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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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i have already conquered this city, i need to move on, the whole film is just in one breath. the whole movie gives me goosebumps, it’s like your song can change the world for the better, it’s both funny and touching, we even shed a tear, dancing with the princess, i think this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, apple, temporary musicians, for the soviet union leningrad was of enormous importance, aurora shot there, a revolution took place there. the population must
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either be destroyed or expelled, the city itself must be destroyed to the ground, the leningrad volkovsky front, so that they don’t take a step to the left or a step to the right, a frozen city, terrible images of people who are exhausted, exhausted, but did not give up, there are trucks on the ice that is not yet very strong, he will have food for this very city , they were taking the wounded back, and the accumulation began.
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a very symbolic cheese, friendship, can we call it not only cooperation, but also friendship, that we are working to create a common market for five member states, we have an example of cream cheese, its entering the belarusian market showed that it has great potential, that is , i liked it and entered it. now we are carrying out all the regulatory work to supply honey to the countries of southeast asia, they are waiting for us there, if we are talking about a single market, conduct clinical trials in any of the countries, all other countries in your country recognize these clinical trials, maybe five times , we have prepared a number of proposals, we have been heard, these proposals will allow us to develop new markets with new products, if we agree to move. mid news
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an hour is short: all the information about the crash of the il-76 speaks of a deliberate and thoughtful crime of the kiev regime. russia made such a statement at a meeting of the oo security council. if it is confirmed that the plane was shot down by weapons from the usa or germany, then the producing countries will be complicit. on sakhalin, the airport of the region's capital is preparing to open after being closed due to a snow storm. in yuzhno-sakhalinsk , buses have partially resumed operation, today travel is free, however, most roads are closed, and the ferry crossing is not yet operational. from afghanistan to four of our citizens who survived the disaster returned to russia; their plane landed at moscow’s vnukovo airport. before departure, the russians were escorted on board by the ambassador of our country, dmitry zhirnov, who thanked the local authorities for their help.
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the congress of leningrad siege survivors is taking place these days for the first time after a three-year break due to the pandemic, about 140 people from different... tomorrow the city celebrates a historical date: 80 years since the complete liberation from the fascist blockade. what is important to remember, natalya solovyova. 80 years of lifting the blockade leningrad is a day of great pride and sorrow. those who survived remember those they lost together. these days , residents of besieged leningrad come to st. petersburg. from all over russia and
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foreign countries. they haven’t seen each other for 3 years and they don’t hide their joy at meeting each other. the twenty-ninth international congress of blockade survivors is being held in smolny for the first time since the pandemic. at that time the association united almost 40,000. and the more often we meet, the more we find common topics for discussion in order to convey our rich experience of life to our youth. they came to the city of their military childhood from all over russia, and also from kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, belarus, germany, estonia, even. closed borders are not a hindrance. alexandra seppela lives in finland, in the center of russian culture, and tells young people about her childhood. the wounded were also in hospitals, so sometimes we performed, well, from kindergarten, i remember how they put me on the table, i was a thin, little girl, and i sang with
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a little blue handkerchief, i remember this very well. all of them are residents of the besieged leningrad friends, former neighbors, especially strong, persistent people, who have had a hard time. trials that left wounds for life, hunger, this hunger, it is felt even, one might say, now, it is somewhere inside, you have this hunger, that is, you, and the further you go, the more you feel this state, hunger - just one word, followed by all the terrible, endlessly long 872 days, in the very first bombing , badaev’s food warehouses are burning: 3.00 tons of flour and 2.500 tons of sugar. memoirs of eyewitnesses: people hollow out frozen soil soaked in molasses, they eat it, the hunger is so unbearable. blockade bread 250 g for workers 125, the rest, the daily norm, will
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forever remain one of the symbols of the tragedy at the same time of the unparalleled fortitude of leningraders. if we talk about the blockade of leningrad, then for all leningraders 125. vasily vasilyevich chagaev was a participant in the war due to his injury... unfortunately, he could not fight on the front line, but decided to stay in leningrad and helped here at a garment factory, sewing boots for soldiers , he wrote a letter to his daughter, that is, my great-grandmother, and there was this line: we, anyutka, walk here knee-deep in blood. despite this, leningrad holds on,
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resists, stands, factories and factories are working, as well as museums, libraries, theaters and cinemas. the exhibition of the muse of the unconquered city is dedicated to him, the art of the blockade period. and it was discovered in moscow, in the museum of modern history, the invincibility of the spirit, that’s what stands behind every exhibit in this room, be it drawings by lenfilm studio artist alexander black, who created them on pieces of wallpaper, or an album of a twelve-year-old girls who painted with bright colors, believing that victory would be ours, maybe they are not as expressive, not as rich as we sometimes want to see, but you can imagine, even an elementary sketch, even a sketch. even a line of poetry at that time was a heroic feat of these people, so here we are all talking only about people, this was recognized after the war during the nuremberg trials. one of the witnesses for the prosecution was academician and director of the hermitage joseph arbelle. he proved that the nazis deliberately destroyed
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cultural values ​​and monuments of leningrad together with art, trying to destroy that same russian spirit, but it, as always, turned out to be stronger. natalya solovyova, sergey fodiev and... tankiev, news. immediately after the advertisement , we’ll talk about how the united states recognized the talent of russia’s economic leadership. the pain may vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pentalgin. universal remedies against different types of pain. thanks to its combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, where. let's do without pain, i pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, buy motor oil for only 2,100 rubles.
