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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 27, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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today is exactly 80 years since the complete liberation of leningrad from yours. blockade, it lasted 872 days, this is one of the most terrible pages of the great patriotic war. the city survived despite famine, harsh winters and bombings. the soldiers of the red army, the residents of leningrad, bravely resisted the enemy. five divisions of nkvd troops fought heroically on the approaches to the city. they held the line of defense of nalad, genevskaya dubrovka, peskarevka, and ensured the protection of the road of life with the only transport artery that connected the blockade. city
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with the country, and leningraders worked in factories and factories, providing the front with everything necessary. today, the main focus is on the siege survivors. there are very few of them left, but the memory of their feat lives in every family. donald trump is rapidly moving toward his goal, and a feeling of anxiety is growing among members of the democratic party, threatening to develop into panic. what should america expect and india is also preparing for elections, narenrode is restoring the prestige of the country of the nation about... and not only, see immediately after the advertisement in the international review. good afternoon, me my name is victor and i'm an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting
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, don't miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us , there are many tasks, your break is filled with wiggle, meat sauce, sytin, hot, life fills with joy, i've been driving since childhood, i've always been supported, everything's in okay in our family that's how it is accepted. everything is in order, now i am in a magnet, i work as a driver, the fleet is being renewed, the salary is the same day, everything is in order, come, details on the number 8 800367, five actions orals for sore throat for adults and children from 3 years old, i am the boss cook kote aganezov, on my blogs i make simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important, astoria, now it’s definitely delicious, the first rule,
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huawei nova 11. for 32,999 and also in installments in emvidio and eldorado. it tastes better on fire, burger king. the pain may vary. mechanism development of pain one. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pentalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever the bank is.
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they told me that you are dancing with this house of culture, well, everyone will dance, dance, and sing together in the renovated house of culture in the city of orekhovo-zuevo and another one thousand two hundred renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. enjoy your favorite dishes with taste. if you get up more than twice
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at night, afalase. at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners , a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order. shovita delivery from one ruble. check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment. if you are a successful entrepreneur and
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want the whole country to know about your business, take part in the know ours competition for growing russian brands. know ours is a good chance to promote your brand. know ours - these are five nominations with clear conditions. impressive effect of victory. the winning finalists will receive support from the competition partners. the acceptance of applications has been extended until january 31. applications are accepted on the ideia.rf/brand platform. hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today in the program of the international review. events of the week. chronicle, facts, commentary. india is entering the election race, on rendromode father of the nation, materials from our program. political scandal in italy, mussolini salute or fascist
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salute. scared of the sonocratic party, trump is striving for power; what will change if he is elected? two things in life: love and work. if in a life-death situation, you had to choose one of two, what would you choose? i would probably choose love. is it true? yes. at the age of 34, donald trump chose love. now at 77 it turns him on power. this happens over the years. forty-fifth. the us president took a step towards becoming the forty-seventh president. trump won the first republican primary in new hampshire. opponents argue that it is not as convincing as it could be, and nicky haley, the last rival, continues to fight, yet few doubt that the november
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final will be a rematch, donald trump against joseph biden. it is not even known whether it is a woman or a man. the donkey is a famous symbol of the democratic party. the dog is trump's rival, nicky helly. trump asks: “is your dog?” steve breen is the world-famous movie character of king kong. and it’s clear who
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is hiding behind him. but on the biplane it is written “landing” the mayor of florida, who has withdrawn from the race, another airplane with the inscription “hailey” can be seen in the distance. there is a grueling marathon ahead, taking into account the condition of the runners and the ruggedness of the political terrain, the race is non-standard, what to expect next , based on what we know about the two main athletes, we asked our frequent interlocutor rasel burman to fantasize, professor at stanford university. what is biden like on foreign policy? not as bad as expected. his critics, but also his achievements are moderate, his approach is limited involvement in external conflicts, he supports ukraine, but they do not give everything that it wants, and certainly not as quickly as it would like. rhetoric: we will be on the side of ukraine as long as necessary. in practice,
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it’s more like this: to ensure ukraine’s ability to fight, but not to win. in my opinion, approximately the same line applies to israel. complete solidarity in words, regardless of position.
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more strength-oriented than he is now, biden will not become more aggressive , maybe even less if opposition from progressives increases. okay, what can we expect from trump? trump has a penchant for showing off power. this concerns budget expenditures and his personal behavior, he speaks out very harshly, but trump was the first president in a long time that did not start a single military conflict. he does not want to get involved in conflicts far abroad. trump's a unique political style, it produces unpredictability. you don't know exactly what he will do next. this could be erratic behavior, or it could also be a well-thought-out negotiation tactic, which... he carried from his entrepreneurial past, yes, he didn’t start wars, but if the white house comes,
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he will most likely inherit two already going on in ukraine and gaza. he said that he would resolve the ukrainian conflict in 24 hours. nobody understands what he means. based on what we know about him, i would assume that he will try to move towards some kind of a compromise conclusion, a deal, that is , something that many people talk about, but no one does anything concrete. abraham for the reconciliation of arabs and israel. this is true and is happening under the
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biden administration. what might this look like? a cessation of hostilities, the elimination or restrictions of hamas as a political player, clear plans for moving towards palestinian statehood, whatever that means, but also recognition of israel in saudi arabia. in international relations, objective logic often overcomes the opposition of the parties. in the real world is ruled by reality, and not by what others want. let's look at reality, thank you. trump is too brightly colored, it is difficult to abstract from the aperia, and this affects expectations. they hoped, however, that everything might be more equal than they think. europe, for example, is on the verge of hysteria at the mere thought of his return, but is he really that scary? certain polish politicians, including donald tusk, the current prime minister, have spoken out.
