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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 28, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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at the same time funny, touching, we even shed a tear, dancing with the princess, i think this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, an apple, temporary musicians. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs, and documentaries. free, no registration required. we look, look in the application
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or on the website. dear friends, i invite you to our new release of the author’s program besagon tv, it will be called who serves nato in russia. i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you.
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russia is so snowy, we will talk about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we will touch on: cyber attacks, massive rocket fire and columns of tanks controlled by a neural network, the western media are replicating a fantastic plan for russia to attack nato countries, why have politicians?
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the island literally turned into one huge snowdrift, i must say that the russian plain was also quite covered with snow, why is there such an abundance of precipitation at the end of january ? maybe not all over the country? we'll figure it out right after our weather review. the sakhalin storm has subsided, but the danger for the island's inhabitants has not passed. the region continues to deal with the consequences of the disaster. snow avalanches that fall from the roofs of houses pose a particular danger. this footage shows the incident in senegorsk. the falling snow covered a woman who was standing in the parking lot next to her car. fortunately, people arrived in time and the girl was saved. where is she over there? not here,
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further, further, further, everything, everything, everything, everything, quiet, quiet, and this is another case from sinegorsk, an avalanche hit a man, he was also saved, the central streets of yuzhno-sakhalinsk became pedestrian for a while, there were significantly more people than cars, most personal cars were buried under snowdrifts, snow removal the equipment literally dug up the city, street by street. there were some funny incidents, i had to mark my vehicle, ah-ah, some kind of corolla. the military came to the aid of public services, and representatives of emergency medical services came to the rescue of extreme sports. from a motocrosser, an indurider, artyom retrained into what? rescuer, paramedics. paramedics. they moved from this hellish iron to this girl's pepelats.
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the blizzard on sakhalin began on tuesday, and on wednesday it turned into a real black blizzard. residents of yuzhno-sakhalinsk showed how, in the midst of a natural disaster, they had to go to the store to buy food. some dug tunnels in the snow, others tried to swim through the snowdrifts. the following video was recorded by a selfless teacher from sakhalin orphanage. through a terrible snowstorm, she made her way to work periodically in polish, at times falling into the snow up to her neck. later , the woman told reporters that her husband helped her get there, and she couldn’t not come to work because her children were waiting for her. people, this is some kind of horror, i don’t know. there’s no work here, but i’m sitting in a snowdrift near the orphanage. for residents of other regions of russia, such a snowfall may seem an anomaly, but for sakhalin it is not uncommon. the past buran was far from record-breaking. the standard of wild elements on sakhalin it is considered to be the winter of distant 1969
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. in archival photographs, the height of the snow can be determined by the traffic light. in winter, the climate of sakhalin is determined by a dry monsoon. therefore, there is usually relatively little precipitation , but not this time, the snowstorm peaked in the middle of the week, as a result , the absolute record for daily precipitation was updated on wednesday, on thursday - the 21st century, and now this january turned out to be the wettest for the entire period instrumental observations. following a snowstorm, snowdrifts in the south the islands have grown by more than 60 cm. such snowfall at the end of january is observed here on average once every 12-13 years.