8:40 am
with the russian lotto the holidays continue, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, and also million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million, just like a holiday... buy tickets in branded stores on the website, the smart choice is when you compare the offer on product directly in yandex search. any business begins with a person, at first i cooked myself, then the team began to expand, but when clients it’s getting bigger, you can’t always keep up with demand, with support the development doesn’t stop, we’re expanding further. national project for small medium entrepreneurship by decision of the president. our job is to support yours. prodexpo is the largest exhibition in russia for food market professionals. food drinks for retail and horiki. we are waiting for you 5-9. start the year with
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profitable purchases at the megamarket, manage to buy perfume for 1% of the cost, apply the favorite thank you bonus and get a discount of up to 99%. maybe co-seson, anywhere appetite, only dad will tame it, there is. appetite, a snack won't hurt, there's time for appetite, sausages, dad maybe, votker, it tastes better on fire, burgers, let's go, grandma matri's house should also be warm, like ours. we conduct a thorough inspection of the pipe, check the supports,
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hello! hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million, rather for tickets. i pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, buy thousands of products with
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cashback up to 50%. economic news, konstantin the united states was forced to recognize the talent of russia's economic leadership. yes, roman, and surprisingly, it was the state department who did it, i’ll tell you a little later. a russian company will buy two coal enterprises. the corresponding permission was signed by vladimir putin. the deal is being carried out within the framework of a presidential decree on the application of special economic measures in the financial and fuel and energy sectors. the assets of one of the companies are a mine processing plant. industrial coal reserves exceed 44 million. another company operates two mines, whose reserves are approximately comparable. they amount to 41. the european central bank, as predicted, left key rates
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unchanged, but market participants were waiting not for the decision itself, but for christina lagarde’s press conference. investors felt that the head of the european central bank spoke in a calming tone and now estimate the probability of the first rate cut in april at 90%. for the full year , monetary easing should be 141 basis points. the lagar itself. hinted at summer, not spring, but some of her phrases about the weaknesses of the european economy prompted the market to believe that assistance to the real sector in the form of cheaper loans would be needed earlier. the euroarea economy is likely to stagnate in the last quarter of 2023, with incoming data continuing to signal weakness in the short term. in terms of activity, we see only persistently weak data, look at industrial production, it... continued to decline, look at retail sales, they remained weak. the us state department recognized the effectiveness
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economic policy of russia, and one of the most ardent opponents of our country, assistant secretary of state james o-bryan, was forced to do this. the assessment was made in washington during his speech at the american think tank german united states marshal foundation, an organization whose activities, by the way, are recognized as undesirable in russia. the russian economic leadership is very talented; the country's economy still manages to cope with western sanctions. russia manages to maintain import volumes.
