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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 27, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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republic and shelter in the zaporozhye region. enemy losses in these two directions alone exceeded 100 people. in the kupyansk direction, units of the western group of troops repulsed five attack-assault groups, the thirty-second mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, the 103rd terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of senkovka, kharkov region and terny of the donetsk people's republic. the enemy lost up to twenty-five military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, and three cars. in the south donetsk direction, units grouping vostok troops repelled four attacks by assault groups of the 127th terrestrial defense brigade in the area of ​​the settlement of priyutnaya , zaporozhye region, and also inflicted fire damage on the troops and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​​​the settlement of makarovka, donetsk people's republic. the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to up to 115 military personnel, three vehicles, as well as two akatsiya self-propelled artillery mounts. soldiers of the russian guard are actively involved in the special operation zone. engineering reconnaissance ensuring the safe passage of columns. evacuation of the wounded assistance to local
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to the population. report by mikhail andronik about the work of fighters in the lugansk people's republic. military personnel of the russian guard, with the help of a rope with a hook, the so-called cat, remove from the site an improvised explosive device that was discovered along the route of the military convoy. we have repeatedly encountered ammunition, standard, ours, and military. there are also foreign-made mines on our routes. all this. the case was withdrawn. engineering reconnaissance is only one of the tasks assigned to the russian guard unit in the northern military district zone. throughout the zone during a special military operation , there are hundreds of similar fortified checkpoints where military police officers, traffic police officers and, of course, military personnel of the russian guard serve. thanks to the network of checkpoints, there is no chance for intruders to go unnoticed. it will not be possible to hide with accomplices of the kiev regime in the populated areas of donbass and novorosiya. they are all in the area of ​​responsibility of those.
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i didn’t know what a medical examination was, i didn’t know what a vaccination calendar was, having painted this map of the movement of recovery or they just go get this or that service, people who for many years had to travel tens of kilometers to get medical help are grateful, and what did they do here without a doctor, what did they do, go crazy on the sly, themselves, helped she herself, now she needs to do the blockade, she is no longer responding to my treatment. it doesn't fit. often, residents of donbass, even the smallest ones, help military personnel carry out the tasks assigned to them. now broadcast on our channel. president of the republic of belarus alexander grigoryevich lukashenko. thank you. leningraders, dear alexander
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grigorievich, dear friends, today is a special day, its significance cannot be measured by anything except the feelings that everyone experienced then in january 1944.
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the nazi directive on the future of the city of st. petersburg directly stated that it was to be blocked and continue to quote. surrender, as it was written in this directive, should be rejected, but the complacent enemy would be wiped off the face of the earth, possible proposals for capitulation waited in vain, the city fought, leningraders, soldiers of the red army stood as a wall in the way of the invaders. the nazis acted fiercely and cynically. in strict accordance with merciless orders, they almost unquestioningly and continuously carried out artillery shelling of the city, bombed from the air and consciously, as they say, planned, doomed almost 2.5 million inhabitants to
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starvation, to prohibitive, unimaginable deprivations. for 872 days leningrad was besieged, the pulse of the city became the metronome, and its heart was the people who, despite all the trials , continued to work and fight for salvation city, native country, for the sake of victory. for 872 days in the vicinity of leningrad, the nazis and their accomplices created hell on earth, executed and tortured the defenseless. for 872 days there was a fierce battle on the outskirts of leningrad, the victory was won by our soviet
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soldiers and officers who fought for truth, freedom, justice, for their loved ones, for their home, for their homeland. today we pay tribute to the deepest respect for their courage and courage, we honor the memory of every participant in the defense of leningrad, every resident of the besieged and not submitted to the enemy of the city, we mourn for those whose lives were cut short in battles on the neva patch, near ranenbaum and kronstatt, on the pulkovo and sinyavsky heights, in the waters of ladoga and the gulf of finland, and those who found... eternal peace on smolensky, serafimovsky, volkovsky, peskarevsky cemeteries, about countless in countless mass graves, a minute of silence is announced.
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thank you, dear friends, today a memorial to civilians of the soviet union was opened in gatchina. victims of nazi massacres during the great patriotic war. blockade leningrad will forever remain in history as the most terrible example of the mass murder of soviet citizens. over 1 million people died from hunger and disease in the city. these are mainly elderly people, women, and children. this number is difficult to comprehend and imagine, but it is only a part.
