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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 27, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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afalaza. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. that's it. it tastes better on fire, burger king. plight is an unusual pay-by-the-hour service. you don't need to apply for a new card to look for a list of stores. plight is available everywhere. playite divides the price into six parts and works with a card from any bank. and there are no interest rates, go to pl, one of my friends, she can do anything, fix a car with her bare hands, deal with frags with her bare feet, well, what can you do, and i get gigabytes from a megaphone just like that with naked charisma, the megaphone cares about its subscribers and gives up to 20 gigabytes every month, only for megafon subscribers, than to look 100 times, it’s better
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to spin it once, order with avito delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, my new invention for toilet cleanliness, there is an easier way with bref. bref - colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. bref number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. the first rule of hunting is that it starts any second. second rule of hunting. the spoils go to those who take them pursues. hunting game again, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million. hunting, test your instinct. lotto. maybe a neighbor. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. there is a door appetite. a snack won't hurt.
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the best prices for everything with red price tags, more than 20 thousand products, found cheaper, we will return the cost of the goods with points, conditions on the website, the best price guarantee is valid in all hypermarkets with delivery, stable , low prices in the feed, good afternoon, my name is victor and i are an entrepreneur, last year i i didn’t have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed by my... business, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance, i have already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, now we’ll tell you how powerful... the security of the region and not only in
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the review by robert frantsov. welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats, and we keep our finger on the pulse. today on the program a powerful earthquake in china also shook central asia. passed the strength test. beijing and tashkent, and russia and kazakhstan are in the process of agreeing on joint actions to counter biological threats. sleepless night for almaty residents. strong tremors began just after midnight. lasted
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several minutes, residents of apartment buildings rushed into the street. the footage shows a crush in the entrance of one of the almaty high-rise buildings, some ran out into the street without outerwear, some in only slippers. the tremors came from neighboring china. the epicenter was located almost on the border of the three countries of kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and china. china, approximately 260 km from almaty and 140 km from kyrgyz isykul. the closest settlement to the epicenter is on the southern shore of lake isykul in kyrgyzstan. videos of a crack like this on the beach in the village of tamga are being shared on social networks. in bishkka, the strength of the tremors was estimated at 4-5 points, but this was enough to frighten residents of densely populated areas. the neighbors are all on the street, those who can
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leave are leaving, we have also gathered, we will go to parents and only nazalyk works, and this is again footage of almaty at night. the metropolis was stuck in traffic jams, thousands of people tried to leave. from the city away from tall buildings, for a long time people were afraid to return to their apartments, some preferred to spend the night in special shelters. there were no casualties; several people were injured while jumping from the windows of the second and third floors. in total , about 70 people turned to doctors for help. among the victims were two six-month-old babies, one of which fell from his arms. mother, the other from a crib. that is, it was disorganization and panic that became the main threat. there are big questions about how the warning system worked, or rather did not work, they decided not to turn on the sirens so as not to create a stir, and the sms warning came only in the morning. the president of kazakhstan went on a working trip to almaty for a meeting on the situation with seismic safety. takaev criticized those responsible for the fact that the megapolis was not
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prepared for an earthquake, and the competent authorities did not pass the tests of the elements, and suffered personally head of the ministry of emergency situations. if you think your work is too much for you, give it to me. what else was memorable about this week in asia? kazakhstan is very close to releasing its own innovative drug to fight cancer. it's called gvc and
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is said to be able to disrupt the nutrition of cancer cells. that is, in some cases it will allow patients to do without chemotherapy. mass production. launch in the foreseeable future. in uzbekistan , you can now lose your freedom for illegal trafficking in cryptocurrencies and illegal mining. for this purpose, the criminal code of the republic prescribed two new articles. the punishment for them is meant to be quite severe. at best, a fine with complete confiscation; at worst , a term of 3 to 5 years. a beautiful addition to the ashgabat zoo. visitors are invited to see the rare central asian leopard cub. the cat's name is dursun. and although... the light appeared six months ago, my mother hid it from unnecessary attention all this time, but now anyone can watch how the animal grows up . at the invitation of the chairman of the people's republic of china, president uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev visited
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the celestial empire on a three-day state visit. the visit began with a visit to tianyang square in beijing, mirziyoyev laid a wreath at the foot of the monument to the people's heroes, paying tribute. fighters who sacrificed their lives for national independence and freedom. during the busy program of the visit , shovkat mirziyoyev held negotiations with high-ranking officials of the people's republic of china, with representatives of large businesses, and negotiations took place in beijing with chairman sim. i'm glad to welcome my dear brother, mr. president mirziyoyev to beijing on the eve of the year of the dragon according to the chinese lunar calendar. my dear friend, this is your seventh visit. 7 years since you became president, and we meet again in 3 months, i am ready to work together with you for the prosperity of sino-uzbek cooperation. dear mr. xidingping, my dear brother, it is with great pleasure that i am visiting great china, i sincerely thank you
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for the invitation and the warm hospitality extended to our delegation. the day before during the visit, the daily newspaper published an article by the president of uzbekistan about the topical issues. the state of uzbek-chinese relations. according to mirziyoyev, they are now experiencing the best period in their history. i note with satisfaction that relations between our countries are experiencing the best period in their history, demonstrating consistently high dynamics. i think this is natural. great ancient civilizations are always similar, understand each other and are close in spirit. the people of uzbekistan and china have similar cultural ideals. our historical ties go back to the times the birth of the great. the silk road, along which most of the world's trade flowed. uzbekistan's trade with china is subject to most favored nation treatment; this is enshrined in a bilateral agreement. china is one of the leading trading partners of uzbekistan and, along with russia, leads in the number of investments in the economy of the republic.
