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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 28, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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night in the palovsky district on the pas kavkaz highway , a traffic accident occurred in which five people were killed and eight were injured; initial investigative actions are being carried out. according to preliminary information, the bus driver fell asleep at the wheel and drove into the oncoming lane. there were a total of 15 passengers on the bus. now reverse traffic has been organized in the area of ​​the incident; operational services, about 30 people and 11 pieces of equipment are working on the spot. powerful explosions occurred in the cities of ukraine; at night messages came from still controlled by militants in zaporozhye, local authorities confirmed that an infrastructure facility was damaged. earlier, the roar was heard in the poltava region, in kharkov, in kremenchug, officials published a photo of the fiery flash and said that an oil refinery was hit . there was a strong fire at the enterprise. french farmers reached their summer residence. hundreds of tractors
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blocked the beach in front of the president's house; in the north of the country, protesters burned a truck with imported products and scattered several hundred tons of manure along the streets. french the farmers' union threatens to organize a complete blockade of paris and its suburbs. the promotion will start on monday and will last at least 5 days. farmers are dissatisfied with the fall in income and the increase in diesel prices. in total , more than 70,000 people have already come out to protest in the country. farmer in italy , protesters blocked an interchange on the country's main highway, and the police had to disperse them. as a sign of protest, farmers display columns of agricultural machinery on the road. farmers oppose the restrictive measures of the european union, which could affect their industry. the development of global nuclear energy will be based on russian technologies that are being developed in the breakthrough project. it provides for the creation of a new system capable of making nuclear power plants safer and solving. according to him,
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a demonstration complex is now being built in the tomsk region, where future technologies will be tested. the essence of this project is contained in the name, this is a demonstration complex, this is a complex demonstrating real performance in the industrial, industrial version of the fourth generation technology.
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pictures and even sounds. in zaryadye they presented an exhibition dedicated to four centuries of exploration of the russian arctic, which gave the world not only scientific, but also artistic discoveries. here we are dealing with the history of russia and not its conquest, but the trade relations of peoples, the merging of cultures, mixing on a voluntary basis, on love, on understanding. one of the popular areas of the exhibition is science art, art on the verge of science, for example, the work of dmitry
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platonov, a young researcher who shows the cyclical nature of life, everyone has your choice: stop the cycle or continue it. young artists here explore arctic land systems. marina pakhomova, for example, saw beauty in graphene, an alatropic form of carbon that can retain heat even in extremely cold conditions. when we looked under the eyepiece with 500x magnification, we saw this fantastic, beautiful world, and these kind of shimmers, some kind of simple co...
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here are collected drawings, notes from observations of the life of the inhabitants of the arctic, and also engraved maps, among whose unique mangazeya, the first russian polar city,
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which disappeared at the end of the 14th century. it was he who became our outpost in the development of the far north. the beginning of the 20th century was a time of exceptional interest in the far north, siberia, and the people. the peculiarity of the paintings presented here is that they are all painted from life. this work by borisov created a special sensation at the paris exhibition, when it was shown , they always took out a small candle and illuminated an ice floe, which began to shine in the light of the beam. art lectures, performances, master classes, an exhibition in charge will last until march 10 in a cross-media format, so that everyone, at least for a short time , feels like a researcher and discovers this harsh but amazing region. sofia, stanislav petrov, kiril aksenov, news. against the backdrop of the stagnation of the european economy, the russian economy is demonstrating growth, which helped overcome sanctions in the new edition of the program made in russia, personnel decide.
