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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 27, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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the battle, to put it mildly, is not so clear-cut; in the full version of the video, american infantry fighting vehicles are far from playing the main roles; at first they tried to disable the tank with a kamikaze drone, but they did not achieve any results. later, with the help of bradley, they wanted to finish off our armored vehicle, but obviously they didn’t succeed here either. the t-90, even though they shot at it extremely intensely, did not stop for a second, with deft maneuvers it got out from under enemy fire and , moreover, withstood another hit from the fivvicopter, so in the end. the crew of three managed to leave the tank intact safety, and now compare the completeness of the picture with the stub that is broadcast on ukra tv. it’s not hard for an ordinary person who doesn’t quite understand this to see it.
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perceive this as a beautiful destruction of enemy equipment there, although in fact the shells from this bushmaster, the guns that hit the dynamic protection, they simply detonate the explosives they contain, with this detonation, the crew who is inside the vehicle, he doesn’t seem to suffer from it, but that’s the point of this design, yes, that this is what is happening, this is generally normal, that’s interesting. from the well-known bandera member sternenka hastened to please his subscribers with the fact that the ukrainian papala flew to the city of katovsk in the tambov region and wiped out an entire gunpowder factory from the face of the earth. the proof, according to the ukrnazi , should be a video where quite significant destruction is really striking, but it is dated 2018 and has nothing to do with the infrastructure of the defense industry. the location was a pyrotechnics factory in in gatchina, leningrad region, there was a fire there more than five years ago. it is checked
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in an elementary way, but judging by the number of likes collected by the same sternenko, 13,500 people did not bother with fact-checking. of course, ukraine is trying to look for such beautiful pictures in quotation marks in order to use them in its information operations, and the average person who sees such a picture, but it is difficult for him to remember, firstly, because the flow of information is very huge, these are the pictures, which can be found on the internet, photographs, videos of certain events... initial situations , there are very, very many of them on the internet, therefore - they cannot all be stored in our heads, which , in fact, is what the enemy takes advantage of, because we do not have time for fact-checking. in general, in the absence of real victories , the target audience is fed selected disinformation; in this sense, the highest ranks are in no way behind ordinary schemers. just look at the interview with the spanish media of the head of the kiev office , iermac. suddenly he considered it appropriate to remind about the counter-offensive, supposedly with the help opportunities provided by western sponsors. in the formation of the armed forces of ukraine
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, they still achieved serious successes, which specific ones, of course, the character chose not to specify, or maybe these are the invisible achievements of the invisible ukrainians, for whom, it turns out, they created unique areas with stells technology, well, at least that’s what the pretentious headlines of the zhovtoblokitnyh say resources, but there are nuances: judging by what the ukrainian side presented, firstly, the degree of protection is not yet sufficient, but secondly, of course, the weight... the severity, which leads to the fact that this is, in general, a means, it is for some kind of motionless observation, yes, there is camouflage, perhaps even with additional means, but this is of course not, a super cloak, invisibility, there, which will allow you to completely dissolve in the universe, here of course, this is still a long way off, it is important to emphasize that ukrainian publications about invisibility cloaks appear against the backdrop of news from the russian side of the front, they record... the opinion of
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actually working mask cloaks, in which you can not stand like a knocker, but move around to perform combat missions. for understanding the ukrainian prototype turned out to be heavy , weighing 1.5 kg and meant shielding the heat of the human body, but in practice the method does not work, since even at rest an adult body emits up to 100 watts, while moving up to 300, so such a cape will not protect a soldier on the march from a thermal imager you'll hide it. in turn , russian developers took a different path, the cloak they created weighs only... half a kilo, or even 300 g in the case of new modifications, instead of hiding the fighter in thick material, it performs the functions of an edek mirror, reflecting infrared environmental radiation. thanks to this , the soldier simply blends into the landscape in the enemy’s thermal imaging lens and is not limited in his movements. information about russian invisible squares sooner or later leaked into the ukrainian information space, in order to interrupt it , you just need to... say that we
