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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 27, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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in physical dimensions, then this is evidenced , first of all, of course, by a large number of objects that respectively belong to the oil industry, these are oil fields, and oil refineries, and a giant network of oil pipelines, and oil product terminals, ports, fueling complexes at airports, and this gas station network, and the scale of the industry is certainly indicated by the number of employees, industry workers - this is more... comparisons with the equator, so this train will circle the globe around the equator almost more than 2 and a half times, definitely this industry.
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investments and support for related industries, which play an important role for the economy as a whole, have a multiplier effect. of course, the oil industry is not only oil production, it is also oil refining. this is the absolute production of motor fuels, motor gasoline and diesel fuel, respectively, the volume that is produced, supplied to the domestic market, drives more than 50 million cars, the fuel that produces marine fuel drives river sea ​​vessels, respectively jet kerosene.
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last year, it made it possible to transport more than 100 million passengers across the country; of course, these are also bituminous materials that are used in housing construction and road construction; last year, more than 300 thousand kilometers of roads were built and repaired. of course, this is the production of coke, which is needed by metallurgy, this is also the production of oils, which are needed by motor transport, the fleet, aviation and, of course, industry, and this, of course... petrochemicals, because the products oil refining is raw materials or intermediate products for the production of plastic, rubber, including pharmaceutical substances for the production of medicines, the production of raw materials for the production of paints, and so on. if we talk about the russian oil industry, as in principle the world oil industry, this is a mature industry that has been around for more than 150 years, and historically, the russian
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oil industry has been in leading positions, we all remember the nineties, when there was a failure, and we lost these positions, but over the past 20-25 years, there has certainly been a renaissance in the oil and gas industry. industry, over the years we have increased production volumes by more than 60%, and the russian federation is one of the three largest global players who... determine the state of the position in the oil market, and this market is certainly probably the most important market in the world. and a very important question that worries everyone, yes, uh, the oil industry is very important for the modern world economy, but what are its prospects, and there are different forecasts, and some analysts are talking about the imminent decline of the oil market, and i i want to say that this forecast has been going on for more than one year. and if we go back to the twentieth year, then already
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in the twentieth year a number of analysts said that the peak of consumption had already been passed, and then consumption would only decline, but now 4 years have passed, we see that the market has recovered, consumption is growing, in principle, now many analysts confidently say that if we talk about reaching the peak, then this will happen no earlier than the next decade, well, in principle, this is most likely a conservative forecast and... of course, many fundamental factors indicate that the demand for oil will continue to grow, this is also evidenced by the growth of the planet’s population, this is also evidenced by the growth of the economy, especially the asian economy, of course we see an increase in demand both from the petrochemical industry, and accordingly the need is also growing in aviation kerosene in other types of fuel, what is important is that the growth that we have achieved in... over the last 20-25 years it
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has occurred in an environment where we have had to work with much more complex reserves. basically, if we talk about two factors, which provided. the growth of production volumes over the past 20-25 years, two factors: the first is technology, the second is a correspondingly new geography. if we talk about technology , then the fact that we have begun to work with complex reserves, but first of all, i want to say right away, for non-specialists, there is such a general misconception that oil lies in such connections in underwater lakes, from where this oil is drawn, in fact in fact, this is certainly not true, oil is contained in layers of very hard rocks that are located at depth 2, 3, 4, 5 km, respectively, is located in very microscopic pores, from where it needs to be extracted, but previously we worked with layers that were quite thick and
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the thickness of these layers corresponded to the height of multi-story buildings, and accordingly, the permeability was quite high , all that had to be done was to build a vertical well. it was impossible not to get into this formation, well, then you lower the submersible pump there and the oil, in principle , leaks out on its own, flows down to this pump, which already lifts the oil to the surface land, so now - 20-25 years have passed, and if we talk about our company, then we work with reserves, which in their thickness are layers, the height of which, the thickness of which is less than the height of the train.
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a well of complex designs with long horizontal trunks, you need to drill this well through this thin layer, do hydraulic fracturing, and if we talk about the design, which unfortunately is not shown here, then by design, by construction, these wells look like the skeleton of a fish, that’s what they are called , fish bone, and the length of these wells exceeds 8 km, which is a distance.
