a weapon, as kiev’s partners allegedly demand, should not be used to attack deep into russian territory, and secondly, in order to use patriot, it had to be either brought very close, radius action of about 160 km, or, as cnn reports, the ukrainians could have repurposed the patriot battery to carry out this attack, and 86
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hit by ukrainian missiles, the order to fire, of course , there were agreements, which was confirmed by ukrainian intelligence, as reported in our defense department, the leadership in kiev knew very well about the practice of transporting prisoners by military transport aircraft and , of course, they could not help but know about the impending exchange, and yet the missile was fired, today the un security council will meet for a meeting dedicated to the downed plane. immediately
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after the plane crashed, the ukrainian side announced its... another victory, about another victory of the valiant armed forces of ukraine, but as soon as it became known that it was a flight transporting prisoners of war for exchange, ukrainian officials in the ukrainian military department could not help but know that such an exchange was being prepared, ukrainian propaganda immediately began to sweep under the carpet here are bravura messages about his victories, trying to come up with some other explanations, in a boorish publication that contained direct threats to the head of the russian foreign ministry, the post-pretense of ukraine at the un sour, guilt ukraine, in general, confirmed. silt is waiting for you, it's inevitable. here even the western press is already writing that for the ukrainian armed forces, in a situation where they have reached a dead end on the battlefield, there is no other choice but to attack aviation, infrastructure and
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prepare new sabotage, at the un, as in the case of buchi, the westerners are playing for time the meeting on the plane that... russia requested was delayed for a day, apparently to give zelensky time to come up with a digestible version that would divert attention from a criminal mistake or a planned crime. evgeny reshetnev, maxim shchepilov, elena varantsova. news. this year, in the russian presidential elections, signatures in support of a candidate are being checked for the first time by a neural network; previously this was always done manually. on january 2, let me remind you that signature sheets were brought to the central electoral commission from vladimir putin’s election headquarters; the law allows 10 days for their verification; thanks to modern technologies, the procedure can be completed in the shortest possible time. for the first time this year, during the presidential elections, we are using the so-called software and hardware verification system. subscription sheets. firstly, this allows
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our experts to speed up work on documents by eight to 10 times. secondly. we practically eliminate the so-called human factor, the factor of errors, in this case the developed program allows us to use neural networks, which make deep checking error-free, and the speed of checking all data from subscription sheets that are transferred to the gazvybory system, this speed increases, i call it 10, even more times, in this case this allows us to objectively - by means of objective control and analysis, to show both the candidate and his representatives, there are errors, there are no errors, and as for the verification itself, its purpose is to determine whether a voter with the specified passport data really exists and whether he has reached the age of majority, also applies to the collectors of signature sheets. in addition, the program suggests a possible
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signature forgery. in this case , handwriting experts are brought into the case and they render their verdict. candidates who run for election from a party whose factions are represented in the state duma, they don’t have to collect signatures in their support, now they are meeting with voters in the regions of the erenburg region, report by anastasia klimkina. in a cozy atmosphere over a cup of tea, nikolai kharitonov, a member of the communist party faction, shared his proposals with the students, and in response, the young people asked their questions. young people are most interested in topics about the future after graduation. 1700-1900 is a disgrace, a student needs at least a mouth. kharitonov said that education in the country should be free. he also spoke with the idea of ​​introducing a single discounted travel tickets for schoolchildren and students. among the candidate's proposals was a project to guarantee the first job. an equally important issue for nikolai kharitonov
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is the participation of russian athletes in international competitions. the candidate stated that everything that coaches, parents and young people themselves invest in a young athlete should not be subject to sanctions. therefore, russians must represent the country even under a neutral flag. but if there is such an opportunity, it doesn’t matter.
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candidate from the new people party vladislav davankov talked with students today in tomsk, the local meeting chose a city cat, and the topic for conversation is relevant for everyone who has ever studied at a university, a scholarship and the life of hostels. dobankov promised to include these issues in the election program. the problem of hostel life throughout russia is very acute, and i, as a presidential candidate, have already included this in my program ; that they always lack scholarships, she is very small, it should be at least at the level of mrot, there should be a good hostel, and well, there should be interesting studies
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and an understanding of where he will work. russia and belarus will create a joint commission to protect historical truth; this is one of the points of the memorandum that was concluded between the commission on historical education under the president of russia and the council. on historical policy under the administration of the president of belarus. the signing ceremony took place at the museum of modern belarusian statehood. as the participants noted activities: joint efforts of the scientific community of both countries will help combat the falsification of history and protect common interests. this is a fixation of the unity of our positions regarding the preservation of historical memory, support for historical science, and the attention that we will additionally pay to historical education in schools and universities. taking into account the colossal, huge common history and common present that russia and belarus have, of course, this work is of particular importance,
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the signing of the memorandum will give new impetus to development of our relations, will open new pages, new research, and this was also discussed today, including perpetuating the memory of heroes who, perhaps, at some historical stages were unreasonably forgotten. where six russians from the rock band bi2 were detained, the phuket provincial police became interested in the musicians immediately after one of the concerts; as it turned out, they performed and sold tickets illegally, since neither the group nor the organizers of the event bothered to obtain the necessary work permit from the thai authorities formalize, now they are awaiting trial, more details , varvara nevskaya: late evening on the streets of vhuket it is noisy and crowded, the camera lens is snatched out in the crowd, as if in a tourist car...
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the reason for the arrest was the lack of a work permit, we are talking about the rock band b2, they will have to pay a fine, the amount of which will be determined by the court; perhaps the court hearing will take place tomorrow. on the eve of january 24, fugitive musicians, who are not throwing mud at the country, gave a big concert in bhuket, but that’s not the task, a work permit in thailand, not shura, neither lyova, who was recognized in russia and as an agent, was found, the rockers entered the country on a tourist basis.
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performances at a club in phuket on january 22, bidva managed to play in thai pataya, the court decision , which will take place in the near future, in addition to a substantial fine, opens up for bedva the prospect of deportation to the country of citizenship, that is, a forced return to russia, where, by the way, lev may last year he promised never to return again. these comrades before the war, even before the war , criticized the system, but our system, blaming. authorities in theft, corruption and so on, what are they doing now? they are engaged in deception, deceiving the tax system of the countries where they are caught. well, performing on a tourist visa, they don’t pay extra taxes, that’s also true. synchronously with the information about the arrest , other unsightly information about the rockers began to spread in telegram channels. female make-up artist elenia arfanidi told her audience on
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