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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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from the hands of the president. the conversation was not just meaningful, but also very emotional. as a result, a number of decisions will obviously be made, as the head of state has repeatedly emphasized, one of the main goals of such conversations is to find out what difficulties the fighters face, what they say on the ground, at the front in civilian life, and what needs to be adjusted, as they say, and this adjustment occurs constantly at all levels, not only state, but also human. after all, as vladimir putin reminded, this is in our character. people in it’s a difficult moment for the homeland not to feel sorry for yourself, to lend a shoulder, and this quality is passed on not only from century to century, but from generation to generation. russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone. all of russia is before your eyes
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, come to the international exhibition forum russia, the future must be created ourselves and done together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same aspiration, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the global festival young people, future together. find out more at
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hello, friday evening, i'm alexander korievsky, time to sum up some results of the week. sergei lavrov outlined russia's position on ukraine and the middle east at he's headquarters during a busy working visit to new york, following a speech at a security council meeting and a series of bilateral meetings. the minister of foreign affairs answered questions from journalists during the meeting. long press conference. we just recently spoke with an official representative russian ministry of foreign affairs, director of the ministry of information and press department, maria zakharova, found out what was discussed. maria vladimirovna , hello, thank you for taking the time, your schedule is very busy, but nevertheless, i would like to ask you a few questions, first of all, even those that you have already answered, i mean, of course.
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in which he claims that no one will believe the russian version, or at least questions this statement, just think about it, this is not an activist of some kind of public organization, this is not student, anarchist. this is not a political figure, this is a journalist and this is a press conference, that is , in principle, nothing more revealing for the western mainstream media for this very liberal democracy in the western world can be like what we saw. the second point , they usually do this, this is the kind of behavior they condemn and accuse russian journalists precisely for... this is under a far-fetched pretext
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, without foundation, without evidence, they put russian journalists under sanctions, include sanctions lists, and almost there accused of some crimes there. and so on, calling our correspondents and journalists propagandists, but what was that then? do you understand? and another very important point, something that sergei viktorovich lovrov drew attention to, so to speak, countering all these statements, and excuse me, please, since 1918, somehow the saltsbury issue has hung in the air and...
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russia ultimatum, either we must admit it and say that we did it, or we must say that we simply lost control of the situation. with eighteen years ago, how many years have passed , in my opinion, five, what the british government did in 5 years to support its version, and this was not a version, these were accusations, and not just accusations of quality. propaganda theses , and accusations that led to a whole chain of actions, these were accusations that were not only destructive for our bilateral relations with the countries of the european union, by the way, under the same pretext they expelled
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diplomats from the united states of america, because ter was shaking which something there pictures with arrows that looked like children's drawings. supposedly as proof that britain was attacked , but this also led, and now attention, this is very important, i will literally treat organizations for the prohibition of chemical weapons, where after this very planted story promoted by the british government, the work literally stalled, because they began to literally litter the ozo with this very propaganda, this very... fake information, endlessly demanding some kind of reporting on this issue, and then that’s it stalled, no evidence , no action on the scotland yard line , no transparency, not a single press conference or briefing on this matter over the last couple of years, only leaks, stuffing,
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and then the topic was simply taken out of circulation, and so on every time, yes , she did her job, she, as you said, was simply taken out of circulation, and they do this all the time, that’s why those questions. this information in their countries, they do not give anything about those terrorist, for example, acts that are committed by the kiev regime, that is, either they do not talk about it in their own way internal audience, or they simply subject this information to such processing,
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after which it becomes false information, as was the case with the tragedy of il, which was shot down by the kiev regime and on board which were crew members. our citizens and those same ukrainian representatives of the armed forces of ukraine who were subject to exchange, and an agreement on which was agreed upon the day before, because this information was presented simply to the public eye everywhere , to the domestic audience through their controlled media, in international organizations, and at home in the states, britain , france, germany, the goal is collective, because they only show the performance of their representatives, you see, in our russian television programs different points of view are presented, including foreigners coming, representatives of diplomatic departments of other countries coming in the form
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of interviews, this is presented or in studios live and so on and so forth, they don’t have this, so what sergei viktorovich lavrov says is extremely inconvenient, because it... achieves its goal, because it said live, because we answer all questions, all russian diplomats and the minister, who... there is no segregation, we are not engaged in dividing the press into good and bad, although we understand perfectly well who is behind which media in the west, but we give the opportunity to ask all the questions in order to present our point of view, so they hear us, they simply put
