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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 27, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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false, when a woman with down syndrome becomes a member of the spanish parliament, mark galsarana improvises further, easily at christmas in the cathedral of christ the savior he will dance and dance, puss, a blue light will come straight from the club. bor , there you can completely undress, singer charlotte will tear up your passport on a blue light, in front of the camera in close-up, and another pepper will put a glove on his penis instead of a sock, return to galkin again and return again, and everything will roll, there will be this existing within the principality of moscow, or rather the ruble, bugs there or - other privileged
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areas, there will be a certain country that was once russia, everything else, conquered over centuries, everything else that was a great, huge country with amazing culture, science, education, the culture of the orthodox faith, all this will be distributed.
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indignation, hatred, the desire to stop this immediately, we can understand them, i can , i can understand them, this cannot be taken lightly, this network exists throughout the country, somewhere more, somewhere less, somewhere not yet visible, like a sleeping cell, somewhere open, somewhere provocative. open, but i think you, of course, understand that i will not make such a feature film, but you know what i am afraid of, that it will not become a documentary, that all these fantasies will not turn into reality, because of our connivance with the feeling , that all of this will somehow resolve itself, someone will call everything that i just told, fantasized, nonsense... and
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in general nonsense and those fantasies that are never given the chance to come true, but we see that we have experience, please look at zelensky’s speech before he became the president of ukraine, look, you know, i became the president of ukraine at a very difficult time, for 2 years now, i manage to keep this time difficult, so what is it ukraine? why is it profitable to throw your money into it today, excuse me, to invest, you know, we have a completely new level of the economy, we have reached this level, this level is called begging numbers, everything is very simple, we are begging for economic surplus market economies of neighboring countries, the scheme is awesome, tested by gypsies, we just tried it. within the framework
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of geopolitics and without guitars, this is not a scam, this is not a financial pyramid, just another one, no, everything is simple, i’ll explain this scheme, you give us your money, we don’t return it to you later, 100% guarantee, we write 100% guarantee , then, this scheme, the best scheme here is money, goods, money, that is, you...
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on the eastern front, from finland to romania. nato's major allied forces exercise firm approval 24 will take place in eastern europe in january-february. in latvia , the winter 24 exercise will start in mid-january. in estonia, in january-february
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, the winter camp 24 exercise will be held at the tapa training ground. and the largest german publication beel, with an audience of more than 12 million, publishes an article under the title. “the bundesfer is preparing for putin’s attack, that is, you understand, the world has been consistently and for a long time preparing for a war with russia, moreover, the culprit of this war, the world wants and makes russia, this crazy drug addict zelensky, who killed a huge number of his people, his fellow citizens, like... "mantra repeats the words when russia if she defeats ukraine, she will attack europe, and no one has a thought, why, why do we not have what we have in europe, why do we need this war with europe? well, it’s a simple question,
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i go there and bomb this one because i need this, and what do i need in poland, what do i need in belgium, what do i need in england, what? what do we not have that is out there somewhere? why do we need this? this question is not raised at all, because it cannot be raised, it is necessary to hammer on the same idea all the time so that it enters the western world as an axiom, not subject to any verification or doubt , this is what is happening, recently in... we talked about artificial intelligence, that soon artificial intelligence will be used on a huge scale, in military operations, in aiming guns, shells, bombs and so on and so on, and we
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think about what nationality this artificial intelligence has, what it is, here we have it, here’s whose... intelligence we have, who it will call an enemy, at whom it will aim a rocket, a bomb , airplanes, artillery and so on, what kind of filling does it have, here is an elementary example, the simplest one, if you give a task to the artificial intelligence of the azber neural network, which is called kandinsky, what kind of image will this neural network produce if you ask the question, what is it?
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this is a nut and a spring, and what to do, that is , you can imagine at what depth there is something that could become a catastrophic failure at a critical moment, you need a nut, but they are carrying a nut, you need a spring, but they are drawing spring, but this is serious, with a snap of your fingers can’t be solved, but the most terrible and most important thing is this is different. they are telling us that there is a war going on between, relatively speaking, nato and russia. no not like this. this is an organized war between
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slavs, when russians kill russians on their territory. on january 3 of this year , prisoners of war were exchanged. ukrainian and ours, i would like you to listen to these names, these are ukrainian prisoners of war, these people shed their blood and fought for the fact that...