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also have such technologies, because if such news is not interrupted, it will not make some noise, then the military will ask the question, in fact, why do the russians have a? such cries are invisible, but we don’t, that is , this is also an attempt to inspire our military, an attempt to convey that not everything is so sad, zelensky personally, meanwhile, is looking for ways to hide from objective reality, he went so far as to sign a decree on the virtual claims of his regime on russian regions. to be more precise, the leader of the bank gang set his sights on the krasnodar territory, belgorod, bryansk, voronezh, kursk and rostov regions, claiming that they were historically populated by ukrainians, but before no one had heard of the formation of the ukrainian ssr in the 20th century. let's take for example the french geography of 1814. then prussia, the duchy of warsaw, the austrian empire and russia were marked on the map, but there was no sign of independence. there is no ukrainian state on the map of the 16th century; only the territories of the cossacks are indicated there, located in the space approximately from vinnitsa to
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cherkassy. and on the map of europe in 1700, authored by jerome valk, a certain outskirts of the field is indicated as part of muscovy, that is, russia. as a result, the toponym itself... ukraine is revealed only on the map of 1648, compiled by the engineer gyom livoser, but there it is not a state at all, a collection of three voivodeships and wild fields. however, historians are already pursuing their line in the spirit that ukrainian identity has always existed and was forcibly erased by the insidious russians. zelensky is absolutely such a supranational project, he is neither ukrainian, nor russian, nor any jew, it’s not clear who he is. this. here is something from the world forum that was poured into one mixer and mixed, here he is now the most ardent ukrainian, as he positions himself, but he was in moscow all the time, he did not feel like a ukrainian, he always spoke russian, and came to power
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as a defender of russian-speaking people in ukraine. in the end, you can point your finger at the atlas and draw the globe of ukraine as much as you like, but this, as maria zakharova rightly noted, is nothing more than absurd signs of agony before. that the ending, and in order to slightly delay its onset, the political leadership of the junta is ready to do anything, including fabricating ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stop fake program on the russia-24 tv channel. the houthis announced an attack on a british tanker in the gulf of adam. footage of the burning ship is published on social networks, as reported by the command of the yemeni armed forces, for an attack.
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called to support trump, however, he has another rival, or rather a rival, more about this in the america program with valentin bogdanov, see immediately after the advertisement. modern technologies,
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confidence in sustainable operation. flexibility for applications in any industry. reliability and efficiency are a new quality for your success. electric drives tomzel.
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this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. two consecutive victories in the primary party elections, in iowa and new york, seem to have removed the question of who will be the republican candidate in november 2020, so have the primaries in america begun or already ended? the issue of trump's participation in the race as the only candidate from the republican party is not decided at the primary in principle, or is decided not only at the primary. the fact is that both rounds of primary party voting, which took place in iowa and new hampshire, demonstrated trump's obvious super-popularity.
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on january 6, 2021, its consideration should begin just on super tuesday, this is march 5, when voters will simultaneously vote in the primary in fourteen states at once, including in such a large republican state as texas, in this dimension for trump and something will happen that will ultimately determine the composition of the participants presidential race in the united states in november 2024.
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it was believed that vice presidents, well, rather perform such a formal function, they partially coordinate the work of the senate, but as the practice of recent years shows, obama’s vice president, who is joe biden, the current president of the united states states, from mike pence, in turn, trump on january 6 , 2021 expected from pence that he would not certify the voting results, namely... pence’s lack of loyalty, disloyalty, according to trump, deprived him of his second presidential
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term in the white house, on this day, most likely later, trump very much regretted that he agreed with the republican establishment then, and there is no doubt that pence was a deeply partisan candidate; he was never a super popular politician in the republican party , but nevertheless, trump agreed to these conditions, and here is an additional...
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to restrain iran, and china, and russia, working in the security council, and yes, today nicky haley is a candidate from the washington swamp, if you like, this is a candidate from american establishment, it is deeply rooted.
