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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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a congress of siege survivors is taking place in st. petersburg. about 140 people from different regions of russia, cis countries and far abroad came to the northern capital. on sakhalin there are snowdrifts up to the second floors, but the snowstorm is subsiding. the entire coming weekend will be spent eliminating the consequences of bad weather. the survivors of the plane crash in afghanistan have returned to their homeland and are already in moscow. how were they greeted and what kind? details of the emergency. cyclo sakhalin, which has become the most powerful and long-lasting, has recently been losing power. the snowstorms became weaker, but finally will only stop on saturday. utilities began clearing roads. every effort was made to eliminate the consequences of the cyclone, and the military came to the rescue. our correspondent sergei bondarenko has all the latest information. he's in direct contact. sergey, hello. how does the island cope with so
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much snow? vera, greetings, and it is still far from complete calm, but that hurricane light show that tormented sakhalin for two or three days is no longer there, which allows us to now begin to fully clear the city of snow, this is task number one in the coming days, road workers worked, of course, during the active phase of the snowstorm, but this was a patrol clearing so that the city would not be completely covered.
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saturday, sunday they dug out their cars so that the loading equipment could come out and, in fact, on friday, calmly go in and do their work. the population responds to this request, such an indirect confirmation of this is the rush demand for shovels in hardware stores, they are bought by car owners by the way and enterprising students, including for a nominal fee of several hundred rubles per hour, they offer their clearing services, and completely free of charge, of course, there is a state of emergency in the region, the military also helps the civilian population, they not only deliver food using tracked vehicles, but they are now clearing the territory of the railway station, this is very important in order to resume, this is expected in the next 24 hours, to resume full-fledged railway communication between the south and the north sakhalin island, the yuzhno-sakhalinsk airport was promised to open this morning local time, but the runway could not be fully cleared, often work will be carried out...
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excess snow will be removed from iran. sergey, thank you. sergei bondarenko told how sakhalin resists the snow apocalypse. our meteorologists will tell you more about the situation on the island at the end of the hour. the west is trying to turn the tables on moscow, justifying kiev’s crime. this was stated by the first deputy permanent representative of russia to the un dmitry polyansky. on the meeting of the security council was devoted to the terrorist attack on the l-76 aircraft. polyansky stressed that ukraine’s sponsors bear full responsibility for the crimes of the kiev regime. with details from evgenia bogdanov. the ukrainian terrorist attack against the russian il-76 near belgorod, on board of which, in addition to our military, there were captured ukrainian armed forces, clearly unsettled western diplomacy. in order to regroup, they had to gain time, and in this they were helped by the envoy of france, which currently chairs the security council un. holding an urgent meeting
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on the part of russia the day before was rejected by them, they gathered only a day later, although they could and should have been in hot pursuit, so that the french public would not... the ukrainian general staff immediately admitted its involvement in the organization of this terrorist act, although now they are trying to obtain this information refute in every possible way. we immediately asked for an emergency meeting of the security council on the same day , january 24, but the french presidency categorically refused, scheduling the meeting we requested in last.
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exchange, as a preliminary investigation shows, this terrorist act of the ukrainian armed forces was carried out using an anti-aircraft missile system. the missiles were launched from the village of libtsy, kharkov region. there are many indications that these could be either an american petriat or
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a german-made iriste. they hit their own in july 2022, as a result of a missile attack on a colony in yelenovka, in the dpr, more than 50 ukrainian servicemen were killed. i have no doubt that our western colleagues today will also practice verbal balancing act with a single goal: to shield the puppet kiev regime by any means. so it happened, the american diplomats and their western allies exhaled and closed ranks again, everything according to the plan.
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russia's hasty appeal to convene a meeting of the security council fits into a pattern that has already become familiar. russia has repeatedly tried to shift. but russia is always to blame, and with weapons, contrary to the sense of self-preservation , this means that we can continue to pump ukraine into common sense, more and more, aggravating the global crisis. we strongly urge interested parties strictly observe the appropriate norms of international law, the continuation of the crisis in ukraine again shows that constantly...
