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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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a deliberate crime, the un security council discussed the terrorist attack of tsilom 76. the usa and germany will be involved if the use of their weapons is confirmed. snowdrifts up to the second floors on sakhalin. the entire coming weekend will eliminate the consequences of bad weather. the survivors of the plane crash in afghanistan returned to their homeland in moscow, how they were greeted and what new details of the emergency. the united states recognized the high talent of russia's economic leadership for skillfully circumventing sanctions. tomorrow the city celebrates the fact that it is important to remember the congress of leningrad siege survivors in st. petersburg historical date. the sponsors of ukraine
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bear full responsibility for the crime of the kiev regime, this was stated by the first deputy representative of russia to the un, dmitry polyansky, at a meeting of the security council, it was dedicated to the terrorist attack on the il-76 aircraft. polyansky emphasized that in this situation the west is trying to shift the focus to moscow, justifying kiev’s crime. alika komarova will tell you what other statements were made. ukraine has dug itself into a hole. this statement was made by the deputy permanent representative of russia to the un, dmitry polyansky. according to diplomat, all information about the disaster speaks of a deliberate and thoughtful crime of the kiev regime, but they clearly did not act alone, and if it is confirmed that the plane was shot down with the help of western weapons, then the manufacturing countries will become directly involved in the conflict. the kiev regime, for some reason inexplicable to any sane person, decided to disrupt it, and in the most barbaric way.
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china is seriously concerned about this tragic incident and calls on all parties concerned to strictly adhere to international law and international conventions, so as not to violate the fundamental rights of prisoners of war and prevent a recurrence of this tragedy. after such statements at the un , the americans began to imitate vigorous activity. the pentagon press secretary even announced certain checks, thanks to which the american ministry of defense will find out what weapon was used to shoot down the il-76. i've seen some
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reports, we're looking into this now, but i don't have any more information, we've seen these reports regarding liability, we 're looking into them, but i don't have any more data this time. august depe switched to denial tactics, despite the fact that the international media have repeatedly emphasized that the ukrainian armed forces receive coordinates for airstrikes from the pentagon, official washington does not admit its involvement in the terrorist attack with the il-76. it is safe to say that the united states has nothing to do with this. the problem is that this is a disaster. happened in russia and this makes it difficult to independently verify some facts, so everything i know about this , i know from the media. the international civil society organization also refused aviation, they don’t even want to start an investigation, they got out of it with the help of jurisdiction, the plane is military, and therefore the problem is not ours. the un also refused to take any real action; they said they simply could not verify the data on the disaster; the organization could not provide russia with lists of those killed in the spring of 2022 in buchen. sergei lavrov is also at the meeting. the
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security council noted that the un, despite numerous requests from russia, has not shared data on the allegedly numerous victims. official the representative of the secretary general in response only reported the receipt of this request and did not say a word about the actions of the organization. alek komarov, lead. in the village of yablonovo, belgorod region, flowers are brought to the eternal flame in memory of russian soldiers who died in the crash of the il-76. the crew of their lives took the downed plane away from residential buildings. on the spot. investigators and criminologists are working on the tragedy, what has already been discovered and what work remains to be done, our correspondent alexander korobov will tell you. at the site where the military transport fell aircraft il-76, operational activities continue. black boxes have already been discovered and sent for decryption. when it hit the ground , a strong explosion occurred and fragments of the vehicle itself and the bodies of the people on board were scattered. over
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a long distance, the radius reaches several kilometers, today, in the area of ​​the emergency, the search team discovered fragments, presumably missiles, after the study , specialists are already... can say exactly from which anti-aircraft missile system the plane was shot down. in a nearby village a spontaneous memorial appeared at the eternal flame at yablonogo. next to photo l76 there are red carnations. in memory and gratitude to the fallen pilots who, at the cost of their own lives, took the burning plane away from the village. we are grateful, very, very grateful to the guys. the kingdom of heaven left them with children and families. very sorry. i think they are real heroes. the pilots committed a heroic deed, every day our guys on the front line perform heroic deeds everywhere, god grant that there be as few deaths as possible, and they return home to their families and it ended sooner, this is with our victory.
