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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 27, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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this should become a factor forming the ideological basis for the development of our country; a lot of work needs to be done so that such unity, an understanding of moral values, is formed, in other words, so that a national, moral, if you like, ideological and political consensus is achieved. in preparation for the christmas parliamentary meetings, more than 200 russian foreign dioceses took part in their regional stage alone. an exhibition was held in the upper chamber.
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summed up some results of the christmas parliamentary meetings first vice-speaker andrey yatskin. there is still something to work on, because this is a big homework for all of us, both parliamentarians and ordinary orthodox citizens, because there were a lot of tasks here today, both for the secular authorities and for the religious ones. and here i wanted to say that the christmas meetings finalized the discussion in parliament. up to this point, three round tables had already been held, where the moderators were senators of the russian federation, representatives of the russian orthodox church, each dedicated to one of the topics, this is education, enlightenment, and a humanitarian mission, an international humanitarian mission of russia. so, three or more children, now officially a large family in all regions of russia. federal status is secured by presidential decree. what support measures exist today for large families, where there is an entire village for large families? how
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do they help young parents understand what true happiness is? report by svetlana temerbulatova. three people in the boat, not counting the dog. this is how the aliyevs with many children joke about their children and pet moon. first , boys appeared in the family, roma and sasha, and then, as they themselves say, they won and victoria was born. dad really wanted a daughter, so i agreed. i didn’t see myself as a mother of many children. what really stops some people in the plan is that it’s difficult. it’s physically difficult financially, but in fact, when it appears, these difficulties go away, because you will always find time, an opportunity for your children. a large family is a great responsibility to provide children with a decent present and future, both parents work, and each child is given attention, cared for, and discipline is instilled in them, so everything for children is like an adult: school, sports clubs, a certain schedule and routine, everyone has household responsibilities, i help my parents and throw... garbage, walking the dog, and my
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older brother, sasha, goes to the store and also walks the dog, and what does my little sister do, watch cartoons. after the birth of their third child, the aliyevs, having had many children, received a free plot of land in dalneprudny by law, this is the first a unique village for large families in the moscow region. we came here for reconnaissance, let’s say, to see what kind of place it is, what kind of land it claims to be, and fell in love. friends, acquaintances, neighbors come to us very often, we often gather here with neighbors, a very friendly team, large families live very friendly, in total in this village 610 large families received plots, electricity was installed on the territory , an asphalt road was laid, all plots were completely land was provided, families began to move in, build buildings, gave names to the streets, appropriated, entered into the social gasification program, provided. free
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plots of land are just one way to support large families; a decree signed by the president this week defines support measures for large families and... compensation for housing and communal services, kindergarten, and the cost of purchasing school uniforms. 450 thousand rubles are allocated to pay off the mortgage, there are other payments, this is , first of all, of course, a single benefit for children and pregnant women, the amount of the benefit is determined based on the subsistence level established in each region for a child or able-bodied adult. in 2024 , the amount of the benefit will be about ... rubles , which, in fact, will be from 7,500 to 15 thousand rubles, depending on the region, they help become parents and not only have large families in the largest perinatal center in russia, here they provide all services in a timely and professional manner necessary assistance for both mothers and
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babies, they literally save their lives, children born prematurely are nursed in special systems where the most comfortable and safe conditions are created for newborn, almost in the womb, in these incubators there are children who were born with extremely low body weight, for example, this baby weighed only 494 g at birth, and since these children do not yet know how to feed themselves, special mixtures and medicinal drugs enter their bodies automatically through equipment. this became possible thanks to a whole complex of high-tech equipment, well-described treatment algorithms and specialists who know them. we have unique equipment and unique technologies.