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will make it possible to determine the type of anti-aircraft missile system from which the ministry of defense was shot down. right now , investigators, criminologists and experts from the investigative committee continue to work at the scene of the disaster. experts found about a dozen large fragments of the fuselage, on which traces of damaging elements are clearly visible. according to
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the department, preliminary inspection data the locations of the emergency confirm that the ministry of defense board was attacked from the territory of ukraine. the destruction of the plane will be investigated under the article terrorist act. in the village of yablonovo, belogorod region , they bring flowers to the eternal flame in memory of the russian military killed in the crash 76. the crew was taken away at the cost of their lives. a downed plane from residential buildings, investigators and criminologists are working at the scene of the tragedy, what has already been discovered and what work remains to be done, our correspondent, alexander korobov, will tell you. at the site where the il-76 military transport plane crashed operational investigative measures are ongoing, black boxes have already been discovered and sent for decryption. when it hit the ground, there was a strong explosion and fragments of the car itself and... the bodies of people on board were scattered over a long distance. the radius reaches several kilometers.
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today, in the area of ​​the incident, the search team found fragments, presumably of a rocket. after the study , experts will be able to say exactly which anti-aircraft missile system the plane was shot down from. in the nearby village of yablonovo a spontaneous memorial appeared at the eternal flame. next to the photo of l76 there are red carnations in memory and gratitude to the fallen pilots, who, at the cost of their own lives, took the burning plane away from the village. we are grateful, very, very grateful to the guys. the kingdom of heaven is theirs, children and families are left behind. very sorry. i think they are real heroes. the pilots performed a heroic act. and every day our guys on the front line perform heroic deeds everywhere. god grant that there be as few deaths as possible. and they returned home. to their families and faster it ended with our victory. today yavlonova continues to live her usual peaceful
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life. the terrorist attack carried out in the ukrainian armed forces claimed the lives of 74 people. 65 captured ukrainian military personnel, three accompanying russian military personnel and six crew members were killed. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov. vesti, belgorod region. i pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, buy perfumes with cashback up to 50%. with the russian lotto the holidays continue, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, and also million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million, just a holiday some kind, buy tickets in branded stores on the website, one hundred lotto. it's me, irina timofeeva. i develop new methods for sustainable food analysis
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9:16 am
we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, how to vote while traveling, 1 2 3 4 5 we are going to the village to rest, but our grandfather thinks that rest can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but his mother told him, vote in... not directly, be a mobile voter, dad and mom supported, i already by the way, i wrote a statement about this, the whole family is going to the village, animals, adults and children, to relax in nature and choose mobile, to choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient,
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the largest enterprise in russia for the production of solar components has opened in the kaliningrad region anchor power plants. in the coming months it should become the largest in europe, vladimir putin gave the start of production via video conference. the day before, the head of state made a working trip to kaliningrad and held a meeting with members of the government. my colleague konstantin churikov knows what decisions were made. konstantin, greetings, what was discussed at the meeting? vera, hello, the agenda was extensive, from the development of industrial production to tourism and construction. in the midst of geopolitical confrontation in the west. the president of russia visited the westernmost region of the country, kaliningrad region. today it needs special attention and support from the federal center, due to the logistics transport obstacles that the unfriendly state poses to the surrounding region and its economic and geopolitical significance. after meeting with students of the
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kant baltic federal university, vladimir putin held a meeting with members of the government. it began with an event that was important for the region and the whole country. launch of russia's largest production of components for solar energy, i am pleased with our work start with a greeting to everyone who participated in the creation of a new modern plant for the production of silicon wafers for solar batteries in the chernyakhovsk industrial park, soon, as well as in the first quarter of this year at the kaliningrad... site, the launch of another enterprise will take place plant for the creation of solar cells, as a result, europe’s largest production of equipment for solar power plants will operate here in the kaliningrad region. this is a significant event not only for residents of the region, but also for the whole country. for the kaliningrad region,
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this is the largest production facility created over the past 10 years, given its scale, other industries in the region, for example, the housing sector, are also developing. thanks to this project, housing construction in chernyakhovsk was revived. no residential buildings have been built there for probably more than 15 years. now in december the first house was commissioned, the plant was purchased - there are apartments there for those people who will work at the plant, and we have six more houses under construction. influence the launch of the enterprise, related industries, noted and... during the meeting, he was right in the workshops of the new plant, and from there he got in touch with the president. my colleagues and i have now become acquainted with the completion of equipping the equipment for future production. i would like to say that we are giving these projects an additional impetus to the development of the related
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industry, high-precision engineering, due to the turnover. about 30 billion rubles. the state also helped with subsidies. the launch could not have come at a better time, by the way, due to the complex logistics of sanctions barriers, the development of the westernmost region went into minus, like reverse.
