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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24, we are live again, we continue to broadcast the final episode of the program, the duty department. in moscow , hundreds of casualties were avoided, thanks to the work of the capital police, this is evidenced by the figures presented at the board of the main department of the ministry of internal affairs in moscow. in the traditional summary the results were attended by the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin, the first for the minister of internal affairs, alexander gorovoy, and the head of the city police headquarters oleg baranov. those present noted that the number.
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zhukovsky airfield near moscow. the plane was transporting anna evsyukova, a resident of volgodonsk, from thailand to russia. she and her husband were on vacation, became seriously ill and ended up in the hospital. in total there were six people on board, pilots, two doctors and the evsyakova wife. the evsyakovs died in the crash, the surviving russians returned home, they were met at the airport vnukova as heroes, touching footage. the faces of the pilots show signs of frostbite. the pilot pavel belikov has altered legs, he cannot move on his own, he spent more than a day in the cold in the snow.
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pilot error, weather conditions, the aircraft was caught in a strong headwind, questions for the owners of the falcon, this is what the investigator who is leading this difficult case told us especially for our final issue, the crashed aircraft was owned by a limited liability company of the group, the founder general director, who is the former wife of co-pilot grachev, as well as directly to grachev himself.
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grachev himself was directly involved in the operation of the aircraft; the company did not receive a license to operate international flights, including passenger air transportation. according to information from open sources. the owner of the crashed plane , the atletic group company, is very versatile, it includes the activities of sports clubs and the trade in tobacco products, passenger air transportation is listed at the tail end of the list. a multidisciplinary company is registered in lyubertsy, moscow region, in this private house. according to some reports, investigators have already been here, so no one is talking to journalists. connecting, please wait. according to the preliminary version of expert investigators, events in the skies over afghanistan could have developed as follows: both engines of the airliner allegedly suddenly failed at an altitude of 10,000 m. pilots trying to make an emergency landing on a snowy peak of the mountain, sharply pulled the steering wheel itself.
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the plane went into pitching mode, this is a type of maneuver in a vertical plane with a climb. judging by the nature of the damage, the blow came.
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money that allegedly disappeared after the crash, a considerable amount, more than a million dollars. this information was disseminated by a reputable afghan newspaper with reference to its reliable sources. whose money is this, where did it come from and for whom was it intended? we asked these questions to pilot arkady grachev. there is personal money, it’s just a little specific to the afghan people that they they came to help, well , we had to thank them somehow, of course, we had some money there... to understand this complicated, tragic story, investigators will have to carefully examine the plane, or rather, what is left of it, the wreckage of the airliner is in the mountains of afghanistan, the place is difficult to access, so it will take time. now about the loud verdict of the outgoing week on
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thursday, the second western district military court in st. petersburg sent darya trepova to the colony, she was found guilty of committing a terrorist attack, as a result of which the past in the spring, military correspondent vladlen tatarsky died. dozens of people, kreplovo, were sentenced to 27 years, in the history of modern russia, this sentence became the most severe in the relations of women. until may last year, legislation did not allow them to be sent to a colony for more than 25 years. the current standard for crimes of a terrorist nature allows for up to 30 years. deputies, social activists, lawyers and journalists, who were opposed by the ukrainian special services, reacted to trepova’s sentence. are on a real hunt. the murder of military correspondent tatarsky became another proof of the criminality of the kiev regime and its accomplices, in whose country larya trepova ended up. the prosecution asked for 28 years, the judge gave 27, well, not to say that this is a lenient sentence, but not to the fullest extent. i believe
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that it was possible to give the very maximum, because she didn’t just kill a person, yes, she killed a famous person, she. worked for the enemy, for our military, geopolitical enemy, after committing a crime she was going to flee to the country with which we are at war, that is, in essence this is betrayal, high treason, among the articles that were charged against her, this charge was not, if you go out on the street or read social networks, what the people say, the people say little, little, that is...
