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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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and we see that they have a nest there, i had a good background, in civilian life i played a lot on the computer, i am very proud of them, super fighters, i was very lucky with them. news mid-hour, briefly: all the information about the crash of the il-76 says. that
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the plane was shot down by weapons from the usa or germany, then the producing countries will be complicit. on sakhalin, the airport in the regional capital is preparing to open after being closed due to a snow storm. also in yuzhno-sokolinsk , buses have partially resumed operation, today travel is free. at the same time, the majority the roads are closed and the equal crossings are not working. from afghanistan to russia. four of our citizens who survived the plane crash returned; their plane landed at moscow’s vnukovo airport. before departure , the russians were escorted on board by our country's ambassador dmitry zhirnov. he thanked local authorities for their help. during israeli shelling of the northern gaza strip. at least 20 civilians were killed at night , and about 150 more were wounded. the military opened fire in line where they were waiting for humanitarian aid. thousands of palestinians are now fleeing khanyunis to the west, israeli tanks hit civilian targets. the frosty sun returns to
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european russia. forecasters warn of cold weather. details immediately after the ad. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order with avita delivery from one ruble. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. ribbon guarantees the best prices on everything. according to the red price tags, we found it cheaper, we will return the cost of the goods with points, splat toothpaste 148 rubles. stable, low prices, you can just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles, receive superboxes as a gift, you can yota, watch the spartak dynamo match, fonbet of the kgl championship on january 27, i am a chef kote aganezov in my blogs i make simple and quick recipes. and
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to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria, now it’s definitely delicious. discover more new buildings on cian with the largest catalog of discounts. i help with liver problems. i, essentials forte nn, have been tested and are ready for action in 24 hours. available on yandex market. in january we are raffling off houses and cars.
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the name is yours now. it tastes better on fire, burger king. i pay for techno. cyberweek at the megamarket. buy a sber smart tv for only 11,990 rubles. european russia
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is thawing in the region and has reached the peak of the january thaw. the temperature has become positive even in the arctic. when the weather returns to normal, which areas. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobys center, i’m ksenia levitskaya, hello, january frosts will return to the european part of the country, st. petersburg, the city center, just like that it is called? the northern capital is floating after 3 days of freezing, on tuesday wednesday on the banks of the niva it was +3, on thursday +1, here is the result: the snowdrifts in the city settled by 10 cm. atal water flowed through the streets. another eternal danger of winter warming is the fall of ice blocks from the roofs of houses. and in st. petersburg alone , dozens of cars were damaged. a thaw has been developing on the russian plain since the beginning of the week.
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it covered the entire north-west of the country and at some point even made its way into the arctic. thermometers rose in arkhangelsk up to +2 +1 on thursday it was. in smolensk. and the kaliningrad region was at the epicenter of overheating. in kaliningrad itself , the temperature has remained at +4-7° since monday. added to this were intense rains. as a result, almost all the snow on the streets melted and a kind of flood occurred. here comes another float. you can't even see the doors on this one. and this one is already being saved. i noticed a slight plus the day before. in moscow, however, a lot of snow has not melted; moreover, fresh snow fell, about 2 mm in the evening, and today there are snowdrifts in capital will continue to grow. since the beginning of the week, the russian plain has remained at the mercy of atlantic cyclones; now the region is covered by one of these whirlwinds, but i would like to draw
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your attention to the fact that from the north of the sea of ​​azov during today it will be exclusively snow and not rain. the fact is that in the rear of the cyclonic funnel , cold air began to flow into part of the country in the next few days, this process will lead to the formation of an anticyclone over the middle zone, in its area the night cooling of the atmosphere will intensify. as a result, already to on sunday they will leave most of the european territory, and where the temperature goes from plus to minus, icy conditions will form. thermometer readings will remain above zero for now only in the southern regions, where the high pressure center will push out. in krasnodar, for example, today tomorrow there will be rain and 5-7°c, then the precipitation will weaken, at the beginning of next week frosts will even return to kuban, well in moscow the temperature will only drop in the coming days, today there is snow and -2 on the thermometers,