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on the interlat, this includes production on the shelf , here is a near-fault platform, this is, in principle , the only platform in the world now that produces oil on the arctic shelf, and eastern siberia, which has huge reserves, is being developed, and what is important,
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simultaneously with the development of new provinces, in new logistics routes are starting to operate, this is in 100, which alexander valentinovich has already spoken about, and this is... the northern sea route, which he spoke about alexey evgenievich, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the distance and time of oil delivery to asian markets in china, and accordingly reduces the cost of such delivery. accordingly, as i said, the oil industry is not only oil production, but it is also the processing of the third important task that the oil industry solved. in these years it was the modernization of factories, the left picture shows how, in principle, these factories were, but now from those factories that were built in the fifties, sixties, seventies, from those there is nothing left of installations, if we talk about the omsk oil refinery plant or the moscow neftrechechy plant, these are 90% new
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plants with high efficiency, which allowed us to achieve this modernization, we have significantly expanded everyone in all these products, that is, we can talk about complete import substitution accordingly, these investments have made oil refining more efficient, refining costs have decreased, per ton of oil we now extract much more useful value-added products, and so on. of course, all these investments made it possible to significantly increase industrial safety and significantly reduce the burden on the environment, oil refineries have undergone... modernization, but we are also modernizing the distribution network, oil pipelines, fueling
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complexes, oil product terminals, fuel filling complexes, well and of course, accordingly modernizes all gas stations, and if we talk about fuel filling complexes - or oil refineries, then not everyone, in principle, once had these facilities visited and imagines what it is, but you and i have all encountered szs. here in the left picture there is a gas station, i found myself refueling at such gas stations back in the late nineties, early 2000s, this is what the fuel dispenser looked like, everyone remembers it very well, a concrete brick booth next to the hospital window, with a loophole, with bars, i handed over money somewhere or handed over coupons, now, accordingly, the quality of products, petroleum products has changed, this is class 5, and, accordingly... the quality of service of related materials has also changed goods and services that you can buy.
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if we talk about the successes of the oil industry, then they are truly fantastic and phenomenal, and in order to achieve these successes, we had to overcome quite a large number of challenges, natural challenges, geological challenges, and others, but for the last 2 years there have certainly been there. .. we are faced with new challenges, this is unprecedented sanctions pressure, we all see that the oil industry in these conditions remains stable, thanks to the first is to redirect the flow of our products to new markets, and we have completed this task, and of course, the second very important task is to ensure technological sovereignty, the oil industry, the industry, science is intensive, innovatively intensive and technologically intensive, that’s why...
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based on oil companies, digital oil companies, companies, then they are following the path from already creating another trend, direction of work for the oil industry, if we talk about oil , what is a digital oil company? a company that is managed on the basis of data and digital... twins, and if we talk about the gazprom neft company,
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now every sixth employee is, these are not only it specialists, but these are our geologists, developers, engineers, operators who participate in development, creating software, writing code, then implementing and operating, of course, the oil industry generates a huge amount of information, here is information that is generated only by our exploration and production unit, 70 network bytes of information, this is every day, this corresponds to 150 million volumes of the novel war and peace, and if we talk about software, then software, all processes, business processes, production processes, these solutions are applied, of course, if we talk about digital technologies, artificial intelligence technologies, integrated digital twins, drones, robotics, ar, vr, then they are used in our country... once again, in conclusion,
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summing up, i want to say that the oil industry is certainly a key sector of the russian economy, it is an industry, of course important, this is an industry that occupies a leading position in the world oil industry, and the world oil industry, it will still be in demand for quite a long time and decades to come, talking about the oil industry, this industry is science-intensive and technology- intensive, and the development of this industry contributes to the development related industries, and of course we don’t have any...