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than how old she is now, but still not less, i hope that this time will be enough for her to realize what a monstrous crime she has committed, this is from... dostoevsky’s “demons” pulled out from somewhere from the novel, here, which does not feel anything inside except this satanic hatred of man. she's taking it very seriously for now. easily, like the quest she is going through, perhaps she still believes that someone from the ukrainian special services will exchange her and return her, as they promised her, but this is the reality that she is faced with, someone there came out to say that. .. this is a long time for a woman, but here it must be said that she is not a woman, she is not a girl, she
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is not a student, she is a terrorist. the fight against terrorism was discussed this week in crimea, at the final board of the ministry of internal affairs of the republic, which was attended by the head of the main department for countering extremism of the russian ministry of internal affairs, oleg ilnykh. he highly appreciated the results; last year the efficiency of police work increased in... igor ilorionov. previously, he served as head of the kaliningrad department of the ministry of internal affairs. under his leadership, the police dealt a crushing blow to the amber mafia groups. in crimea, igor ilarionov continued his effective work. taking into account the specifics of the peninsula. the queen of the empire of deception, elena
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blinovskaya, may declare herself bankrupt. her lawyer reports this. the amount of debt grows by 500,000 rubles daily. a there is no way to pay it because the accounts are blocked. on monday, the court changed brinovsky’s visitation order from house arrest to pre-trial detention. but the editor-in-chief of our program, tatyana, will talk about how desires now cause suffering. zo: tatyana, it turns out that the power of thought did not help the coach? yes, andrey, the queen of the empire of deception clearly did not expect such a fall from olympus. just yesterday, with an electronic bracelet on her leg, she actually sat on the throne. today, with iron bracelets on her hands, she went to sit in the isolation cell. this the marathon fulfilled the wishes of the investigators. they know how to achieve their goals without any training. with a swing of the judge's gavel , the billionaire blogger's golden life turned into a pumpkin. this is like a blow to
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elena blinovskaya’s pride, in the language of psychology, debunking the myths about impunity and permissiveness. it seems that the guru of virtual advice was so out of touch with reality that until recently she did not believe in returning from heaven to earth. a confused face, a frightened, shifting gaze and not my message to the universe for help. but even she powerless against new accusations of violations of restrictions. imposed by the court. in april last year, bolinovskaya was placed under house arrest for tax evasion and money laundering. we are talking about an amount of almost 15 billion rubles. but it turned out that this was only the beginning of the queen of deception crime marathon. as part of the preliminary investigation, her involvement in two episodes of committing crimes under article 187 of the criminal code of the russian federation was established. illegal circulation of means of payment. kingdom under arrest, it seems, was not enough for her, the blogger went into all kinds of troubles, gathered guests
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for the new year, according to tradition, spent a lot of money, as if she was mocking justice and defiantly wasting money. there was a photo shoot with snakes, and cocktails, a quote on the rich, and of course, a ritual of making wishes, where would we be without it, but blinovskaya’s last party turned out to be a mess, at the common table it was not just a friend, a witness in a criminal case, with whom it was strictly necessary to communicate prohibited, king.
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will demonstrate his communication skills without money and the internet, perhaps this will be the first free marathon from a famous blogger, or maybe she herself will have to learn a lot, moscow season number six, progressive, but this is not the mansion for 700 million rubles in which the prisoner lived. instead of panoramic glazing and hedges, brickwork and barbed wire, instead of a park area with a neatly trimmed lawn, a small courtyard for walking, there is no dressing room the size of a boutique, no swimming pool, no solarium, for entertainment there is a library, a toilet with a shower and the tv, on the screen of which she had recently
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shone, now it seems that she will have to stand in line to look at the screen herself. in large cells there are several toilets, and so the first to go there are the women who sit for a long time, the so-called starositki, everyone else must line up in general, wait until it reaches them, and the same use of the shower goes to those who only -i just arrived at the pre-trial detention center, there’s almost never a line, using the tv remote control, that is, everyone only watches what these senior girls want to watch, beds they...
