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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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items of the building, this was done with the aim of increasing mobility, as well as increasing the survivability of personnel, they did it themselves, what a class act! we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail; it’s not difficult to understand them. important,
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honestly convenient, how to vote on a smartphone? on sunday early in the morning, during the absolute parade , the kids shouted: people, get up, let's all vote, mom said sleepily, we'll choose remotely, dad supported yawning , we'll choose electronically, grandma and grandpa said, i, father, will go with you, but paper ballots loves in our generation, but the young generation is electronically modern, i’m not against progress. hold the alarm clock, grandson, this is all quite reasonable, it can be done remotely, we’ll go with you, choose your mother the old fashioned way, with our usual method, at the site, as usual , choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient, the pain can be different, there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what
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caused the pain if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is nor was it, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners, a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. transfer your pension to sberbank.
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for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. brev number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. one of my friends he can do anything, fix a car with his bare hands, deal with frags with his sore feet. well, what about you? what can you do, and i get gigabytes from
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the megaphone just like that with naked charisma, the megaphone takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gb every month, only for megaphone subscribers, it’s pulling in the stomach, pulling to the toilet? cystitis always pulls you in the wrong direction, tell cystitis cyston, 14 natural components of cyston against nagging pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urge to urinate and let your friends drag you to karauki, cystitis i say ceston i pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, buy everything for home and repairs with cashback up to 50%. i’ve been driving since childhood, i’ve always been supported, everything is fine in our family. so you, everything is fine, now i’m in a magnet, i work as a driver, the car fleet is being renewed, the salary is the same day, everything is fine, come, details at 8 800 300 677 with the russian lotto , the holidays continue, in january we are raffling off
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houses, cars, and there are also million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million, it’s just some kind of holiday, buy tickets from the company... well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is accruing, you need halva, you take credit cards, transfer debts to holva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with halva. pensioners who support disabled relatives. can count on an additional payment from the state; maria kudryavtseva will tell you how to apply for it in the program instructions. if a pensioner has disabled relatives in his family, he is entitled to an allowance for their maintenance. in this issue of the instructions, we will tell you in 5 minutes who exactly is being compensated for
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expenses, how much they will pay and how to arrange everything. if you are a pensioner, whether working or not, you are considered disabled. relatives, you may qualify for an increase in the fixed payment to your insurance pension. let's figure out what kind of relatives these could be: firstly, younger ones, children, brothers, sisters, grandchildren. until the age of 18, a child is considered a dependent by default. if you have already turned 18 and have not yet completed school, this status remains until september 1 of the year in which the certificate was received. those who studying full-time at a voz or other educational institution also applies. leather workers, but only up to 23 years of age. and finally, those who have been disabled since childhood are considered dependents, regardless of age. dependency of children under 18 years of age does not require proof. for children over 18 years of age and under 23 years of age, if they do not work, dependency is also not
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required to be established. please note that additional payment for sisters, brothers and grandchildren can only be received if they do not have able-bodied parents. second. category - parents spouse if they have reached retirement age or have a disability. and the third group is grandparents who are retired or have disabilities, provided that they do not have relatives who are obliged to support them. to process the payment, you need to confirm that the person is your dependent. the social fund must make sure that it really does not work and check the income of all family members. this information is in the system. unified accounting in the unified state social security information system. when to confirm the fact of abuse, information about the income of the pensioner and the child will be required. this information is owned by the social fund,
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it is not required to be provided, it is contained in the personalized accounting system, and information about the child’s education is also required. we can obtain such information. within the framework of interdepartmental interaction, or the pensioner can submit it independently. there are several ways to apply for a supplement to your pension, the most convenient one is online at government services, but you can come in person to the social service department fund or mfc, send an application by registered mail or submit it through a representative. then the power of attorney must be certified by a notary. if you work in a large organization and with this organization a social fund.
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as we have already said, the bonus is paid to both working and non-working pensioners, but there is a nuance: for non-working people it is indexed annually, but for working people it is not, and an increasing coefficient is also provided for the far north. let us remind you in what cases the bonus is no longer paid: when the child turns 18 years old when he
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stops studying full-time, including when the student is expelled from the university or switches to a correspondence course. payments will stop if the dependent gets married, gets a job, or is drafted into the army. let us repeat the most important thing: if a pensioner has non-working relatives to depend on, he can increase the fixed payment to his insurance pension by 1/3. but only children by default, for the rest there are certain conditions: the social fund makes a decision on assigning a bonus within 10 working days, and you can receive it with your next pension. if you have any questions, if you want to know what other pension increases you can get, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will disturb the relevant ministry and definitely.
