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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 27, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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became the next target of the vengeful engineer, the conflict between them arose after a small accident that occurred a few months before the poisoning. events developed as follows: i was driving my car along smernovsky lane, well, in our city, so suddenly a volga car was driving towards me, and it was moving from afar , i noticed that it was moving in the oncoming lane. in front of the volga car, a gazelle car began to drive away from the adjacent parking lot, in this regard, the driver of the volga car, volga, as was later decided by the court it was established that vladislav shulga simply turned the steering wheel in my direction, and because of this , our mirrors collided, i immediately stopped in the hope that the driver of that car would do the same.
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at first i agreed, but then changed my mind, hello, buddy, we need to somehow resolve the issue regarding our accident, i’m waiting for a call, who are you and where did you get this number? i’m the one who tore off someone’s side glass yesterday, isn’t it you who owes me 100 thousand rubles then, i owe it, that means i’ll pay it back when, where on monday, in the courtroom, well, in the end he told me that he doesn’t have the money , he won’t give me anything, and i... it’s all
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my fault, after which i told him that well, in that case, i’ll pass all the information to the gi, let them sort it out, he said that, well, i don’t worry if they deprive me of my rights , well, it’s not a big loss, the meaning was such, not verbatim, but the meaning is, well, after that i already transferred all the information to the gi, the trial there, right up to the constitutional authority, vladislav shulga appealed all the judicial acts they... stood, that is, the court established that the accident actually happened, and well, this is the result. as a result, the court not only ordered shulga to compensate for damages from the accident, but also deprived him of his driver’s license for a year and a half. after this, according to the investigation, the engineer harbored a grudge against his colleague and decided to act according to the already proven scheme, pouring out the contents of two jars with thalia’s solution. a bottle with the inscription opo k-128 after
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the name of the department and the number of the office in which makhmudov worked. this time, shulga understood that all the employees of the enterprise were drinking water from the container, but this did not stop him. the technical shulga simply brought a... solution with thalia salt in small bottles from vitamins then mixed into nineteen-liter bottles of drinking water, this salt simply poured the contents into the bottles, since this liquid is highly soluble in water, it dissolved completely without sediment, odorless, tasteless, the lid was easily removed and closed back, that is, traces that in this bottle... some kind
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of drug could have been mixed in, the plant employees had no problem, and in his confessionary testimony shulga also mentioned that he had conflicts with some plant employees, but he said that his intent was directed only to send only these people, naturally, lga understood that an unlimited number of people could consume water from these bottles, including employees of other departments of the enterprise, but he treated the data perhaps... indifferently, the operatives seized electronic scales from shulga’s apartment, experts found traces of taali on them. thalia layers were discovered, that is , which proves that it was on these scales that shulga weighed the element that served as a poisoning, which served as a poisoning for the plant employees. in addition, one of the evidence was provided by the information found on the seized memory card.
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shulga's mobile phone, on which electronic files with various brochures containing chemical compounds, substances ... simple online stores, including chemical utensils, were found, that is, this directly proved his passion, in general, for chemistry, except this, on the same memory card, electronic files with books on toxicology were found, including various soviet publications on military toxicology, on the effects of toxic substances on human organisms. despite the direct evidence and confessions of the shulga, some colleagues flatly refuse to believe that the engineer could poison someone, they say that he wouldn’t hurt a fly. i worked with vladislav yuryevich shulga for about 2 years, he was directly my boss, a leading engineer in
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power plants, i can characterize him as a highly, highly organized person, an excellent specialist. a kind, non-conflict person, sometimes you know, some events happen, well, women convey some kind of psychological , perhaps emotional coloring, he never interfered in any gossip, in any dispute he always said, don’t pay attention, and we tried to follow his example, at the name plant, until he graduated from high school, he was from childhood was interested in aviation already at school , knew where and who he wanted to work with, first worked in the design bureau of the plant, then moved to the position of leading engineer of the power plant group, shulga was an active member
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of the trade union, participated in sports competitions, very literate, very responsive, not at all a brawler, well, not a spiteful person.