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in the twenty-third year , uzbekistan’s trade turnover with china increased by more than 50% and amounted to almost $14 billion. at the same time, exports amounted to 2.5 billion, and imports rose to 11 dollars. the bulk of imports from china were machinery, equipment, industrial goods and chemicals. also, a number of projects are being implemented with the participation of chinese companies and financial institutions. large investment projects in the field of high technology, in the fields of alternative energy, chemistry, mechanical engineering, metallurgy and other areas. as part of the business program of the visit, shavkat mirziyoyev visited the headquarters of the biuid company in shenzhen. in a solemn atmosphere , the production of electric vehicles was launched in jizzakh region. and the first uzbek-chinese interregional forum was held in urumqi. chinese entrepreneurs were presented with an exhibition made in uzbekistan, agreements worth $70 million were signed. indeed, a visit with a lot of concrete results, but the prospects are even more interesting. we’ll talk about them with sergei
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sanakoev, head of the center for studies of the asia-pacific region. how would you characterize the results of shavkat mirziyoyev’s three-day state visit to china, and what main agreements would you allocated? if this summit can only influence our bilateral relations in a positive direction. let me remind you that we are all members of the shanghai organization. russia and china are competing in the central asian market, it was thrown at us by the west and is completely untrue, on the contrary, we cooperate, interact, we see investments in the field of clean energy, we observe. cooperation in the field of logistics, construction of a new railway, a new logistics corridor
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via sea route through the iranian port benderabas, and further through tajikistan, the same uzbekistan, all this shows that all these projects, of course, primarily suit uzbekistan, but in general all the countries of the shanghai cooperation organization are interested in such development, in your opinion, due to which beijing was able so...
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the parliament of kazakhstan nevertheless adopted legislative amendments that essentially prohibit the production, import and turnover of vapes. the initiators of this decision propose to punish violators criminally. article of arrest up to 50 days for retail sale for a period of two to 5 years for wholesale. a bishkek court released from custody kyrgyz citizen oscar kubenachbek, who participated in a special military operation on the side of russia. instead of the previous sentence of 10 years in prison for mercenarism, he was given probation supervision. this means that oscar will not be able to leave the country, but will not go to jail. major successes in central asian football. uzbekistan national team. tajikistan has reached the playoffs of the asian cup, which is being hosted by qatar. both teams finished second in their groups.
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moreover, the uzbek team did not lose any of the three matches, only losing ahead to the traditionally strong australia. and the tajiks lost only to the hosts of the tournament, playing a draw with china and defeating lebanon. the best couturier fashion houses of turkmenistan showed a non-standard vision of national clothing design at the oriental fashion show in paris. recognizable ethnic motifs were combined. with european contours of dresses, and the picture was complemented by bright accessories with references to the traditional art of turkmen jewelers. and kazakhstan initiated discussion on the creation of an international agency for biological safety. on january 23, bilateral consultations between russia and kazakhstan took place in saratov. therefore, the russian foreign ministry reported the pressing issue of the results. the report states that implementation has been reviewed. agreements to counter biothreats and specific areas for further cooperation. at
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the initiative of kazakhstan, the parties discussed the organization of a joint group to monitor dangerous infections in border areas. why cooperation in the field of biological threats is so necessary right now , how similar the approaches of moscow and astana are on this issue, we will discuss with gennady grigoryevich anishchenko, doctor of medical sciences, academician, former chief sanitary doctor of russia. what is the focus now? experts from russia and kazakhstan in the field of biological safety and what could be the functionality and general purpose of such an international commission that kazakhstan proposed to create?
