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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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about the victims of our family, alas, there are many, 17 people were killed in the forties in western ukraine, so today for me it is also a day of personal memory, that’s why i’m here every year, i’m here, and i do what i can to solve this problem . today, ambassadors from more than 40 countries arrived at the ceremony, these are the usa, japan, france, germany, italy and others, as well as representatives of various faiths, which once again emphasize that the holocaust is a tragedy not of just one people, but of the whole world, in this context it is very strange to hear from the leadership of some states, slogans, justifications for nazis and fascism, so this is not only terrifying, but also...
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thank you, our correspondent, anna voronina, was in direct contact. in moscow today they remember the victims of the holocaust. now we will pause for a couple of minutes, then we will continue the release.
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hello, i'm boris sakimov, and i'm oleg stepanov, and we are the creators. project russia 2062 headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, amounts.
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dear friends, i invite you to our new release of the author’s program besagon tv, it will be called who serves nato in russia. i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you.
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start the year with great deals on me'. oh how beautiful is far away, right now live a better future, already in the present, 30% discount on the second or 50% on the third household appliance product, cupersberg built-in dishwasher for only 20,000 rubles. in mvidio and
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rather than watch eldorado 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, turn it, turn it. only after confirming payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment, it tastes better on fire, burger king, burger king, the tape guarantees the best prices for everything with red price tags, more than 20,000 products , found cheaper, we will return the cost of the goods with points, conditions on the website, the best price guarantee is valid in all hypermarkets with delivery, stable, low prices in the feed, there’s a prostate pathogen all around, well, how did orve’s family get captured, quickly get to work, ismigen, ismigen activates the immune system with just one tablet a day, i’ll quickly treat
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a cold, i buy at a profit, i pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, megamarket, i buy profitable, i pay for techno, buy look oil motor oil for only 2,100 rubles. in january we are giving away houses, cars, million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million. get your tickets soon! and now it’s time for economic news: vladimir putin approved the sale of former coal assets of ukrainian billionaire rinat akhmetov. we are talking about the shares of don
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anthracite and the obukhovskaya mine management in the rostov region. last year, these assets were seized by a court in moscow. the buyer will be the company with the best solution. rinat akhmetov, the richest citizen of ukraine according to version. his fortune is estimated at 5 billion 700 million dollars. a billion dollars worth of western microchips were imported into russia in 2023, bloomberg reports. the agency notes that the technologies of european american companies fall into our market, despite the sanctions. at the same time , intel, amd, analog devices and others say that they have completely curtailed their business and do not know how microchips end up in russia. in russia, at the end of the year, almost 70.6 million tons of steel floated out, which is 5.5% more than a year earlier, the data is provided by a businessman with reference to the world steel association. in terms of smelting volumes, our country repeated the record of the twenty-first year, influenced by the restructuring of export flows and the growth of supplies to the domestic market. currently, the capacities of the main
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steel producers are almost 100% loaded. and in 2023, russians spent a record 5,800 billion rubles on the purchase of used cars. over the course of a year, such expenses increased by a quarter, as stated in a joint study of the opening of auto and autostat. the japanese and europeans account for the most costs in the secondary market, almost 70% in total. the least amount was spent on chinese cars, about 3%. at the same time , the most popular were cars in the age category 10 years older. it was economic news. short. south sakhalinsk airport has resumed operations. a few days. it did not receive or dispatch planes because of the cyclone, the snowstorm did not stop for more than three days, work on the vanino-kholmsk river crossing was stopped, and intercity buses and trains were cancelled. every effort has been made to eliminate the consequences of the rampant disaster; utility workers have been given the task
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of ensuring travel on main roads within 3 days. the military helps them in this; seven combined detachments have been formed. for friday, saturday, sunday. no, they set the task of clearing all the roads completely, that is, in the literal sense of the word, so that from monday to drive the equipment out of the courtyards, we are already starting to... the kochi courtyards, i asked the population that all car owners come out and actually dug up their cars on friday, saturday, sunday so that the loading equipment could calmly come in and do their job. tldpr presidential candidate leonid slutsky is on a working trip to khabarovsk today. the politician visited the region's leading machine-building plant, dal energomashi. the enterprise, one of the first in the country, has now completely switched to domestic raw materials. industries and production plants
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mineral fertilizers , the task of reaching export supplies to friendly countries is also being realized, it is necessary to support infrastructurally significant orders, and this is already being done, if we take dalinersh and a number of other enterprises, the komsomol aviation plant in the amur region, many other enterprises of the region, it is necessary now... see including on the external circuit, we have enough countries that are engaged in chemistry, that are engaged in nitrogen fertilizers, like the same rustavi nitrogen, that need the unique products of daliners. these days in petersburg is hosting a congress of blockade survivors for the first time after a three-year break due to the pandemic. about 140 people from different regions. russia, cis countries and foreign countries came to the northern capital. on january 27, the city celebrates
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a historical date: 80 years since the complete liberation from the fascist blockade. natalya solovyova will talk about what is important to remember. the 80th anniversary of the lifting of the siege of leningrad is a day of great pride and sorrow. those who survived remember those they lost together. these days in st. petersburg arrives. for discussion in order to pass on our rich life experience to our youth.
