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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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year has grown significantly, how were you able to achieve such results? the ministry of defense held a single day of acceptance of military products. unconquered and unbroken , the northern capital celebrates this historical date these days. 80 years since the complete breakthrough of the siege of leningrad. moscow has begun deciphering the black boxes of the downed il-76. the flight recorders were taken to the ministry of defense laboratory.
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acceptance of military products, the head of the department , sergei shaigu, noted that the work of the ministry and the organization of the military-industrial complex made it possible to increase production significantly weapons and ammunition. the enterprises commissioned new workshops equipped with high-tech equipment. the main task now facing the ministry, according to shaigu, remains to provide each participant in the military defense with everything necessary to successfully carry out combat missions. will tell you more. something that we cannot do without is a good part of our infantry’s ground operations: k-52 helicopters. alligator pilots will always cover from the air, clear the area when motorized rifle groups are just approaching, they will work on strategic targets from a decent distance. they joked at ground targets from 25 km without missing. in previous modifications of the k52, the range is two times less. essentially left over from the previous helicopters. only the body and filling meet
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the objectives of the svo. equipment and weapons arrive in a timely manner in the zone of a special military operation, increasing the combat capabilities of joint groupings of troops. an established system of prompt repair and maintenance of weapons and equipment on site has significantly reduced their time recovery, thereby increasing readiness for intended use. main task. at the moment, it remains to provide each unit of each fighter with everything necessary for the successful completion of combat missions. on a single day of acceptance of military equipment , russian military-industrial complex enterprises transfer weapons to the army for almost all types and branches of the military. in addition to the k-52, army aviation was replenished with mi-28 helicopters, fighter and bomber aircraft were strengthened with su-30, su-34, su-35 aircraft. and this...
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in particular, this was facilitated by the expansion and modernization of production facilities, as well as increasing labor productivity. many enterprises have commissioned new workshops, lines, and areas equipped with high-tech equipment. the increase in production intensity required the involvement of a significant number of qualified specialists. personnel across the entire production range. capacities
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across the entire range of manufactured military equipment. in some cases , transition to a 24-hour work schedule. t-90m breakthrough. the most powerful russian ones. tanks within the walls of the ural carriage works, they are assembled in three shifts. with the start of the special operation, the state defense order for these models and the t-72 increased significantly. adjustments to the design are made taking into account the experience of the svo. the towers have become more fortified, and factory protection against kamikaze drones has appeared. it is fixed after all tests. this screen has already been included in the design documentation, we are manufacturing it. those products that leave the uralvagon-plant 72 b3m already have this anti-drone protection. the publication of construction projects for the needs of the north military district, military and special purposes continues. military builders completed the construction of the nevsky residential complex in the city of mariupol, donetsk people's republic. six apartment buildings, a school for 100 students, a kindergarten for six groups.
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the airfield network has been significantly improved, and reconstruction has been carried out at the lipetsk, chkalovsky, and baltimore airfields. the fleet basing system is being developed. in a short time. caspian flotilla, construction of berth number 2 will be completed in 2023, this year the construction of a complex flotilla headquarters building with an area of ​​28 m will be completed. now live broadcast on our channel for a month regarding the organization of the presidential elections of the russian federation abroad. i promised that we would answer. and i answer for my words: the russian ministry of foreign affairs is currently sending out invitations for the participation of foreign representatives as observers of the presidential elections of the russian federation in march 2024. on
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behalf of the ministry, the cis and the shlanhal organization cooperation are invited. at the same time, the russian ministry of internal affairs assists in the selection. monitoring our elections would look strange, for example, a russophobic parliamentary organization, whose invitation to the assembly of the council of europe, as you know, russia withdrew from the council of europe in march of twenty -two due to the discriminatory decisions of this association, which infringe on the rights of our country. i would like to note that
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polling stations will be open in all countries in which there are diplomatic missions and consular offices of our country, including unfriendly ones. taking into account the fact that in a number countries, sites will also be opened outside the capitals, in places of compact residence of our fellow citizens, including at large sites of russian economic operators, we expect, naturally we will organize work there too, we are now calculating the approximate number of sites based on the numbers. 300. unfortunately, the closure of almost thirty of our foreign institutions by decision of the authorities of unfriendly states, and a significant reduction in personnel in the remaining embassies, due to the expulsions of diplomats under far-fetched pretexts,
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significantly reduced the possibility of creating additional polling stations. we are talking primarily about the baltic countries, moldova, germany, the usa, the czech republic, and finland. russian citizens who will come to vote at our embassy on election day, when the degree of anti-russian rhetoric will clearly be higher than usual, so we are taking appropriate measures to ensure the safety of polling stations, protect the life and health of voters, members of the election commission, and of course, we
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warn everyone who wants to try disrupt this work in the form of extremism or something else. illegal actions on administrative criminal liability for attempts to disrupt the normal course of elections. this is basic information, it will be supplemented by us. we will regularly inform you about the opening of polling stations, and i mean at points, exit points, about opening hours, we will post contact information, all our foreign institutions will participate in this work, information can be tracked through their websites , through the official accounts of mit russia and abroad of our foreign institutions on social networks, so, as they say, we are starting, it will always be...
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this shelling turned out to be the most brutal in recent years: 27 citizens were killed, 25 people were wounded, including two teenagers. another heinous crime of the zelensky junta was the deliberate terrorist attack on an il-76 military transport aircraft carried out on january 24.
