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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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criminal case, it absolutely doesn’t matter where you got it, technically shulga just brought a solution with thalia salt in small vitamin bottles, very competent, very responsive, he is an engineer with a capital “e”, they found malignity in him, we will say, for the fact that he is an honest man, he is suffering now, well, i think that something will happen to judge kubantsev soon, too, i deny my involvement in these events, i am a completely... normal, sane person, he deserves it, i am sure, that it was a shulga, but still, if you believe books, then i, yes, this is a woman’s lot. at the end of 2017, employees of the beriev plant in taganrog began en masse to visit the company’s clinic. everyone had different symptoms: some complained of chest pain, others of an upset stomach. some
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began to lose their hair, every day the patients became worse, as a result it turned out that the plant employees were deliberately poisoned with thalia added to containers of water, from one sip one could end up in intensive care, on charges of committing this crimes, design engineer vladislav shulga was detained. at first he confessed, but then refused. why did the shulga poison his colleagues, where did the engineer get the thalium and how did he bring the poison into the plant. we took over this case and conducted our own investigation.
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for several days in a row , taganrog airline engineer vladislav shulga went out into the corridor , headed towards the stairs to where there were empty water containers, and hovered around them. and then he returned to his workplace in the design bureau, and one day he stopped by a transparent bottle with the inscription kb-7 department 720, a little longer. looking around and clearly fearing something, the man took a small plastic jar out of his pocket, uncorked it and quickly poured out the contents, looked around again, no one seemed to have seen him and... successfully
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walked towards his department.
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aviation scientific and technical complex named after georgy beriev in taganrog, one of the oldest defense industry enterprises in russia. the world-famous b-200 amphibious aircraft for the ministry of emergency situations are produced here. several thousand people work at the plant, a responsible job by local standards. prestigious. as expected, a reputable enterprise has a canteen, a gym and a clinic on site. in november 2017, it was this medical unit that employees from different departments began turning to in droves. the first
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to appear on the threshold of the clinic was the leading design engineer of the enterprise, konstantin kolesnikov. the man told the doctors that it had been for several days. he felt disgusting, quite unexpectedly he developed severe abdominal pain and dizziness, despite the fact that konstantin leads a healthy lifestyle and plays sports. kolesnikova they examined me and sent me to the city hospital, where they immediately performed an ultrasound. the result greatly surprised the doctors: deformation of the internal organs, and a few days later the designer... began to lose hair, for some reason the doctors did not pay attention to this circumstance; they made an ordinary diagnosis - chronic gastritis, the patient was prescribed treatment and sent home, but kolesnikov’s condition it was rapidly
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getting worse, my legs hurt a lot , i couldn’t sleep, i got up in the morning, somehow made it to the bathroom to wash, washed, turned around and... similar symptoms were discovered by konstantin kolesnikov’s manager, head of the design bureau, viktor zubkovsky, but he preferred to rest at home. less than
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a month later, another 34 employees of the aviation company fell ill. and rumors immediately spread throughout the plant, saying that the production was complicated, secret, and everyone could have been poisoned by something, right at the workplace. no one could understand what exactly was the matter; the alarm was sounded after thallium was found in konstantin kolesnikov’s blood. the research was carried out in a private laboratory. showed a 150-fold excess of heavy metal content. employees of the aircraft factory went to donate blood. the plant’s lawyer, sagil makhmudov, also came to the medical center. waking up
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early in the morning, he felt severe chest pain and general weakness, but did not attach much importance to it. basically it was more. it wasn’t all that scary, but more than usual, it already became clear that this was poisoning. the plant's economist, ksenia sergus, was among the victims. the woman remembers that time with undisguised horror. i remember i wasn't scared, because well thalia, so what? well, well, there was no understanding, there was no idea, well, talia, well, just think,
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well, there are 30 of us. and for me , probably the biggest dissonance that has occurred is that we live in the 21st century. who will poison us? who am i, me? a simple economist, at a factory, in taganrog, who needs me? and until recently, until i came to moscow for examination at the institute of klifosophical sciences, i had no understanding of what talius was, well, think about it, talius, well, well, i know metal, and i studied chemistry at school, but nothing more, when already at the skleifosovsky institute they told me how serious it was, and at that moment it became scary. our information: thallium is an extremely toxic heavy metal, its compounds are classified as cumulative poisons, they accumulate symptoms during chronic poisoning. once in the human body, thallium affects the nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract of the kidneys, one of the symptoms of poisoning is hair loss.
