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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 27, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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like where to attack, it was done on a large scale , especially the battles, all these battles are right for you, very good directorial work, design, costumes, the score was gorgeous, white dance, he has been inviting gentlemen for a long time, pasha, if you don’t want to, don’t dance, what does it mean don’t dance, get up and go, the film is positive, a good movie. marnoy, you saw, you saw, it seems to me that i will review it more than once, everything is in your hands, serf 2, we will take it. for this case, it will be an honest
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detective. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. hello, there is a legal program on air, hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. in tambov.
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a seventeen-year-old student, karina, was placed under arrest for a month; according to investigators, it was she who put together a group of minors in the city who attacked students and schoolchildren for no reason, beat them, and filmed the entire process. the girl apparently hoped to the end that she would remain free. in court, she looked confident and blamed everything on the victims, saying that they provoked the aggression. but during the meeting, her mood noticeably worsened. the conflict between two bloggers has reached its conclusion. before the trial, our program continues to follow the story of a muscovite couple who ordered the renovation of their apartment from a famous construction blogger, and then accused him of providing poor-quality services. ekaterina likhomanova went to the site to listen to the points of view of both sides. blogger kirill aksyonov is a jack of all trades, he knows how to fill the internet with the right content and how to lay the mosaic correctly. that is , you don’t like to lay out mosaics manually.
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two completely different bloggers crossed paths on one internet site, quite on a sensitive issue, a year ago anna trachuk contacted a construction company whose face is kirill aksyonov; she just came across his blog on social networks. and what kind of pitfalls are there in this niche that will present themselves to you, right? clients, the service market and black pr, they certainly don’t belong to his team, they are public people, almost 10 years at what, but the result was categorically not satisfactory , why not immediately do it so that no questions arise later, then they sort of started we managed to google it ourselves, we studied it ourselves and realized that it’s not done like that, that is , why should we, as clients, do this at all, we should come like this , everything seems normal. in google it differs
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from what has been done, well, about everything, supposedly the walls are uneven, wires are sticking out, there is foam everywhere, where it is allowed and where it is not allowed. questions arose not only to the builders, but to kirill aksenov himself, although in fact, he has nothing to do with the repair of trochukov. in the contract, his company appears as an agent, who only provided the construction crew. i personally did not enter into an agreement with them; this is an important point, yes, about the existence of this agreement. and i found out about the object almost at the intermediate stage of renovation, how did i find out about this, but through publications on social networks? aksyonov said that all the partners with whom his company works are carefully selected, they have not completed a single project, and even if controversial issues arose, they were always open to dialogue, this was the case with the trachuks, but they took a different path, beauty -blogger created a new section, where he now talks about the allegedly unsuccessful repairs and kirill. under such
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conditions, he refused to continue working, and the man said that it works, delete everything, we will fix everything, i said, look, let you fix everything, i’ll be glad to take it all off and tell you how handsome you are, how great you are, you fixed everything, everything is great. they refused to delete content that interested subscribers, and repair expert blogger kirill aksyonov perceived all this as consumer terrorism. yours the assumption is that she is doing all this for some kind of hype. my assumption is yes, that this is hype, self-advertising, a person has his own business, his own direction, i won’t voice it now, yes, but to increase the audience, its involvement due to negativity. aksyonov also claims that the client... and his companies have repeatedly violated the terms of the contract, at least by disclosing its details publicly. well , the trachukovs don’t care much about this now, because they have in their hands the results of the examination that they ordered. the documents say that errors in repairs were indeed made. in this situation
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, it is unlikely that it will be possible to agree on anything peacefully. true, instead of an internet platform, both the customer and representatives of kirill aksenov’s company chose the court premises and filed lawsuits against each other. most likely a repair one. the question of who is right and who is wrong will now be resolved only in the legal field. ekaterina lekhamanova, daniil sukharuchko, anton fedotov, lead: duty unit. they stole the company and then made it a debtor. entrepreneur vasily contacted our editorial office grishaev. according to him, for more than 10 years now he has been subjected to pressure from investigative authorities based on trumped-up accusations from third parties. he lost his successful business and is trying to get it back. why is the process delayed when there are visible criminal facts? about how a military officer fights for his rights, andrei ivlev, what kind of things they discovered, a former law enforcement officer, and now an entrepreneur from moscow, vasily grishaev, is trying to defend his good name in the arbitration court of dagestan, he turned here
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in connection with again opened circumstances, investigators of the ministry of internal affairs opened a criminal case, from which it follows that grishaev’s investment company was seized by fraudsters, and he was made a debtor, the amount of which... it is already known that the criminal scheme looked like this: a certain group of citizens engaged in raiding with the help of forged documents carried out the seizure of moskovsky financial monitoring information agency, abbreviated afmirup. the company was registered
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under dummies in makhachkala, its legal address was changed, and then the procedure began bankruptcy, the purpose of which was to seize assets. this group. the matter is very difficult, the current bankruptcy manager of the company is also involved in the process, maxim romanov is trying to counter with a statement
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from the now former director. years when he filed for bankruptcy himself, the manager was not the first time, everyone declared him. they penetrate companies, falsify documents, use connections in various authorities and courts, the form has changed, the scheme has remained unchanged. this is hacking of electronic and other media, access to databases, etc. onwards and so on. vasily grishaev is sure that an entire criminal group with connections in different structures was acting against him. coincidence or not, but the criminal case opened for fraud, with visible facts and
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evidence, unexpectedly stalled. before the investigator had time to begin the preliminary investigation, calls, appeals and complaints from interested parties immediately began pouring in, and the alleged presence of... khamzaev, he discussed some points during a working meeting with the prosecutor of the republic of dagestan, viktor ep, and received an official answer: in connection with violations committed at the pre-trial stage of the criminal court proceedings, the prosecutors of the city of makhachkala and the minister of internal affairs of the republic of dagestan have submitted a submission; there are currently no grounds for taking other measures of prosecutorial response. the deceived businessman vasily grishaev also hopes for justice. i am determined to fight until the end.
