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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 27, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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and receive gifts, but what’s possible? you can, iota, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive superboxes as a gift, you can, iota, a mortgage in sberbank with one button will fulfill all your dreams, even the most different ones, or maybe everything everywhere at once? find real estate, submit just one application for a mortgage in the domklik service, what men are silent about, that life has come out of...
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russia is the largest country in the world 11 sentries. more than 145 million residents, over 110 million voters who can vote in almost 100 thousand polling stations, at home or online. every voter's vote is counted and guaranteed to be protected, with approximately 1 million election organizers helping with this. observers, video surveillance at polling stations, electronic ballot processing systems, mobile voter mechanism.
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remote electronic voting. the state automated election system ensures accurate and fast vote counting. elections in russia are important, fair, and convenient. today is international holocaust remembrance day. on january 27, 1945 , soviet troops liberated kons-camp auschwitz. in honor of this event, the fsb public relations center published an archival one. document materials, a copy of a certificate about the facts of german atrocities against the jewish population in the territory of the ussr temporarily occupied by the enemy from december 1942. at the same time, the united nations declaration was signed. 11 countries said they were aware of nazi crimes on polish territory. later , an article appeared in the newspaper pravda about the mass extermination of jews already in the occupied territory of the ussr. information
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contained in the certificate signed general sudoplatov, head of the fourth directorate, this was actually an extract from those messages that came from behind the front line from the reconnaissance and sabotage residencies of the fourth directorate, which operated virtually throughout the entire occupied territory, the commanders of these special groups, special detachments of the people's commissariat of internal affairs, who operated there's a lot there along the way.
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the united states is losing, says former pentagon adviser dougloss mcgregor. in his opinion, ukraine is already completely exhausted and is supported solely by financial injections from the west, while a significant part of american aid does not reach the recipients, ending up in the bank accounts of kiev officials. member of the european parliament from ireland mick wallace also points out the corruption of the ukrainian authorities, who accused brussels of a policy of double standards. the eu criticizes hungary. but at the same time does not follow
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its own rules in relation to other countries. ukraine is a state that is completely mired in corruption. and despite this, brussels is ready to integrate kiev into the european union according to a simplified scheme. however, according to opinion of kima entrepreneurs. coma, over the next few months, more precisely until november, ukraine’s main partners will not change their rhetoric. the businessman is sure that preventing moscow from winning is one of the priorities of joe biden’s election campaign. you have noticed several western leaders publicly warning about the need to prepare for war with russia. they know that ukraine is suffocating and that russia will soon go on the offensive. this is joe biden's attempt to stop putin from winning the war before the us elections. republicans can stop these plans cia veteran jack devine believes that disagreements in the house of representatives over the financing of kiev could seriously undermine the us position on the world stage. if we don't give ukraine the weapons it needs to hold its own, it could be one of
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the greatest historical failures of american policy and a major victory for putin. our current weakness is beginning to echo around the world, with many countries now behaving more. with our neighbors because they don't expect us to be of any help. our allies, not so much nato, like others, is watching us. while american experts are discussing the geopolitical consequences, polish authorities are trying to figure out what to do with ukrainian refugees. local media note that migrants have led to an increase in crime. observers write that guests from the neighboring country feel impunity and often break laws, in particular driving while drunk . artyom krosulin. news. texas governor refuses to comply with president biden's ultimatum to remove barbed wire on the border with mexico. state authorities have announced a call for volunteers to protect against the influx of illegal migrants. hundreds are now heading to the border. americans, the governors
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of florida and oklahoma are ready to send their own national guard units to help texas. the press writes that the leadership of the state bordering mexico is preparing for a possible armed conflict. colleagues, i am glad to welcome you to the main exhibition of our country, at the exhibition forum russia. on this unique platform you can good afternoon, dear friends, dear
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get acquainted with the most important achievements of our country, our citizens in industry, first of all, invite them to our stands, pavilions, which were made for us by the ministry of energy and our large companies, this is the energy of life pavilion, these are the pavilions of rosatom, rosneft, gazprom, sibur, lukoila, we tried very hard for you and
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we are waiting for you to visit, today our leaders of large companies will talk about their achievements, but first i would like to say that... thanks to the personal participation, personal attention of the president russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin, our energy sectors, our energy industry has made a tremendous leap in its qualitative development over the past 20 years. today, the russian energy complex is one of the most powerful in the world, and we are proud of this, i will name a few numbers.