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in the social life of the organization of the plant where he worked, that is, such a dual characteristic. it is worth noting that the relatives of mechanic maxim tereshchenko, who died under mysterious circumstances, do not believe in the official version of what happened, and even support shulga. no, i don’t believe it, i initially believed in this version.
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the investigation into the case of the taganros poisoner, as journalists dubbed the shulga,
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lasted almost 2 years and ended in may 2020 . 34 people were recognized as victims, the accused himself was present. house arrest , he eventually renounced his previous testimony, stating pressure from operatives, he explained that he deliberately added a covenant to the confession...
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an honest man, he is now suffering because the plant poisoned people. on november 8 , 2021, the court found vladislav shulga guilty on several counts and sentenced him to eight years in prison in a general regime colony. upon hearing the verdict, shulga began to threaten the judge. well, i think that something will happen to judge kubantsev soon too.
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in order to understand all the details of a high-profile criminal case, our film crew met with...
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he has reason to suspect me, that’s where it all started, well, not just to arrest on the basis of words, we just needed someone, let’s say, a scapegoat, since the management of the plant for 2 months, this is january, this is february 2018, took active steps, let’s say, to hush up, generally speaking, this whole event, yes, all this time i went to work, listened... heard, of course, about all these events, but i knew very little, since
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it was expressly forbidden to talk about it at the plant, including zubkovsky himself, we were gathered twice in the common hall, this is the wing and fuselage group, this is a large room, all skb employees were gathered there, zubkovsky spoke, he was like once kolesnikova spoke about illness, then it was said that there were no discussions out loud... there was no discussion of this topic, since this would be followed by organizational measures. shulga knows the materials of the criminal case by heart, and also remembers how he was detained on the street, and then taken to police department the engineer continues to insist that he incriminated himself under pressure. well, this, strictly speaking, is not so much a confession as pure self-incrimination. and the author of these testimonies was, generally speaking, not me, but. operationally authorized kochargin , oleg vladimirovich, police captain, who from
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the very first day began to tell why i, because two departments out of three, began to actively promote this version with water, claimed that we seized bottles of water, they found thalium there, although in fact it was completely not so, and he said that you had problems with makhmudov, you had problems with zubkovsky, we confiscated the water, i need your testimony that you poured it all into the water, to my question, where did i get it? such a substance? okay, mercury, i say, some kind... you can also collect some thermometers, and the waist, i say, what is this, where can i get it, what am i saying, some kind of secret service employee, or what ? he says: you know, for the criminal case it doesn’t matter to us where you got it, we just need evidence that you got it i put it there, but where you got it from is not of interest to us. in shulga’s phone, in addition to books on
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toxicology and the chemistry of toxic substances, investigators found correspondence. with friends, in which he spoke in detail about conflicts with colleagues. the engineer himself does not deny that he spoke about his boss and fellow lawyer without choosing any expressions. well, as a matter of fact, what , as evidenced by this correspondence, is that i sometimes let off steam on the same makhmudov, and how not to let off steam, who actually set up an auto frame on me, and well, i’m talking about makhmudov should have written something good? yes, i wrote a lot about him.