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however, such controllability is still in question. according to experts, debt servicing could cost the united states about a third of budget revenues. over the medium term, spending will amount to $1 trillion per year. well, all that remains is to tell you about currencies, about the dollar itself, which today costs 88 rubles. 65 kopecks the euro exchange rate is 96.63. and that's all i have for now. novel. konstantin, thank you. we continue. the first continental expedition russia 360 has started in murmansk, its participants will travel along land borders our country, will cover tens of thousands of kilometers and visit almost 60 regions, including nine arctic ones. there , travelers will have a special mission. oleg posobin found out what tasks the expedition faces. this is what a barge hauler looks like on the roads
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of murmansk. a brutal all-terrain vehicle with huge wheels is heading towards the marine terminal, from where. will begin perhaps the most difficult automobile adventure in the entire history of the country. in the next 24 hours, these vehicles will be joined by another vehicle and their crews as part of the continental expedition russia 360, they expect to cross land, just imagine, along the perimeter of almost our entire state border. the all-terrain vehicle parks opposite one of the country's arctic symbols, the icebreaker lenin. the world's first atomoh was created for the development of the northern sea route, and now burlak will set off. along its land part, the expedition will record the development of the water area that is being built along its route, will study the life and culture, especially of the peoples of the north, those who live in the most remote corners of russia, we will reach chukotka, from chukotka we will go down to kamchatka, from kamchatka along the sea of ​​okhotsk to magadan, to okhotsk, where the narrowest isthmus is to sakhalin, and here
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we will only touch on public roads, the expedition members studied maps, a lot of satellite images. months, the lion's share of the northern route will have to be covered off-road by the all-terrain vehicle; this is thousands of thousands of kilometers. the success of the expedition largely depends on the extremely reliable machines that were specially modified for this mission. the snow and swamp-going vehicle, as this car is also called, was originally intended for traveling to the north pole, so it was insulated here almost everything, even the gas tank, is located inside the cabin, these wheels, the size of a man, are an all-terrain vehicle that moves freely on any surface. the nose part and the mushroom propeller immediately make it clear that this is an amphibious vehicle that has no problem with water obstacles. the participants of this expedition have been studying the far north for many years, and this is how their suvs previously got stuck in yakutia near the new siberian islands when the air temperature dropped below -40. and here the cars were slowed down due to extreme frost and
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stormy winds. participant of the current oleg kharchenko's expedition with an extreme journey... the invaders expect to collect new data about the culture and history, including indigenous peoples, as well as these places of pollution in the arctic, in order to return it to its original form in the future. a very important project, supported by the president of our country, to once again show to go along all the land borders of our country, to show how diverse, unique, beautiful our country is, and
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such a demonstration was built by the murmansk people themselves, who supported the expedition with incendiary support. the expedition leaves for arkhangelsk and further east, the kola peninsula itself, the travelers plan to go around last on the list, closer to december, now before our eyes, this expedition starts from here, which will overcome the tundra, a huge number of forests and rivers, will return here, back in a year , obviously the participants of this expedition will have something to talk about. oleg vasodam, anton klimovsky, vesti, murmansk region. frost and the sun are returning to european russia. forecasters warn of cold weather. details immediately following. with russian lotto holidays continue, in january
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we are raffling off houses, cars, and also million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million, just some kind of holiday, buy tickets in branded stores on the website stoloto.ruto retire in a new one. it’s profitable with sberbank for pensioners: a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, a discount on a loan to buy something you’ve long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, and receive favorable conditions. is not decided, everything is decided with the national education project. in russia , new opportunities to study well appear regularly. alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools
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in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. mom, guess who started a new job today? many vacancies on avito work. you will find not just a job, but your place. anticyclone stickers, in which there are 36.5 million prizes, there will be enough of them for residents of moscow, st. petersburg, samara, ufa, i don’t believe it, believe it or not, 36.5 million prizes, from january 29, the application is delicious, period, the first rule is hunting, it starts at any second, the second rule of hunting, the prey goes to the one who pursues it, a new game hunting, a draw every 15 minutes, the main trophy from 20 million, colored water for a clean
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, fresh toilet with every flush the number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. pentalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints. it contains the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation. and a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel is designed to combat pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. convenient packaging at an affordable price. one of my friends can do everything, fix a car with her bare hands, deal with frags with her bare feet. well, what can you do? and i get gigabytes from a megaphone just like that, with naked charisma. megafon takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gigabytes every month, just for... megafon , i've been driving since childhood, i've always been supported, everything is fine, it's like that in our family, everything is fine,
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now i'm a magnet, i work as a driver , the fleet is being renewed, salaries are paid the same day, everything is in order, come, for details call 8 800 30067, alfabank, the first in russia, has canceled all fees for transfers of payments, order a free debit alpha card. just profitable alpha profitable in january we are raffling off houses, cars, prizes of millions and a jackpot of 800 million, hurry up for tickets, signal how? the signal is normal, stable, in combat use it is actually much easier to control a drone, you just need to raise it sharply.