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take advantage, it’s probably advisable to do this, so - just don’t delay , the year is starting, we need to do it quickly, it’s customary, yeah, not only
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people, but also companies are moving to the region, the creation of a special administrative district on oktyabrsky island has become a point of attraction for companies that, after a barrage of western sanctions, are better off working more safely at home. of course, companies that are moving. from europe, kaliningrad is usually chosen; last year 150 residents from other countries, this is two times more than a year earlier and six times more than in the twenty-first year. over the last 2 years alone, residents of the special administrative region have brought more than 30 billion rubles to the region. investments and more than 11 billion rubles. taxes. also, 2 years ago, the federal center allocated 5.5 billion rubles to the region for the development of small medium-sized businesses. 80 projects received support. in the near future it is planned to create 2.0 jobs. as for the tourism potential of the region, it is
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enormous. the only thing missing infrastructure. and the creation of a year-round seaside resort as part of the presidential instructions will help solve this problem. a large-scale white dune project is being developed in the kaliningrad region. it is expected to create more than 10,500. hotel rooms, this is a gigantic project, the resort infrastructure is designed with the possibility of year-round operation due to pools heated by thermal water, the governor has an idea, which we support, to make the world’s largest pool. if for conditions are just being created for tourists, but a lot has already been done for the kaliningraders themselves. in terms of construction, the region is among the leaders in the country. we have. the rada region is consistently a leader in housing construction, over the last 4 years they have been building more than a meter per person, it is among the top ten regions, which, therefore, are
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a leader, the national housing project has actually already been completed and exceeded, the provision of housing is already 32 m per person, we have based on the results of the record commissioning, the country will have about 29, that is, they exceed by 10% security is the russian average; if they maintain this pace, they will reach 40 meters by the thirtieth year. the development of the kaliningrad region under the special control of the head of state is the second visit to the region, first of a special military operation, and it is no coincidence that vladimir putin began his working trips this year from the far east and continued with kaliningrad. a huge country needs constant attention; every visit of the president is important for moving forward. vera, yes, konstantin, thank you, konstantin churikov, about the economic part of vladimir putin’s trip to the kaliningrad region.
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four russians who survived a plane crash in afghanistan returned to their homeland; early in the morning they arrived at moscow vnukovo airport, among those who met the board.
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the tanks of those who, unfortunately, died, these are husband and wife, my sincere condolences to the family, it is very difficult for them now. pilot dmitry belyakov was met immediately upon arrival by employees of the federal center for disaster medicine, and he was immediately taken to an ambulance, of course, there were many questions from journalists about what caused the plane crash, and so dmitry said that... that two engines on a business jet failed during a flight over afghanistan, we were working on the aircraft, determining the most advantageous place where it could be landed, such we found a place, this floor mountain was located at an altitude of 11.4 km along the slope, the plane with us began to set further according to consciousness, out of the corner of your eye you saw what was happening in
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the quest part, as i can.
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in the morning, how far did he fly, his thrown out, it turns out that the plane was broken and it ended up under the wing, the pilots found themselves barricaded in the cockpit, at first the paramedics, pavel popov, igor syvorodkin, tried to get them out of there, in the end they were able to do it only a day later, they found an ax in the plane, and then igor seryvorotkin went to... the nearest village called people for help, one of the pilots arkady grachev remembers how they were rescued, we spent one and a half acres in the cold, of course, we got to the point where we wanted to eat, warm up, then the doctors began to pull us out, again warming up the event, they held on for the night, then they came for us, of course.


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