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this saturday at 18:15 do not miss the final episode of our program, here are its main topics. suv for the life of a glamorous blonde. in samara is coming to an end investigation of the high-profile murder case of a famous businesswoman who dealt with a relative of a billionaire, ekaterina karas. the murdered man was in the front seat, the accused was in the right front passenger seat, no matter what . no, where the young woman met her killer, why she so hastily sought to get rid of an expensive
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car and how she ended up on the street in a pool of blood, only we have the first and so far only revelations of the probable murderer. could my ex-father-in-law be involved in the death? ekaterina, a famous gold miner, who is now also under investigation, we found out all the details of this...
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irkutsk police managed to significantly reduce juvenile crime last year, this was stated by representatives of the main department of the ministry of internal affairs of the region at the annual board, where they summed up the results of work over the past 12 months. in the region, in a very short period of time, the number of illegal acts committed by teenagers was reduced by a quarter, they say it helped. prevention in the region, police have established work with educational institutions, as stated by the head of the irkutsk police, dmitry ilyichev, the level of residents’ trust in the security forces is growing. over the course of a year , more than 20 thousand crimes were solved, but there are separate areas that still need to be addressed. and in the novosibirsk region , police officers have achieved significant success in the fight against drug-related crimes. they stopped 32% more cases than a year earlier, the number of apartments. crash dropped by 20%. in general, the trend is that the region is becoming safer, with robberies and robberies on the streets
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has noticeably decreased, but money is increasingly being taken away from citizens on the internet. novosibirsk law enforcement officers put a lot of effort into solving it crimes, which is bearing fruit. the detection rate of such cases has increased by more than one and a half times over the year, noted andrei kulkov, head of the main department of the ministry of internal affairs of the novosibirsk region. to the eightieth anniversary of complete liberation. leningrad from the siege in the cultural center of the main directorate of the vvd in st. petersburg, a museum exhibition dedicated to the work of the police during the years was opened of the great patriotic war, the exhibition was opened by the head of the headquarters, roman plugi. about how law enforcement agencies tried to maintain order in the city during the most difficult times. olga zhurenkova. in black and white newsreels, besieged leningrad shows 872 days of fear, horror, hunger and pain. of the 5,500 leningrad policemen, almost one in four died. their work is not the most famous, but
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a very important page in the history of the siege. to wage an invisible battle, a film about the work of the police during the war, a film about a feat. fight against sabotage. forensic scientists and police officers then did the impossible under the blockade, when each frame of photographic film, like the last cartridge, managed to restore the victim’s face, later he was identified by his colleagues, the killer was detained and punished. in the summer of forty -two , the head of the card bureau of the smollinsky district of shirokoy was brought to criminal responsibility for fraud with cards;
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she drew up fictitious statements for the issuance of food coupons to the so-called dead souls, and signed false documents. about the destruction of cards of those who left for evacuation. and yet, the most serious frauds with the main treasure of the siege survivors were committed by members of the zigzag gang. the failed artist, together with counterfeiters, actually organized an underground printing house for the production of food cards. in just 5 months , 17 tons of bread and other products were stolen from leningrad residents. during this time , 260,000 people died of hunger in the city. and how many more would have died if it weren’t for the professionalism of the police officers who stopped him.
