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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 27, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure? the foundation of the russian state, as vladimir putin spoke about the participants of the svo, he met with students who, for the sake of protecting the fatherland, decided to temporarily postpone their studies. this visit to the state maritime technical university became one of the main points of the president’s working trip to st. petersburg. special thanks vladimir putin thanked the parents of the volunteer students for instilling such nobility and courage in their sons.
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and knowing this, they attacked this plane, i don’t know whether they did it on purpose, or by mistake, through thoughtlessness, but it is obvious that they did it, firstly, because two missiles were recorded launching from the territory controlled, controlled by the kiev regime, in one... 10
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minutes, the defeat of the aircraft occurred in 2-3 minutes, it was almost impossible to react, secondly, this under no circumstances could it have been friendly fire, as they say in such cases; our air defense systems , by definition, cannot strike their own aircraft, most likely this system. american or european air defense systems, most likely french, but in a couple of days the exact answer will be given, it would seem that they were transporting their citizens, their military personnel, no, they fucked up there, well, we only regret about our pilots, i bring sincere condolences to their family members, the president spoke about the svo participants at the meeting...
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the main topic of the meeting of the president with the ministers and leadership of the region was the expansion of economic opportunities of st. petersburg and the lino region; they discussed the construction of a second ring road, the development of shipbuilding and pharmaceuticals, foreign trade and the service sector. dmitry morocco will tell you exactly what projects were discussed. the president set the task of increasing the economic opportunities of st. petersburg and the leningrad region. at a meeting on the development of the agglomeration, he named strengthening industry as the main priorities. us opportunities for st. petersburg and the leningrad region, it is necessary to further expand the economic regions, and what is important, to do this comprehensively, based on long-term plans for the development of the entire agglomeration, taking into account that the city and the region are closely connected, by the way, they were closely connected with each other into a single complex of soviet times. among the key tasks are strengthening priority industries, such as...
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pharmaceuticals and so on, realizing the potential of the service sector of creative industries, expanding the foreign trade infrastructure, including through the development of seaports and terminals. the st. petersburg agglomeration is one of the most dynamically developing in the country, its share in the country's economy over the past 10 years has grown by 3%, the population has increased by 12 to 7.6 million people. people go to st. petersburg and the region to live and work; electronics, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals and, of course, tourism are actively developing. industrial production in the northern capital grew by 9.6% over the past year, and by 7.4% in the leningrad region. this is the highest figure for the last 7 years. in petersburg. there are major logistics hubs and seaports . in the twenty-third year, transshipment through them amounted to 240 million tons. at the same time, the share of exports to the eu and the usa decreased noticeably from 77% to 13, but there was a reorientation of commodity flows in the market of friendly countries. over the past 2 years, there has been
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a reorientation of trade flows. exports to european countries and the united states through the ports of the agglomeration have decreased. over 2 years, the share of these countries decreased from 70%. 7 to 13%. western markets have almost completely replaced eastern and supplies to other friendly countries. housing construction is actively developing in st. petersburg. by 2030, 2.5 million citizens in the region will improve their living conditions. and the leningrad region has already commissioned more than 4 million square meters of new housing, the head of the region, alexander drozdenko, reported to the president.
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overfulfilled, marat khusnulil reported on the implementation of key projects, in particular the russia route to vladivostok with a length of 12.00 km. the st. petersburg agglomeration is the starting point route russia to vladivostok with a length of more than 12,000 km. we had one bottleneck and you assigned him to clean up the tver bypass. last year, in december, we completed half of the bypass of tver by july 17 of this year, having completed the second half of the bypass of tver, which will reduce the time from moscow to st. petersburg, we will have the only highway of 1700 km from st. petersburg to kazan in the first stage without single traffic light road of the first category. in addition, the tsymbala overpass is being reconstructed in st. petersburg; it was built in 1910 and
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is one of the oldest bridge structures in the city. its renewal will improve transport accessibility of social infrastructure facilities in the area, including schools and hospitals. after finishing. the construction will improve transport links between the frunzinsky and nevsky districts, and will also ensure unhindered passage of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed highway. this is what makes this project unique: we are financing it jointly with st. petersburg. the design documentation was developed by us and transferred to the city. this year we will transfer 1.700 million rubles to the budget of st. petersburg. the total cost of the project is 10 billion rubles. well, in the near future, in the coming years , the project will be implemented. st. petersburg in 2023 reached record levels in terms of city budget revenues and investments in fixed capital of enterprises, governor alexander beglov told the president. we
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are talking about an amount of more than a trillion rubles, these are record figures to date. we made money, well, i mean leningraders, st. petersburgers, at the same time, 90% of tourists are russians, but the flow of foreign guests is growing, in particular due to the launch of visa-free programs with countries such as china and iran. and vladimir putin began his trip to st. petersburg with a large ceremony at the baltic shipyard. the president took part in
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the groundbreaking for the construction of a new nuclear icebreaker. leningrad called the icebreaker fleet a huge competitive advantage of russia. about the new nuclear-powered submarine and other projects in the series, natalya solovya. the construction of the icebreaker is launched by president vladimir putin at the first the eighty-ton structure, which will become part of the future vessel, is fixed with a sign with the name leningrad. today we... together are taking another step towards strengthening the technological and industrial potential of our country; the powerful modern nuclear icebreaker leningrad will become the fifth ship in its series. russia today has a unique, i want to emphasize this, unique, the largest icebreaker fleet in the world, and this is our huge competitive advantage, enormous opportunities for the development of logistics,
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friends, with everyone who wants and is ready to work with russia, as large, powerful, versatile as all serial icebreakers of the project, at the same time special, the main color of levrey, red, bronze horseman and admiralty. to our heroic grandfathers and great-grandfathers and this is how
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we preserve our memory of the great and at the same time tragic pages of the siege of leningrad. the baltic shipyard is almost 170 years old. during this time, over 600 ships left its steppes. today it is the flagship of russian nuclear shipbuilding. russia is cementing its leading role in the arctic by offering an alternative to the busy and hectic.