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filters on the way of disseminating this information to their audience, but information is not even water that wears away a stone or will always find somewhere to leak . information today can spread, even despite opposition in the form of barrier walls that the west puts up, and social networks and... this is not information that simply does not correspond to reality, this is information, as they themselves say there, this is information
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that is not included in their agenda, they called it disinformation, they are ready to fight it, a blow to the civilian population, well, again this term is for people, for people, ordinary people, for passers-by, for people who have nothing to do with the fighting or armed forces, simply by people in donetsk. these strikes do not have any other characteristics or definitions other than targeted terrorist acts, they do not have the ability to transcribe them in any other way or describe what they are doing, they do not notice them, again to the question of what to do, why do they not hear and so on further, they hear, but pretend that they don’t hear, and the un secretary general pretended that... they don’t hear and don’t see for almost 2 years, when
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we start the report from february twenty-second years, he really pretended that he did not see or hear, he saw only a riot, he saw only information received from ukrainian sources, he pretended that he did not know where the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant were coming from, he pretended that he doesn’t know who is using, whose... weapons to attack the civilian population, but the situation has changed, because the un secretary general, the entire un structure was horrified, now, finally, yes, so much time has passed and so many people have become victims of the kiev regime , but they are now made an official statement, called a spade a spade, i cannot say that this will be on a systematic basis, but i... i can say that we will achieve this on a systematic basis. marya vladimevna, why did the
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un secretary general suddenly change his rhetoric so much and suddenly began to notice, as you rightly noted, what happened to him? well, why did this happen to him? happened around, something happened that is no longer possible not to notice, the fact is that as you see, the monster that was raised by the west is beginning to get out of control. starts demanding more money, i now about zelensky about this whole gang on bank street, he begins to demand more weapons, without responding to those requests that were adequately assigned to the tasks that were assigned to him, the failure of the counter-offensive, the obvious inability to inflict, as they formulated, a strategic defeat russia on the battlefield, not to mention not...
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the same case, they found a freak whom they showed everywhere, at the initial stage everyone went to watch with interest, then they even applauded, then firstly they got bored, and secondly everyone realized that the spectacle was expensive and that it hits the pockets of those same western inhabitants who pay for all this, and then everyone was horrified by the state of
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the economy of germany, france, italy, and other countries of the european union. and then suddenly everyone realized that the united states had abruptly stopped this massive build-up of assistance to the kiev regime, and was distributing the material burden, again among nato member countries. and this contradiction, and these contradictions, there is not one, there are many of them, they have become obvious. among other things, the un secretary general, i i think he remembers very well. how zelensky was greeted at the political week of the un general assembly, when posters appeared in new york with a portrait of zelensky, instead of their chant about glorifying ukraine, it was written “glory to urine.” secretary general
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, he remembers very well how the general assembly hall was not filled with those who wanted to applaud zelensky. and the secretary general, i think, read all the publications that appeared in american newspapers on the eve of zelensky’s visit to new york. why? because zelensky is not was needed in new york in the fall of twenty -three, because he used this podium to once again attract attention to himself, and it was no longer profitable for the west, he did not bring what was expected, he did not bring it.
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that a change of power in kiev will not help us anyway, so why are we talking about it so much? regarding the money that will be allocated for the eu summit, because we talked about this initially, one of the recipients of this blow...
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remember, the european union did not want sanctions against russia, they introduced them only after the threat of pressure the same biden, who was vice president under obama, so indeed the european union simply became a competitor that the united states could not digest, starting another conflict in the world, they, of course , relied on its multi-vector nature, on the fact that this blow, this explosive there will be a wave. not only in relation to russia, but china will also be affected, of course the european union, and i believe that in general they most of all needed the eu to sink. they were well aware that the countries of the european union could not act in an individual capacity, they are tied hand and foot, by economic
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ties and obligations within the eu and by military-political obligations within nato. and what does it mean when countries lose partially or completely their independence, their sovereignty, what does it mean, it is possible to act exclusively in national interests, they cannot act promptly, they cannot react promptly, and so on and so forth, and accepting these decisions oh, now there are new personnel from st. petersburg, dear colleagues, good afternoon, the governor and i... we tried to organize this meeting a little earlier, yes, but it didn’t work out then, and today i propose to return to what we wanted to discuss and... consider the prospects for the development of the economic potential of st. petersburg and the leningrad region, the entire
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st. petersburg agglomeration. we will discuss, we will discuss this issue in close connection with plans to update and build up social, transport and all other infrastructure. st. petersburg, i won’t say anything new here, is the most important historical, cultural, and business city. the center of the country in the northern capital in the leningrad region is home to approximately 7.6 million people, our key logistics hubs and seaports are located here, the largest scientific and technological educational centers, industrial production sites, both recently opened and legendary enterprises with...