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as the venue for this meeting, he too is not accidental, because in saratov we have the head institution, the saratov anti-fest institute, which for many years, since the thirties of the last century, performed the main function of monitoring all anti-pest outbreaks, we had six
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institutes, one by the way in almaat and on the basis of this one. .. central asian or almaty anti-china institute, a high-level protection laboratory, bl-3, was built , the peculiarity of this laboratory, like the laboratories in georgia, is that military microbiologists, military virologists, when our contingent was in almaat, when we were saving kazakh statehood, an attempt was made, let us see what the military coppers are doing there. but the authorities did not allow us there, and moreover, these laboratories are guarded not even by the kazakh military. now another laboratory of a higher level of protection, a battle, is being built. why is this being done? kazakhstan is a very convenient territory, and for military microbiologists, who, no matter what they
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say, are engaged in only one thing: developing offensive programs in the field biological weapons. this is very convenient, china is close to russia, so we really need to cooperate in this regard, we need to cooperate more closely on the natural threats that i talked about in the first part, these are joint territories, the border, natural focal diseases, which are also typical for our country, and for the territory, we need to develop cooperation. taking into account all risks. uzbekistan and russia continue to develop cooperation in the agricultural sector. specialists from russia will help create a specialized laboratory for agricultural complexes of the dzhezag region. the project cost is estimated at more than $57 million. the laboratory will facilitate
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the supply of agricultural products from uzbekistan to russia without delays. in november of the twenty- third year, it took place in the jizzakh region. control for export to the russian federation, these research results of this laboratory will be accepted by both the uzbek and russian sides, the laboratory staff is currently being trained,
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russian representatives from the institute of plant quarantine came, trained and undergoing training. work at full capacity, the total production of fruit products in uzbekistan will increase by no less than 10% per year, and
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these many uzbek companies, realizing that our complex is now starting to operate, are increasing their export potential precisely due to higher quality varieties products, the kazakhstan-bashkirtastan business forum was held this week in astana, about four took part...
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berdomukhamedov got acquainted with the contents of the akhaltiki residents in the new complex, early in the morning, the national leader of the turkmen people mounted his horse named khanbeg and went on a horseback ride. afterwards , berdemukhamedov announced news that filled the heart of every turkmen with pride. dear compatriots, i inform you of the good news received from the russian kenological federation. turkmen allabay akdost, donated in 2021 by a serdar. the head of the republic of tatarstan, rustam minikhanov, became the champion of russia in the central asian shepherd category. he was awarded the first award in two areas at once: for
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purebred beauty. from the turkmen allabai association, on behalf of the entire people, the head of state was given, as a symbol of joyful events in turkmenistan, an allabai puppy named shatlyk, that is, joy. the kid even took part in the national leader’s horseback ride. that 's all for today. see you. as always, next week in central asia, stay safe. plight is an unusual service with payment in installments. you don't need to apply for a new card to look for a list of stores. playite is available everywhere. playite divides the price into six parts and works with a card from any bank. and interest rates. hmm, they are not there, go to pla. i pay for techno. cyberweek at the megamarket. buy
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a tefal steam generator for only rub 12,990. what are men silent about? about life getting out of control. fears of ceasing to be a man. these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences. prostatitis recommended course of two packs of langitase against prostatitis, i have been driving since childhood, i have always been supported, everything is in order in our the family is so accepted, everything is fine, now i work in a magnet as a driver in the fleet , the salary is updated every day, everything is fine, come for details at 8 800 300677 my new invention for cleaning the toilet and bref there is an easier way. bref - colored water for a clean , fresh toilet with every flush. bref number one in russia for keeping
8:55 am
the toilet clean and fresh. touch the croc star, burger king. that's it. on fire, it tastes better. well, there are debts on credit cards, interest is accruing, you need a handyman, you take out credit cards, transfer them debts are divided into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of debts on a credit card, easy with holva, the first rule of the hunt, it starts at any second, the second rule of the hunt, the prey goes to the one who pursues it, again the game is hunting, draw.
8:56 am
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injustice. wanted to fight this, and then let’s give him a medal, a film about family, about love, and of course, a branded humor at the highest level, let's go, paris , let's devour an oyster and i really liked napoleon , napoleon bonapart welcomes you, the chase, the adventure is exciting, it was unpredictable, where to say, so where to attack , it was done on a large scale, especially the battles, all these battles are just wow. very good directing, design, costumes. pasha, if you don’t want to, don’t dance, what does it mean, don’t dance, he got up and went, the film is positive, kind, you saw it, it seems to me that i will watch it more than once, everything is in your hands, holob 2.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. let's translate from clerical to understandable. it's not so scary if you have instructions.
9:00 am
today is exactly 80 years since the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade; it lasted 872 days, and this is one of... the most terrible pages of the great patriotic war. the city survived despite famine, harsh winters and bombings. soldiers of the red army and leningraders courageously defended their city, fought at the front, and worked in factories. our correspondent, dmitry akimov saw how honor the siege survivors of leningrad. st. petersburg is ready to celebrate the main anniversary of this year in a bright and colorful way. however, for the residents of the great city.


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