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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 28, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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shibekinskie. taste has a name, now it is yours. touch the rock star burger. water, cooked on fire, tastes better. that night our friend is no longer there. forced to get up several times to admire the stars, my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase, afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma, i pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, buy a gamelab computer chair for only 8,990 rubles.
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plant six sagel makhmudov became the next target of the vengeful engineer. the conflict between them arose after a small accident, which occurred a few months before the poisoning. events developed as follows: i was driving my car along smirnovsky lane, well, in our city, respectively, in tognorug, a volga car was driving towards me, and i noticed it moving from afar. he was moving in the oncoming lane, in front of a volga car, with an adjacent parking lot, a gazelle car began to leave , in this regard, the driver of the volga car, volga, as was later stopped by the court, vladislav shulga simply swerved the steering wheel in my direction, and because of this , our mirrors collided, i immediately stopped in the hope that well, the driver...
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nothing will happen to me, and it’s all my fault, after which i told him that in this case, i ’ll transfer all the information to gi, and let them sort it out. he said that well , i don’t worry if i’m deprived of my rights, it’s not a big loss, the meaning was like this, not verbatim, but the meaning such, well, after that i already transferred all the information to the gi, the trial, the authorities were appealed by vladislav shulga, all the judicial acts, they stood, that is, the court established that there really was an accident, and in fact this is the result.
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by the name of the department and the number of the office in which makhmudov worked. this time, shulga understood that all the employees of the enterprise were drinking water from the container, but this did not stop him. technical shulga simply brought a solution with thalia salt in small vitamin bottles, then mixed it into nineteen liter bottles of drinking water. i simply poured the contents of this salt into bottles, since this liquid is highly soluble in water, it dissolved completely, without sediment, odorless, tasteless, the lid was easily removed and closed back, that is, there were traces that
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some kind of salt could have been mixed into this bottle the drug, the plant employees did not have any problems, and in his confession, shulga also mentioned that he had conflicts with some plant employees. weighed the element that served as poisoning, which served as poisoning plant employees. in addition, one of the pieces of evidence was the information found
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on a memory card seized from shulga’s mobile phone, on which electronic files with various brochures containing chemicals were found. compounds, substances , price lists of online stores, including those with chemical glassware, that is, this directly proved his hobbies, in general, chemistry; in addition, electronic files with books on toxicology were found on the same memory card, including various soviet publications on military toxicology, on the influence of toxic substances on human bodies. despite the direct evidence and confessions of the shulga, some colleagues flatly refuse to believe that the engineer could poison someone, they say that he wouldn’t hurt a fly. svladislav yurievich shulga, i worked for about 2 years, he was
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directly my boss, a leading engineer in power plants, i can characterize him as a highly, highly organized person.
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mind, while he took part in it as a rather secretive person on his own the social life of the organization of the plant where he worked, that is, such a dual characteristic. it is worth noting that the relatives of mechanic maxim tereshchenko, who died under mysterious circumstances, do not believe in the official version of what happened, and even support shulga. no, i don’t believe it, i didn’t initially believe in this version, because, according to vlad, when he, well, admitted his guilt, he initially...
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the body would have overcome all this, but it was constantly necessary to drink, drink, drink and drink this water, that’s why no, my version was the fact that some kind of leak occurred at the plant, something happened at the plant, they will never tell us about it, and we will not know about it. the investigation into the case of the taganrov poisoner,
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as journalists dubbed shulga, lasted almost 2 years and ended in may 2020 . 34 people were recognized as victims. the accused himself was under house arrest and eventually renounced his previous testimony, claiming pressure from operatives. he explained that it was intentional. added obviously implausible things to the confession details, for example, that tali was given to him by a teacher he knew, and that he himself prepared the deadly solution, were also allegedly lies. finally, the main motive - deprivation of the quarterly bonus made absolutely no sense, since not all colleagues were paid the money, and he did not feel humiliated. the engineer suggested that it was law enforcement officers.
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because he is an honest man, now he is suffering because the plant poisoned people, on november 8, 2021, the court found vladislav shulga guilty on several counts and sentenced him to eight years of imprisonment in a general regime colony. upon hearing the verdict, shulga began to threaten the judge. well, i think that soon something will happen with judge kubantsev.
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in order to understand all the details of a high-profile criminal case, our film crew met with vladislav shulga.
