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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 27, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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the foundation of the russian state, as vladimir putin spoke about the participants of the svo, he met with students who, for the sake of protecting the fatherland, decided to temporarily postpone their studies. this visit to the state maritime technical university became one of the main points of the president’s working trip to st. petersburg. vladimir putin expressed special gratitude to the parents of student volunteers for instilling such nobility and courage in their sons. and of course, in this conversation the president could not help but. with our military personnel of 65 people, we
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it wasn’t just that they were transported there, but the main intelligence department of the armed forces of ukraine knew that we were transporting 65 military personnel there, in total it was planned to be 190, but...
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in the future, to form the country’s elite, not one of those, sorry, who are there , that means they expose their genitals or show their buttocks, well, we also need those, weirdos, too, but the real elite of the country, into whose hands russia can be handed over, needs to be formed from these people, which means they need to be supported, they need to be helped, well began... the president
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took part in the groundbreaking of the construction new nuclear icebreaker, it was named leningrad. the icebreaker fleet is a huge competitive advantage of our country, noted the head of state, as well as the new nuclear-powered ship and other projects in the series, maria slobodyanskaya. construction of the fifth serial icebreaker leningrad has officially begun. vladimir putin took part in the ceremony. leningrad is the most important project for the development of everything arctic. fleet, this universal nuclear icebreaker is a representative of project 2220. these ships are being built at the baltic plant, with a capacity of 60 mw. currently icebreakers series are the largest and most powerful in the world. the length is more than 173 m, the width is 34 m. these vessels are capable of breaking through ice up to 3 m thick, their main task is to provide year-round navigation in the western region of the arctic. russia today has unique, i want to emphasize this, unique. the largest
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icebreaker fleet in the world, and this is our huge competitive advantage, enormous opportunities for the development of logistics, industry, and the creation of new jobs. for the integrated development of arctic towns and villages, implementation of projects a truly global level, for cooperation, international cooperation with our partners, friends, with everyone who wants and is ready to work with russia. icebreaker leningrad - the fifth serial lead ship of the arktika project was launched back in 2016, in 2020 it began operating in the waters of the sevput, then the fleet was replenished by serial siberia, the urals and... icebreaker chukotka is preparing for its imminent launching. construction of leningrad has now begun, and next year it is planned to lay down the sixth serial icebreaker stalingrad. arctic shipbuilding plays a special role in the development of the northern sea route project. the decision to reboot the project was made back in
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2017; now the relevance of this route for the country and even the world has increased significantly. it is safer and more cost-effective than many existing routes. in 2023, the volume of traffic along the sevmor. routes exceeded 36 million tons, transit set a record and showed a tenfold increase. the port infrastructure has already reached a capacity of more than 40 million tons. of course, the key issue for development nsr is an arctic shipbuilding industry. here on the slipway there is chukotka on the water, yakutia, and we are laying down a new icebreaker, another one will be laid down soon. stars are being built in the eastern shipyards. heavy-duty icebreaker leader is a key issue; the timing and economic indicators of the quality of the project are decisive for the successful implementation of the nsr project. the construction of the new lidocer will be carried out by the baltic plant, which is part of oska together with rosatom. the corporation is a comprehensive
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supplier of power and turbine units, as well as automated systems process control. construction is planned to be completed in 2028 . the participants in the process have already noted that they will do everything so that you... we will work together on nuclear icebreakers, this is an essential part, but not only, we, of course, are planning a wider range of our vessels in all sectors, we will, in all directions, we will work on this, as the president noted, russia will continue to expand its arctic fleet, the pace
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of development of the project, everything in the sea route dictates the need to build new icebreakers, therefore, in the near future, leningrad will go on watch to the arctic. the delivery dates for the fifth and sixth serial icebreakers are planned for 2020 and 2030, and the construction of the lider project icebreaker is planned to be completed in december 2027. the investigative committee published footage of the landing of ukrainian prisoners of war vl-76, which was later shot down in the belgorod region. this video shows a cavalcade of cars bringing prisoners to the airport, then shows them boarding. the investigative committee also reported that the exact location of the missile launch had been established, which the plane was shot down. this is the village of leptsy, kharkov region, which is located on the territory under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. the department also said that documents of the dead ukrainian prisoners were found at the crash site, and characteristic tattoos were found on their bodies. the discovered fragments of the bodies of the dead are removed in the prescribed manner and systematized for the subsequent appointment
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of genetic examinations in order to identify the remains. there are characteristic tattoos on certain parts of the bodies of the victims. similar symbols were fixed on the bodies of many representatives. and more honoring sapper major general a group of sappers is preparing for the upcoming task, we are improving our skills in detecting and neutralizing dangerous objects in buildings. this was done in order to
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increase mobility, as well as increase the survivability of personnel, we ourselves do the class of what kind of detonation is not carried out. the annual forum is strong ideas for the new time, you can personally participate in the development of the new region by presenting your ideas and projects to the jury, choose one of seven directions, which your initiative best fits, more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation, the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31, 2024.