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cones or tataki from morality with rosehip balsamic. dishes that the coach served to guests on a grand scale, celebrating her fortieth birthday in the altai mountains. in a specially rented hotel, the public was then entertained by russian pop stars. blinovskaya later admitted that the celebration was not a success. blinovskaya still had to pay taxes according to the law, you see, the menu in the detention center would have been richer, and the leisure time more varied, but we are sure that , being in captivity, a coach and specialist on all issues would certainly receive the necessary answer from
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universe, this marathon is given for free and always has a result, yes. thanks to tatyana for the interesting information, we will follow the now prison marathon of elena blinovskaya’s suffering. today the director of the federal service of national guard troops , viktor zolotov, celebrates his anniversary. the commander as a general of the army is often referred to among themselves by people working under his command. in 2016, president. instructed him to form the head of the new department of the russian guard. viktor zolotov successfully completed this task, now the officers are under his leadership stands guard over our security. the editors of the vesti programs on duty and the investigation of eduard petrov congratulate the hero of the day and hope for further fruitful cooperation. reliably covering important things from danger. rare evidence of the people's feat in the museum
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of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for st. petersburg and the leningrad region , a new exhibition dedicated to the work has opened. the city and the safety of its residents, their work is not the most famous, but a very important page in the history of the blockade. fight with saboteurs, deserters, criminals, speculators and counterfeiters, criminals counterfeited not only money, but also food cards. they were in a freezing and starving city. not even gold, at the exhibition they show the film waging an invisible battle, it is dedicated to the feat of police officers during the war. the feat that the leningraders accomplished, while remaining human, will remain in our hearts, in the memory of russians forever. in our exposition we also emphasized the role of the leningrad police,
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13,500 policemen did everything. to to save leningrad, they did everything to secure it; their role cannot be overestimated. well, in just 5 months , 17 tons of bread and other products were stolen from leningrad residents. during this time , 260 thousand people died of hunger in the city, how many more would have died if not for the professionalism of the police who stopped the bandits. internal affairs officers lived no better than ordinary citizens, but they found everything. awaiting extradition to his homeland from buenos aires. the swindler promised her clients luxury housing, taught them how to run a business and, as they say, investigators, robbed donits. we learned all
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the details of her argentine tour, met the people she deceived and found out how the former pastry chef turned into a glamorous millionaire diva. report by alina skachkova. palm trees, personal security, all -inclusive meals in this buenos aires prison, which looks like a hotel, are over. sky voyage of the russian millionaire lyudmila avdyukhina. she spent a whole year on the run, but fell into the hands of interpol. and now the local siesta is broken by the howl of sirens. an alleged fraudster who stole a car is being taken under escort. homeland, more than 150 million rubles. lyudmila avdyukhina, handcuffed, looks back at the setting sun and goes to jail to await extradition. we will tell you a little later how she managed to play cat and mouse with the international police all this time. first, about the business footprint itself. to find out how the glamorous diva came to live like this, our film crew went, no, not to buenos aires, to barnaul, to aristanka’s homeland. in the capital of the altai territory, avdyukhina headed a private
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real estate company, zhilfond, and was not just boss, and such an idol for her subordinates, the former pastry chef turned into a glamorous diva, taught how to run a business, traded real estate professionally, together with her husband yegor, he worked there, made multibillion-dollar turnover, everything seemed to be going great, but one day the family dyukhinykh disappeared. along with it, allegedly, the contents of the safe, the money of the investor, in which realter promised new housing. i believe that every person by nature already has something good in them. a resident of barnaul, nadezhda andreeva, is one of those who entrusted their money to avdyukhina and wanted to buy a new apartment, but now she is forced to live with a quartet of four-legged animals in an old house that is gradually going underground. do you think, lord, where is my brain? i pulled them out and put them on a shelf somewhere. we left 2 million there, even for the first time... as if for the first time, i wasn’t embarrassed by the fact that just an ordinary woman came with a plastic bag, we put money there, i signed with my own hand that i was leaving 2 million rubles.