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liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade, which lasted 872 days, this is one of the most terrible pages of the great patriotic war. the city survived despite the famine, harsh winter and bombing. today there are torches burning on the raster columns on the spit of vasilyevsky island. commemorative events are taking place in the city. now our correspondents, dmitry akimov and natalya solovyova, are in direct contact from leningrad. hello, the first question is for you, dmitry. for leningrad families. and today leningrad victory day is celebrated here, that’s what january 27 is called, naturally, hundreds of different commemorative events are planned in the city today, but
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now we continue to work at peskarevsky the cemetery, where, according to tradition, all ceremonial events begin, here, and a few minutes ago, the solemn funeral ceremony of laying flowers at the monument to the mother’s homeland ended, in general it is worth saying that the piskarevskoye memorial cemetery. this place is special, a place of memory and sorrow, more than half a million people, leningraders, who gave their lives during the siege are buried here, there are mass graves here, both of the defenders of the city and ordinary citizens who lived their daily lives every day with life, work, they proved that we can withstand and can win, today thousands have gathered at the cemetery...
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and our task is to ensure that the memory of the people who survived these terrible days, who died, died during the years of the poster, so that it is preserved.
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true, the war is merciless, it is with these words that the book begins, the blockade book by daniil granin, where he, together with ales adamovich, began simply colossal work, they collected evidence of the memories of the blockade of those who fought it... this work continues today, probably, it's not even work, it is our duty, to preserve these memories, to remember that the people who were in leningrad in the period from forty-one to forty-four, they did not plan to be any heroes, they worked just like you and i today, studied, loved, raised children, but it so happened that they had to become heroes every day to fulfill their heroic... they work in this way turning their personal feat into a feat of the great city, of course, this is one of the most important days for leningraders and the solemn ceremony v
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in a variety of formats, on the street, at stadiums, concert venues, will take place absolutely all day today, now i’m giving the floor to natalya solovyova, my colleague who works in the city center, she will tell you in more detail what will happen in the city today hero, dmitry, thank you, well, our film crew works in the center of leningrad, that’s right, because today here, on virtually every street, on every square, history comes to life, we are now at the manezhnaya, here is the equipment of that period, like for example, this leningrad tram, if the blockade lasted 872 days, so 811 of them, these trams walked along the streets of leningrad, they... and transported people, helped in the evacuation of factories, including cultural property, and a little further, let's let's go, i'll show you what other equipment there
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is here, these are fire trucks. and now let's look at the installation, it is located on my right hand, here you can see the same premises as they looked during the siege, a little further from me there is a library, a rehearsal room, where
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the scores, musical instruments, the poster of dmitry shostakovich’s seventh symphony are located, which became a real symbol of the undefeated leningrad, here is the school classroom, let’s try to go here, you know, there are very, very many people here today, this is one of the typical leningrad apartments of that period , let 's pay attention to the details, a potbelly stove is how these small rooms were heated, you can note that from... some of the furniture, parquet is missing, this is actually what was used for heating in those difficult times, and the windows, they are sealed crosswise with newspapers so that during shelling the glass does not fly into the apartment and people can avoid serious injuries, well, you see very, very many people come here, including the residents of besieged leningrad, their grandchildren and great-grandchildren,
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in order for you to remember, in order for... to remember, and we had to evacuate, well , at the beginning of september, my elder brother, they ran away, tanks, planes, everything was destroyed in sleterburg, the barge left, but we remained, and this barsha was sunk, my dad's aunt lived in a poster here, she stayed, and her daughter was sent across lake ladazh to the mainland, she is then...
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planned in the city, and this day will end, of course, with fireworks at 21:00 over the neva. faith. natalya, thank you, our correspondents, natalya solovyova and dmitry akimov, were in direct communication from leningrad. today is the second birthday of leningrad. 80 years ago, soviet troops lifted the blockade from the city, which lasted almost 2 years. on january 27, 1944,
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nazi troops were defeated near leningrad. by according to data voiced at the nyurmer trial, 632 thousand people died during the blockade. according to the latest data, the number of victims exceeds a million. most of them died of hunger. on the raster columns of the vasilyevsky island, torches are burning today. commemorative events are taking place in the city. the tram ceremony is taking place at this moment at the peskarevskoye memorial cemetery. this is one of the places of mass graves of victims of the siege of leningrad and soldiers of the leningrad front. and today st. petersburg residents laid flowers to memorial plaque on nevsky, in memory of the exploits of the defenders of leningrad. veterans, residents of the besieged city, schoolchildren and government officials took part in the solemn mourning meeting. declassified archives, military reports, command orders and stories of the heroes of the defenders of lening on the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the siege of the city by the ministry of defense.


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