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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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now a short advertisement, and then the author's program nikita mikhalkova besagon tv. the new issue is called, who serves nato in russia. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order a free debit alphacard. not just profitable, alpha profitable. anticyclone stevermania is underway. in which there are 36.5 million prizes,
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there will be enough of them for residents of moscow, st. petersburg, samara, ufa, i don’t believe it, believe it or not, you want 36.5 million prizes, from january 29, the application is delicious , period, rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better once twist, order sovita delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, a smart choice is when you compare the offer for a product directly in the yandex search, buy at a profit, pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, megamarket, buy at a profit, pay for techno, buy sber smart tv for only 11,990 rubles.
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more than happiness. national project demography. the first rule of hunting is that it starts any second. the second rule of hunting: the prey goes to the one who pursues it. new game, hunt, draw every 15 minutes. main trophy from 20 million hunt, test your instinct. one of my friends can do anything with her bare hands.
12:03 pm
the park is being updated, salary is same day, everything is fine, come, details by number 8 800 3677 big chicken burger with large tender chicken breast fillet, crispy breading and signature sauce, also try the new product, big chicken burger mushroom, around cold pathogen, orve took the family captive, quickly got to work, ismigen, ismigen activates the immune system with just one tablet a day,
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an apartment in the center is better. or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property submit everything one application for a mortgage in the domclick service. mom, guess who started a new job today? there are many vacancies on avito , you will find not just a job, but your place.
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a very symbolic cheese, friendship, can we call it not only cooperation, but also friendship, that we are working on... to create a common market for the five member states of the yaas. we have the example of kremser, his entry into the belarusian market showed that he has great potential. that is, he liked it, he said, he came in. now we are carrying out all routine maintenance to supply honey to countries of southeast asia. they are waiting for us there. if we are talking about a single market, conduct clinical trials in any country, all other countries will recognize these clinical trials. we have prepared a number of proposals, we have been heard, these proposals will allow us to develop new markets with new products. if we agree, move towards, or keep pace with each other, there will always be solutions. here you go. dear friends,
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i again have the pleasure of welcoming you to our new release of the besagon tv author’s program, which will be called - who’s in russia is served by nato, in my opinion, an intriguing name, but i think you will understand what we are talking about, i wanted to immediately fulfill my promise to make some amendment, some correction, after our previous program they called me.
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prizes specifically, he asked for another prize, but nevertheless he himself was generally outraged by the fact that this kind of literature not only appears on the shelves of bookstores, but also receives such high prizes, but this does not change things, as i promised, i apologize for this certain incorrectness, whether? i think that for you, not for... it’s no secret that literally a few days ago youtube management blocked our besagon tv channel. well, in principle, this could be expected, because the truth that we speak is so necessary for our
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viewers, our citizens, but not without reason, having a huge number of entertainment channels of all kinds of news programs during the holidays.
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or that we are exposing the lies that pour out from all irons made outside the russian federation in side of the west, lies and insults are poured in, for this, for the fact that we are defending our country from the outrages that exist within the country, this is a discriminatory violation, but there is a ban on...
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absolutely none, if the enemy does not surrender, he must be destroyed, this is the right idea, we remember it from the time of the great patriotic war, which means that we are considered enemies by those whom we also consider enemies who are destroying human existence today, and the fact that youtube blocks our program is absolutely.
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our entire collection, it all exists, it is on our telegram channel, on our website, it is already in ruble, and soon our besagon vkontakte community will appear, so just take a step aside and come back to us, i’m sure there won’t be fewer of you, there will only be more of you, why, because we are right when they ask me: well, immediately after this news, what is the reaction, how would i react, you know, to be honest, i am
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absolutely satisfied with the quality of my answer, my reaction, the performance of the producer from denmark of iranian origin, damon and mani, look, i'm grateful to the world economic forum for giving me the opportunity to be on this stage to say fuck you. “we people were born free, and we will remain free, and all of your globalist friends, including everyone present in this room, fuck you all, he himself admitted that the video is so humorous, but you see, there is some truth in every joke, because he said literally what millions of people on the planet think about..." the globalist world about everything that they are trying to impose on us, when on
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economic forum with painted prostitutes, costing 2.0 euros per session, with intelligent conversations, with famous faces, leaders of countries, with porcelain smiles and so on and so forth, with pilots who...
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that the spirit of besogon is driven out of them, because we are almost immediately after the economic form in full swing, after all these...
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factual confirmation, i really hope , they are punished, this is the truth, which has the full meaning that in this sense the state will help us, maybe slightly increase the sessions of our programs on channel russia 24, and since channel russia 24 is not received everywhere, maybe channel russia-1 will also be able... to also increase the showings of our non-gonadal shows, i really believe in this, because it is needed by those people who, even in holidays , so many viewers are interested in besagon, and now about our program today: in 2016, already 8 years ago, we had a release
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of bessagon, which was called: how tomorrow is born today, where i was offered an application to write a script about the invasion china to the territory of the russian federation, i’ll just remind you of a few episodes so that you remember what we were talking about, the year 2000 has just arrived. russia is in a traditional new year's suspended animation.
