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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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german regiments marched easily across the land, or, for example, without meaning to the words spoken by the good artist veniamin smekhov, who in an interview called stalin the greatest villain of humanity in general, and considers the day of stalin’s death, march 5, a great holiday. march 5, sergei prokofiev's memorial day and holiday. leaving, dumping , ending the life of the main villain of all times, but it would have been a fun holiday, these words were not there, that the mustache died, there, guys, the end, well, how can we consider stalin a villain from... forget about your fellow tribesmen, whom
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hitler exterminated millions, and not even mention it. 6 million of your fellow tribesmen were destroyed, burned , shot, hanged, executed, and the main villain is stalin, in whose name soviet soldiers liberated osvenstvo. and this, it would seem, is such an insignificant forgetfulness of a particular person. it becomes the norm, the norm. for the world, when hundreds of young nazis and fascists gather in rome completely legally; moreover, in italy today it is officially allowed to yawn, if it does not bring harm to others. we are taught to forget one thing and raise another, because it is... under
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the sign of legalized fascism, nazism, that we can begin the fight against another civilization. you will appreciate the wisdom of the people who lived in our country, many, many years ago, how they understood, felt, when there was no smell of this, as now, they felt where the truth was and where it was not. here are nikolai's words.
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with other slavs to form a special independent cultural unit or to lose all cultural and historical significance, to be nothing. i do not know, maybe, someone wants to be nothing in the warm stool of european civilization, but i completely agree with our president, who said that if there is no russia in the world, then no one will need this world, and i want to end our program with a small clip that i sent by a friend of our program, roman nosikov , his name is, i returned from the war, i returned... i don’t understand anything about the war, someone
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in russia still hears about the war, all the concerts and fanfares are buzzing, the battles near donetsk are like thunder on a baht, pair racks, vodka, cocktail and wine, no one here can understand that heaven is not so far away, if you return alive, then believe in miracles. lamborghini flies like a prospekt in the night, and we have grochs over the okupas again, and orta the torn-up tension of the dugout and camouflage has long become more expensive than jeans, the evening is ton, fireworks are seen over the river, the elite are having fun, because they won’t kill here, what could happen here, fire, rockfall , no one here has heard how the hail works, no one here knows how...
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the kamaz wants, how the penumbral rescue trembles on the tank, how they plow green grass in the fields with shells and how scared we are for a friend who is in battle, here we are... i think you all understand that these elements are not a complaint, this is not a condemnation, this is a desire to get through to a person, to the soul, to
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be honest, if you want, sooner or later it will be clear where the truth is. i hope we all want that truth. who the same soldier who returned from the front wants, well, now all my tv viewers who are watching our program have probably already prepared themselves to traditionally raise a glass, as i did...
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well, that’s all, our mechkin krivorochka was late again, and he didn’t get it, but he said, let’s leave one by one, if anything happens, we geologists will look forward to it, god willing, our new meeting with you, all the best. at the shipyard of the baltic plant , the laying ceremony of the fifth serial universal nuclear-powered icebreaker took place, the command to start construction was given by vladimir putin, here is footage of the ceremony to begin construction of the icebreaker
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leningrad. thank you, good afternoon, dear friends, we have a great day today. a pleasant and significant event here in st. petersburg at the baltic shipyard a new nuclear icebreaker is being laid; it will bear the name leningrad. tomorrow we celebrate a special, sacred date in the history of the northern capital, and the entire country, the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the enemy nazi blockade. and the new mighty icebreaker will become another tribute to the memory of the immortal feat of leningrad, the courage and unbending will of the defenders, the inhabitants of the city, who did not submit, overcame everything, withstood everything and
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crushed the nazis. life, unity, cohesion of the generation of winners, always will be a great example for us... in the struggle for sovereignty, for freedom, for our homeland, they will be a good example in work, in battle. today, together we are taking another step towards strengthening the technological and industrial potential of our country. the powerful, modern nuclear icebreaker leningrad will become the fifth ship in its series. after completion of construction, he will have to work on the routes of the northern sea route, participate in the most important programs for the development and study of the arctic, ensure the delivery of cargo, construction materials, fuel, in general reliable, sustainable shipping in complex,
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inaccessible arctic latitudes. russia today has a unique, i want to emphasize this, unique, the largest icebreaker. in the world, and this is our huge competitive advantage, enormous opportunities for the development of logistics, industry, and the creation of new jobs for integrated development.
