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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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russia 24, this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. a daring attack from underground. 2 km along the old pipe to take the entire fortified area, fascinating details of the royal hunt of our soldiers. the father saved, and the son squandered. officers of the armed forces of ukraine admit to the guns of the shells that the west gave them, at the end of the ssu they are forced to economize on the front line, while the russian armed forces are intensifying attacks along the entire front line. they move to russia to live. the canadian will build a dairy farm, the german will build ecovillages. stories of those who do not want to raise children in the cradle of western, so -called democracy. swamp color for
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the inhabitants of central europe. to ensure that residents do not drain the coolant from the batteries, utility workers thought of painting it, or maybe just give people hot water? the son of agent khodorkovsky was drinking coffee in riga and is ready to secretly speak to the sushniks. confession of smoyanin’s agent ermaka, or rather our pranker, why do those who left call each other outcasts? triumphantly displays the v symbol as he emerges halfway from the submerged tunnel. amazing photos from the south donetsk direction of the special operation, where this fighter and dozens of his comrades, thanks to their ingenuity, managed to penetrate the rear of the ukrainian armed forces militants. we are talking about the bukreb region of the royal hunt, which was considered one of the most powerful in the formation of the kiev regime. accordingly, the russian military personnel decided to take it by cunning, literally jumping out behind... but the enemy from underground.
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it sounds, of course, like absolute fantasy, and yet, the fact of a daring, and most importantly, effective raid is documented confirmed, to the point that every stage is known. first, the scouts had to work hard, then the commanders, who meticulously developed an attack plan. then the engineers got into action, and finally the personnel distinguished themselves, through whose efforts the enemy, caught by surprise, suffered very serious losses, and all this grew out of the discovery of the load.
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a flooded underground pipe that led to the area of ​​this very royal hunt. there was once a recreation center there, and then for many years a base of the ukrainian armed forces, where the enemies felt safe. a in vain, one of the fighters, call sign squid , found a pipe that passed through the positive, examined it, reported to management, then, that means, they already looked with a thermal imager, yes, there is one, then the team came to cut the hatch. they called for reconnaissance, then they started cutting up gas equipment, there was a lot of water there, they pumped out this water, made holes to get out, this is a crazy video of how our people cut passages in a pipe , can you imagine what it’s like to work with gas in such conditions, and what’s more, so that the enemy is there surface did not suspect anything? i would also like to note the group that worked from the second battalion, they also worked above the enemy, three who...
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the fact that our soldiers, in the most difficult conditions , were able, firstly, to clear this pipe, establish ventilation for this pipe, deliver , so to speak, the resources necessary for the attack, and to carry out the attack itself is, of course , an outstanding feat, so they set out along this pipe on a combat mission, to walk 2 km, the pipe with a diameter of somewhere less than a meter, in some places a little more, firstly, the pipes are quite small in size, 120 cm in diameter, and this
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caused a certain difficulty when moving in a bulletproof vest and with weapons. how cramped it is in this pipe, in the photo, in the video, it can be read quite clearly, 2 km...
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the entire ukrainian garrison of the royal hunt was destroyed, those who survived surrendered, and the main enemy forces did not even suspect the loss of the fortified area for another day , everything was executed so delicately: incredible skill, enormous combat work and the incredible will to win of the russian soldier, it was truly a royal hunt. 27 years in a general regime colony and a fine of 6,000 rubles. this is the punishment the st. petersburg court imposed today on daria trepova. a terrorist, who acted on instructions from ukrainian curators, set off an explosion in a cafe, resulting in the death of the tatar military commission and the injury of more than 50
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people. the court found her guilty under three articles of the criminal code and, in addition , sentenced trepova’s concealer from the courtroom, reporting by vitaly kormazin. near the district garrison military building. dog handlers with dogs inspect the perimeter, inside, the victims of a terrible terrorist attack, including minors, and you and i are a mother, before the meeting are discussing the last word included in trepova’s list of terrorists and extremists, in which she stated that she did not want to kill anyone, i don’t believe her, she walked knowing , i knew what i was getting into, they estimate the requested sentence at 28 years, some people have become disabled, that is... this is for them for life, the general opinion among the victims, but we do not demand reprisals, we want a fair punishment, daria trepova is on the bench defendants in a glass box, for the entire 2 months and 10 days the trial took place in this hall of the garrison military court, and today it is clear why the judges chose this particular room; now