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lenin region, where there is a lot of empty open space. at the same time, the aircraft carrier formation of the naval forces of the chinese liberation army launches a massive air missile strike on petropalovsk, kamchatsk and velyuchinsk, after which an amphibious landing begins there. in moscow, they come out of suspended animation with great difficulty, trying to understand what is happening and what to do. however, the ambassador of the people's republic of china in moscow himself appears at the foreign ministry of the russian federation and officially reports what chinese radio and television have been broadcasting for several hours, that the two-hundred-year period of humiliation of the great chinese nation by the imperialist powers has finally ended. russia
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does not have the slightest chance of survival. moscow agrees to negotiations with beijing and therefore to its terms, it is absolutely clear that i then refused to make such a film, i have a huge number of friends, colleagues in china, with whom i worked together both here and there, so i shot the whole picture urga, the territory of love there, besides, to be honest, we don’t understand that one of the most important tasks of the... so to speak, western , as we call them, partner is precisely to push russia against china, as confirmation, i want to give you the words of my very good friend, bishop tikhon, metropolitan of simferopol and crimea, listen, if we were finally using what
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done with our beloved... ukraine, if with the help of ukraine, from which they made a whole projectile against russia, we were forced into submission by those who started this whole fraternal bloody fight, then the next stage would be a war between russia and china, and millions would be sent there, this. what threatened us and is threatening us, why did i remind you of that scenario about that application, because? quite recently i came across another one, this is not a script, but some kind of, i would say, improvisation about, about the near
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future, i want to share it with you, here look, in the near future the conflict between russia and ukraine continues, at the same time the confrontation in the red sea is intensifying, the yemen houthis, as a sign of solidarity with the palestinians, have actually blocked the suez. canal, an important trade artery between europe and asia, they were supported by egypt and saudi arabia, not wanting to even indirectly support israel. these events sent oil prices above $100 a barrel, throwing the us economy into recession. the northern sea route becomes an alternative for the west. especially. that it's a standard flight along the northern sea route is as much as 40 percent shorter, but the northern sea route
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is controlled by russia, the balance of power in the arctic does not suit the united states. a number of leading media outlets , commissioned by the pentagon, are publishing custom articles that the arctic is warming, and russia is exploiting these changes. this green agenda related to what happens to these windmills, what happens to people who live nearby and get heart disease, what
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happens to the soil when moles and worms and ants leave these places, thereby making these soils are infertile, think about it, or solar panels, which become unusable after 15 years and... their waste is 300 times more harmful than nuclear waste. but listen to the speech at the economic forum in davos, an activist, her name is jorja mehta, she is the founder of the stop ecocyte nau movement, listen. the word ecocide is becoming increasingly popular in the modern world. in general, this concept means massive damage and destruction.
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philosophy in the highest echelons of power inflicts reputational damage on both democrats and republicans. on the eve of new elections,
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both parties are becoming hostage to the course of escalating a new war. nato military leaders understand that it will take russia years to rebuild its military capabilities after the ukrainian conflict. and we need to act. quickly, because nato’s military potential is in better shape, because the money that was transferred, as it were, to help ukraine, actually remained in the united states, it stimulated military production, new factories opened where missiles, drones and other weapons were assembled. finally matures plan to attack russia. it implies a blitz cry, that is, a lightning-fast invasion. to russia with the rapid occupation of key areas. all significant russian cities, enterprises and political institutions are located near the european border.
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the attack will go in four directions: from finland to st. petersburg, from poland through belarus to moscow, from ukraine to rostov, krasnodar, novorossiysk and crimea, from the west coast of the united states to vladivostok. the pentagon still has an open question: how to attack a nuclear power without getting instant nuclear retaliation strike.
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estonia, during a nato naval exercise, a british submarine is torpedoed, the entire crew of 189 people, including high-ranking officers, investigations
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come to the conclusion that... russia. the russian ministry of defense calls this a provocation, but this is completely unimportant for nato, which has long been looking for reasons to start a full-scale war against russia. nato missiles are being launched from military bases located along the perimeter of the border with russia. they get 16 cities, among which. moscow, murmonsk, st. petersburg, rostov-on-don, chelyabinsk, novosibirs, vladivostok. there is a split in the highest echelons of government regarding the response. victories at first, on all fronts of the russian army, force the americans to change their policy towards china. from being america's enemy, china
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is becoming america's. another attacks russia in the east, and soon occupies siberia and the urals. in russia, deprived of siberia and returned to the borders of the moscow principality, an oligarchic coup takes place. protest movements flare up on the streets of russia, the country demoralized and divided by liberal ideology and propaganda of free values.
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the new government of this russia of the future, look, tamara adelman , minister of education, anatoly chubas , minister of economy, viktor shindirovich, minister of culture, lyubov sobl, minister of health, minister of defense, may not be needed in this situation, what to do with the armed forces of the russian federation it’s already clear that the scenario was worked out in the nineties by the minister of the interior.
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gather there in liti.


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