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russian gdp in 2023 grew faster than before the introduction of sanctions. this is such sad information for those who tried to insert sticks. wheels of economic development, of course, the support of the state had an impact, the business itself was not at a loss, but of course, all the problems have not been solved, so we will now talk about solutions and prospects. here's our first story. the safety of air transportation largely depends on the products of this plant in the chelyabinsk region, airplanes, parts for them, no, special equipment for airfields, well, where would we be without
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it? if we talk about history, then... in ninety-nine, the company did not yet make equipment, it produced special equipment for the ural automobile plant. then i mastered the issue auto components. 15 years ago we assembled the first special vehicle, and with the move we managed to expand production to full capacity. today our production capacity is about 400 cars per year, we are well-stocked with orders, we have government contracts for two to three years, so we also have a contract for next year. why such strong demand? the fact is that some foreign competitors, instead of cleaning , decided to get out of the market themselves, but the russian manufacturer was not at a loss and presented three models that didn't exist before. our latest models are
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the airfield sweeping and blowing machine behind me, just as part of import substitution, this is a machine that sweeps, blows away snow, and collects magnets. metal debris and reagent are sprinkled on everything, and the process is carried out in a full cycle, that is, from drawing to painting. we have more than 100 organizations on our supply lists, with whom we cooperate on the purchase of components, taking into account the fact that our equipment is also supplied to the ministry defense, of course, we use only domestic components. the plans also include new equipment, bulldozers, and expanding exports. now we supply equipment, of course that. soviet space is kazakhstan, uzbekistan and tajikistan. we also currently have contracts pending in vietnam and iran; we would like to offer equipment for public utilities and also for airfields. in general, enterprises not only in the chelyabinsk region are successfully increasing exports. according to
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forecasts of the russian export center, in last year, the number of suppliers abroad will further increase to 75 to 80 thousand companies. 5 million people work in industries directly and indirectly related to exports. this is almost 7% of all employment, but if we talk about tax revenues, then 4.250 billion rubles came into the budget system from exports this year. this includes the federal budget and regional budgets. taking into account the growth in the number of exporters and, accordingly , tax revenues, it turns out that enterprises have successfully adapted to the sanctions, in particular in the chelyabinsk region. russian export... center is our partner, and we are one of the leaders in terms of interaction with the export center, we
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export our products to 118 countries of the world, china, india, and other countries, including the southeast, africa, latin america , these are our current partners, they actively buy not only our traditional products, metal, cars, tractors, new ones including means of production, we supply machine tools, of course, all this would be impossible without serious support measures, about we'll tell you about them a little later, well now, since we are talking about machine tools, our next story is about increasing the pace of production from the penza region. machine tool building is an industry that, after the collapse of the soviet union, almost ceased
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to exist, but this does not mean that now everyone has given up and no one produces machines, for example, for metalworking from penza. first, let's debunk the myth. the company started updating soviet machine tools, but now it produces a wide range
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of equipment from simple mechanical to high-precision machining centers, this is this machine, yes, this is a vertical processing center, vtm9, a unique machine, we have been producing them for three years now, it is very competitive in relation to chinese machines, to taiwanese, to south korean ones, at a slightly more expensive price. cheaper , about the same, 20-30% more expensive than chinese or taiwanese, but more reliable, but of course, for clothing, as for russian parts, localization is about 80%, there are still difficulties with our electronics. the production of machine tools is a raft of broad cooperation. created in pendensky region machine tool cluster , which includes 10 enterprises, some are engaged, for example , in casting, others, like this,
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machine tools, so we would also like to see them in our cluster, there are a number of other enterprises that have developed for us for our series of turning machines in russia, who also do some work for us or make parts, they should also be clusters. it is easier for the cluster, which sets the dynamics of industry development, to interact with the state and receive preferential lending at interest rates and subsidies for development, here possibilities.
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the eternity of our machines is much higher than the chinese ones; of course, they understood that it was better to pay a little, but get high-quality ones in order to help the development of russian machine tool industry.
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that is, the production is larger, the price is lower, a new foundry has already been launched for this, so another enterprise is on its way, we will go to the tomsk region. over its more than hundred-year history, this tomsk plant, of course, has survived more than one crisis, always finding new opportunities for development, this is happening now, but what does it produce? equipment for the chemical, oil and gas,
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metallurgical, coal industries, many areas. now we will show everything, give the country coal, the tomsk enterprise has the most direct connection with this, because back in 1941 , jackhammers were produced here. you continue to release it from belivot, we cannot give up our story, and let us continue to release it. we are also proud of it. now there are hundreds of products in the assortment, but almost every individual order of this mine ventilation system and various brakes for service mechanisms and electric drives. that is, this equipment ensures the operation of the russian energy sector despite the machinations of unfriendly countries. our
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localization level reaches 98%. what seemed like yesterday, in general. it’s a miracle today , almost everywhere in our economy, such engines are already in use, but beyond that the task was not just to replace foreign analogues, but to make them better. this is a part of the power gearbox, which is famous for the fact that it has a cycloidal transmission, something that has never been used or used before. was exploited if those tasks that gazprom had not set for us today, i think that... probably no one would have produced them, we are the only ones in the russian federation who have mastered this, we are successfully using it at facilities. there is also a new product that is completing testing this year. we made a product that will be used in orenburg for hydrogen sulfide, something that no one could use either. 400 million