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thank you very much, good luck to you. the floor
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is given to the general director of the state atomic energy corporation rosatom, alexey evgenievich likhachev. dear vladimir vladimirovich, guests of the ceremony, dear leningraders, thank you very much for your decision, your decision has been approved. initiative of the blockade veterans, supported by the federation council, valentina ivanovna matvienko, and the city named leningrad for a new powerful icebreaker, and we are developing a tradition when our icebreakers are named after the brightest, in honor of the most significant regions of our country. it seems to me that today it is appropriate to remember your decision, 17, to reboot the northern sea route, life shows it relevance for...
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a tenfold increase in transit, the attraction of international companies to the implementation of the nsr project and, of course, the faster pace of infrastructure growth; the port infrastructure has already reached a capacity of more than 40 million tons. of course, the key issue for the development of the northern sea route is arctic shipbuilding, here on the slipway there is chukotka on the water, yakutia, we are laying down a new icebreaker. another one will be laid down at the eastern shipyards of the star ; a heavy-duty icebreaker-leader is being built; key question,
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timing; economic indicators of quality projects are decisive for the successful implementation of the nsr project. i want to appeal to the employees of the baltic plant, our friends, brothers in arms of the peaceful atom, to thank them for the successes that the team has already achieved. rosatom is not only a customer here, but a participant. the floor is given to the chairman of the board of directors of the joint stock company united
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shipbuilding corporation, andrey leonidovich kostin. dear vladimir vladimirovich, i would like to say that the team of the united shipbuilding corporation the baltic shipyard is well aware of the high responsibility that the implementation of this most important state order places on us; its implementation will certainly contribute to the achievement of the goals that we have in the arctic, i want to assure you that the construction will be completed exactly on time with high quality, and now i ask you to give permission for installation.
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the laying ceremony of the nuclear icebreaker leningrad is completed. i am sure, i want to emphasize this once again, that all the tasks facing shipbuilding will be completed, i wish you success, thank you very much, that’s it, i pay for techno, cyber weeks at the megamarket, buy thousands of products with cashback up to 50%. it starts with the person, at first i cooked it myself, then the team began to expand, but when there are more clients, you can’t always keep up with demand, with support, development does not stop, we expand further , the national project for small medium-sized businesses is by decision of the president, our business is to support yours, maybe co-seson, anywhere appetite,
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up to 50%. the russian military-industrial complex must continue to increase the production of weapons and equipment, including advanced models. sergei shaigu stated this in conclusion.
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special attention should be focused on developing the production of promising weapons, increasing the range, accuracy and noise immunity of high-precision weapons , improving electronic warfare equipment, unmanned aerial vehicles, security and survivability of supplied equipment, it is necessary to continue work to ensure the technological independence of russia. in the current situation, it is unacceptable to reduce the current rate of production of military products; in terms of particularly popular
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models, it is important to increase their production. here i emphasize that we have a serious, big task to continue build-up of especially popular means of destruction. i am confident that in the future, when fulfilling the state defense order, through the joint efforts of the ministry of defense and... the ministry of industry, industrial enterprises, modern military equipment of appropriate quality will be supplied to the troops in a timely manner. the main task of the military construction complex is the construction and commissioning of buildings and structures in accordance with the target tasks, types and branches of troops in accordance with the activity plan of the ministry of defense until 2025 of the year. state armament program for 2018-2027. state defense order, i instruct the construction department to ensure the unconditional implementation of the assigned tasks. thank you to everyone for your work last year, we hope that this year will be no
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elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote if you’re sick, your grandmother is busy in the morning, she’s looking for something on her phone, here ’s the number of the election commission, i’ll vote at home, for adult citizens countries, all opportunities are given, even to those who without movement are offered a decision, to call elections home, a box, taking a portable commission comes to them, carries out the procedure, formalizes them in advance with voting, which means the elections are equal, citizens of my country, choose freely in the country, important, honestly convenient.
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and i am oleg stepanov and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve it what are you doing reached, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, went, is russia ready to change in...


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