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programs, and that’s not all, i want to say that the most important thing is that the industry employs highly professional and qualified personnel, more than 3 million people. who with their work, their knowledge, their experience, their energy develop our energy sector, and therefore ensure the prosperity of our homeland. today we are rightfully proud of the achievements that our industry is achieving at the global level, and you know that the russian fuel and energy complex is today the world leader for the russian industry. is also important, and this is the basis of the russian economy. if we talk about
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numbers, then 30% of the gross domestic product today is provided by the energy industry, more than 50% of federal budget revenues, and these are truly impressive figures. i i want to say that not long ago, we celebrated several years ago, literally 3 years ago: the centenary since the beginning of the formation of our electric power system, since the approval of the so-called golro plan, this is the state plan for the electrification of russia, during this time a huge path has been made in development of our electric power system, today it is one of the largest electric power systems in the world, which is located in terms of coverage of the most
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diversified territory in the world. they work for us thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants. but over the past 10 years, also on the initiative of the president of the russian federation , a new industry has actively begun to develop: renewable energy sources. this allowed us to diversify our balance sheet further. energy sources, today, who does not know, i can safely say that russia has one of the cleanest and lowest-carbon electricity balances, 87% of electricity generation is clean source. if we talk about the oil industry, this is also an industry that has made a huge leap in its development over the past 20 years. for the first time this century, we began to develop a field in eastern siberia. we started developing offshore fields in the caspian sea, we began to develop the shelf
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in the sea of ​​okhotsk, in the pechersk sea, in the baltic sea, we built new infrastructure, major projects, which have no analogues in the world, and i will name one of them - this is the eastern siberia oil pipeline, the pacific ocean, which connected our oil transportation trunk system with the far east and... provided us with diversification of the export of our products for many years and, for the first time, supplies of our oil by pipeline to asia. during this period, in recent years, there has been a large -scale modernization of oil refineries, and i can responsibly say that in the shortest possible time, this has never happened anywhere in the world, in a short time we switched to the production of the highest environmentally friendly fuel of the fifth class, and today in the country we have us... there is no other type of fuel that is used in ours, in our national economy, in vehicles. if we talk about
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the gas industry, then you all know what our record indicators are and how our gas industry is developing. and one of the main important achievements is that in this century, for the first time, we began to develop our northernmost largest deposits, which have no analogues. the production of liquefied natural gas is actively developing, this is a new industry that did not exist in russia, in the 21st century we have already reached
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fourth place in the world in the production of liquefied natural gas, we have ambitious plans, we must reach the production of 100 million tons from natural gas per year in the next 10-15 years to occupy 20% of the world market, and of course an important task set by the president is gasification our country. over the past 15 years, a qualitative leap and breakthrough has been made in the gasification of our country, and we have gone from a level of 53% to 78% of gasification in the country... it is worth completing and maximizing the gasification of all our regions by the thirtieth year. if we talk about petrochemicals - these are the products of the oil and gas complex at the next stage of processing, then what is important here is that in recent years we have completely gotten rid of import dependence in this industry. and today the main task is to direct these resources to
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processing, to chemistry, to the production of consumer goods. from these materials, the coal industry has undergone a large-scale restructuring over this time, which has allowed us to significantly increase labor productivity and increase the efficiency of this industry. well of course, one of the energy sectors is the nuclear industry. we all know very well that russia is the world leader in the nuclear industry. today we are the most important technology providers worldwide. the leader will talk about this today. rosatom, but i want to say that rosatom does not stand still all the time - it is developing new technologies, achievements in the field of neo-development, fundamental science, today we have new technologies related to the development of small-scale nuclear energy, and as you know, russia is the only country in the world which built
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floating nuclear power plant. dear friends, today you will have a very... in conclusion, i would like to say that, of course, energy development is not only the work of our enterprises, but most importantly, it is the work of those people who work in the field today, that professional team , who works and thanks to whom our energy develops. to say that we have a huge historical foundation, we have huge plans, our energy industry is firmly on its feet, our energy industry will develop and move forward, russia forward, thank you, if you think
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about it, russia has an amazing energy balance, enviable , well, taksama just mentioned it and not... and gas, environmentally friendly, coal, hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power, but we are now at such a very curious, strange stage in the development of humanity , when many are urged to give up hydrocarbons, well, such a fashion , let’s now display the qr code on our screen for the first time, and i will now appeal to those in this room, and to those who are watching us on tv, please point your smartphones on this qr code, we’ll arrange a small survey, and we will have a survey as in verse, how... we will continue to live, as fashionable, or as fashionable, of course, reducing emissions, intercepting co2, but as convenient for us. the voting has begun, it will last about a minute, if someone has not encountered this, then point your phone screen again, scan, everything is quite simple, well
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, listen, especially since the people here are literate, it works. literally seconds are left until the end of the voting, now we will see its result, 10 seconds, if someone didn’t have time, hurry up, so, once again, as fashionable or as convenient for us, 2, 1, 0, remove, stop voting, it will take just a few seconds to look at its results.