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chukotskaya, it is the northern sea route that makes the delivery of goods from west to east twice as fast, for example, from murmansk to the japanese port of yakagama about 6.00 miles, and through suez more than 12 or 18 days, depending on ice conditions, versus thirty. the most important thing is autonomy, because it is possible to build a diesel icebreaker of the same power, but the proximity of the refueling will require either
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a tanker, which with fossil fuel will require additional costs, here you have a nuclear icebreaker has a huge advantage, power, autonomy, each motorized icebreaker of the new series is a collection of the most advanced russian technologies and an example of high standards, their power allows them to break even three-meter ice, and their variable draft can work at sea at the mouths of northern rivers. with the most modern power plant, they are capable of operating for more than a year without entering a port; these arctic, siberian, and ural all-rounders are already successfully navigating ships in high latitudes. there are currently two icebreakers under construction at the baltic shipyard, yakutia and chukotka, one has already been launched and is taking on the features of a completed nuclear-powered vessel, the second one is now on the slipway, where the installation of the main sections is underway. from the keel of the vessel to the departure to sea is a record time. less than 5 years, already next year another icebreaker of this class will be laid down at the baltic shipyard;
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a symbolic name was also chosen for it, stalingrad. natalya solovyova, vadim prusov, ivan zamorin, valery chava, lead st. petersburg. the yemeni houthis announced an attack on a british tanker in the gulf of ada with anti-ship missiles. social network publish footage of a burning ship, presumably after an attack by the houthis. formerly the maritime transport coordination center for the navy. britain reported an attack on its ship off the coast of yemen, and a maritime monitoring company confirmed a fire on the ship. according to her , the crew was not injured. the white house. accuses texas authorities of worsening the situation on the border with mexico. the texas national guard has been ordered to keep federal border guards out. state governor greg abate, in an interview with tucker carlson, said that he was ready for conflict with washington. according to him, texas supported by 10 more states that sent the national guard to the border, and before that , the governors of 26 states signed a joint
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statement on the right to protect their borders from migrants. the trigger was the decision of the supreme court, which... biden ordered the removal of barbed wire from a section of the border, about 4 km along the rio granda river, where illegal immigrants enter the united states. elizaveta khramtsova found out what the confrontation between individual states and the biden administration in washington is leading to. a problem that has been simmering on the us southern border for decades. 9 months before the presidential election, it turns into a confrontation between the state leadership and the federal government. in texas, without waiting for decisive action from washington in the fight against illegal migrants, the national guard blocked the border with mexico with a fence with barbed wire. washington decided to fight the obstinate southerners through the supreme court. he ruled that texas authorities must tear down the fence. president biden gave the state 24 hours to tear down the fence. the ultimatum
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expired, but the warnings did not begin to be obeyed. the governor, who these days is establishing business relations for his state. i don’t intend to give up with an entire country, and not just any country, with india. criminals cross our border, texas as a state has the right to stop criminals coming into our state and arrest them. we have the national guard along with texas department of public safety officers who are there to make these arrests and stop people from crossing the border illegally. it got to the point of talk that texas does not need such a federation in a state that is in the middle. in the 19th century, it was an independent state for 8 years, and again they started talking about independence. newsweak magazine will be out next week with breakaway texas on the cover. there was no need to think long about what the secession of a part of the country could be called. possible events in the southern united states have already been dubbed "texit". but can the lone star state - a reference to the texas flag - actually achieve secession?
