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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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we again hid one of the control points, flew a little closer and saw that they had a nest there, i had a good background, in civilian life i played a lot on the computer, i am very proud of them, super fighters, i was very lucky with them.
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to germany, lives in a town with the good name of berg, as we know , it’s absolutely true, he hasn’t written yet, but i think that maybe someday he will write, by the way, the story with dissertations, you know, this is such an epidemic in germany , now here is mrs. weidel from the alternative for germany, she is checking just her dissertation, but before that, if i’m now on...
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enjoying this idea, well, now you have to go back to creating reserves for yourself for 3 days, this is not only said in norway, not only there in france, this is also said in germany, let’s start with the fact that firstly in germany they have been talking about this since 2014, and they are talking very intensely, let’s add to this to this package, i’m now adding to it i'll come there for 210 euros, every german should buy himself a special one, it's called a hamster, i i don’t even know how hamster, guinea pig, sea pack. create for yourself for 210 euros
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, well, they offer to buy sugar, salt, all this stuff, etc., i live in such a big house, quite big, i have a lot of neighbors, i think that of all the germans who live in this house, i am the only one who has created these reserves for myself, the germans do not create this, because they are not so rich as to buy themselves reserves worth 210 euros, which they don’t know when they will use, they don’t believe in it, they don’t... understand and don’t think, that there will be a war, this these ones who are at the top, they are trying to convince people that everything is scary, you will buy everything urgently, that’s when 3 years ago at your program i told you that the bundeswehr gave such a recommendation to buy order, in my opinion, if my memory serves me right 120 million doses of special iodine, then it was really a question, why did you suddenly decide to buy it when you say there’s nothing scary? there is nothing, the radioactivity
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is normal, everything seems to have passed, no one prepared for anything, and you buy 12,000 there, it was exactly 120, that was exactly one and a half doses for every resident of germany, including. well, to wrap this up, i just want to say that of course, this hysteria, it leads to madness, but we talk about it here more than they talk about it in germany, believe me, that a normal german burgher is very far away from all this, he is now worried about several questions, he is worried about the first question, when will
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the fool scholz, who is now called the biggest silent fool in germany, leave? for a long time he doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t explain anything , he doesn’t say where we will go, he doesn’t say what we will be... and how he doesn’t agree with poroshenko, he doesn’t agree with zelensky, and in general, of course, all of them they are very concerned, well, all sorts of everyday needs, and then the war, this is all very abruptly overcome, just like that with one click, it ’s true, well, just with one click, i
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have no doubt that i have no doubt that you know the ukrainian issue in great detail, no, no, sasha, we are talking about something else, that unfortunately, decisions are made so that wants this. germany or the example of the destruction of the soviet union. this is happening from today to tomorrow, yesterday no one could have predicted that germany would unite, it united. this happened
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not even today, but tomorrow, within 15 minutes. at a conference with journalists, one of the party leaders asked him, how is it going there? he says, you can all cross, that’s it, and the berlin wall has disappeared. it was exactly 15 minutes from the moment he said it until people rushed to tear down the berlin wall, so in that sense, yes, all this happens very quickly. now advertising, after which we will continue with a new composition. for the soviet union, leningrad was of enormous importance, aurora shot there, a revolution took place there, its population had to be either destroyed or expelled, the city itself was destroyed to the ground. to hide the leningrad volkhov front so that they wouldn’t take a step to the left or a step to the right anywhere, a frozen city, terrible images of people who are exhausted, exhausted, but did not give up, here trucks on the not yet very strong ice
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bring food to this very southern city, they took the wounded back, the accumulation of forces began, the complete lifting of the blockade, but it almost ended in disaster. the heroic red army broke the blockade of leningrad! but the situation, in fact , is not going so well for zelensky on his birthday, then the french suddenly say that, yes, it was the ukrainians who shot it down, but why suggest that it was the petriots who shot it down?
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hit a polish tractor and killed two people, so this is an attempt to interpret in some cunning way what happened in the belogorod region. somehow ukraine has not yet it turns out that it’s not enough , they tried to come up with something, but what can they come up with, that there were no ukrainian prisoners there, so they began to discuss the list, they say it’s not the same, they immediately began to check that list, no, these people were exchanged, that’s right, no , does not add up, the sbu opened a criminal case under the article.