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all the victims, journalists and listeners who came to announce the verdict can hardly fit here. trepovo smiles again as he talks with the lawyer, dressed in what many in the room think is flamboyant. even too much, in general it was a shock, so we were sitting and when it came in a whisper that she was in oranges, but this was somehow already beyond, well, a little beyond the bounds. on she doesn't pay attention to journalists. daria, what decision are you waiting for? the lawyer asked to acquit her, but the court made a different decision. trepova is guilty of terrorism, trafficking in explosives, and forgery of documents. the court sentenced trepova to 27 years in prison. with serving her sentence in a general regime correctional colony, with a fine of 600,000 rubles, as well as with restriction of freedom for a period of 2 years, which she will serve after serving the main sentence. tryapova received the
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longest sentence among women in history modern russia. the prosecution emphasizes that the punishment is fully consistent with the gravity of the crime. the defense has a different opinion. in my opinion, there was no reason for this before, even if hypothetically. assume that daria is guilty of what she is accused of, although we did not agree with this. the terrorist attack was being prepared in kyiv. trepova was recruited by ukrainian curators under the promise of transfer to the square. the task and money in cryptocurrency were given to her by roman popkov, who escaped from russia, and supervised by a certain gestalt. handed over the figurine employee of the ukrainian special services, yuri denisov. in march 2023, in moscow, the accused received a plaster bust from a courier, handed over by yuri denisov. at the same time, she was... aware of the presence of an explosive device in it, which is confirmed by her correspondence with her friend, traces of explosives in her rented apartment, and other evidence. trepova wanted to present the statuette at a meeting between tatarsky and students of the russian new university, but
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the ukrainian curators forbade it due to the presence of metal detector frames in the building. the choice fell at a cafe in st. petersburg. trepova brought the bust, handed it over, and as soon as the tatar, without realizing it, covered her with his body. an explosion was heard from the fragments. more than 50 people were injured. yuri and gennady both ended up in intensive care. gennady had a titanium plate inserted into his head, yuri lost his sight. now she can’t move without the help of loved ones, crippled by fate, because if you take, say, me, i’m like the foundation of the family - on whom the children, mother, wife depend. what outrages them most is that trepova, a physician by education, she did not help the victims, but at the same time she told her friends that she planned to go to ukraine to save the wounded. she was going to help the wounded vsushnik. she apparently still considered us enemies who were unworthy of this. and just left. eighteen-year-old vadim gosenko was sitting next to the epicenter of the explosion and received a concussion.
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contusion of the ear, right ear, it makes noise. the court also satisfied the victims’ demand for compensation in the amount of almost 16.5 million rubles. trepova's lawyer assured that she is ready to work in colony to pay these fines. the wife of the deceased military correspondent refused financial claims. she said that she did not understand how one could evaluate the life of a loved one. if you want, my comment. withdrawal, i don’t believe either trepova or her accomplice kasintsev, blatantly lying to the victims, looking them in the eyes, it’s disgusting and disgusting. kasentsev sheltered trepova after the terrorist attack, today he received a year and 9 months in prison, the convicts have 15 days to appeal the verdict, investigators and operatives continue to work to identify other participants and the organizers of this terrible terrorist attack. vitali karmazin, natalya novgorodova, denis tsitsaronov, alexandra berezkina, news. proposed a way out of the deadlock discussion, so the german media, citing sources, today
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describe the alleged agreements between the authorities of germany itself and great britain, which seem to have found an option to allocate additional volumes of weapons to the kiev regime, where to say, london will receive taurus extended-range missiles from berlin, and after that, the ukrainian armed forces will give up some more of their own, basically similar in characteristics of storm shadow, thus germany indirectly through. the english gasket will satisfy zelensky’s appetite for long-range weapons, since the bundestag does not yet allow them to be transferred directly to the junta. that is, it looks like a rather cunning, even witty scheme in its own way, but on the other hand, it clearly indicates that the supply of ammunition for the needs of the predators is no longer going as smoothly as it was before, and some in the west even admit that stanislav bernwald will confirm that ukraine lost the battle for these very ammunitions. victory is key. the battle in ukraine for shells belongs to the russian army,
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two major publications, the financial times and bizness insider, write about this with reference to their sources in the suu. in the last few weeks , the ukrainian armed forces have used a maximum of 2.0 shells every day, although in the summer of 23 they used 8 thousand daily. hunger is no problem, we have to cut down on appetites, and as our commanders say, this greatly facilitates the work of the russian army in the holding area. russia, despite all the sanctions imposed in