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that now, having returned to their home, they will again be forced to take up arms and go kill your own fellow tribesmen. you can you imagine the absurdity of this idea in general? this is at the same level as what churchel proposed. we talked about this in 1945 after the second world war, after the end of the great patriotic war. to commit this terrible act, unthinkable, to arm captured germans, to throw an atomic
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bomb on the ussr, bloodless, having lost 27 million of his fellow citizens, to take this weakened country with his bare hands, and not with his own, captured germans, who were armed, what stopped him, the presence of atomic bombs we are already, thank god, now stop this too. the presence of nuclear weapons, well, guys, well, well, there is a limit to vileness, you think there is, but i see, no, there is no limit to vileness, no, i’m surprised that this idea was not born here, not in our country, not in our country this idea was born, it was expressed by a member of the european parliament from... listen, today we are russia, so we must stop
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; we have already begun to realize that we cannot overcome sending weapons to ukraine, stop supporting the murder of the slavs, if this is not stopped, then we slavs will unite as brothers, i believe that we will unite and raze western europe to the ground. i’m sure no one here wants this, the conflict in ukraine is a problem for the united states, a problem for its interests. the european union is a pawn in the american game. we must begin peace negotiations, but without the participation of the americans. we must put an end to the bloodshed. but this is not a local clash, this is an attack trying to destroy an entire civilization; a global problem grows out of a small story. remember the script i read at the beginning, where it says, that in addition to the external enemy, nato,
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weapons and so on, there is an idea to undermine the foundations of russian statehood, to set fire from different sides, and by the way, the emphasis is mainly on inciting conflict within the country along national lines. isn't this already happening? look, boris titov was a candidate for the post of president of the russian federation in 2018, received 0.76% of the votes, now he is the commissioner under the president of the russian federation for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, despite the fact that his powers ended in twenty-second year, on june 22, his term of office expired, well, for some reason he... continued to hold his position, it’s none of my business, today boris yuryevich says
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the following: i am well aware of the russians’ fear of migrants, although he is completely baseless, russian citizens commit far more crimes than migrants, i don’t even understand, or mr. titov doesn’t know , or mr.... is misleading us, as he has done more than once, here is the document of the investigative committee, voiced by the chairman of the investigative committee committee, mr. bastrygin, we talked about this, remember? i turned to the investigative committee to the chairman of the investigative committee , alexander ivanovich bastrykin, with a request to explain what the general situation with migration in our country is today. this is what we got. in 2022, investigative authorities initiated three times more criminal cases
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committed by migrants than in 2021. the number of serious crimes has increased. by 37% from 11 thousand to 15 thousand. cases of murder and personal injury resulting in death increased fivefold. same thing in 2023 most. in january-july 2023, compared to the same period last year, the number of serious crimes increased by 40%. the number of crimes against sexual integrity increased by 22% from 285 to 348. crimes of an extremist nature increased from two to nine, and of a terrorist
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nature from 14 to 25. another interesting question, sir. titov considers as russian criminals those migrants who have already received a russian passport and are citizens of russia, but commit a crime, he classifies them as russian criminals. i really liked that journalist andrei medvedev responded to this remark from mr. titov, listen, you know, i would completely agree with boris titov, but only... if i knew for sure that he lives in an ordinary apartment, in a new quarter, where migrants also live, who arrange life around them, as they are used to in their native village or town, his grandchildren go to a regular school, he himself lives in the summer in a six-hundred-acre dacha in an ordinary snt, where
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migrants live in an illegal hostel, and mr. titov is in the top five with products.