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there are dozens of similar stories throughout the city, but not all of them decided to be interviewed; they say that they signed a fund that they used to use before was led by avdyukhina, some kind of non-disclosure agreement, another of the victims, on condition of anonymity, still decided to talk to us, like a bad dream, you just don’t sleep, don’t eat, don’t... all your money that you had was just stolen , and you essentially have nowhere to live. zhilfond's clients say that avdyukhina convinced them to deposit money, they say, so that before the transaction is concluded, their identity would be safe, how can you refuse a company with an impeccable reputation, a leader in the real estate market, it later turned out that the office did not have any special permission to keep other people’s money. officially, the housing fund is recognized as a victim, they say the office was robbed by its own bosses, but people who lost their money are perplexed. how was avdyukhina able to quietly steal 150 million in cash, that’s about 40 kg of banknotes, from an office full of cameras? was she really in cahoots with someone? tell me,
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the video surveillance system, it is present, of course, in the cash registers, in her office everywhere, of course, but why then is there no video of how she steals this money, but isn’t there one, i don’t i know, no traces, no videos, no money, the investigation is still scratching its head, where could avdyukhina have put the million? after all, you can’t smuggle such a sum across the border secretly, the money was taken in cash under contracts, the investigation does not currently have information about the specific facts of the use of stolen funds, but there are versions of what motivated the cheaters, according to one of them, the businesswoman’s husband yegor could have lost in a casino a substantial amount, according to another , avdyukhina herself owed money, allegedly took a lot of money at interest and did not return it. before you run away from the country, avdyukhina and her family rented an apartment in this prestigious house, as a couple. from work is very convenient, given that the stolen millions could be taken out of the safe by the realtor in parts directly in her purse, and stored under her pillow, we visited the apartment
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where the runaway lady lived, two luxurious bedrooms, a spacious living room with cut-out chairs, here it was no longer possible to find personal belongings, everything was taken apart by relatives, for them the sudden escape of a family with a small child and mother-in-law also came as a surprise, we were in shock, of course, when they disappeared, that's all from here. now letters from the bailiff are coming to the apartment in batches , all without an answer , the housing fund is also paying off debts, by court decision he has already returned money to some of the victims, but not to all, the lawyers of the deceived people are afraid that another scam is coming, they have opened a mirror company, that’s all the same thing, at the same address in barnaul there is a mirror company, they say, well, our accounts there were arrested in the barnau housing fund, but you have such multi-million dollar turnover, they filed a lawsuit, well that is, not so much.
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traveled around the world, they fled russia so quickly that they gave their only pet, a baby chihua, to a shelter; the couple left this letter as a farewell. there is no need to look for us, we will be far away tomorrow, and no one will be able to find us, we have everything thought out for a long time. the avdyukhins carefully covered their tracks from barnaul, first flew to sochi, from there to istanbul, then to duba. the final point was the argentine capital, but they apparently felt uneasy there too, changing addresses every 2 months. we found them in buenes aires last place of residence, a three-room apartment, in this high-rise building, housing is not cheap, almost in the city center, nearby parks and restaurants, the so-called cream of society live in this area, it’s always a little sunnier and greener here. according to neighbors, the avdyukhins behaved secretly and introduced themselves by other names.
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i've known since they moved here. they didn’t communicate with anyone, they just said hello, we couldn’t even think that they had some kind of second life, it wasn’t visible from the outside, my neighbor was a very nice person, always smiled and had excellent manners, while abroad the unspectacular diva had to change not only her name, but her appearance, she cut her hair, dyed her hair and began selling again, this time russian products and borscht, the past pastry chef came in handy, now this shop is closed, but this is where the secret the millionaire pretended to be a simple lad, while she was being hunted...
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immediately after us, don’t miss the investigation by eduard petrov, the film the poisonous revenge of an engineer, tells about the high-profile story of poisonings at the taganrok plant. employee enterprises took revenge on colleagues by adding waistlines to the water. 30 people almost lost their lives. this has been proven in court, but why many are still sure that the man is not guilty, we’ll talk about that right now. that's all for us, follow legal news in telegram channels, conduct the duty department, an honest detective, bright fragments of our broadcasts, etc. it’s better to look at the investigation on the platform, see you later,
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thalia as a weapon of revenge. aviation plant engineer vladislav shulga sent dozens of his colleagues to hospital beds; he added a deadly poison to water containers watched his victims urinate. hello, in the studio eduard petrov, my legs just gave up at one moment, everything collapsed under me. the doctor recommended that natalia be tested. it has already become clear that this is poisoning. i had no understanding of what thallium was, 2 months of feeling unwell, vomiting, nausea, joint pain, in this criminal case i carried out over thirty examinations, in all cases the chemical element thalium was discovered, a nineteen-liter bottle with water in which the thalium element was discovered was not thali it has no pronounced taste, no smell, no characteristic color, so my
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question is, where did i get such a substance? for the purposes of the criminal case, it doesn’t matter to us where you got it. technically, shulga simply brought a solution with thalia salt in small vitamin bottles. he is very competent, very responsive, he is an engineer with a capital “e”, they found him as a scapegoat, we will say, because he is an honest man, now he is suffering, well, i think that something will soon happen to the judge kubantsev too. i i deny my involvement in this.
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some people have an upset stomach.


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