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high doses are fatal to humans. thali gives clinical manifestations when directly accumulated in the body, when it... is not yet excreted in the urine, accumulates in the body, yeah, clinical manifestations are associated with an increase in its accumulative function, you know, they just call it a silent killer. it should be noted that there are no pronounced specific signs of waist poisoning, they are absent, then a person comes, he has some kind of numbness in the lower extremities, impaired motor function of the lower extremities, sometimes fatigue, that is, he may not immediately become self-conscious poisoning with these specific chemical elements. the day before on new year 2018, twenty-three-year-old
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mechanic and plant assembler maxim tereshchenko died, officially from a cerebral hemorrhage, but against the backdrop of poor health of colleagues from other departments, tereshchenko’s death seemed suspicious to many. 2 months of feeling unwell, vomiting, nausea, joint pain, lost a lot of weight, that was my version. that some kind of leak occurred at the plant, something happened at the plant, alarming news about mass poisoning with thallium at the largest enterprise in the city instantly leaked to the media, the wife of a pyro-patient konstantin kolesnikova, elena posted a petition on social networks, which demanded to understand what happened and cure her husband. everyone’s voice is important so that the petition receives the necessary publicity and qualified
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specialists can help konstantin. elena kolesnikova was heard. the plant’s management created a commission, which included representatives of the city mayor’s office, as well as local doctors from rospotrebnadzor. experts examined the offices, but could not find the source of the poisoning. representatives were already working hard at the enterprise investigative department of the investigative committee for the rostov
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region. the version of a possible chemical release at the plant was quickly dismissed, because it was mainly the plant’s office employees who were affected. some workers spoke about possible poisoning from counterfeit alcohol, saying that homemade cognac was brought into the plant illegally and consumed illegally during the new year celebrations. investigators found no evidence of this. there was another version that with talia’s help they poisoned rats at the enterprise, but this was also not confirmed. in this criminal case, i conducted over thirty examinations regarding all victims. in all cases the chemical element waist was detected. accordingly, no other element such as arsenic was found during the examination of blood or urine.
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skr representatives were interested in the smallest details, for example, how, where and when employees had lunch. it turned out that some went to the dining room, others. brought food from home. lawyers kept tea and sugar in their
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desks. and the contract specialists, on the contrary , took everything they needed from a common locker. many of them were poisoned. when inspecting the offices
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, investigators paid attention to another important detail: most of the employees: drew water from these transparent bottles with a pump, the plant has its own squash, purifies the water from there in a special barrel, and then bottles it into containers and delivers it throughout the plant.
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the element thalium was discovered, thalium - has no pronounced taste, smell, or any characteristic color, and if the thalli from the salt gets into the water, well , there will be some kind of aftertaste, but water that is stored in a cooler for days there's always some flavor, and an ordinary person, he won’t pay any attention to this, but why would anyone want to poison employees... of an aviation factory. during the interview, the victims said that among the staff there is one extremely quarrelsome and conflict-ridden person, leading design engineer vladislav shulga. he swore endlessly, both with his colleagues and with his superiors. the man was detained, had a serious
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talk with him, and a few days later shulga unexpectedly gave. confession, during the investigation it was established that shulga committed two episodes of poisoning, the first was in october 2017, the second in december, that is, the gap between them is just over a month. we established that shulga had found the heavy metal thalium, which, according to his testimony, he acquired while studying at the university. and kept it at home , according to the case materials, one day the new head of the design bureau, viktor zubkovsky, whom we talked about at the beginning of the program, did not pay shulga a bonus, then the engineer thought about the place, i had a conflict at work with my boss,
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viktor marina . from the employees of my group also, who unreasonably interfered with our work during august, september, october, in october all my employees decided to receive bonuses along with me, after which i decided to use the existing substance with the aim of causing slight harm to the health of viktor vladimirovich zukovsky, for what? using battery acid, which i had in my car, i converted it into a soluble form by dissolving it in acid, then evaporated it in an oil bath and dissolved the resulting powder in water.
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shulga spilled the deadly liquid across jars where i used to store vitamins, i found the right container, the office number was written on each bottle, making sure that it was intended for the boss, the poisoner. i poured the steel solution there, it was early in the morning. at about 7:15, when no one is at work yet, well, what, what, what
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actions are not necessary for you, can you explain, actions when leaving the stairs, looked at what bottles were in the corridors, saw the right one, that is, took off the cap from it , took out from his pocket a jar, a bottle of solution and a discharge. contents of the bottle, and then put the lid was put back in place, the poisoned water, except for zubkovsky's leader, was drunk by his deputy secretary, and soon all three felt ill.
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this conflict led to the events that shulga decided to poison him too. this is our usual ivanovo morning, i wish there were more of us. these are my best evenings, pokrovsky evenings, and i want there to be more of them. nothing more than happiness. national project demography. i pay for techno,
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it was she who introduced me to science. develop an interest in science from childhood. enter science majors. science.rf. the fourth annual forum: strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the foundation. during the entire forum , more than 450,000 citizens took part in the congress; more than 90,000 ideas. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. on february 19 and 20, the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on idea. ross congress.rf.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future for the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating. economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often we are talking about money, the amounts are serious , there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world , stood up, dusted himself off, went off, is russia ready to change,
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does evolution occur in any structure? the plant's lawyer, sagel makhmudov, became the next target of the vindictive engineer; the conflict between
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them arose after a small accident. in this regard, the driver of the volga car, volga, as was later stopped by the court, vladislav shulga simply turned the steering wheel in my direction, and because of this , our mirrors collided, i immediately stopped in the hope that the driver of that car would also do the same, since an accident had occurred, but in fact.


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