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the publication asks a question. proponents of independent policies suggest stopping feeding first. the question is not only in texas, and throughout the country, i might add, republicans must stop funding a government that is at war with the people. texas is the second largest and most populous state in america, home to nearly 30 million people. a traditional republican, it is famous for the willingness of many residents, almost a strength, to defend conservative values. in recent years , among californians who are tired of the imposition of ultra-liberal ideas, it has even become... move to this southern state, despite in response to an unprecedented influx of illegal migrants, 225 thousand people crossed the border in december alone, in texas they say that federal authorities are deliberately trying to weaken the national guard. the white house is demanding that the state transfer some of its impressive arsenal of weapons to ukraine. texas is resisting, fearing that in this way washington does not want to help kiev, but to disarm
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the national guard, which is 18,000 people. of course, no one is going to let them go, these are all fairy tales. if they want.
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texas gets better like this. ex-president trump, he did not take advantage of the opportunity to once again jab biden for his inability to solve the problem, and state leaders are becoming bolder in their statements every day. the lieutenant governor of texas said that if the biden administration goes into confrontation with local law enforcement, this will be the biggest mistake of the white house. this is elze. this was reported by cnn.
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the twenty-second ceremony of presenting the golden national film award took place in the legendary first pavilion of mosfilm. eagle. among the laureates are films created and released with the support of the russia-1 tv channel, such as the righteous snegi, at the pike's command, the lord of the wind and 1993. report by the author and presenter of the cinema industry program ivan. so, the golden eagle named the best for 2023. this year was not easy for the entire russian film industry, but it was a fateful, turning point year of growing up, when our cinema realized its ability to develop, relying primarily on its own strengths, and it was also a year of very bright, original film events. the ceremony began with awards for his contribution to the development of russian cinema. the award is accepted by the director of the mass film , karen shakhnazarov, through the efforts of the team, whose studio, which found itself on the verge of disaster and devastation in the nineties, has today turned into a modern film concern. this cannot be done without the general labor of thousands of people who
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have worked here over the years, worked , strictly speaking, and without those who came before us, so i absolutely sensibly evaluate this prize, i understand that it belongs to all masfilm workers and in general to everyone who has ever i worked here and... so that at this moment not only my role is evaluated, and probably somehow the film academics recognized our feat of radio cinema?
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those nominated in an equal number of eight categories each receive four awards. snows by boris khlebnikov about two naval cadets in a harsh team of sea wolves, best visual effects, best editing, sound engineering and the main award. partisan nikolai kiselyov, who led 218 jews from the dolnovo ghetto, saved them from genocide, was awarded the title of righteous among the nations, wins in four categories: best
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cinematography by mikhail milashin, best male roles, supporting role by evgeniy tkachuk and the main role by alexander yatsenko, the golden eagle in the hands of the director of the film righteous sergei ursulyak. this is a very good story, it was a wonderful script, and the story itself, the fact that it is genuine, really amazed me.
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the thirty-fifth international freestyle wrestling tournament among men and women, the ivan eryrygin cup, started. report by alexander abramov. the ivan erygin cup is a classic tournament for freestyle wrestling. by tradition, the ivan erygin cup opens the wrestling season. the tournament does not have the status of a world or european championship, but the winners of the world and european championships come to krasnoyarsk. this year there is a record representation in krasnoyarsk. wrestlers from 24 countries came to siberia.
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iran, georgia, turkey, south korea, many other countries. also this year , wrestlers from south america, athletes from ecuador, argentina and venezuela came to the ivan erygin cup for the first time, so the main part of any opening ceremony is the flag parade this year it turned out especially colorful. the number of teams in different sources may differ, because the krasnoyarsk region acts here separately from the rest.
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concentration of masters, because the russian federation team exhibits five or six people, and of course those 23 teams that came from all over the world in order to gain this experience. medals at the ivan erygin cup are competed in ten weight categories for men and also in ten for women. this is the thirty-fifth anniversary tournament. the first time the cup was held in abakan, then krasnoyarsk remains the venue for the tournament. two-time olympic champion in wrestling, legend. national sports ivan yarygin was an honorary resident of the city. i trained when ivan sergeevich was the president of the federation and got into the national team, when he was the head of the freestyle wrestling team. we trained in parallel halls at national olympic centers, so i saw how ivan sergevich treats the squads, i saw how he is disposed towards the guys, and at the same time with this
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red-headed, sunny smile. could insist on maintaining discipline on many other things, that’s why he had this siberian marzukhaby restraint, just like that, it enveloped everyone and even now he’s been gone for so many summers, he unites us, the ivan erygin cup in freestyle wrestling will last on the banks of the yenisei until sunday inclusive, alexander abramov , egor vorobyov, artemy antonov and alexander stalmashevsky, lead krasnoyarsk. our boy felt anger because of social injustice and wanted to fight it, then let's give him a medal, a film about family, about love, and of course, branded humor at the highest level, let's go and get a haircut and napoleon really liked it, napoleon bonapart greets you to god.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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