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immediately after birth , surgical correction of developmental defects can be performed in the pediatric unit. fetus, here they take on any, even the most complex cases , well, we are a perimental center, so within our walls patients are concentrated from all risk groups, yes, including mothers of many children, mothers who are about to give birth on their fifth, seventh and eleventh days, and this is tatyana, now she fully lives up to her rich surname, because not so long ago she became a mother for the first time at once royal twins, a girl and a boy, the babies were born prematurely, weighing less than a kilogram each. a month in intensive care, help from doctors, support from my spouse, and today the main wealth is nearby. oh, our babies are very long-awaited, we have been waiting for them for many years, 22 years, my husband and i have been waiting for them, that’s all, that’s our life, that’s the goal of our life. svetlana
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temirbulatova, alexander mamedov, mikhail chuprasov and andrey litvin, senate program. employers were required to pay interest on unaccrued, delayed wages. this important law on tightening material responsibility. the employer was unanimously approved for late payment of funds to the senator's employees. according to changes in labor legislation, when withholding payments, wages, vacation pay and other accruals, the employer will be obliged to pay them with interest. according to the new rules, interest will be calculated for each day of delay, starting from the next day after the established payment deadline until the day of actual settlement. the production of chicken eggs can be included in the food security doctrine, about this said senator alexander.
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conduct a deep analysis, we see the numbers, they talk about an increase in egg production, if in the twenty-second year 46.1 billion eggs were produced there, then this year, just in the last year, there were already 46.3, there are certain trends and they are connected not only with the growth of consumption, we see that the taste preferences of our citizens are seriously changing; initially, eggs were enough. an affordable product for socially disadvantaged groups, for people who would like to get a quality product for little money, today we see that the egg is becoming one of the basic products for a healthy diet, we see that today more and more young people are eating eggs, we see constant
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recommendations and in connection with this we are recording a serious increase in the consumption of eggs, an increase is associated with this. increasing prices, which is very important, of course, it is very important that for a socially significant group of goods, and eggs are such, our ministry introduces constant price monitoring. in the case of only the first prerequisites for growth above the inflation rate, those market the mechanism that the government has today within its powers is the removal of import duties, and working with friendly countries that are happy to supply their products to the domestic market, and support measures that can be provided to reduce production costs, and of course we can increase the volume .
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it makes sense to discuss the inclusion of eggs in the parameters of the food security doctrine, they are not there yet, we have meat, milk, fruits, vegetables, and a whole range of other indicators, perhaps taking this into account high demand and preference of our citizens , it makes sense to discuss the need to include eggs in the food security doctrine, so that we clearly understand the plan, so that we understand the basic values, threshold values, below which we do not...
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we see that approaches, production technologies are changing, therefore now the ministry of agriculture and the ministry of labor are carrying out such work; secondly, it is very important, despite this deficit, to increase the prestige of the profession of working in rural areas, and there are separate programs for this, and the ministry of agriculture is dealing with this issue, but so that to close such a deficit, we also need... programs for training professional personnel with secondary technical education,
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for example, this is the professionalism program, a unique program that allows , together with an enterprise that needs personnel, to reconstruct a cluster, the enterprise can receive a tax deduction based on the money it invests in education, and in fact, in 2 years the company receives a ready-made specialist who already knows the specifics of the job. i am very glad that serious money is allocated specifically for training of professional personnel, today universities also train specialists, and here i say again, it is very important to understand the specifics , to see how deeply the digitalization of the agricultural sector is happening and to train specialists who, through receiving education, can already... schoolchildren study in
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agricultural classes, in general this is the basis , because a schoolchild who comes to class sees how technology works, understands the basis of crop production, livestock farming, he already with a high degree of probability decides to go to a vocational school, go to college or get a higher education to stay in the countryside, in general, this challenge remains not only in our country, this is a general global trend,
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and the amount of grape-suitable land, but if you look at world experience, then wine production consists not only of a vineyard, very it is important that processing centers are located, that there are tasting rooms, in general, the sale of wine is also connected and goes side by side with the development of wine tourism, because both experts and
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people who love wine are accustomed to visiting vineyards and staying at them. tasting and here i want to say that our producers are still in a weaker position than their foreign competitors, since our legislation today does not allow us to build the necessary infrastructure on grape-suitable agricultural lands, to build grape processing centers, to build tasting rooms , build infrastructure in order for wine tourism to develop, which is why in... a bill was introduced to the state duma by senators, which just allows to develop this infrastructure , there is now a discussion going on, and we are carefully ensuring that by giving such opportunities, in no case will we reduce the number of vineyards or create risks so that a large hotel infrastructure appears on
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vineyard-suitable lands, but once again i want to say that this is a global practice, and we are very... aimed at giving this competitive advantage and competitive opportunity to our manufacturers, and at the same time i want to say that from our citizens we we feel a demand for high-quality wine tourism, someone has seen how it is organized in european countries, someone visited during foreign trips, conducted excursions, it is very important that such infrastructure appears in our country today, since the demand for domestic tourism is growing , here... the topic is becoming more and more attractive, this bill that i mentioned, it also agritourism, prominent tourism, it is introducing the concept of wine tourism, which is also very important, because it has a very serious specificity, we see that the vineyards themselves for wine production, not only risky, but quite long, require
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investment money and investment cycles, the creation of such infrastructure will help not only promote domestic.