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by sunday no higher than -4. at night the air can cool down to -7-8°. the next wave of warming will come to central russia during the day near zero. now our joint column with roscosmos is a photo from orbit. and today we will go to verkhovilny. ideally laid out road lines and meticulously thought out architecture of a large industrial complex spread over 200 hectares. in the photo , the area of ​​the city of uskut is one of the largest polymer plants in russia. this is a project of the irkutsk oil company. the plant has been under construction since 2014 and the work is almost completed; this year it will finally be launched, it is expected the enterprise will produce up to 650 thousand tons of products annually, which will increase the gdp of the irkutsk region by 3%. that's all for me, goodbye. now economic news,
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konstantin, in the united states was forced to recognize the talent of russia's economic leadership. yes, roman, and surprisingly, the state debt department did it, i’ll tell you a little later. the russian company will buy. two coal enterprises in the rostov region, which previously belonged to the ukrainian billionaire rinat akhmetov. the corresponding permission was signed by vladimir putin. the transaction is carried out within the framework of the decree president on the application of special economic measures in the financial, fuel and energy sectors. the assets of one of the companies are a mine processing plant. industrial coal reserves exceed 44 million. another company operates two mines and reserves.
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as one basic point, lagarthe herself hinted at summer and not spring, but some of her phrases about the weakness of the european economy prompted the market to think that assistance to the real sector in the form of cheaper. loans will be needed earlier. the eurozone economy is likely to stagnate in last quarter of 2023. incoming data continues to signal weakness in the short term. in terms of activity, we see only persistently weak data. look at industrial production, it has continued to decline. look at retail sales, they have remained weak. the us state department recognized the effectiveness of russia's economic policy, moreover. one of our country’s most ardent opponents, assistant secretary of state james o-bryan, was forced to do this. the assessment
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was made in washington during his speeches at the american think tank german united states marshal foundation, an organization whose activities, by the way, are recognized as undesirable in russia. russian economic leadership is very talented. the country's economy still manages to cope with western sanctions. russia manages. maintain import volumes at approximately the same levels as before the start of the special military operation. and about the talented american leadership, the us authorities are finally concerned about the volume of external debt, since it has long exceeded 34 trillions of dollars. it was this mark that janit yelin, who previously headed the fed and now the ministry of finance, called a frightening number. however, she immediately added that due to the size of the us economy itself, the debt is still manageable. nevertheless, such controllability is still in question. according to experts, debt servicing could
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cost the united states about a third of budget revenues. over the medium term , spending will amount to $1 trillion per year. well, in conclusion, about the dollar, which today costs 88 rubles. 65 kopecks euro exchange rate 963. that's all i have for now. novel. konstantin, thank you. right after the commercial, i’ll briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. well, our instructions state that pensioners who support dependents have the right to additional payment from the state. what men are silent about is that life is out of control, the fear of ceasing to be a man, these are the symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. the recommended course is two packs. food against prostatitis. prorodexpo is the largest
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russian exhibition for food market professionals. food drinks for retail and horiki. we are waiting for you on february 5-9 at the expo center on krasnaya presnya. ticket on the website rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it around once. rotate. twist. only after confirming the payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from 1 ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, there may be a snack, anywhere appetite, dad, only dad will cut it down, there is a beastly appetite, a snack won’t hurt, sausages , dad maybe a 30% discount on the second or 50% on the third household appliance product, a cupersberg built-in dishwasher for only
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20,000 rubles. in invidio and eldorado. the tape guarantees the best prices on everything with red price tags. more than 20,000 products, found cheaper, we will return the cost of the product with points. conditions on the website, the best price guarantee is valid in all hypermarkets with delivery, stable, low prices in the feed. just wasting gigabytes and minutes? and receive gifts, but what’s possible? you can, iota, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and get it superboxes as a gift, you can iota.ite - this is an unusual service with payment in installments, you do not need to apply for a new card, look for a list of stores. play is available everywhere. the board divides the price into six parts and works with a card from any bank, and what about interest rates? there are none, go to playthrough.