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makhmudov himself pointed to me directly, as i later felt. it is known that he came to the head of the regime and security service , nasonov, and said that he has a legal dispute with me, he knows that, sorry, that he suffered, that his employees suffered units, employees of my unit, in connection with which he has reason to suspect me, this is where it all started, well, not just to arrest on the basis of words, he just needed someone. let's say, a scapegoat, since the management of the plant for 2 months, this is january, this is february 2018, took active steps , let's say, to hush up, generally speaking, this whole event, yes, all this time i went to work, listened, heard , of course, about all these events, but i knew very little, because
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the plant was expressly forbidden to talk about it, including zubkovsky himself ... they gathered in the common hall twice, this is the wing and fuselage group, this is a large room, all the skb employees were gathered there, zubkovsky spoke, he was just about illness kolesnikova says: at the same time it was said that there were no out loud discussions of this topic, since this would entail organizational measures, shulga knows the materials of the criminal case by heart, also remembers... how they detained him on the street, and then took him to police department the engineer continues to insist that he incriminated himself under pressure. well, this, strictly speaking, is not so much a confession as pure self-incrimination. and the author of this testimony was, generally speaking , not me, but the operational commissioner kochargin, oleg vladimirovich, a police captain, who from
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the very first day began to tell why i, because two departments from... began to actively promote this version with water, claimed that we seized bottles of water and found thalium in them, although in fact this was not at all the case, and he i said that you had problems with makhmudov, you had problems with zubkovsky, we confiscated the water, i need your testimony that you poured all this into the water, to my question, where did i get such a substance? okay, mercury, i say, some kind, you can still collect some thermometers there, and waist, i say, what is this, where can i get it, am i saying, some kind of secret service employee, or what ? he says: you know, for the criminal case it doesn’t matter to us where you got it, we just need evidence that you got it i put it there, but where you got it from is not of interest to us. in shulga’s phone, in addition to books on
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toxicology and chemistry, toxic substances, investigators found correspondence with friends, in which he spoke in detail about conflicts with colleagues. the engineer himself does not deny that he spoke about his boss and his fellow lawyer without choosing his expressions. well, as a matter of fact, what , as evidenced by this correspondence, is that i sometimes let off steam on the same makhmudov, and how not to let off steam, who actually set up an auto frame on me, and well, i’m talking about makhmudov should have written something good? yes, i wrote a lot of unflattering words about him, but excuse me, i didn’t write it on record, i wrote it to some close friend, an acquaintance in a confidential conversation, not for it to be used somewhere, you know, publicly somewhere - this was published, i just said in the most pleasant way that such and such a person is a scoundrel, a bastard scum, but i didn’t say
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that i would poison him, for example, yes, i wrote to him, i’ll punch him in the face, for example, i wrote, i i’ll hit him with a car, that’s what slipped through the cracks. these events, i am a completely normal, sane person, i am not capable of such actions, and i will simply defend my rightness and innocence.
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i will file a cassation appeal, i will appeal to the supreme court, and i will appeal to the european court of justice. well, what will change? as they say, i'm already here. i’m already in custody, well, everything will be the same as now, there are no personality disorders, the examination did not reveal the shulga, he is absolutely sane, if you believe this man for a split second, then the only thesis that can be doubted is: so: is it even possible to isolate thalium from solder, experts speak about this extremely carefully, thali is used in agriculture to fight insects, that is, i think that there are no big problems with the acquisition of these drugs, the
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same thing is used in electrical engineering, electrical to electronics, if we are talking, we know that the accused extracted all this from solder, well, most likely this is quite possible. it is absolutely not necessary to be a chemist, and in order to get a deadly poison from thalia, it is enough to have this solder containing thalium, then you need to have instructions everything, please, the poison is ready, nails, terrible weapons, even a fork there, you know, four holes from the blow, in matters of intentions in the general culture, children just need to turn on classical music more often. desire to offend someone and they will not grow into such adults. this is how the story ended
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, talk about the beautiful, then they will not have the poisoner from taganrog vladislav shulga, the man who almost sent him to the next world... and now the employees of the aviation enterprise with undisguised horror they remember their former comrade, the promising
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engineer and designer shulga. i believe that if the investigation actually established that it was him, and there is enough evidence, especially since the court has already passed a verdict, i will evaluate all the evidence, well, accordingly. well , he deserved it when they said that you were a shulga, well, for me, probably, it was not a surprise, for me there is no alternative option, i am sure that it was a shulga, i really have no doubts when with people you work, well, you probably don’t expect some moments like this from them. well, if you expect this from everyone who is nearby, man, well, it becomes difficult, you don’t want to expect this, in principle, as it were
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, after all, if you believe the books, then poisons are the lot of women, the aviation scientific and technical complex the estate continues to be built... employees of the defense plant will try to forget about the former designer and poisoner shulga as soon as possible, but they now have a special relationship with water containers. now bottles are washed especially carefully, where they are installed there are video cameras that broadcast everything that happens around the clock around the clock.
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this is how we saw the criminal case of the poisoner istaganrog vladislav. shulgi, this was our investigation from the rostov region, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear, clear signal.
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is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, a recipe, give in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? evolution occurs in any structure. major road accident in the krasnodar region. a passenger bus traveling from moscow to nalchik collided with a truck. by according to preliminary data, five people died. on january 28, at about 2 a.m.,
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a traffic accident occurred in the palovsky district on the caucasus highway. according to preliminary information, the bus driver fell asleep at the wheel and drove into the oncoming lane; in total there were 15 passengers on the bus; now reverse traffic has been organized in the area of ​​the incident; operational services, about 30 people and 11 pieces of equipment are working on the spot. powerful explosions occurred in the cities of ukraine, and at night messages came from what was still under control. vicks of zaporozhye, local authorities confirmed that an infrastructure facility was damaged. earlier, the roar was heard in the poltava region, in kharkov, in kremenchug, officials published a photo of the fiery flash and said that an oil refinery was hit . there was a strong fire at the enterprise. french farmers reached their summer residence.


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