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european russia is thawing, the region has left at the peak of the january steppe. the temperature has become positive, even in the arctic. when the weather returns to normal, which areas of the country will be covered in black ice over the weekend. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobs center, i’m ksenia levitskaya. hello. january frosts will return to the european part of the country. st. petersburg, city center, simple. the northern capital is sailing after 3 days of whiteout. on tuesday wednesday on the banks of the neva it was +3, on thursday +1, here’s the result: the snowdrifts in
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the city settled at 10 degrees, and melt water flowed down streets. another eternal danger of winter warming is the fall of ice blocks from the roofs of houses. and in st. petersburg alone , dozens of cars were damaged. a thaw has been developing on the russian plain since the beginning of the week. it covered the entire north-west of the country and at some point even made its way to the arctic. in arkhangelsk, the thermometer rose to +2 +1 on thursday. in pskov +2 in smolensk, the kaliningrad region was at the epicenter of overheating, in kaliningrad itself since monday the temperature remained at level + 4-7°, to this were also added intense rains, as a result, almost all the snow on the streets melted and some kind of flood occurred. now another float has appeared, this one can’t even see the doors, but this one is already being saved. i was in moscow, however,
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a lot of snow had not melted, moreover, fresh snow fell, about 2 mm in the evening, and today the snowdrifts in the capital will continue to grow. since the beginning of the week, the russian plain remains at the mercy of atlantic cyclones; now the region is covered by one of these vortices, but i would like to draw your attention to the fact that north of the sea of ​​azov in today it will be snowing exclusively and not raining. the fact is that in the rear of the cyclonic funnel. cold air has begun to flow into the european part of the country; in the next few days , this process will lead to the formation of an anticyclone over the middle zone, and in its area the night cooling of the atmosphere will intensify. as a result, by sunday they will have left most of the european territory, and where the temperature goes from plus to minus, icy conditions will form. thermometer readings will remain above zero for now only in the southern areas. where will the high pressure center
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displace. the remnants of a stormy cyclone in krasnodar, for example, today, tomorrow there will be rain and 5-7°c, then the precipitation will weaken, at the beginning of next week frosts will even return to kuban, well, in moscow the temperature will only drop in the coming days. today there is snow and -2 on the thermometer, by sunday it will not be higher than -4. at night the air can cool down to -7-8°. the next warming wave will come to central russia. on tuesday, around zero in the afternoon. now our joint column with roscosmos is a photo from orbits. and today we will go to verkhovilny. ideally laid out road lines and meticulously thought out architecture of a large industrial complex spread over 200 hectares. in the photo, the area of ​​the city of uskut is one of the largest polymer plants in russia. this is a project of the irkutsk oil company. the plant
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has been building since 2004 and the work is almost completed ; this year it will finally be launched. it is expected that the enterprise will produce up to 650 thousand tons of products annually, which will increase the gdp of the irkutsk region by 3%. that's all for me, goodbye. a predetermined crime, the united nations security council discussed the terrorist attack with the il-76. the us and germany will be implicated if their weapons are confirmed to be used. from the development of industrial production to tourism and construction, what was discussed during vladimir putin’s working trip to kaliningrad?
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a congress of siege survivors is taking place in st. petersburg. 40 people from different regions of russia, cis countries and far abroad came to the northern capital. on sakhalin there are snowdrifts up to the second floors, but the snowstorm is subsiding, and the consequences of the bad weather will be eliminated throughout the coming weekend. the survivors of the plane crash in afghanistan have returned to their homeland and are already in moscow. how they were greeted and what new details of the emergency. the cyclone in sokhalin, which has become the most powerful and long-lasting in recent years , is losing strength, the snowstorms have become weaker, but will finally stop only on saturday. utilities began clearing roads. every effort was made to eliminate the consequences of the cyclone, and the military came to the rescue. our correspondent sergei bondarenko has all the latest information, he is in direct contact. sergey, hello, how are you? how does the island cope with so much snow?


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