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today yavlonova continues to live her usual peaceful life. the terrorist attack that took place in iisu claimed the lives of 74 people and killed 65 captured ukrainian military personnel. three accompanying russian military personnel and six crew members. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, conduct the belgorod region. sakhalin is finally emerging from the transport blockade, in which it spent several days due to a snow cyclone, the airport is being prepared to open, and trains will be running by the evening. public transport is out on routes that are temporary, where roads allow, but trips today are free. let's ask our correspondent sergei bondarenko about the situation in the region; he is in direct contact by phone. sergey, hello. when will life for sakhalin residents return to normal? novel, greetings, yes , we ourselves are looking forward to this, here, fortunately , the forecasts of the weather forecasters seem to be coming true, there is no such hurricane wind anymore, of course , we are not talking about complete calm yet, and it seems that the cyclone has not yet poured out all the reserves of snow,
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periodically, there are such charges, but in in principle, there is no such thing as the end of the world, of course, no, fortunately, in this regard, the number one task in the next few days is, of course, cleaning the city, because it is fairly littered with snow, the snowdrifts are quite high, first of all, clearing the streets of about a dozen, maybe there are two dozen main highways, main directions, i’m talking now about yuzhno-sakhalinsk, they are maintained in working order, which allows us to supply the city with basic products, well, in general, maintain life in a normal way, but to say the work this continues around the clock as a road worker. they were doing it, they were doing it during the active phase of the snowstorm, but it was a kind of patrol clearing, as they call it, so that the city would not be completely covered with snow, now we are talking about a full cleaning of the city, and the governor
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of the region valery limarenko commented here the clearing task for friday, saturday and sunday, the task was set to clear all the roads completely, that is, in the literal sense of the word, so that from monday we could start driving the equipment out of the yards cleaning the yards, i asked the population that all car owners come out and actually dug up their cars over friday, saturday, sunday so that the loading equipment could calmly come in and do their job, and you know, the population at the same time... there is no need to beg, they responds to calls and there is visible confirmation of this, by the way , the situation in hardware stores, there is simply a rush there, today the demand for shovels is the product of the day, sellers by the dozens, or even hundreds, say in the morning, we only sell shovels, they are selling like hot cakes
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and they even use not just shovels, but they also sell cuttings, because they break quickly, and people clear their own cars and some paths, well, those who can... are too lazy to do it or because of their physical condition, they ask, resort to outside help, sakhalin students quickly figured this out, they advertise on social networks and for some literally symbolic fee, well , a few hundred rubles per hour, they help these same motorists clean their cars, but of course they provide help free of charge military personnel have come to the civilian population and are currently clearing the territory of the railway station. which is very important in order to be able to resume railway communication between the regions of sakhalin, by the evening the first train is expected to start heading to the north of the region, but it is estimated that railway transport will begin to operate, apparently
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already on the weekend. the airport was promised to open this morning at 10:00 am local time, the difference with moscow is 8 hours, let me remind you, but this did not happen because they did not have time usefulness. to clean the runway, this work is now ongoing, it is expected that the arrival and dispatch of flights to the air harbor of the regional center of yuzhno-sakhalinsko will begin around 10 o'clock moscow time... moving around the city, the head of the region also said this, i suggest you listen his comment, starting from today, public transport is already running, railway transport will be working by the evening, it’s already working...
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calling for maximum attention and vigilance so that nothing happens unpleasant cases, well, i think that this will not last long, this situation will continue soon, the city and the region in the south of the region will return to a full life, well, this is the picture for now, novel, sergey, thank you, about the situation on sakhalin, where the consequences of the snow cyclone are being eliminated, our correspondent sergei bondarenko said. four russians who survived a plane crash in the afghan mountains have returned to moscow. this morning a board with our citizens landed at vnukovo airport. let me remind you that the tragedy occurred on january 20 in
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the province of badokshan, on the border with tajikistan, in mountainous, inaccessible areas. there, a plane crashed while carrying out a charter, ambulance flight from thailand to russia. a married couple from volgodonsk died. the crew and doctors managed to survive. the rescue operation took place in difficult conditions; the russian ambassador in kabul, dmitry zhirnov, thanked the afghan authorities for their help. what do you immediately do next? search and rescue operations were carried out in difficult conditions, in snow-capped mountains, in the wilderness, on the corner on the border with china and tajikistan. we raised the afghan the authorities immediately in the evening of january 20, at night worked with them on everything that was then required, all these days the guys worked without a break, without rest, some without sleep. yesterday at the afghan ministry of foreign affairs, i said that i am very grateful to the afghan authorities. special thanks, we still need to transfer the remains of those who unfortunately died to their homeland,
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these are husband and wife, my sincere condolences to the family, it’s very difficult for them now. at least 20 civilians were killed and 150 were injured as a result of shelling in northern gaza. the israeli military opened fire on a crowd of people who were waiting for humanitarian aid. earlier, the enclave's ministry of health reported a massive shelling of a hospital in khanyunyuni.