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grandfathers and great-grandfathers, we will never forget their sacrificial path to the great victory. each of us has relatives who fought at the front or worked in the rear. their dedication, unity, and sincere love for their homeland provided a reserve.
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russia honors your feat today, with happy holiday to you, on the day of the complete liberation of leningrad from the nazi blockade. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear friends, all of you, we were lucky enough
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to be born, live, study and work in the great city of heroes, a city that will last forever. will remain in the memory of posterity as a symbol of the unbending will, perseverance and courage of the soviet people. there is no example in the world comparable to the feat of the leningraders. having overcome hunger, cold, thirst, and survived the endless deaths of relatives and friends, they retained their humanity. the fate of each of them is history spiritual achievement. we know this story from
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the recollections of eyewitnesses, archival footage, newsreels, and newspaper articles of those years. we understand, reread, remember, review, look for answers to the questions that time poses to us. the questions are complex and fundamental. we are still trying to resolve these issues today. the most important of them is preserving the truth about that war. this truth demonstrates the brutality, the depth of the moral and ethical decline of those who stood under the banner of nazi germany. she falls as a black shadow on many western european countries.
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those benefits that were repeatedly implanted in our ancestors by fire and sword, and nevertheless, both after the victory and today, we call for peaceful dialogue, but subject to the condition of respecting our historical memory and the truth about that war, we are open to any friendly steps towards in russia and belarus. friends, exactly 80 years ago, the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad made the great victory even closer. we have many anniversaries to celebrate the great battles of the battles that ultimately stopped the most brutal war in human history.
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coming to this.
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so why was it necessary to defend moscow, well , there was no need to defend ourselves at all, to the urals , at least they would have come to us, they would have made us better, i agree with the president of russia, who says, but we lost our civilization, and we would today we would not live on this earth if we had not fought for every piece of land, but as i said, they look at the present from the past and... what is the logic? there's no need to resist. no need to fight. today they are sharpening their swords on our borders in order to come to us. they are coming back to us to make us better. there is no need to resist. and where will we be? this is the main question we are trying to answer today. we respond and will respond.
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be sure of this. and let the memory. and those who left us inspire us to create, in the name of the future of our peoples, in the name of peace, we will preserve our civilization, of this you can be sure, thank you. these were shots from the gazprom arena in st. petersburg. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko addressed the audience of the requim concert dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of leningrad from nazi rule blockades well, our broadcast will continue with the final episode of the vesti dezhurnaya program.
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hello. broadcast live by the duty department. let's summarize the legal results of this week. with you. i'm andrey ivlev, the fight against saboteurs, deserters and criminals in besieged leningrad, how the soviet police worked during the siege and what crimes they stopped, we'll tell you in a few minutes, here's what will happen next in the program, the main topics of the week and big investigations by our correspondents. rescue flight crash in afghanistan. latest information about crashed plane with russians on board, which is known. the company that owned the airliner, when the aircraft with a forty-five-year history was undergoing its last technical inspection, an argentine voyage, a fugitive businesswoman in buenos aires was detained. an alleged fraudster from barnaul, is it true that she stole more than 150 million rubles in her homeland? and she flew overseas to steal borscht for sale. a gang of tampa wolf cubs, they
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beat up passers-by, posted videos of bullying online, how a law student could become the leader of a cruel gangs. the last pancake by blinovskaya kom. the queen of the empire of deceit was lowered from olympus into pre-trial detention. what conditions await her? grid which audience will you have to work with now? state duma deputies intend to put a barrier to trash content; this week they adopted in the first reading a bill on liability for bullying on live television. the author will face a fine of up to 700,000 rubles and confiscation of equipment. these measures are especially relevant against the backdrop of increased crimes on display. in tambuva. police investigators detained another teenage gang led by a seventeen-year-old girl, who were the juvenile criminals copying, and what is the reason for the aggression of minors? report by sultan
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siganov. food court on the territory of the tambov shopping and entertainment center. the place is popular, especially among young people. here you can see schoolchildren, college students and universities. most often they gather after classes in the late afternoon. so, among this particular category of regular customers of the restaurant area, there were those who, at any cost, decided to prove their superiority over others, and not by the most decent methods. their photographs do not hang on the scoreboard; it is unlikely that they can be found among the winners of school olympiads. notorious hooligans, accustomed to using brute force to achieve results. now let's see how we can do this. the gang of brash and violent teenagers, according to investigators, was led by a seventeen-year-old local college student. a girl with black hair and bright makeup, more than others, bullied the weak and without... protection, showered them with abuse and hit them on the cheeks. the disgusting content was first broadcast in anonymous chats, with eyewitnesses of the monstrous behavior of teenagers just shaking their heads.
