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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 27, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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religious exclusivity, he either does not understand or deliberately distorts in alien western interests. rama, recite the mantra, recite the mantra. the right mantra, read at the right time, brought victory to rama over the evil one. demon named tadaka, i wish i could always know the correct mantra. it was an international review, goodbye. today is exactly 80 years since the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. it lasted 872 days. and this is one of the most terrible pages of the great patriotic war. the city survived despite hunger, harsh winter and bombing. now
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dmitry is in direct contact, we will try to establish contact with dmitry akimov, and will return to the direct connection a little later. declassified archives, military reports, orders from the command of the history of the heroes-defenders of leningrad to lift
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the blockade of the city, the ministry of defense launched a new multimedia project on its website, it will help to recreate the full picture of the events of january 1944. then, as a result of the leningrad-novgorod offensive operation, the red army defeated the german grouping of troops north. the new section contains a description of the fighting, a photo report on the work of the artillery of the baltic fleet and the fateful document draft of the order of the fleet commander to lift the blockade of leningrad. the investigative committee has collected convincing evidence that the nazi atrocities against the residents of besieged leningrad amounted to genocide. hundreds of archival documents, materials from post-war trials, and interrogations of witnesses and expert opinions were studied. the investigation established and confirmed the facts targeted destruction of the civilian population of prisoners of war. even before the attack on the ussr, the nazis developed a plan for the destruction of the northern capital; they chose food isolation of the massirs as methods.
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akimov, dmitry, hello, how can you hear us, tell us what commemorative events are taking place today? yes, vera, hello, happy holiday, happy leningrad victory day, as they call it here in the northern capital. this is what this day is called, january 27th. today in st. petersburg, of course, several hundred are planned various actions of memory, well, this day begins, according to tradition, with the laying of flowers at the monument to the mother’s homeland, which. towers over the peskarevsky memorial cemetery, this is one of the most massive, well, far from the only place where the defenders of leningrad were buried in mass graves, a terrible place, a place of sorrow and pride, well , the laying has just begun, right at these moments it is taking place, and in front of with this, the city governor alexander beglov recorded an appeal to all st. petersburg residents and blockade survivors. let's hear what the governor said. not easy
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changed the idea of ​​human strength of spirit, she gave us an example of unimaginable perseverance, in the ring of fire people performed feats every day. which formed the great feat of the unconquered leningrad. each st. petersburg family has its own chronicle of the siege. our president also has it, he also comes from the blockade. our president ordered to tell about the man under siege. the city collected and presented many testimonies of ordinary leningraders, doctors, teachers, engineers, working people in uniform. well, this year, at the entrance to the peskharevskoye memorial cemetery, a new memorial plaque was installed about the genocide of the soviet people during the blockade and, of course , it was the genocide of the entire people, but only
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very recently investigators completed a colossal work to reliably confirm: during the blockade at least 1 million died in leningrad. the fascist blockade is celebrated today throughout the country, memorial events are held in almost all regions, but they remember him not only in our country, but abroad, for example, for example, in bishkka today there was already a solemn meeting with... a display of flowers , survivors of the siege also live there, the residents of the besieged city, of course, were scattered throughout the territory of the former soviet union, but this does not mean that we should forget their feat, right now i suggest listening to what one of the blakanitsa said in bishkka
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, there was nothing, because back then there were no refrigerators, there was nothing, i just ran to the store in the morning, took butter there, a bun, we drank tea,
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thank you, dmitry, you happy holiday too. dmitry akimov, about how the day of complete lifting of the blockade in leningrad is celebrated. let's take a break from advertising now and continue later. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners, a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. bring your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch. so, so what, now we have one benefit in mind, discounts up to 30% and fair installments for 24 months, 0 rubles, down payment, 0% overpayment, narrow washing machine for only 29.99 and also in installments in mvida and
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on fire is tastier than watching it 100 times, better once. twirl, turn, twist, only after confirming payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from 1 ruble. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment! five actions for a sore throat for adults and children from 3 years old , play is an unusual service with payment in installments, you do not need to apply for a new card, look for a list of stores, play is available everywhere, play divides the price into six parts and works with a card from any bank, and interest rates, there are none, go to pl. to make a smart choice, you don't need to scroll through the websites of all the stores.