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military and economic sectors, was able to increase its own production of artillery shells. if last summer russian troops fired about 500 rounds, today this figure has increased to 10,000 compared to 200 ukrainian rounds. celeste wolander, assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs, said this week that the pentagon is aware. about concerns shared by ukraine's military leadership that its soldiers do not have adequate supplies of ammunition. not a day goes by zelensky and his companies, with tears in their eyes , did not beg their senior comrades to give them money, weapons, or anything. experts are confident that now this howl will only intensify and border on, well, hysteria, in the west they are already beginning to panic and look for an opportunity to find money and ammunition for the voracious trgladite at any cost. pentagon officials say that without more money, washington will not be able to supply kiev with the same level of weapons at
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the same pace as it has done since the early days of the war. the consequences of cutting off aid are incredible. high. some american officials are panicking that the ukrainians will lose without continued aid. well, american major general pete ryder openly says that the united states is forced to stop the supply of ammunition to ukraine from its own reserves, saying this threatens serious consequences for the security of the country itself... they are limiting it, and if for whom they are ready to do this, then for israel, which is essentially an outpost of the united states, the americans are absolutely a complete winner; on the one hand, they are exposing europe, hooking it on their weapons, well, that’s probably why secretary general jens stoltenberg on tuesday turned to the allies with a neat, but very, you know, insistent request to urgently increase
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the production of ammunition, saying who, if not you, will continue to save ukraine? well , in the meantime, we need to chip in a tidy sum of almost 1.5 billion dollars for the purchase of about 220.155mm artillery shells for ukraine. it's easy to guess who the seller will be. the investigative committee today opened a criminal case under terrorism in connection with the crash of the il-76 belgorod region, as reported by the press service of the investigative committee, an inspection of the crash site has already de facto confirmed that the plane was attacked by an anti-aircraft missile fired. positions of the ukrainian armed forces in ukraine, and now it will be established who exactly carried out the launch and who gave the corresponding order, although the kiev regime is still bustling, and its western sponsors are not lagging behind, evgeniy rishetnev was convinced. fragments were found at the crash site, presumably the missiles that shot down il. there will be an examination that will finally put an end to it, but only what kind of weapon
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used the apu to attack a russian plane? there has long been no doubt about the rest. there is already today. the wreckage was visible, where part of the rocket is located, in general , the host part, we can even determine by its numbers, in the end, the investigators confirm, we can even determine from which launcher, who exactly serviced it, and how it ended up on the contact line, it became known that both black boxes were found, the recorders were handed over for decoding, the equipment may contain the recording of the crew members' conversations about the missile hit was recorded by the order.
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moscow's version: the plane was flying north, and not towards the ukrainian border, where an exchange of prisoners was supposed to take place. why fly 45 km by plane from belgorod to the border with ukraine, two buses would be enough in a war - said von clausowitz. the only certainty is uncertainty. in this case, the uncertainty is apparently a consequence of incompetence and careless work with sources. just yesterday, the russian ministry of defense reported that the plane was not flying somewhere ukraine, to belgorod, taking off from the chkalovsky airfield near moscow. an exchange, it was assumed. to commit in the village of kolotilovka on the border - this is the sumy direction, naturally, no one was going to imprison a military transport vehicle in the village, where there are obviously no conditions for this, probably they were already going to deliver the prisoners there by buses, but western publications prefer to refer to some kind of authorities instead a telegram channel and a former russian publication, a new newspaper, which is now published in riga. for the most part,
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western resources tried to cast a shadow on fence, calling the crime a mysterious incident, reasons. which humanity will never know, although the cause of the crash could not be confirmed, high-ranking russian officials, without providing evidence, stated that the plane was shot down by ukrainian troops. in the states, by the way, the fox and cnn channels spoke out in contrast, the first republican media holding put the russian version in the headline without references or reservations, the second, serving the interests of the democrats, tried to create a conspiracy theory from scratch: a mysterious plane crash, there are more questions than answers, however , online publications are constantly being corrected and updated, so now at the end of this article a very obvious conclusion is given: a large russian military aircraft without missile defense capabilities, approaching belgorod, which itself is a frequent target of ukrainian drones in this time would be a tempting and valuable target for ukraine. there were other balanced comments, particularly in the french media.