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they came to the city of their military childhood from all over russia, and also from kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, belarus, germany, estonia, even closed borders are not an obstacle, alexandra seppela lives in finland, in the center of russian culture, tells young people about her childhood. the wounded were in hospitals, sometimes we performed, from kindergarten, i remember how they put me on the table, i... a modest handkerchief, i remember this very well. all of them are residents of the besieged leningrad - friends, former neighbors , especially strong, persistent people, who suffered the most difficult trials that left wounds for life, hunger, you know, this hunger, you can even feel it, one might say, now, it ’s somewhere inside you this hunger, that is, you and... and the further you go, the more you feel this state, hunger, just one word,
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behind which all the terrible, endlessly long 872 days. during the first bombing , the badayev food warehouses burn: 300 tons of flour and 2,500 tons of sugar, memory eyewitnesses, people hollow out the frozen ground soaked in molasses, eat it, the hunger is so unbearable, blockade bread 250 g of labor.
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we go, despite this, leningrad holds on , resists, stands, factories are working , factories, and also museums, libraries, theaters, cinemas, an exhibition is dedicated to it, the art of the blockade period...
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a drawing, even a sketch, even a line of poetry, while time is the heroic feat of these people, so here we are all talking only about people, and this was recognized after the war during the nureng trial, by one of the witnesses the accusation was made by academician and director of the hermitage joseph arbelle, he proved that the nazis deliberately destroyed cultural values ​​and monuments of leningrad, along with art, trying to destroy that very russian spirit, but as always it turned out to be stronger. natalya solovyova, sergey fodiev and khalit tankiev, lead. it is too early to talk about stabilization of the situation at the zaporozhye npp. this was stated by the head of magathe, rafael grossi. he announced his intention to visit ukraine and russia in the next 10 days. during his visit to zas he will hold a meeting with representatives of rosatom and will discuss station management. following
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a briefing for the un security council, grossi noted that there is no tendency for the situation to improve. this problem is repeated, this is the eighth time that the external power supply has been disrupted, the last time did not last long, there have been longer power outages and much more alarming ones. the problem is that this continues. four russians who survived a plane crash in afghanistan have returned to their homeland. early in the morning they flew to moscow vnukovo airport. among the journalists who met the board was our correspondent. pilot dmitry belikov was immediately met by doctors upon arrival; he himself could not move; as a result of the plane crash, his legs were severely frostbitten ; he and his colleague arkady grachev were barricaded in the cockpit for more than a day, he himself told reporters about this, and also answered the question that caused an emergency, the engines failed or
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there was not enough fuel, the engine was engaged in an emergency landing of the plane. we determined the most advantageous place where we could plant it, we found such a place, this is the floor mountain was at an altitude of 11.4 km along the slope , the plane diverged from us, settled further , accordingly, a hard landing occurred in the afghan province of badokshan, the tail section of a small business jet falcon 10 was badly damaged, the plane was carrying out an ambulance flight from thailand to moscow, on board there were two health workers and spouses. anatoly was flying with his wife anna, who was connected to the iv apparatus. i think the patient’s death was immediately clear, she had visible injuries incompatible with life, but the husband was already discovered in the morning, how far his body was, he was thrown out of
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the plane and he ended up under the corlov. igor syvorotkin said that immediately after the fall of business jets. together with another medical worker pavel popov, they began to collect all the warm things on the plane to keep warm, then tried to pull the pilots out of the cockpit on their own, found an ax and broke through the glass. afterwards the young man ran for help, he had to make his way through huge snowdrifts, as a result he reached the nearest village. local residents immediately called rescuers. search and rescue operations were carried out in difficult conditions in snow-capped mountains. there is a wilderness there, a corner on the border with china and tajikistan. we raised the afghan authorities immediately in the evening of january 20, at night we worked with them on everything that was required then, all these days the guys worked without a break, without rest, some without sleep. yesterday at the ministry of foreign affairs of afghanistan, i said that i am very grateful to the afghan authorities, special thanks to the doctors. still needed
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to transfer to their homeland the remains of those who, unfortunately, died. this is husband and wife. in volgodonsk, the evsyukov family owned several markets, and everyone knew anatoly and anna well there. last december, the couple and their son vitaly went on vacation to thailand. in potai, the woman suddenly became ill; she was taken to a local hospital, where she was connected to an iv machine. there was no improvement, local doctors could not do anything. the hospital did not give permission to fly on a regular flight, so anatoly turned to private companies for help. thailand is one of those countries where... if this piece of paper is not there, then they simply will not allow the patient into the airport itself, they will not even allow him off the plane, even everything will be agreed upon, he will even be ready to receive him. the aircraft commander will simply not be allowed on board. having sweated, the plane flew to india, refueled there and headed to
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uzbekistan to make another stop. during a flight over afghanistan, falcon 10 disappeared from radar, and an alarm signal was immediately received. we didn't understand why it took us so long we didn’t look because the coordinates seemed to be known, but it turned out that the wrong coordinates were in a completely different place. of course, the afghan brothers came for us and took us out from the heights. all the victims were promptly evacuated and taken to the kabulul hospital, where they received the necessary assistance, and then, when the doctors were convinced that the life and health of the patients were not in danger, they gave permission to fly to moscow. relatives and friends were waiting for the grandchildren and pilots at the airport, we were able to talk to their parents, they are proud of their sons, i’m doing well.