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at a meeting of the un security council, first deputy permanent representative of russia dmitry polyansky. he emphasized: the sponsors of ukraine are responsible for the crimes of the kiev regime. public transport began to operate in yuzhno-sakalinsk. after the blizzard weakened, the city airport getting ready to open. a snow cyclone came to sakhalin on january 23, and for several days the islands were under a transport blockade. the russian economic leadership is very talented and successfully helping the country cope with sanctions. and then us assistant secretary of state james o-bryan said. according to him , russia's economic indicators are comparable to those before february 22
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. governors of twenty-five states have accused joe biden of being unwilling to defend. us border and approved the actions of the authorities of the state of texas, who intend to independently protect borders from illegal immigrants. former president donald trump previously expressed support for texas. pensioners who support disabled relatives can count on additional payment from the state, how to apply for it, maria kudryavtseva will tell you in the program instructions. if a pensioner has disabled relatives in his family, he is entitled to an increase. for their maintenance, in this issue of the instructions we will tell you in 5 minutes who exactly the expenses will be reimbursed for, how much they will pay and how to arrange everything. if you are a pensioner, it doesn't matter whether you are working or not, you have disabled relatives to depend on, you can qualify for an increase in the fixed payment to your insurance pension. let's
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figure out what kind of relatives these might be. firstly, the younger ones, children, brothers, sisters, grandchildren. until the age of 18, a child is considered a dependent by default. if you have already turned 18 and have not yet completed school, this status remains until september 1 of the year in which the certificate was received. those who study full-time at voz or another educational institution also belong to dependents, but only up to 23 years of age. and finally, those who have been disabled since childhood are considered dependents regardless of age. the existence of children under 18 years of age does not require proof in relation to children. over 18 years of age to 23 years of age, if they do not work, dependency is also not required to be established. please note that additional payment for sisters, brothers and grandchildren can only be received if they do not have able-bodied parents. the second category is the parents of the spouse or spouse if they have reached retirement age or have a disability.
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and the third group is grandparents who are retired or have disabilities. that they have no relatives who are obliged to support them. to process the payment, you need to confirm that the person is being abused. the social fund must make sure that it really does not work and check the income of all family members. this information is available in the personalized accounting system in the unified state social security information system. if the fact of dependency is confirmed , information about the income of the pensioner and the child will be required, the social fund has this information, it is not required to be provided, it is contained in the personalized accounting system , information about the child’s education is also required, we can obtain such information as part of interdepartmental interaction, or the pensioner can provide it independently. there are several ways
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to apply for an additional payment to your pension, the most convenient one is online on... services, but you can come in person to the social fund office or mfc, send the application by registered mail or send it via representative, then the power of attorney must be certified by a notary. if you work in a large organization and the social fund has an agreement with this organization to provide information on pension provision, such an application can be submitted, respectively, as part of this interaction. the application is considered within.
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a pensioner family has, say, four children, the fact of whose abuse does not require proof, then such an increase will be established for both mom and dad, but no more than three. as we have already said, the bonus is paid and working and non-working pensioners, but there is a nuance: for non-working people it is indexed annually, but for working people it is not. and for the far north there is an increasing coefficient. well , let us remind you in what cases the bonus stops being paid: when a child turns 18, when he stops studying full-time, including when a student is expelled from a university or he switches to... to a correspondence course, payments will stop if the dependent joins get married, get a job, or be drafted into the army. let's repeat the most important thing: if a pensioner
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if he has unemployed relatives, he can increase the fixed payment to his insurance pension by 1/3. the dependents include children, sisters, brothers, grandchildren, parents, grandparents, but only children by default, for the rest there are certain conditions, a decision on assigning an allowance. the social fund accepts it within 10 working days, and you can receive it with your next pension. if you have any questions, if you want to know what other pension increases you can get, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we’ll help relevant ministries and we will definitely talk about this in one of the next editions of the instructions. next on our broadcast is a selection of the most important interesting events of this day in different years and eras.