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we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same aspiration, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard. com, this is very cool because there are no five different approaches to the same drug or there to the same class of drugs, this is always a unified approach. we have an example, just cream cheese, we considered it not very
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promising, but its entry into the belarusian market showed that it has great potential, that is, i liked it, but i came in, i came in, we monitor the prices, we monitor the markets, we come to an agreement about balance, supply and demand in our common market, we look at production, if we produce... enough, then we want to protect our producers, if we lack something, then on the contrary, we reduce duties so that the market is saturated goods, we interact on the principles of mutual benefit, respect and consideration of each other’s interests. the eurasian union has been operating for almost 10 years, during which time it has almost doubled in size. the volume of mutual trade, you can’t tie a knot with one hand, a well-known
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proverb: everything turns out easier, faster and more efficiently if you do it together. we are talking not only about people, but about entire states. mutual trade between eu countries almost doubled from 2015 to 2022, to $83,300 million. for 11 months of 2023, trade turnover amounted to 79 billion. everyone benefits from such cooperation. the logistics holding works with many countries, it includes nine sea and 47
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land terminals, the largest fleet of containers and railway platforms in russia for their transportation to its own fleet. when foreign players began to withdraw their containers from the russian market in 2022, it was necessary to make up for the damage in order to continue transporting goods across the country abroad. at that time, 75% of containers belonged to foreign companies. thanks to the measures taken to reduce customs duties. duties on zero customs duties, container operators managed to increase the purchase of new containers by about 25-30% of the entire market in just a year and a half, some of them were domestic containers; support measures , including the temporary opening of markets, strengthen technological and industrial sovereignty. 22nd-23rd year there was a very interesting moment when american licenses for the production of innovative cars at the tihar carriage plant suddenly... were canceled, and some of the components, such like cassette bearings, they abruptly disappeared from
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the market, and car manufacturers , and bearing manufacturers, and the ministry of industry and trade, and the government took a whole set of measures, there was a whole series of meetings, a set of measures taken, it was comprehensive, uh, for a short time a certain volume of imports was allowed , the deficit was eliminated, but at the same time, over the course of several months, domestic bearing manufacturers increased production... armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and russia, the states included in the economic union, are united in a customs union, installed. import and export duties for trade with third countries. uniform phytosanitary and technical regulations apply to participating countries. three letters e and c on a product are a quality mark confirming that it is certified by the union. it is also a great help for businesses that understand what standards their products must meet. how much cheese do you eat per day
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as part of your work? well, if you can say on average, 100 grams are probably eaten per day. and analysis, so exactly, well, by the way, it was this curd cheese that appealed to the citizens of belarus . the opinion is that for the domestic market for export , products are prepared according to different recipes, it’s just a stereotype, technical regulations, as well as the composition of the cheese are the same for all eac countries. last summer, the countries agreed on the minimum indicators of veterinary drugs in finished products and raw materials and established a list of them; the effect is already being seen in the domestic russian market. work has become easier, the rules and regulations applicable to milk producers and processors, they differed until recently, which led to the creation of such gray areas, 75 antibiotics, for which we must now, as a manufacturer, organize periodic monitoring, we understand what they want from us, and these requirements are the same for
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both the milk producer and the processor and the dialogue between these two spheres is now transparent and understandable. the moscow processed cheese factory is 90 years old this year, entering the markets of the yas countries opens up new prospects, the production plans to switch to round-the-clock operation, and increase staff employees, demand will increase, and along with it , profits, especially since some products are well known to consumers of partner countries. it’s delicious, this production line is historical, it works...
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the eurasian economic union was created in 2014, over the course of 10 years it has been possible to make decisions that help companies from different countries interact with each other. the eurasian economic union, it declared its goal to create four freedoms, freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labor. and we are working to create a common market for five eac member states, and the economic effect is already noticeable from this close interethnic cooperation, very clearly noticeable if you look at the growth rates of economies, and it is especially noticeable in relatively small economies, for example, like armenia, in the twenty-second year, armenia had a
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gdp rate of just 12.6%. and last year it was somewhere around 9%. look, our country is under colossal sanctions, yes, 16,000 sanctions, our gdp growth last year was 3.5%. in cooperation between countries, every direction in russia over the past 3 years , the food industry has shown an increase of 10.5%, mechanical engineering by 14%, the production of medicines has increased by 18%, including due to its presence in the eu. in the field of pharmacology, we are a leader in the union. participating countries receive. modern effective drugs, and russia - new markets, where we are located, this is not the cleanest zone, i understand correctly, there are, there are cleaner, there are cleaner, of course, all the cleanest zones are behind glass, here we put on special clothes for in order to comply gmp requirements, according to which all
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drug production operates. if , for example, you drop a sheet of paper in the cleanest area, then pick it up. only a special employee can do it, these are the strict sanitary rules, this is one of the most modern factories and medicines in the country, for the pharmaceutical business, general regulation in the eurasian union, the opportunity to reach a larger number of consumers. previously, when all member countries of the eurasian economic union were separate, in order for you to register your medicinal drug on one of the markets, you need to repeat these clinical studies in each country, if we are talking about a single market, then there is a regulator. it is written in such a way that in any country you conduct clinical studies, all other countries recognize these clinical studies, the same with certificates, all this time and money, of course. the national project