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in all my correspondence , neither thalium, nor poisoning, nor anything like that is ever used, much less anywhere is it said that i did it. the convict complained and chose the wrong defense tactics in court. yes , i’m actually saying, i’m not fighting for the term, i don’t care at all, even if he gives me at least 15 years. i deny my involvement in these events, i absolutely do. i’m a normal sane person, i’m not capable of such actions, and i’ll just defend my rightness and innocence, that is, your goal , the punishment that he prescribed for me, this is all secondary, that is, the question is fundamental, you didn’t do this
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, you need to be found not guilty, yes , that’s right, i’ll be out of the colony. i’ll continue, let’s say, i’ll file a cassation appeal , i’ll appeal to the supreme court , i’ll appeal to the special court, in fact, what will change, as they say, i’m already here, i’m already in custody, well, everything will be the same as now, nothing personality disorders, shulga’s examination did not reveal him, he is absolutely we are sane, and if you believe this man for a split second, then the only thesis that is in doubt... sounds like this: is it even possible to isolate waist from solder? experts speak about this extremely carefully. thalium is used in agriculture to control insects, so i think there are no big problems with purchasing these drugs. the same thing is used in
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electrical engineering, electrical, electronics. if we speak, we know that. the accused isolated it all from solder, well, most likely it is quite possible. it is absolutely not necessary to be a chemist, and in order to obtain a deadly poison from thallium, it is enough to have this solder containing thallium, then you need to have instructions, everything, please, the poison is ready, nails, a terrible weapon. the fork is there, you know, there are four holes from the blow , it’s a matter of intentions, in the general culture, children just need to turn on classical music more often , talk about beautiful things, then they will not have the desire to offend someone, and they will not grow up to be such adults. this is how the story ended
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poisoner from taganrog vladislav shulga, a man who almost sent several dozen colleagues to the next world, to please his pride. fortunately, all those who were poisoned survived, otherwise the sentence could have become much harsher. people were saved, most likely due to the fact that they noticed these symptoms in time, did not self-medicate, and sought specialized medical help. most likely , this played a major role in the fact that it was possible to save everyone with minimal losses to health and life. now employees aviation enterprises remember with undisguised horror their former comrade, the promising engineer and
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designer shulga. i believe that - if the investigation actually established that it was him, and there is enough evidence, especially since the court has already passed a verdict, i will evaluate all the evidence, well, accordingly, well... if this is expected from everyone who is there is a person nearby, well , it becomes difficult, well, i don’t want to expect this, in principle, as it were, after all, if you believe
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the books, then poisons are the lot of women. aviation the scientific and technical complex named after georgy bereev continues to build famous amphibious aircraft. b-200. employees of the defense plant will try to forget about the former designer and poisoner shulga as soon as possible. but now they have a special attitude towards water containers. now the bottles are washed especially carefully, and there are video cameras at the places where they are installed. broadcasting everything that happens around the clock .
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this is what we saw in the criminal case of the taganrog poisoner vladislav shulga. this was our investigation from the rostov region, conclusions do only for you. see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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russia will do everything. in order to completely eradicate nazism, modern followers of this ideology are doomed; our country will never betray the memory of the feat of our ancestors and their sacrificial path to the great victory. vladimir putin spoke about this at ceremonial events dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of leningrad from the nazi blockade. the president laid flowers at the peskarevskoye cemetery on nevsky piglet, and took part in the opening ceremony of a new memorial in the gatchina district. details in the reports of natalia solovyova and dmitry akimova. the most important date in the history of our state - the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the complete blockade of leningrad, the city that hitler ordered to destroy, stood, survived, despite everything, hundreds of memorable events, including the climax, a requiem concert, here in the city on the neva, where there is a minute of silence for all those who fell and died in these difficult 872 days, the president declares, today is a memorial day.
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during the blockade will remain evidence of the monstrous essence of nazism and undoubtedly a fact of genocide. their actions towards the multinational soviet people fully complies with the internationally recognized definition of genocide. and we will ensure that the assessment of such crimes is unshakable in the system of international law. the aggression that our
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country faces today is directly evidenced. then, in 1945, nazism was defeated, but not eliminated. russophobia, xenophobia, nationalism have become a weapon of revanchists in many european countries, in the baltic states, and, unfortunately, in ukraine. they are hampered by the disadvantage of real, genuine history, hence the constant attempts to revise, distort the reasons, the course themselves results of the second world war.
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which is not in the world, cannot be doubted, how would it be and to whom?


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