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these weather disasters are explained by the activation of cyclones. the fact is that by the end of january, temperature contrasts between the mainland and... reach maximum values, for example, in yakutia the average temperature is below -40, but in the curasio zone it is above zero, so very powerful vortices spin up, most often they break through to kamchatka and the kuril islands, but sometimes they get to sakhalin, something similar, the truth is noticeably weaker, it occurs in the atlantic waters, and now cyclonic activity has begun in russia. calm. the fact is that the crest of the azores anticyclone stretches into the center of the russian plain, in the east of the country the power over atmospheric processes has passed to a powerful asian center of high pressure, only on their peripheries there is room for the
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frontal cloud fields of cyclones. in such a situation, snow accumulations on sakhalin will acquire a local, short-term character and the maximum daily amount will not exceed two to four. mm, until monday the temperature regime will be noticeably warmer than the climate in yuzhno-sakhalinsk in the afternoon -3-4, and then it will begin to get colder, by wednesday afternoon it will only be -9, and this is already 1.5° colder than usual. in moscow on saturday there will be light snow in places; significant precipitation is unlikely from sunday. at noon, the thermometers in the capital will also show -3-4 only. on tuesday the influence of a new cyclone will be felt, carrying another portion of air warmed by the gulf stream, as a result it will snow, turning into rain, and the daytime the temperature will rise to +1. on to other topics:
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first cyber attacks, then a massive missile strike, and then a large-scale ground operation. the british resource daily mail, following the german publication bilt, published a scenario for a russian attack on nato. apparently, the western media have exhausted all other, even realistic ideas about the russian threat; the fantasies of nato generals were studied by yevgeny tishkavets. evgeniy, when, according to the plan, is russia supposed to attack nato? allegedly in 2044 , vadim, needless to say that the indicated is the date far away? horizon of any military planning. so, daily mail journalists, in their article with the loud headline “nato,” warn of a russian attack in 20 years, blur the details of a fantastic invasion. russian hackers are hacking into transportation systems. hundreds of long-range missiles
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are hitting infrastructure across europe. airports, seaports and logistics centers may come under attack. tanks controlled by artificial intelligence capture the suwałki corridor. leningrad ceases to be an exclave, then attacks on countries follow baltic and poland. the russian fleet is trying to take control of the arctic with the help of north atlantic missiles. and all this is alleged. with the support of belarus, iran and north korea , western leaders, western military-political figures are trying to create fear among their citizens of a war with russia, but why are they doing this, in order to sell an increase in assistance to the kiev regime in comparison with with the prospect of a global war against russia, they are preparing their own people, their audience, to continue to help the kiev regime, and okay, if only... the terrifying forecasts showed up only on the pages of the yellow press, but no, they completely repeat
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the loud statements of the head of the nato military committee, rob bauer, which he made after the bilt stuffing about some secret plan of the bundeswehr regarding an early clash between germany and russia, here the ordinary european is no longer in the mood for jokes; experts believe that military hysteria is being deliberately whipped up in the west. all this murky information wave that countries have raised. the west about russia’s allegedly aggressive plans, and there is a whole series of publications of this kind, there is nothing more than the desire, in all likelihood, of the lobbyists of the military-industrial complex in the west to convince their governments to allocate as much money as possible for military actions against russia. the purpose of the information campaign is to distract the tired average person. from exorbitantly rising prices and other social problems caused by anti-russian
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sanctions, and quietly absorb huge military budgets, which is already happening, so on tuesday a contract was signed in brussels for the supply of hundreds of thousands of 155 caliber ammunition mm, the amount of a billion and 200 million dollars. according to the nato secretary general, cash injections into the european military-industrial complex, among other things, will help support ukraine with shells. we don't see straight lines.
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significant thousands of units of ground equipment, it is necessary to somehow explain to ordinary people why they decided to turn part of europe into a military training ground for 4 months. insanity about the russian and another 50 warships, 80 aircraft, the greater threat is growing from overseas, the american...
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in the meantime, western countries are fighting with russia, exclusively through the hands of puppet soldiers the kiev regime, whose lives , it must be said, no one counts, especially no one cares about... the conditions in which the armed forces of ukraine are at the front, and the conditions in the ukrainian trenches are inhuman: dirt, cold, unsanitary conditions and hordes of rats and mice of all sorts. mows down everyone's ears? we'll talk about this in what's this mysterious fever lately, the next story. a rash appears on the skin, blood pressure drops, and uncontrollable vomiting begins. in especially severe cases , the kidneys also fail. these are symptoms of the disease that is now affecting the ukrainian armed forces militants in
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advanced. information about the disease outbreaks has penetrated the american media. cnn called the disease mouse fever. since the infection is spread by mice and rats, of which there are now whole hordes in the ukrainian trenches. doctors explain that we are talking about a specific disease, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. the infection is transmitted through rodent feces and disguises itself as other ailments, but experts emphasize that military doctors should have foreseen its appearance in the trenches. this is an easily predictable disease, it begins like a respiratory infection, fever, arms, legs. they hurt , then a rash begins, there may be hemorrhages in the skin, eyes, nosebleeds, gum bleeding, any bleeding, and then, for some, of course, this is not the case for everyone, some develop acute kidney failure, from which people die, well, again , if left untreated, the russian military
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spoke about the invasion of gruzuns in ukraine last fall, but now yesterday’s news is being presented to western audiences as a sensation, and this, by the way a lot... explains, obviously, the ukrainian command kept silent for too long and ignored the problem, it was necessary to fight this problem from the very beginning, first of all it was necessary to focus the attention of the rear services on this issue and deal with this issue, but as usual in the ukrainian army all the money that are allocated, say, for such needs, they simply went somewhere in an unknown direction, now the armed forces of ukraine are crying to american journalists, the ratio of forces is catastrophic, thousands of mice and rats per militant, nothing against them it helps, neither poison , nor cats, nor ultrasonic scares, there are too many pests, the dominance of rodents is explained by a number of factors, the unharvested azimakh harvest in 2022 and the warm winter that followed, and of course one cannot ignore the realities of war, dead armed forces officers, whom commanders did not
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taken from the battlefield so as not to spoil the statistics of the units, they became a food source, abandoned, useless to anyone, back bones, head, body, five bones, shoes, poor yorkie, poor yorkie, that’s a problem, bodies are rotting everywhere, including and where in trenches, that is, they thought that they would simply sprinkle these bodies, sort of hid them, yes, well, they hid them, they hid them, but they were decomposing, those who fed them appeared...