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in general, young people are often brought there , let’s say, young people, but they are so, i don’t know, uncultured, uncultured, well, in the sense, they express themselves, they express themselves, they will wipe themselves out, with the tacit consent of adults and under the leadership of a young man, a group of young people. most of them are teenagers, complaining in their environment is worse than being beaten, this is what one of the victims told us on the phone, i already have problems with this it was enough, not only physically, morally,
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when videos of beatings began to spread on social networks, viewers of trash content demanded that a gang of minors be punished for publicly bullying people, the police quickly identified the young and daring robbers, they were all identified and taken to police department no. one in... russia in the city of tambov, where they gave, one might say, a confession. at the moment, preventive work is being carried out with all participants in this group, with their parents. but not everyone got away with the conversation. the investigative committee became interested in the story. a criminal case for hooliganism was opened against the alleged gang leader, the same black-haired girl with makeup and her friend. currently, a seventeen-year-old girl has been interrogated as suspects. and her sixteen-year-old friend, a minor friend , otamanshe, was released on an undertaking not to leave the place; the most aggressive young lady has many more complaints. meet seventeen-year-old
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karina, a minor girl, by law we cannot give her last name and are forced hide her face with retouching. karin, how are you doing? handcuffs and a reinforced escort only complemented the daring image. the girl was taken to the leninsky district court of tambov to choose a preventive measure. she looked arrogantly at those present. why was all this necessary? before that they humiliated and insulted me and beat me, that is, you gave me change, right? as we learned, karina and her mother moved to tambov a little over a year ago; they used to live in a village, then, judging by the photographs on social networks, the girl’s image was different. here is a diligent graduate of the ninth class boasts of a certificate, after school karina entered the faculty of law of the tambov college of business technology. i graduated from the first year with a b+, but by the end of 2023, the behavior and appearance of the student changed dramatically, she began to skip classes, appeared more and more often in gyms and
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preferred. dark colors. the teachers did not know what had broken in this girl when she turned from a diligent law student into a difficult teenager. after the scandal, the mother of the probable hooligan hurried to pick up documents from the college, management the educational institution did not interfere. at the law department, they do not have the right to continue studying such people, even for lesser offenses, let alone for these, what to educate them, if they let them become workers, let them become something else, but not lawyers. they tried to clarify the situation with karina’s mother, she probably guessed the reasons for such drastic changes, but the woman ran away from the journalists, either she felt ashamed, or she was afraid to at least partially admit her guilt. mommy, please tell me, were you involved in raising your daughter at all, no, what are you running now? psychologists are sure that gaps in upbringing always affect the child’s character; lack of attention and a great desire to earn authority among their peers push fragile teenagers to
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recklessness. and unjustified cruelty, this starts from self-affirmation, these are the motives of psychological revenge, eviction, these are the motives of intimidation, these are the motives of unconditional domination and so on. perhaps this is the reason for the younger generation's insane interest in scandalous content. teenagers mistakenly believe that with its help they they quickly gain imaginary authority and forget what such antics can lead to. a recent example is a youth group. from belgorod, its participants, inspired by boyish romance, also broadcast their cruelty on the internet. i stand here for this street. belgorod teenagers acted according to the same scenario, rushed at visitors to the shopping center for no reason, punched and kicked people, and as a result became involved in criminal cases of hooliganism, attempted murder and inciting hatred on national grounds. belgorod teenagers were sent to pre-trial detention, their
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follower istambova. sultan zeganov, igor stepanov , anton adarchenko, lead the duty department, tambov region, well, next, the mystery of the falcon crash, more on that in a couple of minutes, stay on the russia 24 tv channel. this is my group , we are called temporary musicians, beautiful picture, and most importantly karaki, you can just sing the whole film, i sang songs that i liked as a child, i liked the songs.
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i liked the clean ones, i sang, i sang along, i sang along with the actors, funny music, family film, i have already conquered this city , i need to move on, the whole film is just in one breath, all the movies give me goosebumps, your song can change the world better, sunshine, at the same time cheerful and touching, we even shed a tear, dance... with the princesses , i think this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, an apple, temporary musicians.
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