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years died suddenly in taganrog, a period of political uncertainty arose. in historiography, it is even called the interregnum, when, according to the rules , constantine should have become the heir, because his abdication was secret, almost no one knew about him. and the troops and people have even begun to swear allegiance to constantine. and when everything was revealed, it became it is clear that the next brother, nikolai, will inherit the highest power. konstantin even refused to come to st. petersburg from warsaw, where he was the governor of the kingdom of poles. the interregnum lasted 25 days; at the end of it , there was, in addition, an uprising of the decembrists, who decided to take advantage of the uncertainty at the top and come up with the idea of ​​​​the complete
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abolition of the autocracy and the abolition of serfdom, with the brutal suppression of the uprising and the trial of the conspirators, and the thirty-year reign of nicholas ii began. january 26, 1934 was the hitler-pelsudski pact was concluded or... hitler broke the treaty with poland under
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the pretext that the poles did not allow the germans to build a highway through polish territory to könecksberg, now kaliningrad, but the poles until the german attack on poland began the second world war in september thirty on the ninth, this pact continued to be considered valid. in january 1947, the first ice hockey championship in the ussr ended. the games were held on natural ice in moscow, leningrad, arkhangelsk, riga, kiev and other cities of the country. competitions in canadian hockey is being held in our country for the first time. this sport attracts tens of thousands of spectators. 12 teams from different regions of the ussr competed for more than a month. before this , specialists from the baltic states conducted research in moscow and leningrad. and seminars on canadian hockey. previously, championships were held only there, and teams from estonia, latvia and lithuania were the best prepared. the remaining teams were completed with
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sword hockey and football players. the largest score was recorded in the match between spartak from uzhgorod and moscow dynamo. muscovites won 23:0. the capital's dynamo team became the winners of the entire championship. most of the participants and fans did not perceive the new sport as something. serious. between matches we played regular russian hockey, as they called sword hockey. back then, instead of sides, there were plywood boards and ordinary benches around the platforms. there was no special equipment. some went out for the flight in leggings with football shorts, others in satin trousers. and one of the games in tallinn was actually played on ice pond. this is how domestic hockey was born, and very soon it became a serious force in the international arena. on january 26 , 1988 , andrew lloyd weber's musical the phantom of the opera premiered on broadway. the first leading actors were michael
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kroufa. performances grossed $853 million. the musical was performed in dozens of other countries. the author of the russian translation was singer-songwriter alexey ivashchenko. the mdm theater was even modernized for the moscow production. it is believed that this musical has been watched by 150 million people worldwide. human. and with worldwide grosses of $6 billion, the phantom of the opera has become one of the highest -grossing entertainment events of all time.
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this is how this day in history was, dear friends, i invite you to our new release of the author’s program besagon tv, it will be called, who serves nato in russia. i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you.
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unique, firstly, there are a lot of tasks, the tasks are so labor-intensive, i, of course, feel more like a sapper, a major general, a group
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of sappers, preparing for the upcoming...
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a deliberate crime, the un security council discussed the terrorist attack of tsilom 76. the usa and germany will be involved if the use of their weapons is confirmed. snowdrifts up to the second floors. on sakhalin, the entire coming weekend will eliminate the consequences of bad weather. the survivors returned to their homeland. about the disaster in afghanistan already in moscow, how they were greeted and what new details of the emergency. the united states recognized the high talent of russia's economic leadership for skillfully circumventing sanctions. what is important to remember is the congress of blockade survivors in st. petersburg leningrad, tomorrow the city celebrates a historical date. ukraine's sponsors are fully responsible.


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