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it should be noted that in previous cases , the ukrainian military did something terrible. errors and there was quite significant evidence when, for example, two people were killed in poland by a ukrainian surface-to-air missile, it apparently flew the wrong way and landed on polish soil, and so the ukrainians continue to deny this to this day. the ukrainian armed forces missile was fired from the area of ​​​​the village of leptsy, kharkov region, it was detected by russian radars, the ukrainian reaction is noteworthy, they at first began to happily report the defeat of the russian plane, claiming that there was no one on board no prisoners, but only missiles for... this post appears in the official telegram channel. the failed prisoner exchange was supposed to take place today. for its part, ukraine has fulfilled all agreements. the russian prisoners were delivered on time to
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the agreed place for exchange, where they were safe. in his evening address, zelensky accuses russia and demands some facts from his special services. facts are worthless, at least. for hearing. facts are the main word now. heard the commander-in-chief and the general staff regarding the use of air strength, ours. the state will insist on an international investigation, this would be a precedent if the international investigation came to the conclusion that ukraine killed its own citizens, which, however, has been done more than once. if we draw a direct analogy, then this is a ukrainian missile attack on the colony in elenovka of the dpr, where at that time azov prisoners were kept, then more than 50 people were killed, more than seventy were injured. there were also captured azov men on board the il-76; perhaps they had done something wrong, knew too much, or had behaved in captivity unworthy, that's it. indeed, questions for the future investigation still remain, the final weapon for the murder of 74 people has not been established, here the western media are speculating, based, however, on the opinions of aviation
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and military experts, the french-info publication cites a source in the french ministry of defense. according to this source, the il-76 aircraft was shot down by this american- made patri air defense battery belonging to the ukrainian army. but this is more than serious, firstly, such a weapon. as the partners allegedly demand, kiev should not be used for an attack deep into russian territory, and secondly, to use the patriot, it either had to be brought very close, with a range of about 160 km, or, as cnn reports, the ukrainians could repurpose the patriot battery to carry out this attack. il-76 was sold by ukrainian missiles. il-76 was shot down by ukrainian missiles. i said it at the very beginning, i’ll say it again. it is already obvious that there were most likely ukrainian prisoners of war on board the plane, which is effective on board there were ukrainian military policing,
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since there were no agreements, and if the air corridor was agreed upon, arrests should immediately begin in kiev among those who gave the command to shoot. there were agreements, of course, which was confirmed by ukrainian intelligence, as they reported. the un security council will meet for a meeting dedicated to the downed plane. immediately after the plane crashed, the ukrainian side declared its next victory, another victory for the valiant armed forces of ukraine.
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there is no choice but to attack aviation when they reached a dead end on the battlefield, another infrastructure and prepare new sabotage, at the un, as in the case of buchi, the westerners are playing for time, the meeting on the plane that russia requested was delayed for a day, apparently to give zelensky time to come up with something.
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of additional energy and.. this evening officially approved the ratification by the turkish parliament of sweden's accession to nato. let me remind you that turkish legislators approved stockholm’s application a couple of days ago after long delays and discussions; then the scandinavians need a similar decision from the hungarian authorities. actually, prime minister orban promised that... budapest will submit the relevant issue for consideration as soon as ankara completes all the necessary procedures. they don’t speak russian yet, but they are already willing to pose against the background of the russian flag and coat of arms. a family photo of canadians who decided to change their place of residence and move to the russian federation, and specifically to the nizhny novgorod region. in fact, one of the first group photographs was taken in the regional government building, which included the entire large family of arenda feinstree. at this time
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moment. he and his wife are already raising eight children, and, as the canadian himself explained, it was concern for the future offspring that forced him to leave his native country. the head of the family considers russia an excellent place to raise children, since it is here that his wife, sons and daughters finally feel safe. well, this feeling of confidence for oneself and family is formed primarily from the commitment of russian culture to traditional values, for the sake of which, as it turned out, foreigners are ready to accept complex. and radically change their lives, what they will do here in russia and why they chose nizhny novgorod, anastasia ivanova found out. they would like to live in russia and nothing prevents them from this desire, nothing prevents them from raising children; their country, where they were born, until recently, it would seem, planned to raise their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. arende feinstra's large family comes from ontario, and he is engaged in farming in canada.


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