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friend, his mother has contacted him how many times , how many years have passed since our murder , how many presidents have changed, and no,
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ukrainians, this is very dangerous, what is happening, for example, they would say, as usual,
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yes, that’s when she flew across the territory of poland missile, what was the immediate statement , yes, maybe the missile came from the territory of ukraine, but russia is to blame for this , because it unleashed it, but here something like that doesn’t sound like that, not only that, the americans even have some strange formulation , yes, we know, yes, give more. mind you, ours haven’t said anything yet, ours are conducting an investigation, two black boxes have been put on, it’s the french who say, and petrit, that the ukrainians are now in control, why is everyone so tense, because then they’ll have to somehow excuse it, they’ll have to do something... that to say, they say that ukraine has the right to self-defense, they don’t. there is no self-defense here, that’s the problem, they, if there was a board where our prisoners
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of war were returning home, then they said legitimate military purposes, yes, they would tell us not to care, but what should we do, they killed their own, so what is now a legitimate military target for them, the question immediately arises, and the strike then on elenovka is also a legitimate target, but on elenovka they hit the hamers, and the hamers are also not ukrainian. not enough of this, on the territory russia in russian airspace , americans, american equipment, where all the data is entered, all the data is recorded, recorded, and this is already a casus belli, that is, we can tell the americans, guys, and that’s all, it was said, not -no, no, this is according to anyone, it’s simple, just take any criminology textbook there carefully.
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then there should be immediate arrests, arrests should begin among those who gave the command to shoot, fifth, this situation will be advantageous, it is already being used by putin, by the kremlin to intensify the war, to present
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our country as a country to terrorists. to order more serious attacks on ukraine and to escalate a new stage of the war. at the same time , the official representative of the gurmin of defense of ukraine, by the way, i don’t understand why he has not yet recognized the country as a terrorist organization. someone, andrei yusov, tried to give an explanation as to why the plane was shot down. it is known that several official vips were supposed to be at the gate. military-political representation of the aggressor state, but in at the last moment , their known names will be revealed when the materials are transferred as part of the international investigation, but at the last moment the fsb actually ordered them not to board this plane and use other modes of transport. the ukrainian side knew that there could be
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russian vips on this plane, that is, representatives of the highest class of the russian military command, right? this information. and if there were someone from the russian vips there, this would justify the destruction of the ukrainian military, the accompanying loss, yes, that is, well theirs, but in general it’s not scary, they banged and banged, an interesting version.
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so i think it's possible that even france gave the order to shoot him down. well, i’ll tell you straight, there is no such meanness that one could not expect from macron, but i won’t be surprised by anything, so to speak, i won’t be surprised by anything. well, foreigners are really dying and dying in large numbers in ukraine, by the way, this is in particular to all those american legislators who say, oh, what a profitable size, this is what i wrote. our administration will not talk about this and the media about it they won't write about it. vladimir vladimirovich, what are the media writing? in the west? well, you know, it is clear
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that for some it is an uncomfortable situation, that is , we see that many noted such a strange position of ukraine, a long reaction, a change in reaction, but some media, especially the conservative newspaper britannia, the new york times, they are trying. no, don’t you remember on mh-17 then secretary of state querida said that we have satellite images, the court asked for them, even
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the court asked for them to be provided, no, no, under no circumstances, i’m just reminding you of the saltbury story, where it was said, there is no other reasonable explanation, it can only be russia, here you see, there is insufficient information, in fact, this short recording of zelensky late yesterday evening... indicates that in fact the final versions are still didn’t come up with it, that is, how quickly they really threw out this version that it was our doing, it’s so cool how many russian military and russian missiles were destroyed there, but as soon as they found out that it was the ukrainian military, then suddenly all of this swiftness, efficiency has suddenly disappeared, and i say again, i see that the western media have divided into two categories, where they primarily focus on the fact that there were, most likely, ukrainian prisoners and most likely this is ukraine, but we see this in her strange slow reaction, those who are trying
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to stir things up like kirby, but conclude that if this is ukraine, then no, no, they don’t draw a conclusion, then they still go on to the fact that russia needs to be punished , we must prepare to fight with russia, but yesterday was very they are having such a panicky day, today it is reflected in the newspapers, yesterday there was a corresponding statement, say, by british ministers, they...
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for some reason, they are not allies, you know, and this caused a corresponding reaction from these same allies, they are there now everyone is starting to say in unison that we pay the most. germany began to say that, well, in the total amount of europeans, we are in first place, the balts and poles began to prove, no, wait, we are in first place, if you count per capita, but in the end, well, there is no soul there, therefore the sums generally turn out to be infinite.
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4:00 am
now a wonderful magazine has been published, you ask how the european media react, western media, politics, a european publication with such a doomed cover, again the question is: can the continent, europe, independently, without america, without donald trump, to resist vladimir putin, and why putin, i understand this, they have putin everywhere, but they don’t understand that all of russia is behind putin, well there...


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