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i pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, buy everything for your home and renovation with cashback up to 50%. plight is an unusual service with payment in installments; you do not need to issue a new card to look for a list of stores. plight is available everywhere. playite divides the price into six parts and works with the card. any bank, and interest rates, there are none, switch to pla,
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whoever collects trophies will rule in both worlds, real and digital, games of the future, subscribe, watch the broadcast on social networks, if you get up more than twice at night, afalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. we are playing at home in january. cars, million prizes and 800 jackpot million. get your tickets soon. maria loves the sun very much, but... life passes among ice floes , a sore throat is a minus, one of the advantages is
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miramestin, it is logical to have one in the medicine cabinet, the choice of millions in russia , i pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, buy a carob coffee maker for just 14990 rub. it’s me, irina timofeeva, i’m developing it. new methods for environmentally friendly analysis of food products, and this is my chemistry teacher, it was she who made me friends with science, develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in scientific specialties nauka.r. it is profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank, for pensioners a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. transfer your pension to sberbank. online or at the zoo branch -5, mom will say it’s
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five. the effect of oralsept on pain and inflammation in the throat. five actions of oralcept for sore throat. the uniform rules of the eurasian economic union allow entrepreneurs to find a common language and new markets. how trade cooperation helps strengthen technology industrial sovereignty? marina gromova will tell you in the program there is a solution. this is very cool, because there are not five different approaches to the same drug or to the same class of drugs, it is always a single approach. we have an example, just cream of cheese, we considered it not very promising, but its entry into
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the belarusian market showed that it has great potential, that is, i liked it, but went in, went in. we monitor prices, monitor markets, negotiate a balance, supply and demand in our common market, look at production, if we produce enough, we want to protect our producers; if we lack something, then on the contrary, we reduce duties so that the market is saturated with goods. we interact on the principles of mutual benefit and respect for each other's interests. the eurasian union has been operating for almost 10 years, during which time the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled. you can’t tie a knot with one hand, there’s a well-known proverb: everything turns out easier, faster and more efficiently if you do it together. it's not
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only about people, but about entire states. mutual trade of eu countries since 2015. and in armenian shnarak, i trained for 2 days to say, great, in the vocabulary of this group of companies there are many more languages, the russian transport and logistics holding works with many countries, it includes nine maritime and 47 ground terminals, the largest fleet of containers and railway platforms for their transportation in russia,
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our own fleet, when in 2022 foreign players began to withdraw their containers from the russian... market it is necessary it was necessary to compensate for the damage in order to continue transporting goods across the country abroad. at that time, 75% of containers belonged to foreign companies. thanks to the measures taken to reduce customs duties and zero customs duties, container operators managed to increase the total market by about 25-30% in just a year and a half, purchase new containers, some of them were domestic containers, support measures including temporary ones. open markets strengthen technological and industrial sovereignty? 22-2 was a very interesting year the moment when american licenses for the production of innovative cars at the tikhvin car building plant were suddenly canceled, and some components, such as cassette bearings, abruptly disappeared from the market, and car manufacturers, and
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bearing manufacturers, and the ministry of industry and trade, and the government took a whole set of measures, was a whole series of... meetings, a set of measures taken, it was comprehensive, a certain volume of imports was allowed for a short time, the deficit was eliminated, but at the same time, in a few months domestic bearing manufacturers have increased production of new products that they did not previously have in their product range. armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and russia are states that are members of the eurasian economic union, united in a customs union, and common import and export duties have been established for trade with third countries. for participating countries there are uniform phytosanitary and technical regulations: three letters e, c on the product, a quality mark confirming that it is certified in the union, and also a great help for business, who understands what standards products must meet. how much cheese do you eat a day as part of your work? well, if on average you can say a gram,
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100 grams, they probably eat it from behind. organolytic analysis, that's right. well... by the way, this particular curd cheese appealed to the citizens of belarus. the opinion that products for the domestic market for export are prepared according to different recipes is just a stereotype. technical regulations, as well as the composition of cheese , are the same for all ip countries. last summer , countries agreed on minimum indicators of veterinary drugs in finished raw materials and established a list of them, the effect is already on the domestic russian market, work has become easier. rules and regulations applied. they differed for milk producers and processors until recently, which led to the creation of such gray areas (75) of antibiotics, for which we now have to... the driver organizes periodic monitoring, we understand what they want from us, and these requirements are the same, as for both the milk producer and the processor, and dialogue between these two spheres, it is now
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transparently understandable. the moscow processed cheese factory is 90 years old this year, entering the markets of the yas countries opens up new prospects, production plans to switch to round-the-clock operation, increase staff, demand will grow, and along with it , profits, especially since some goods are doing well. familiar to consumers of partner states, tasty, delicious, this production line is historical, it operated in the sixties, just then the plant began to produce this particular cheese, its name is familiar to everyone, and it is also very symbolic if we talk about international cooperation, but of course it is friendship. i couldn’t pass by, a very symbolic cheese, friendship, can we call it not only cooperation,
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but also friendship, that of course, someone supplies raw materials for production, it is processed, and then goes to different markets, including the country where raw material came from is very good. the eurasian economic union was created in 2014, in 10 years, it was possible to make decisions that help to interact.