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crews of the modernized t-80 bvm. our tanks often go on combat missions at night.
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our war correspondent, eduard punigov, will tell you why the fighters choose this particular time of day and how frosts affect the effectiveness of strikes. the t-80 bvm tank is one of the main attack vehicles of the fifth army of the vostok group. one of its main advantages is unnoticeable. even the prisoners the engine of the tank is practically inaudible, so it is ideal for night driving. sortie, ready, come on, here is fresh footage of one of these night operations, even in complete darkness the crew is doing fine. they also go on missions during the daytime, in this case the tactics are slightly different, the most important thing is not to stay in position for a long time, after a series they quickly release smoke protection. the tankers have just returned from
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combat work on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye.
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soldiers need to rest a little, because at any moment they may receive a new combat task. eduard pongov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. protests by french farmers have reached paris. the protesters today intend to blockade the city in order to put pressure on the authorities and promise to block roads. in other regions , rioters dumped tons of manure near administrative buildings, blocked streets and set tires on fire. farmers are unhappy with the fall.
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for the first time a convict was executed in a new way with the help of azot, this is a prisoner who was sentenced to death back in his eighties ninth year for contract murder. nitrogen asphyxiation is a painless and humane option, authorities say. a special mask is put on the face, a nitrogen cylinder is connected to it, there is a lack of oxygen and the person dies. the executioners reported that the procedure took about 15
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minutes. previously, the main type of death penalty in american prisons was death in the electric chair. now to the volobama. development of the kaliningrad region, via videoconference, launched the production of silicon wafers at the enkor enterprise in region. this is a new, one of the largest industrial complex in russia for the production of solar panels. more than 200 million silicon wafers will be produced there annually. the next stage is the opening of a plant for the production of photovoltaic
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cells. it will be launched before the end of the first quarter of this year. at a meeting in the kaliningrad region. vladimir putin noted the importance of the new enterprise not only for the region, but for the entire country. the launch of these advanced enterprises allows us to localize production in our country the main components necessary for the development of environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly generation, create solar power plants on our own industrial base. and what is fundamentally important for us is the development of such promising ones. the direction of the industry is new jobs, demand for highly qualified specialists, engineers, technologists, for people this is an opportunity for professional growth, of course. to increase income, and therefore for the well-being of families. the rise in gasoline prices in the pharmacy segment does not threaten prices at gas stations. about
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this was stated by russian deputy prime minister alexander novak. the jump in prices in wholesale itself is also nothing to worry about, because it was already low, the minister noted. he added that the situation in the domestic market with the supply of gasoline is stable, so the government does not consider it necessary to take new measures, including banning exports. since the beginning of the year, the price of ninety-second gasoline on the stock exchange has increased by 20%, and ninety-five by 16.5. the cost is rising due to the fact that one of the units at the nizhny novgorod oil refinery is undergoing repairs. oil prices are near a 2- month high. the brand variety was already worth more than $82 per barrel. oddly enough, hydrocarbons are now supported not by geopolitics, but by realities... oil production in the united states fell immediately by a million barrels per day, rolling back from historical highs. at the same time, the central bank of china announced a reduction in
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the reserve requirement for banks; the chinese authorities are considering a stimulus package of almost $280 billion. this improves sentiment regarding the prospects for china's economy, and therefore oil demand. microsoft will fire almost 2.0 employees in the gaming division. or 8% of the state - reports the american portal. the reduction will mainly affect the video game publisher activision blizzard, which the corporation acquired in november, including its head. earlier it became known about layoffs in other companies in the sector. discord will lay off 17% of its employees, and parent company google will leave hundreds of people unemployed to save money. at the end of the issue on currencies, the dollar is worth today. and that's all i have for now. novel. konstantin, thank you. we continue. in
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in the arkhangelsk region , a large-scale reconstruction was completed at the sevmash steel production facility. the company renovated the melting section of the shop, modified the crane fleet, and installed new furnace equipment. details from daria tamilova. the new twelve-ton furnace is ready for use. its temperature is almost 1600 degrees, the camera is unable to convey this dazzling process , the hot metal is poured into a special ladle, then the crowner carries it to check the temperature and prepares to pour the mold. the smelting lasted no more than 4 hours, thanks to with new equipment the speed has increased significantly . we have replaced arc steel-smelting furnaces here; modern furnaces are more powerful and therefore allow.