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migrant worker, your friend. who knows this is fake? who understands that this is fake? but what should happen after this information at this gunpowder factory, where both russians and emigrants work? how should the russians react to this? yes, immigrants too? what causes this? and what could this lead to? and if we also take into account that this is a waste plant? just one. a phrase dropped by an official representative of the authorities, yes, then it turns out that there were no such leaflets at this plant, that it’s a fake, it’s a lie, and so on and so forth , but does it really matter, the poison has already been launched, the fuse has already been removed, how long it took for it to explode
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is unknown, here’s another, seemingly insignificant detail, in the summer of twenty-three, mr. titov, answering the question of what position in relation to the northern military district is held by the well-founded party of growth and new people, his new political union, he said that, listen carefully, we need to return to the negotiating table as soon as possible, as you can quickly move on to settlement, today it must be terminated... and this happens when the president of ukraine signs a decree that there can be no talk of any negotiations while vladimir is the president of russia. far from attaching labels to someone, well, but this is hidden, by accident, by
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thoughtlessness, but doesn’t this work for nato, all this taken together, i ask this question to you, everyone knows, we have a huge number of national organizations , thank god that they exist, let’s say there is such... an organization that deals with the uzbek community , they help visitors, they provide employment , help with registration, help with learning the russian language, resolving legal disputes, well, the president of this community is a certain usman baratov, and on baratov’s page his text appears with a picture where he quotes our... president, who dealt with the issue of egg shortages, and then a postscript, already mr. boradov, screw you with butter, not eggs, return the roosters from
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the front. roosters - who are they? apparently this is our soldiers who are now fighting in donbass. and immediately after this , this statement comes up from mr. baratov. we are watching malyshev’s resurrection health program.
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and mr. baradov himself, that is, in uzbekistan, they deny with their hands and feet the existence of such a person and such an organization, and even with such a reputation. here is a biographical reference: he was born in the uzbek ussr, in 1982 he moved to moscow, with the collapse of the ussr he did not go to his homeland, he remained in the capital, where he changed his soviet passport to a russian one. thus, baratov even never been a citizen. uzbekistan, that’s what mr. baratov says about uzbekistan. listen, i advise uzbeks to go to
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russia rather than return to uzbekistan, where there is a dictatorial regime, where they will not be able to feed their families. if they move to russia, then for each person they will be allocated land in the far east or siberia. this means that a family of five can receive. ok, but in general, who does mr. baratov do well? i'll tell you, the fact is that it turns out that mr. baratov is very popular
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in foreign media working for the countries of central asia and writing in uzbek in russian, this is, for example, the british bbc , the american radio liberty, and in the uzbek version of radio azatlik. eventually. a case was opened against the leader of the uzbek community under article 282 of the criminal code of the russian federation and he was taken into custody. and all this makes vice-speaker of the state duma pyotr tolstoy say the following: why are these communities better than the same ones, but carsican or sicilian? they also bribe local authorities, cover up their own militants, and protect the semi-legal business is being intimidated. everyone else, in russia there should be no place for parallel structures with their own laws, customs and authorities, and pyotr olegovich is not alone in this point of view.
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russia, when he is engaged in insulting listen, when a person violates the law of russian citizens based on their nationality, when he demonstrates disrespect for culture, he unilaterally destroys the agreement that he concluded with the state, the point of what to discuss here, it would seem,
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“sorry me, in the words of the president, who literally said the following, we are very a lot needs to be done, and in no case should we take any criticism addressed to us painfully, but we need to take it as a guide to action, we need to be grateful to people for paying attention to those issues that we have not yet resolved, you know, all this relates to that very soft power, which is voluntary or not . helps nato hawks justify their attitude towards our country, just as, for example, the unified state exam, by its existence as an education system , has completely knocked the concept and understanding the significance of the great patriotic war, knowledge of its heroes, when you can...
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quite calmly consider alexander matrosov, who closed his embrasure, just a drunk who stumbled, and consider zoya kosmodemya a crazy hysterical woman, when you can seriously hear the dialogue on television -a show where the question is posed, was it worth defending leningrad, what was the point, in the end, so many lives could have been saved, and the city would not have been destroyed, well, everything would have been normal, setting an example for...
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leaving, dumping, the end of the life of the main villain of all times, but it was a fun holiday, these words were not there, that the mustache died, there, guys, it’s the end, well, how to count? villain of stalin, forget about your fellow tribesmen, who were exterminated by millions by hitler, and don’t even mention it, 6 million of your fellow tribesmen were destroyed, burned, shot, hanged, executed, and consider stalin as the main villain, in whose name soviet soldiers liberated the great patriotic war, here this would seem to be such an insignificant forgetfulness of a particular
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person. because it is under the sign of legalized fascism and nazism, you can begin to fight another civilization. you will appreciate the wisdom of the people who lived in our country many, many years ago, how they understood and felt, when there was no smell of this yet.


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