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shouts over each other during the day, talks about support for the so-called young ukrainian democracy, do you even understand in whose hands you send heavy weapons, shells , by the way, with united uranus, you generally understand who you are giving billions to, you understand that you have little control over them, and you don’t control what happens inside them at all. we strongly condemn these barbaric crimes of the zelensky regime and strongly condemn all those who made them
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possible, without the financial, material political support that the kiev regime receives from abroad, such terrorist acts would not have been carried out. once again we call on all responsible governments and international structures not to stand aside and to condemn these brutal terrorist attacks. yes, i will say it extremely, probably in this situation, realistically, for those who consider themselves civilized, or want to strive for it, this window of opportunity is closing. yes, it sounds really cynical, but it's true. i will remind you of the years of the second world war, not everyone immediately joined the ranks of anti-fascists.
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were literally pilloried for decades , now this is the window there are still opportunities, and we see how citizens, public figures and public organizations around the world are beginning to ask themselves questions, who and what is keeping them
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on this very side of evil and darkness? the answer is obvious, many are intimidated, many are literally bullied and blackmailed so that they remain on that very dark side of history, but i say again, the understanding of what is happening is beginning, in my opinion, to truly cover this world. and, of course, we separately address the kiev puppeteers who believe.
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neo-nazi and paskalov received 28 years in prison for the shooting of two civilians in march 22, also in mariupol. bandera member kuzmenko was sentenced to 25 years. he ordered the shooting of two civilians in the spring of twenty-two in mariupol. charges were brought in absentia against former members
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of the council of the so-called national security and defense of ukraine, the former minister of finance, the former shlopak. head of the national bank kubiwa, they, together with other high-ranking officials , decided to start the so-called anti-terrorist operation in donbass and ensured its financing from the state budget. all-ukrainian criminals will be identified and punished to the fullest extent of the law. well, now about what makes it possible, in principle , for the kiev regime to commit terrorist attacks. the west continues to pump weapons into the zelensky regime. and, as we have already talked about, becomes an accomplice to his monstrous crimes. according to french media reports , the creation of a so -called coalition of artillery for ukraine was announced in paris. in what is its purpose? in strengthening support for the kiev regime in the short and long term. france intends to expand the production of self-propelled
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artillery units, caesar, and supply 72 of them to the ssu in the twenty-fourth year. like the inadmissibility of a russian victory , don’t waste paper , you’ll have to come up with something new again, you won’t be able to stop us on the way to our
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victory, apparently, in paris they stubbornly don’t want to understand that building up the military... help the regime zelensky leads not only to prolongation of the ukrainian crisis, but also the death of french citizens, they signed up as assistants to the thug of the armed forces of ukraine, and by the way, not only the armed forces of ukraine, but also other formations of this regime, and this was clearly demonstrated by the results of the missile strike of the russian aerospace forces on january 16 on the base of foreign mercenaries in kharkov, then about 60 french... so-called legionnaires died, 20 were wounded, the clumsy attempts of the french authorities to hide this from the public lead to nothing, because everything secret becomes clear, but...
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i don’t want to fade away, because being the main sponsor of the zelensky regime within the european union will cost berlin
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quite a lot, so they are looking for who else could sponsor this adventure, especially against the backdrop of a foggy future and military support from the united states, and not at all foggy, for those who look at things realistically. outcome of this bloody drama, against such a background , the regular eighteenth meeting of the contact group on ukraine in the ramstein format, which took place on january 23, turned out to be practically unnoticed. for the first time not no promises were made regarding future supplies of weapons for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. the kiev gang, clearly fearing that western curators will leave them without money for weapons, continues to caricaturely curry favor with them. a character with a last name.
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in the words of russian foreign minister sergei lavrov, for the kiev regime it is simply cattle to be driven to slaughter,
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such is the concern for the lives of ordinary ukrainians. such statements are similar to a conversation between the customer and the contractor. for the leaders of the kiev junta and its sponsors, the conflict is it’s just a profitable deal, and the lives of ukrainian soldiers are also for them... just a commodity, there is no other added value or value in principle, there is only cost, how much zelensky will be paid, how many more people will he be ready to kill. on january 22 , the so-called unification day was celebrated in ukraine. zelensky’s signing was timed to coincide with this date. in my opinion, it was called both scandalous and provocative, in my opinion, it is just an absolutely insane decree on
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the territories of russia historically inhabited by ukrainians, moreover, it was written specifically about the russian federation. the kiev regime seems to have finally fallen into historical madness; in fact, it openly declared its claims to a significant part of krasnodar. territories of belgorod, bryansk, voronezh, kursk and rostov regions of russia. all this is ridiculously, illiterately camouflaged under some kind of concern for the ukrainians living there , who have allegedly suffered for centuries from the systematic actions of our country, as it was said, to destroy their national identity, oppression, violation of rights and free well, you know, this very phrase, what are they there? opinion of what
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zelensky would do if he were allowed to reach those same ukrainians or citizens of ukraine or ethnic ukrainians who live in the mentioned territories, what do you think, he would allocate money for them to sing and dance in the national language and to national music, or would you buy instruments to perform traditional ukrainian ones?
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we’ve never heard anything about this, except, i don’t know, something so absolutely outlandish that they don’t allow us to speak foreign languages ​​here, in ukrainian and so on, what is this , what are we talking about, no one can understand it at all , at the bank they demand that they have the right to receive education in ukrainian, to peaceful meetings and access to ukrainian-language media, well, excuse me , all this could have been, maybe even left simply...
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as if without comment, if not for the fact that for many years the kiev regime has been doing this in relation to, as they call minorities, well, maybe minorities, but an entire group huge, multi-million dollar a group of their own fellow citizens, it was the kiev regime that elevated russophobia to the wound of state policy and has been carrying out for years...
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in general, engineering is unique, firstly, there are a lot of tasks, the tasks are so labor-intensive, i am of course trained more as a sapper, a major general, a group sappers. is preparing for the upcoming task, we are improving our skills in detecting and neutralizing spare building items, this was done with the aim of increasing mobility, as well as increasing the survivability of personnel, we can do it ourselves cool, what kind of babble?


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