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another 17 units of new equipment were installed, all of them made in russia. the modernization program lasted almost 3 years, now everything here is as automated as possible, the gaming park has been updated, and in the meantime the steel is ready for casting into molds. the process takes no more than 10 minutes; different grades of steel can be smelted in this workshop, after which they cool in a thermal kisoni according to a special regime, from which two high-quality petitone ingots will be obtained for forging production. in general, an arc furnace can be used to smelt a wide range of steel grades, from carbon, low-carbon to high-temperature, non-corrosive. these forms are a kind of thermos for metal. here the molten steel will cool, the longer, the better for the metal, like this. the traces will appear at the exit, very soon they will go to the blacksmiths. craftsmen will use them to make parts for the hulls of future ships. giving tamilova, igor istomin, news of pomorye,
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severo-odvinsk. sports news will be presented by danila makhallin, good morning, the first semi-final of the australian open is currently underway, how is sivak djokovic performing? good morning, while sensationally novak lost the first two games and is one step away from defeat in the match with the italian seeder. the second semi-final will begin, where our daniil medvedev will play. tampa's russian forward nikita kucherov has regained the lead in the scoring race this nhl season. on his scored a goal and two assists in the match with arizona, after which kucherov moved into clear first place, beating mackinden from colorado. tampa won that match 6:3, and kucherov also surpassed sergei gonchar in the list of the best russian scorers in history. the nhl now ranks ninth in this indicator. dynamo moscow beat beijing kune-lun with a score of 5:1 in a match of the regular
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continental hockey championship. dmitry roshevsky, rico del, jordan weal scored goals among the winners, pavel kudryavtsev and egor martynov, whose puck became the three thousandth for dynamo in the entire history of playing in the khl. absent from the blue and white team was andrei mironov, whose duties as captain in the game were performed by striker nikita gusev. june 1, saudi arabia, possible place and date of the fight for the title of absolute world boxing champion in semi-tight. weight between russian fighters artur beterbiev and dmitry bivol. in mid-january, the undefeated champion artur biterbiev defended three belts against the british calum smith and won knockout. beterbiev is the holder of a unique record in the professional ring. he fought 20 fights and knocked out an opponent in each one. now beterbiev and bivol will face a meeting for the title of absolute world champion. experts
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are already calling the upcoming battle. main thing in the history of russian boxing, my colleague sas ridikulce met and talked with beterbiev in a formidable, full version of a large exclusive interview, watch today on our channel after 10 o’clock, this is the most important or relevant fight at the moment, to me it seems that this is a fight for the absolute champion , there will be four belts at stake , it seems to me that each side will be interested in winning, this is not a secret, let’s see what happens, this is a sport, if there were any other one, on the other hand a person from some country, i would still like this, we would like this, this is cool, to find out who is better in this weight.
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in the vtb united basketball league, zenit won a home victory over moscow runa 93-62. this success allowed the team from st. petersburg to return to third place tournament table. the defining period of the game was the beginning of the third quarter. sergei karasev and thomas ertel scored 13 points between them in the first 4 minutes of the second half and increased the lead. hosts up to +21, zenit coach javer pascual completed the meeting with a wide rotation, so 11 of the twelve declared basketball players of the team scored points. the st. petersburg team won the second half with a difference of 18 points and confidently brought the match to victory. rostov-don defeated zvenigorod star in the first match of the cup quarterfinals russia in women's handball with a score of 36-29. favorite in the first half.
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the response meeting is scheduled for january 30. that's all for now, see you next hour, this is my group, we are called temporary musicians, a beautiful picture, the most important thing.
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leningrad was of enormous importance for the soviet union.


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