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usually you can sleep for 2-3 hours, depending on your luck. according to vssushnikov, mice devour not only food, but also explosives, and are especially fond of grenade charges. thus, rodents take an active part in the demilitarization of the square. and to conclude the issue, another example of how the west shot itself in the foot with its own sanctions. without weather data from russia. stopped working global climate models, scientists from denmark, finland, great britain and the usa stated with alarm. what caused their excitement? a little background. since the spring of 2022, russia was suspended from participating in international climate projects, and then they also stopped inviting them to
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the arctic council event, but sanctions, as in many other cases, hit those. which is actually confirmed by the latest research by foreign scientists. we were politely asked by official letters to leave the project, they clearly said that from such and such a date everything the relationship within the interact project ceases, it can no longer claim, as was justified. was to represent the entire arctic, to be a pan-arctic network, because most of the arctic is now not under standard monitoring. which we carried out together. why is information from the arctic so valuable? yes , because it is actively used in all
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climate models that make both short-term weather forecasts and analyze global climate changes. meteorologists need data regular observations, and on a planetary scale, that is, from all corners of the earth, and above all from the arctic. it is not for nothing that it is called the kitchen of the weather, cyclonic vortices are formed here, which determine the nature of the flow of atmospheric processes throughout the northern hemisphere, and it is in the arctic that global warming is most clearly manifested , the temperature in the region is growing four times faster than the global average, and russia is the largest arctic power, there are many weather stations on our territory, and as you... western researchers have found, without according to the russian observation network, not a single western climate model can function normally anymore. here, for example,
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is the cmip-6 model, which was used to compile the sixth assessment report on climate change. it processes many parameters: average annual temperature, total precipitation, snow depth, humidity. soils and others, but after excluding the results of russian monitoring, serious deviations arose in the estimates of the main variables, and such that they began to exceed the magnitude of natural changes. the exclusion of russian stations from the observation network led to a noticeable loss of representativeness for almost all ecosystem variables. the vast taiga forests of siberia are no longer represented in the monitoring system at all, which is why additional ones arise.
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without data from russia on several parameters at once, for example, precipitation, soil moisture, plant moisture. the weight of the confidence deviation exceeds the confidence intervals. all research, especially in the arctic, without the participation of russia, turns into absolute utter nonsense. and the reliability of the models built on the data that is collected in the remaining half of the arctic is simply becoming flawed and does not inspire confidence in anyone. in fact, leading scientists tried to write about this in the article. in this situation, they robbed only themselves, because we still continue these observations, we continue our work, as the authors
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of the study note, such data can no longer be considered reliable, and therefore cannot be used in making forecasts, that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye. russia, traditional, modern. technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg
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stepanov, and we... are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. i'll see you in future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money. the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you have completed the world, stood up, dusted yourself off let's go, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure? let
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me invite you, well, i actually wasn’t prepared dance, pasha, if you don’t want to, don’t dance, what do you mean don’t dance, got up and went, holob 2.
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annual forum strong ideas for the new time. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. over the entire duration of the forum , over 450 thousand citizens took part. more than 90 thousand ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas and initiatives of citizens to formulate the strategy and development of the country. february 19 and 20: the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on ideia.rf.
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st. petersburg, together with all of russia, honors the memory of the heroically fallen leningraders. it is exactly 80 years since the final breakthrough of the fascist blockade of the city on the neva. a whole series of events on the importance of preserving historical memory has ended in st. petersburg. alexey golovko. it seems that this stream of people on pekarevsky...


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