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last year it was somewhere around 9%, look, our country is under colossal sanctions, yes, 16 thousand sanctions, our gdp growth last year was 3.5%. in cooperation between countries, every direction in russia has been shown by the food industry over the past 3 years. effective drugs, and russia is new markets, where we are located, this is not the cleanest zone, i understand correctly, there are cleaner ones, there are cleaner ones, of course, all the cleanest zones are located. glass, here we put on special clothes in order to gmp requirements, according to which all drug production operates. if
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, for example, a sheet of paper is dropped in the cleanest area, only a special employee can pick it up. these are the strict sanitary rules. this is one of the most modern factories and medicines in the country. for pharmaceutical businesses, general regulation in the eurasian union allows them to reach a larger number of consumers. previously, when everything. countries participating in the eurasian economic union were disparate, then in order for you to register your drug in one of the markets, you need to repeat these clinical trials in each country, if we are talking about a single market, then the regulations there are written in such a way that in any of the countries you conduct clinical trials, all other countries recognize these clinical trials, then the same thing with certificates, all this time and money, of course, if we are talking about registration, that is, this is a saving, well, you can say it once. here the arithmetic is simple, the national project helps to enter foreign markets and withstand competition there, international cooperation and
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export, to get support you need to register on the “ my export” platform, it’s like government services only for exporters, more than 100 electronic products at all stages of work, everything can be done in one window, since its creation more than 22,000 companies have connected to the platform, of which more than 8,500 only in the first... 9 months of last year, an increase of more than 135%. do you even drive your car? well, i have a diesel, diesel. you see, there is a problem of choice here: methane is filled into a cylinder, the cylinder is located in trunk. i like to travel by car. we travel a lot, we went to karelia, choosing between methane tents, we chose tents, yes, i chose vacation, you would choose vacation. in his work, oleg paramonov always makes choices. methane is a holding company that includes several companies and produces equipment, including city buses powered by natural gas motor fuel. engineering solutions and engines are being developed for tractors, but
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the machines themselves are made in belarus. until recently, it was impossible to register such equipment due to gaps in legislation, decisions were made at the supranational level. we prepared a number of proposals, submitted them, and were heard. the proposals after the eac debate were accepted; these proposals will allow us to develop new markets with new products. initially, methane was not prescribed by law as a fuel, but now it is. we are actively working on that. to expand our markets by concluding a free trade agreement, in december we had the eurasian economic union, five countries entered into a free trade agreement with iran, and iran has 87 million people, it is a very large country, that is, imagine that now our commodity producers still have access to this market, similarly, we already have an agreement with vietnam, this is also
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about 100 million people. another important partner of the eac countries beyond the borders of the union is china. over the past 7 years, supplies to this largest market have more than tripled from $35 billion to $112 billion. put your mouth down. i 'll get more. very tasty honey. we are currently carrying out all routine maintenance to supply.
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when working in arab countries, it is important to obtain a halal certificate, the strictest standard; interaction with neighbors is not possible. the halal certificate was issued by our colleagues who work in belarus; this is the only company that can issue a certificate that covers the zone. the plant is expanding, a new warehouse is being built, because the production will increase many times over the current quarter, and the number of personnel has increased by 30%. hurling is a team sport, three-three, three, three-three, without my comrades, this a stone will not go far, cooperation and collaboration are important in sports, business at the level of international relations, as practice shows, if you come to an agreement, move towards, or in step with each other, there will always be solutions.
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12:00 pm
now a short advertisement, and then the author's program nikita mikhalkova besagon tv. the new issue is called, who serves nato in russia. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. there is an anticyclone stevemania, which has 36.5 million prizes, is enough for moscow residents,


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