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international cooperation and export helps to enter foreign markets and withstand competition there; to receive support you need to register my export is on the platform, it’s like government services only for exporters, more than 100 electronic products at all stages of work, everything can be done in one window, since its creation more than 22,000 companies have connected to the platform, of which more than 8,500 only in the first 9 months of last year , an increase of more than 135%. do you drive your car in general, well, i have a diesel car, diesel, you see, there is a problem of choice, methane is filled into a cylinder, the cylinder is located in the trunk, i like to travel by car, we travel a lot, we are in karelia we went, choosing between methane tents, we chose tents, yes, i chose from the chosen ones. in his work, oleg paromonov always chooses methane, a holding that includes several companies and produces equipment, including city buses powered by gas motor fuel;
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they develop engineering solutions and engines for tractors; the machines themselves are made in belarus; until recently it was impossible to register such equipment impossible due to gaps in legislation; decisions were made at the supranational level. we prepared a number of proposals, submitted them, we heard. proposals after the eac debate were accepted; these proposals will allow us to develop new markets with new products. initially , methane was not prescribed by law as a fuel, but now it is. we are actively working to expand our markets through a free trade agreement. in december we had the eurasian economic union, five countries entered into a free trade agreement with iran, and iran has 87 million people, it is a very large country, that is, imagine that now our commodity producers still have access to this market, similarly, we already have
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an agreement with vietnam, this is also about 100 million people, another important partner of the ias countries outside the union is china, over the past 7 years supplies to this largest market have grown by more than three times from 35 to 112 billion dollars, well, try it. put a spoon in your mouth, i’ll pick up more, very tasty honey, now we are carrying out all the routine work to supply honey to the countries of southeast asia, yes, we will conduct laboratory tests, we will be certified that’s it, the market is open for us, they’re waiting for us there, they’re calling all the time, let’s come in already, come in and... do they know our cartoon by vinepuh? yes, yes, they know. the plant in torshka produces food, cereal bars, powdered milk, jam, and bottles
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honey. today the company is looking to the east, which, as we know, is a delicate matter. to work in arab countries, it is important to obtain a halal certificate, the strictest standard. and this could not have happened without interaction with neighbors. the halal certificate was issued by our colleagues who work in belarus. this the only company that can issue a certificate that covers the zone. the plant is expanding, a new warehouse is being built, because there will be many times more products during the current quarter, and the number of personnel has increased by 30%. hurling is a team sport. three-three, three, three-three, without my comrades, this stone will not go far. cooperation and collaboration are important in sports, business and... international relations, as practice shows, if you agree, move towards, or keep pace with each other, there will always be solutions!
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“our boy felt anger because of social injustice and wanted to fight it, then give him a medal, a film about family, about love, and of course branded humor at the highest level, let's go, paris, ulitsa spozhira, i really liked napoleon, napoleon bonaparte you welcomes , chases, adventures are exciting, it was unpredictable, where, let's say, how where, on the attack, it was done on a large scale, especially the battles, all these battles are right for you, very good directing, design, costumes, what is it bad, ball was gorgeous.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is the “typical novorossiya” program. our name says it all; we are talking about a territory that has returned to its historical roots. in novorossiya with the help
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of the attentive. looking at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, find typical features and recognizable signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today: helping in trouble - this is natural, how the first humanitarian aid was sent to novorossiya, how today they help the peaceful soldiers of the northern military district, a conversation with an expert of the program. the last favorite to lead novorossiya was prince laton zubov. the provision of humanitarian assistance to novorossiya has acquired a grandiose all-russian scale. today , without exaggeration, the whole country is participating in this action; it all started with the first column of the russian ministry of emergency situations, which included 280 vehicles. left
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norafaminsk near moscow in august 2014, they were carrying the most necessary things for those who lived under with fire from the ukrainian armed forces, water, food, medicine, cars were blocked and not allowed through by ukrainian border guards and customs officers, then they still controlled the border between russia and donbass. the international red cross refused to accompany the humanitarian cargo. the employees referred to the lack of guarantees of personal safety and nevertheless. more than 2.0 tons were delivered to their destinations in donetsk and lugansk. following the columns of the ministry of emergency situations, which stopped counting when their number exceeded a hundred, russian regions, public organizations, ordinary citizens of our country, because helping in trouble is so natural. construction materials were sent to donbass to
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restore destroyed houses. equipment for hospitals repaired after shelling, or even rebuilt schools . during the mass evacuation of residents of the republics in february twenty-two, on the eve of the start of the northern military district, aid collection points for refugees were opened in the largest cities of russia. volunteers accepted food, dishes, clothing, and basic necessities. collected toys for children books. with the beginning of the svo, assistance is extended not only. to the donbass, but to the kherson and zaporozhye regions, to all liberated territories. here are the dry numbers: from february to october 2022, until new regions became part of russia, the customs posts of the rostov region at checkpoints processed more than 5,000 vehicles with humanitarian cargo, their weight is about 89.


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