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a rather pragmatic approach to relations with warsaw, let us recall that poland is, continues to be the only nato member country that spends, well, there are already more than 4% of gdp on new weapons for the armed forces of poland, all contracts. all agreements were practically concluded with the american
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military-industrial complex, so i believe that after all, the administration, the new trump administration, if he wins the us presidential election, will continue this course of, say, close cooperation with warsaw, well, receiving certain dividends from this, a certain benefit. one of... it is difficult to expect that mark brzzazhenski will remain in his post as a diplomatic ambassador in the event that trump retains his victory in the elections, well, we are all familiar with various kinds of public insults by representatives against donald trump, so perhaps
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a new ambassador will simply come to poland, let me remind you that dobza us ambassador no color for nato, a nightmare, a mistake that could be fatal, the news of donald trump's success in the primary elections in iowa and new hampshire plunged the us' european nato allies into panic. to the format, in which the alliance exists, the ex-president is skeptical. back in the eighties, he proposed eliminating the huge us budget deficit by forcing allies to pay for
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american protection. later, in 2000 in the book america. we deserve , trump argued that european countries were using nato as a tool to place the burden of international responsibility on the united states when their conflicts were not worth american lives. leaving europe would save the united states millions of dollars annually. in 2016, when the presidential campaign began, trump called the north atlantic alliance an outdated cold war organization that should... gdp, and threatened those who disagreed with the withdrawal of american troops. one day , trump even decided to raise rates, saying that in fairness, europe should pay 4% of gdp. by the way, the allies, rejecting the threats
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, began to gradually increase their defense budgets, if by 2017 the united states is attacked, the united states will not come to her , trump said that nato is dead, and if europe helps. perhaps that is why the us congress passed a special provision that makes a country's withdrawal from nato virtually impossible.
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trump doesn't care about ideology. in other words, no matter how harshly he speaks about china, he is interested in the economy. in the trade sphere there is experience in negotiations with him. then we held two rounds on issues of tariffs, volumes, and so on, and we approximately.
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delivery vehicles and ready-to-use nuclear charges, in exchange for this the united states, say, will not object to the lifting of sanctions by the un security council, and if the united states comes up with such an initiative, the sanctions will not be lifted slowly, that is, in fact, this is an exchange, freezing the suspension of the north korean nuclear program for the suspension of the sanctions regime, this is an exchange.
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people are tired of watching the united states get robbed. i can’t promise everything, but i guarantee one thing: those who have been using us for 25 years will pay in full, as it was, it won’t be like that anymore, believe me. alfabank has the best loyalty program for business. 1.0 rub. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. free for pensioners
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sbercard, favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch. new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes. the main trophy from 20 million. hunting, check your instinct. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, and at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool video. what kind of speed is high, and what kind of coverage is wide? where are we, where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone can pick up even there, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, i pay for techno, cyber weeks at the megamarket,
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well, what can you do? and i get a gigabyte. from a megaphone just with naked charisma. megafon takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gb every month only for megafon subscribers. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable. receive a supercake every month. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business. this year everything is different, i joined the megamarket in advance , i have already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it, join the megamarket, mega market, just grow with us. trump has always strived to be a walking
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brand in business, has succeeded in the political field, and has become a symbol of opposition to the establishment not only in the united states, but in europe. his success will inspire so-called populists throughout the old world. they are, however, already on the rise, in conditions as is now customary say, with the light hand of economic historian adam tooze, poly crisis. the european foreign affairs council published. results of the latest survey. at the european parliament elections in the spring, eurosceptics will be in first place in nine countries, and will increase significantly in another nine. it is even possible that more than half of the list of european deputies will be against the mainstream. the world won't turn over. the european parliament does not decide much, but the indicator is convincing. in italy, where the government is considered to be headed by
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rights and nationalism. sheets headed by george and miloni, interesting collision. the supreme court has declared the display of a fascist salute acceptable as long as it does not violate public order or call for illegal actions. from rome, vera sherbakova. post-war italy was raised on the ideals of anti-fascism. however, supporters of this ideology remain. the latest episodes related to them have again excited the public.
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the judge must look at the context in which it is used. at a meeting related to the restoration of fascism. or the principle of equality and non-discrimination is violated, including number of racial what if i do this now? the restoration of fascism requires the participation of at least five people, and these actions must pose a real threat. although historians have refuted the opinion, widespread at the beginning of the last century, that stretching.


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