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search for a product in yandex search and compare offers from different stores on one page. 30% discount on the second or 50% on the third household appliance product. built-in dishwasher cooperersberg for only 20,000 rubles. in invidio and eldorado. enjoy your favorite dishes with a classic provençal taste. from the brand i love to cook, it will turn a good dish into a fantastic one, i love to cook, vladimir putin instructed to find a balanced solution for financing projects in st. petersburg and the leningrad region. the president spoke about this at a meeting on socio-economic issues. development of the region, the head of state called for studying all possible sources of funds
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among the areas that receive special attention in the transport sector, among the priority tasks of the construction of a second ring road around st. petersburg and a latitudinal highway bypassing the city center. concluding the discussion, vladimir putin again recalled his meeting with student volunteers and the need to support people who make such a choice, shape the future of the country. development. into hands that can be transferred to russia , we need to form these people, which means
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they need to be supported, they need to be helped, the achievements of the branches of the domestic fuel and energy complex are being discussed today at the exhibition in russia, energy day is being held there, many events are planned, the participation of ministers has been announced , heads of departments, heads of large companies, and today our correspondent anna lazareva works at dnh, she is in direct contact with us. anna, good morning, what events have already taken place? took place? hello, vera, a solemn ceremony has already taken place to launch the modernized gress power units via vcs in the kostroma region, perm region and buryatia. their total capacity is 1390 megatons. let's see how it went. please press the symbolic buttons. and launch. modern
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technical solutions that were used to modernize these power units made it possible to increase the total capacity by almost 10%. as a result , uninterrupted power supply to industrial enterprises in the urals, transbaikalia and central regions of russia. first of all. this is important for enterprises in the petrochemical industry, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, oil refining and timber processing; all equipment that was used in the modernization of domestic production was attended by the minister of energy nikolai shulginov at the launch ceremony for the vks. by the way, according to him, the ministry of energy will propose to extend the program for modernizing thermal capacities.
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so today at the russia exhibition , this industry has celebrated its energy day for 20 years big and thorny.
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as part of the energy day at vdnkh , a lot of events are planned at the russia exhibition; we will keep an eye on the most interesting ones, the most striking statements, and we will definitely tell you about everything. vera, anna, thank you, nona lazareva was in direct contact with the russian exhibition at vdnkh, where today is energy day. “i’ve been driving since childhood, i’ve always been supported, everything is fine, it’s accepted in our family, everything is fine, now i’m a magnet, i work as a driver, the fleet is being renewed, the salary is the same day, everything is fine, come, details by number 8 800 30067
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techno. cyberweek at the megamarket. buy a sber smart tv for only 11,990 rubles. thousands of holiday discounts in the magnet, vechin vyazanka 1499. from 2019 to 2023, sber financed the creation of new infrastructure facilities for handling waste amounting to more than 60 billion rubles in 10 regions of our country. tatyana zavyalova, senior vice president for icg at sberbank, spoke about this not only as part of the ecology day, which was held at the russia exhibition the day before, in an interview with our channel. hello, hello, artyom. thank you for taking the time to come to our russia-24 studio. today is ecology day;
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many topics are discussed within the framework of this day, including icg issues. so tell me, what new approaches are there today to implementing a closed cycle in our russian market, that is, what are there at all? by this, tell it for people who don't know anything about it yet. humanity is growing , there are more and more of us, the quality of life is improving, this means that we are using more and more products, which, as a rule, are somehow packaged, and it is not always possible to dispose of this packaging, let’s say, in an environmentally friendly way, what with what to do with it, this is what is called msw for short, yes, municipal solid waste, absolutely right, absolutely true, what to do with this municipal solid waste that is accumulating in huge quantities in all countries. literally in all countries of the world, what approaches are there? there are approaches that are economically correct, let's try to learn how to return at least some part of msw back
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into the economic cycle, this will mean that our problems with non-recyclable waste will decrease on the one hand, on the other hand we will get new raw materials that we will be able to reuse, in fact, the main basic one - the basic idea.
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existing in the world advanced solutions for working with msw in the first place and techniques that are used to build a circular economy, the results of this study largely formed the basis of the new law, rob, this law is precisely the first step for the formation of a new legislative infrastructure that will allow, including for... to create new motivation in the transition to more environmentally friendly ways of working with packaging waste in this case, that is, well
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, in fact, sber today is creating this market in russia, and that’s right, what kind of support can sberbank provide to players in the this market? one of the main tools is financing promising and effective projects. from the nineteenth to the twenty-third year, we financed more than 60 billion specific projects aimed at creating new infrastructure facilities in ten regions, we will support more than 200 billion rubles in projects in 49 regions of the country, and these are specific solutions in different regions of the country. sber is a technology company. one of our actively developing areas is the use of development and implementation of technologies using artificial intelligence,
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last year we launched a new technological solution that allows us to analyze satellite images using artificial intelligence and identify illegal dumps in russian territory. and not starting with ourselves would be an unacceptable mistake, of course, we probably took the first step to carefully look at what
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sber is, and what we can... do in order to improve our practices, internal practices for working with tko. and generally speaking, we have an environmental focus, climate, environmental, social focus - this is not an integral part of the strategy, business strategy of sberbank. what did we do in accordance with these tasks? we , of course, introduced separate waste collection practices in our offices, worked to... extend the service life of our equipment in order to recycle, well, physically we had to send smaller amounts of our equipment for recycling, what kind of equipment is this? well, for example, these are our atms, we pay great attention to the educational part, both within sberbank and wider. we have a large program “save together”, within
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the framework of this program we supported. the large federal clean games project, involving our clients and our employees in all regions of the country, in activities related to the cleanup of specific regions, ultimately collected , as a result of last year, about 500 tons of garbage. tatyana, thank you very much for the important work that you and your team do for all of russia, thank you very much. artyom, thank you, it was a pleasure. take part in your program, cough, less chemicals, cough tablets, renival, mucaltin renival, we trust renival, we choose renival, pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, buy a carob coffee maker.
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that life has gotten out of hand.


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