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will be rusatom, i invite the stage, the head of rusatom alexey lekhachov. first of all, thank you both from a tv broadcaster and from the head of global energy for a series of our common events, from obnensk to south africa and from, where we were, rosatom expo in sochi to latin america. over to you. thank you very much, dear colleagues, dear friends. i really hope that most of you have already been to the rosatom pavilion, if not, then be sure to visit it, because in accordance with today’s regulations, i will only have time for a...
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70 years since the launch of the world’s first nuclear power plant in the city of obnensk, i take this opportunity to invite everyone to these holidays, and i will tell you about the last 16 years of our nuclear industry countries, we will start with the decision of the president of the russian federation, adopted in december 2007, on the creation of a state nuclear energy corporation, rosatom, a decision that is three times unique, firstly, it was united in this decision... all the scattered at that time valiant enterprises of the ministry of medium machine building, our forefather, the most closed atomic department of the soviet union. secondly, in addition to this
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industrial commercial cape, the state corporation was transferred with a state function, the function of developing and implementing state policy in the field of atomic energy, not only peaceful, but also military atom. well, the third thing, which is of particular value to us, continues. property complex of state corporations and the most complex ones, requiring development, innovative, global approach, the state continues to transfer assets to us. here is today's portrait of rosatom, as of january 1 of this year there are 364,000 employees, more than 460 enterprises, about 100 business areas, our special value is our nuclear cities, there are 31 of them, you will see on the list not only traditional, but closed cities, not only station
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cities , in which we, including energodar, are pursuing our social policy, and such cities, for example, as neman, a city in the kaliningrad region, where we are today building a gigafactory for energy storage devices, the city of usol and sibirskaya, glorious irkutsk. areas where the implementation of an environmental project is taking place, such, indeed, not only on a russian, but also on an international scale, regions of presence, working with people has always been a key issue for us in the activities of the state corporation for many years, if we talk about rosatom’s energy sector, about green energy, we must understand that for several years now we have been on a plateau of approximately 220 billion kwh or...
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develop these technologies by offering new sustainable fuel solutions, and i i am sure that
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in this competence it will be difficult to compete with the state corporation urosatom for many decades to come, and of course, we are the absolute leaders in the export of nuclear technologies, today 25 projects in the world are being implemented under the npp export scheme, of which 22 projects are ours, talk about it it’s possible for quite a long time, but... i would like us to plunge into the atmosphere of last year for a few seconds and remember the launch of the belarusian nuclear power plant, the delivery of fuel to bangladesh at the rupur station , to the turkish akuyu site, this is really there were the brightest or one of the brightest moments in the life of these countries.
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nükleer santral sahasına tesliminin bir kez daha hayırlı olmasını. our country today is becoming a nuclear power, 80% of the construction of stations in the world is carried out by rosatom.
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what is very important to understand: we not only draw up commercially attractive contracts with our partners, not only localize orders in these countries, work with local businesses, we create industries, train people, work with students, with public opinion, create research and development organizations together with universities and institutes of a particular country to our partners, it is this synergy, this comprehensive solution that leads. to the fact that, as a rule , newcomers choose rosatom to export technologies to countries , this applies primarily to large nuclear power plants, but little by little we are not standing still, i think that many who follow the global nuclear discussion have seen how over the past one and a half to two years in the world, well, as expressed in modern language, there is low power on hype, about 70 projects are announced in the world, but most in fact, only four of them are being built in russia,
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or rather already... academician lomonosov is working, four more blocks are being built for the benefit of the boimskoye field, work is also underway in chukotka on the shelf 10 mw microreactor, and we entered the site last year at site of the kyuchus field for the construction of a ground-based small station with a capacity of 100 mw, therefore, in the technologies of today, be it small or large stations, we are the first, and we want to remain the first tomorrow, and for the world it is clear what nuclear energy of the fourth generation is, the first in turn, this is a solution to environmental problems , eliminating the issue of accumulation of nuclear waste, this will allow action, will allow solving a closed fuel cycle, multiple recycling of fissile materials between stations of different types, this, of course, is the fight against accidents, and fourth generation reactors, primarily fast
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metal coolant, they will give you...
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years, we, of course, must completely renew the fleet of nuclear power plants in the center of russia , increase generation several times in the urals, come to siberia, the far east with powerful stations work, i told you about small stations in technologically isolated systems of the north, and we have to build more than forty blocks before the forties to compensate for the care of... veterans, blocks of soviet design, we are ready for this work, and this is a truly, truly inspiring national project , but nuclear reactors turn not only electric turbines, but also the driving shafts of nuclear icebreakers, encouraging our work on the northern sea route as carriers, we have been given a task, we will implement it with...


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