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a significant amount of support for agricultural producers, and the fact that they now insure more, compared to, for example, i can say that the number of farmland increased by 66% compared to the twenty-second year, suggests that insurers realized that this is protection for them, the year has shown that despite all the cataclysms and climatic difficulties, the farmers carried it out with dignity. with the help of agricultural insurance, it is very important that in difficult times, it is the insurers who extend a hand that would allow agricultural producers to reduce those risks. that arise in connection with crop failure, in connection with emergency situations, and this would allow the enterprise not to go bankrupt, but
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to look normally and positively into the future. regional authorities are now vested with legislative initiative, allowing them to make changes and additions to the law on agricultural insurance and it is very important that they use it, that they know it, including in the krasnodar region they are now preparing... a legislative initiative together with the ministry of agriculture on the topic of agricultural insurance for crop failure of fruits and vegetables , i believe that this is also very important, development in this regard is underway. active preparations have begun for the fourth eurasian women's forum, which will be held from september 18 to 20 in st. petersburg. this event occupies a special place in the calendar of international events, he attracted the close attention of foreign parliaments and the general public.
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in brix, at this brix women's forum the results of existing projects and new initiatives will be presented, which will strengthen partnerships between brix member countries, including on the women's agenda. on the eve of the forum there will be a regional week, telethons, visiting lounges and a number of other events. we want these weeks to be very meaningful throughout... the russian federation in every subject of the federation, we are sure we will see new women leaders. in such events
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, we place the main emphasis on the regional component, so women leaders must be involved in this work, including our obligatory reunited regions. i believe that we could devote one of the thematic sections of our forum to the issue of protection. traditional family values, support for motherhood and childhood. within the framework of the fourth eurasian women's forum , thematic platforms for the presentation of women's projects and exhibitions of their achievements are planned. in addition, the organizers provide for an extensive business part, bilateral public-private negotiations, business dialogues with the signing of agreements on joint projects in various fields. the main theme of the forum is the development of cooperation between women from different regions and women from different countries. in the development of this topic at the forum, it is planned to create a number of platforms, discussion platforms on
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topics such as women and the environment, women and solutions to health issues, health prevention, women’s participation in rehabilitation, women and the economy, women and social policy, that is, the whole block...
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including platforms demonstrating new employment opportunities for women, these are business structures that will invite women, there will be many exhibitions of creative industries, but and so on, that is , there will be many platforms, but the main thing is three. next week, senators will discuss issues of digitalization of the tourism sector. consider alternative recruitment tools. financing for small medium-sized businesses. the development of communication infrastructure in the constituent entities of the russian federation was touched upon. federation. see you in a week. see you
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on the senate program.
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hello, i am boris akilov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? necessary mobilize all resources. give me the recipe.
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this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure , we look to learn about the world, educational programs, and documentaries, we look, look in the app or on the website.
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the foundation of the russian state, this is how vladimir putin spoke about the participants of the svo; he met with students who, for the sake of protecting the fatherland, decided to temporarily postpone their studies. this visit to the state marine the technical university became one of the main points of the president's working trip to st. petersburg. vladimir putin expressed special gratitude to the parents of student volunteers for instilling such nobility and courage in their sons. and of course, in this conversation the president could not help but...


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