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it is also necessary to find out who owned the large amount of money that was on board. according to the latest data from the business jet, more than $1 million was missing after the crash. maria valieva, alexander makridin, vladimir pavlov and vladislava musatova, lead. the international court of justice in gaga will today announce a decision on provisional measures against israel over alleged genocide in gaza. and although this decision will be an interim one, hamas representatives hope that it will... stop the fighting in the region. if an agreement is reached to terminate fire and the transfer of prisoners, the palestinian movement also promises to respect the humanitarian pause and release the prisoners.
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let me remind you that the hearings on the claims were held in mid- january. south africa called on the court to order israel to end its military operation in gaza and ensure residents' access to food, water and humanitarian aid. on the eve of the decision, pro-palestinian. joe biden's reluctance to fight illegal immigration at the border. at the same time, local authorities supported the actions of the governor of texas. he stated that if the federal authorities fail to cope with their task, the texas national guard will independently protect the section of the border with mexico from illegal immigrants. migrants who break through are sent on buses. the biden administration
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has truly abdicated its responsibility to enforce immigration laws, texas has a constitutional right to defend itself, we will continue to hold the line. india celebrates republic day; vladimir putin congratulated the country's leadership on the national holiday. president of russia. noted that india enjoys well-deserved authority on the world stage and our country values ​​the relationship of privileged strategic partnership with new delhi. our own correspondent in the region, evgeniy davidov, will tell you how this day is celebrated in india. on the 75th republic day, india celebrates the country's main national holiday. why today? but the whole point is that it was on january 26, 1950 that the constitution was signed in india. which was developed immediately after gaining independence from great britain back in 1947, today in newli held a traditional parade , its start was delayed for half an hour, they waited until
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the haze cleared over the city, the parade lasted an hour and a half, but ended just a few minutes ago, as a result, tens of thousands of spectators watched the march of parade units in traditional indian clothes, in colorful uniforms, they were followed by military equipment, t-90 tanks, second generation infantry fighting vehicles, which india is actively purchasing from russia; in the air unit , modernized su-30 fighters were presented, their india also buys from our country. this time , the organizers of the parade focused not only on the power of the indian army, but also paid attention primarily to the equal rights of indian women in the country's armed forces. it was the women's crews that opened the parade today and greeted them.
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the final point of the dance was the passage of hundreds of dancers, and today there was also a camel cavalry and a special detachment of motorcyclists, in general, the indians, of course, know how to surprise, as always. evgeny davidov and vladislav dadonov, news from newdeli. russian actor nikita kologrivov was included in the database of the ukrainian extremist website peacemaker, the movie star of the film at the behest of the pike and the series the boy's word is blood on the asphalt. included in the database for supporting russia and special operations. the actor thanked the military personnel for the opportunity to practice his profession in safety. the creators of the peacemaker also did not like kologrivov’s participation in the filming of the series black spring in crimea. the site now contains personal information about the actor and his ex-wife, actress alexandrina peterimova. in moscow presented a book about the mother of the legendary
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director andrei torkovsky.
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years lost to his opponent during a match at this tournament. djokovic's unbeaten streak totaled 2,195 days. at the semifinal stage , this time djokovic lost to janik siner in four games. for the twenty-two-year-old italian, this will be the first grand slam final of his career. there have not been such young tennis players at this late stage of the tournament since 2008. in the other semi-final, russian daniil medvedev will play against a representative of germany. this meeting will take place today. the production of weapons and ammunition in 2023 increased significantly due to. how
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it was possible to achieve such results. the ministry of defense held a single day of acceptance of military products. unconquered and unbroken , the northern capital celebrates this historical date these days. 80 years since the complete breakthrough of the siege of leningrad. moscow has begun deciphering the black boxes of the downed il-76. the flight recorders were delivered to the ministry of defense laboratory. how much time will specialists need and how the results of the un security council meeting were assessed in moscow. homecoming. four russians who survived a plane crash in afghanistan have returned to their homeland. our correspondent was among those meeting. svo participants will be recognized as veterans regardless of whether they have a contract. based on documents about injuries or awards. gave the corresponding instructions.


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