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in any case, it cannot be ruled out that nicky haley may be the compromise that trump will be forced to make in order to be allowed to participate in... and to be nominated as the only candidate from the republican party, i would not be surprised that the very thing that we call , and not only we call the american deep state or the washington swamp, they might think that trump will become a lesser evil for them, well, at least because trump has already been in white house, they already know how
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to restrain him, especially since it is easier to restrain the policies of any american president. the more influence you have in the middle levels of power, it ’s not easy to take the same government department where, in general, appointees of the liberal wing have been sitting for generations, finding a republican or a person with conservative ideas in the state department is not easy, now lloyd austin is doing the same work to clean up the pentagon , the system of american power, american public administration is still migrating one way or another.
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biden administration in the ukrainian conflict, he is very skeptical about the idea of ​​global dominance, which is still popular among liberal hawks in the united states. i am ready to restore normal diplomatic and even economic relations. with russia, the us made the mistake of isolating russia, thus pushing it towards china. instead of a bipolar american chinese world, we could create a tripolar world order in which nuclear superpowers would not form alliances against each other. ramaswamy is considered one of the possible candidates for the post
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of vice president of the united states, but we do not know the position of trump himself. he said that 25% is. it’s not worth fighting, because trump is a businessman, trump has always said that he grew up making deals, yes, deals are inherent to him from the point of view, well, in general, the type of his personality. when was the last time you heard the phrase american dream, you used to hear it all the time, but you haven't heard the term in a very long time
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because there is no longer any american dreams, now it's survival, and it's a shame, we are ruled by fools. the style , by the way, of the current trump campaign, it is still, despite all his powerful criticism that he expresses towards biden and does not mince words, it is still more moderate, this is no longer the trump of 2016, this is already the kind of trump 2.0, this is a person who already knows how american politics works, already knows what checks and balances there are, of course, there are territories where...
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he withdrew some troops from there, i really do everything, what can i do for this. for the second time in a month , the biden administration bypassed congress to approve emergency arms sales to israel. according to the head of the gazdep, anthony blinkin. we are talking about the supply of artillery shells, ammunition and military equipment worth $147 million, despite the fact that biden always positions himself as a liberal, because we
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see the powerful internal conflict that is now occurring due to the support of israel’s actions from the white house, here biden is openly losing the muslim electorate, he the minority youth electorate is losing, why because young people are leaving.
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well, just direct parallels, but we remember how nancy pilosi, the speaker of the then democratic congress, did the same thing, so what’s the difference? next, we’ll take the situation in world trade and in the world economy in general, if isolationism is ideologically conventional globalists of the biden administration is not inherent, but is inherent more to the republicans, then otherwise they will not argue with each other, america will try.
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the mood of voters, in 2016 this a voter who was absolutely tired of 8 years of obama’s liberal agenda, he saw in trump a person who would not only listen to them, but would remain their voice there in washington, there on capital hill, and after 2020 this same voter felt deceived, he felt that he this vote was stolen from him, including in the scandalous elections of 2020, today this voter craves complete revenge, and trump craves this revenge along with him. this is a very emotional campaign, well, these republican politicians who
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they support trump in this way, they buy themselves a ticket to tomorrow. he's a fantastic guy, very smart, he has amazing ideas, he's young and that's good too, so he has a big, wonderful, bright future ahead of him. vivik romaswami, come up here, vivik.
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is joe biden the only real candidate or is he the only one for now? let's talk about this next time. this was america. all the best.
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today is exactly 80 years since the complete liberation of leningrad from the nazi blockade; it lasted 870. this is one of the most terrible pages of the great patriotic war. the city survived despite famine, harsh winters and bombings. the soldiers of the red army, the residents of leningrad, bravely resisted the enemy. five divisions of nkvd troops fought heroically on the approaches to the city. they held the line of defense of nalad, genevskaya dubrovka, peskarevka, and ensured the protection of the road of life, the only transport artery that connected the blockade.


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