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reputable, of course, to us it is necessary to further increase the economic opportunities of st. petersburg and the leningrad region, and that it is important to do this comprehensively, based on
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long-term plans for the development of the entire agglomeration, taking into account that the city and the region closely connected, by the way, they were closely connected with each other into a single complex from soviet times. key objectives include strengthening priority industries such as shipbuilding. pharmaceuticals and so on, realizing the potential of the service sector of creative industries, expanding the infrastructure of foreign trade, including through the development of sea ports and terminals. all this is the key to creating modern, well-paid jobs, in order to increase the production of high-tech products and services, create a basis for opening new companies, and therefore increase the sustainability of economic diversification.
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let's be here, in fact, it is planned to build an entire resort town, designed to accommodate more than 1,3000 people per year, and 100,000 residents are planned to live there permanently. the formation of such a tourism cluster will create several thousand jobs with high competitive salaries. i think we discussed this issue with the government at the economic forum. yes, gazprom also planned connect, the implementation of this and other promising projects will provide additional tax revenues to the budgets
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of st. petersburg and the lino region, which means that new opportunities will arise for financing social programs for the construction of kindergartens, schools, roads, hospitals, clinics, and so on. here, among other things, i would like to emphasize that it is important to improve the efficiency of regional health care systems, including primary care, and excellence.
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on the formation of a reliable transport framework for st. petersburg or the region, for in recent years, a lot has been done in this area , the western high-speed ​​diameter, the m11 neva highway, the gadchin bypass and a number of other major road projects have been launched, major road repairs have been launched, well, when i say to others, well , what do i mean, for example, the repair and reconstruction of a number of sections highways tovala, scandinavia of the ring road around st. petersburg, as well as the construction of the ligovsky overpass and bridge across the sfi river in the city of podporozhye, leningrad region, this is already the leningrad region, but also many new ones, even more we have to solve large-scale problems, so one of the significant projects is the latitudinal highway of high-speed traffic, as well as the second road ring around
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st. petersburg, they, together with already... existing highways, will ensure the creation of an effective road network for the entire st. petersburg agglomeration. today we’ll talk about the progress and timing of these projects. in addition, i asked you to think and take the necessary steps to develop the pulkovo and levashovo airports. i'd like to hear how work is going on these directions for these objects. let's discuss what generally needs to be done. to improve transport links, in particular accessibility to a number of large residential areas of st. petersburg and the leningrad region, so that people do not have to travel for hours to work, study or social facilities. it is also necessary to continue the formation of the railway infrastructure, including the northeastern and southwestern railway bypasses of st. petersburg. naturally, this must be done taking into account the plans of cargo carriers and
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forecast forecast types. of transported goods, all this certainly needs to be taken into account, but it is still necessary to move in this direction. let's consider some other issues related to the development of the socio-economic sphere. let's start, please, with a word from maxim genadevech reshetnik, ministry of economic development. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, as you noted, the st. petersburg agglomeration is one of the most dynamically developing growth points in the country, its share. in the economy over the last 10 years grew by three percentage points, which is probably the most, one of the most outstanding results. people from other regions and abroad are actively moving here to live and work. over 10 years the population has grown by 12% and will grow further. this is due to the development of the economy, transport accessibility, and the implementation of large projects in general with a high level of quality of life in these
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türkiye. imports from germany, finland and south korea also gave way to supplies from india, china and turkey. our neighbors redirected their cargo from the baltic ports to our north-west. transit volumes from belarus and kazakhstan have almost doubled. as a result, at the end of the twenty- third year, the volume of transshipment through seaports is expected to be almost the same level as in the twenty-first year. at the same time , it goes inside the agglomeration. distribution, the decrease in volumes of the large port of st. petersburg is offset by an increase through the service and primorsk. despite the sanctions, a number of important industrial projects were completed. the obukhov plant has been expanded in st. petersburg. several pharmaceutical production facilities were introduced at once, including those producing analogues of imported drugs. in the leningrad region in the twenty-second year, a complex for the production and storage of natural gas was launched .


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