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i would like to extract a lot from there, what people need to know and show, including here in our museum, on the basis of our cultural center, there are definitely, definitely, in the museum’s funds there are more than 20 thousand exhibits, including almost 400 related to the work of police officers in wartime conditions, elements of uniforms, photographs, weapons, the feat that they performed leningrations, while remaining human, will remain in our hearts... in the memory of russians forever. in our exposition we also emphasized the role of the leningrad police; 13,500 policemen did everything to preserve leningrad, did everything to secure, their role cannot be overestimated. the history of the most difficult trials in the besieged
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city, our history, which you need to know and remember. a film about the work of the police during the war will be shown. schoolchildren and cadets. olga zhurenkova, mikhail shirin, alexey mashchikov. news, duty department. at the end of 2023, crime decreased in the vologda region. this was stated by the head of the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs, pavel sirov, at a meeting of the final board of the department. but the disclosure rate has increased. investigators solved 52.5% of cases, and these are all facts causing grievous bodily harm resulting in the death of the victim, rape and robbery. vologda police are successfully fighting. over 800 crimes in this area have been suppressed with drug trafficking. the police pay special attention to working with children and adolescents; prevention in this area is effective. at the end of the year , the number of crimes committed both by minors and against them decreased. and in the sverdlovsk region the crime rate decreased by 4%. at the final board of the regional police headquarters it was noted that
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that the department is now under special control over the investigation and prevention of fraud. behind. last year, more than 7,000 people gave away a total of 2,800 million rubles to enterprising deceivers. the head of the sverdlovsk main directorate noted that the results achieved were achieved through joint work with other law enforcement agencies. the head of the state traffic safety inspectorate of russia , mikhail chernikov, took part in the meeting of the board. according to him, the roads of the sverdlovsk region are becoming safer every year, the region itself shows example in implementation. national project for safe and high-quality roads. don't miss it this weekend on russia-24 tv channel. eduard petrov's investigation is the engineer's poisonous revenge. at the end of 2017, employees of the beriev plant in taganrog began en masse to visit the company’s clinic. i got up in the morning and fell, my legs just gave out at
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one point. as a result, it turned out that the plant's employees were deliberately poisoned by the thali. the muscles began to quickly become clogged when walking normally, and there was excessive hair loss. 2 months vomiting, nausea. detained on charges design engineer vladislav shulga. he simply brought a solution of thalia salt in small bottles, at first he confessed, performed it in an oil bath, dissolved the resulting powder in the stench, but then retracted his words. generally speaking, the author of this testimony was not me, why did the shulga poison his colleagues? no, i don’t believe it, i didn’t believe in this version initially. where did the engineer get the waist? i will simply defend my innocence. we took up this matter and carried out our own. investigation. kyoto district court in japan handed down death sentence the culprit of a terrible fire. in 2019
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, shinzi aoba set fire to the kyoto animation company building allegedly due to plagiarism of his novel. the fire killed 36 people and injured 30 more. and this is the most serious crime in the land of the rising sun in terms of the number of victims in many decades. why didn’t themis believe the defense? reportage. our own correspondent sergei mengazhev. a man on a stretcher with extensive burns stares into the frame as he is carried through the hospital doors. this is the latest video of the arsonist to be released, filmed immediately after crimes in the summer of 2019. what he looks like now is known only to a limited number of people. of the more than 400 people who came to the district court building in kyoto that snowy morning, only twenty-three were allowed to attend the announcement of the verdict, the rest were not.
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witnesses heard him shout "die" as he threw a lighter into the fuel spill. in the cramped spaces of the building, the fire burned like a furnace. those who did not immediately manage to go down to the first floor had practically no chance. japanese tv channels play the dialogue sitting in a wheelchair aoba with the judge, using pencil drawings of court artists. do you have any last words to say? no. all 4 years that lasted . the defense tried to prove his mental incompetence and insisted on mitigation or complete dismissal of the charges. the criminal claimed that he was taking revenge on the studio for plagiarism. allegedly, some film
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used the plot of his story, which he submitted to the competition, but was rejected. the court did not see any signs of plagiarism in the studio’s work. during the investigation two dozens of examinations for sanity, but also deviations that could free the criminal from responsibility for what was discovered. no, this trial once again showed what monstrous crimes people are capable of. after the fire, the studio , founded more than 40 years ago, was quickly restored, also thanks to donations from numerous fans. during the trial , 10 new feature films were released. those sentenced to capital punishment in japan are executed by hanging, but as a rule, after the decision of the district court is subject to appeal to higher courts up to the supreme court. it takes years for the verdict to be thoroughly approved, but even after that, the convicted can remain in prison indefinitely. one of the most famous japanese criminals, the head of the terrorist sect aumsenri kyokusara,
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who organized the gas attack on the takii subway in 1995, had been awaiting his execution for more than 20 years. sergey mengazhev, alexey pichko, east asian vesti bureau, japan, specially for the vesti program, duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news on telegram. the annual forum has strong ideas for the new time, you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your ideas and projects to the jury. choose one of seven areas that best suits your initiative. more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation. the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31, 2024.
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the tasks are so labor-intensive, i, of course, am more than a sapper, a major general, a group of sappers, is preparing for the upcoming task, we are improving our skills in detecting and disposing of dangerous objects in the building, this was done with the aim of increasing mobility, as well as increasing the survivability of personnel, the matter itself, what class,
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what kind of beauty? january 27. day of military glory of russia. on january 27, 1944, leningrad was completely liberated from the siege. the hero city became an impregnable fortress for 900 days, despite enormous sacrifices, hunger and cold. people are crying and singing. the elite do not hide the tearful. there are fireworks in the city today. today is leningrad. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at . we watch to explore
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the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website, i will cover you, what i don’t want, temporary musicians. hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today at international review program. events of the week. chronicle, facts, comments. india enters the election race. on rendromod, father of the nation. materials of our program. political scandal in italy.


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