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rubles were invested in the modernization of production. by the way, thanks to the growth of automation and work with educational institutions,
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first of all, they see prospects for development in the russian market, for example, at the new amur gas processing plant, but there are also export plans, and the fact that we are also proud that the supply of gas was carried out in the republic of uzbekistan, our products were also used there , and we are also proud of this direct participation. this is the right place to talk about support measures. there are a lot of them in the russian export center, this is the search for potential buyers, participation in exhibitions abroad under the brand made in russia and financial instruments. advance insurance, accounts receivable insurance. debts, insurance against political risks and guarantees to the tax authorities for vat refunds, a guarantee of the return of advance payments and so on, these are all measures that allowed
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exporters, despite the increased risks associated with export activities, to feel comfortable, because part, most some of these risks are assumed by the state and development institutions, such as the russian export center. last year , the number of companies that received support exceeded 20,000, compared to 2020. secondly , financing increased by more than 150 billion rubles, export support increased by $8.7 billion. in response to new challenges, new support measures appeared, in particular, thanks to the joint work of retz and menpromtorg, manufacturers were compensated for part of the costs of supplies to friendly countries. the forest complex in the north-west of the country had very big problems, and in fact there are still difficulties. but in order to stop and mitigate these risks, we made a support tool logistics northwest to china, it was 3.4 billion rubles. and this allowed companies,
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as it were, to hold out until prices equalized, and there was a reduction in prices for container transportation. serious support also means training: over the past year, more than a thousand companies that are just about to enter foreign markets, or want to improve their positions there, have completed an export school, free education in all... regions for users of the my export platform. by the way, regarding the training of personnel for mechanical engineering, there is an interesting story from ufa. it's not exactly a factory, although it looks very similar. this is an on- site production and training center. an enterprise that produces aircraft engines requires highly qualified specialists to create highly complex devices. rustam, 21, is
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a multi-specialist. multispecialist, what is this anyway? a multispecialist is a person who knows many professions and is trained in this, that is, universal machines, machines with well-organized controls, censorship work, and many other professions. for more than a year in production and training center of rostec, rustam mastered working on several machines. that is, we learn programming, we can program two or three machines at once, that is, work the same way. the young specialist plans to work at the ufa engine-building and production association; as part of the uec, this plant makes engines for military aircraft, participates in
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the creation of the pd-14 for the russian civil airliner ms-21, produces components for helicopter engines, and also produces equipment for the oil and gas industry , because they pump fuel, turbines? today , the ufa metal production association is in need of personnel. about 4,500 people, that is, plans for the twenty-fourth year will increase by 60%. but the training center on the basis of umpo satisfies the personnel shortage. it was planned that we would graduate about a thousand students a year in all training programs. today we already have the task of graduating about 2.0 people. and if we initially planned that we only have a contingent of listeners.
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lists perm, kazan, rybensk, samara, saint petersburg. the task of this center is to prepare such a wide-profile worker who would be proficient in more than one specialty, at least five or six professions at once, that is , there will be no need to select a person who would work only on one machine. this is basically the kind of practice we have today, we are actively expanding it, and this generally saves to a certain extent
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and... the number of people who need to be recruited, as much practice as possible, this approach is necessary for the training of specialists and not only in the field of mechanical engineering, for example, in the same bashkiria , a cluster of unmanned aircraft is being created before the twenty-fifth year , people are needed, the first priority is a product for the army, then the civilian sphere, not excluding exports, the volumes of which are growing in the republic, we are working with an export center, the recommendations that exporters give us...
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$592 billion, over the last 10 years, and the share of non-resource, non-energy exports in the overall structure of our exports steadily occupies from 35 to 40%. that is, we have not been a gas station for a long time and uh already non-commodity, non-energy exports are becoming a very , very powerful, very diversified source for foreign exchange earnings. as for mechanical engineering, there are examples in the country when not only new enterprises are created, but seemingly lost production is revived, here is an example from perm, electric-powered ships traction, now the trend
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is straight across... in public gardens, along the volga, but building water transport is still half the battle, infrastructure is needed, and the perm shipyard has made its significant contribution, by the way, this the only shipbuilding enterprise in the urals. the plant was founded in the thirty-first year, decades ago. built ships, but as a result , 3 years ago, he actually did not work, he ended up in the hands of owners who were abroad. in the twenty-first year, the government of the perm territory came under control and the revival began. when we came to the enterprise, there were already less than 50 specialists here, in general, whoever remained, we actually, as they say, hired them, because people with extensive experience, they have very
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great experience, they know. there are a lot of different nuances in shipbuilding, but then we began to develop the staff, now there are more than 160 people on staff, in order to find specialists, the department of shipbuilding was restored at the nearest technical school, but it is clear that without a serious order there will be no talk of any revival can’t, many people know that... the routes of the world’s first year-round electric vessels, they are made in st. petersburg, the main elements, including the engine , are russian, here is the order for berths for them, and perm sudovir received lower charging stations. from above you can clearly see the stages of production, here the frame looks like a flying saucer, the design, by the way, is russian,
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but here it is... the final assembly and the whole process takes on average about 3 months, i think there is no such project, at least i i haven’t heard what happened somewhere in the world , but for russia this is the first such project, which was actually done by moscow, st. petersburg, we actually took part in this project, but this is today, but what about tomorrow, a very large-scale one is planned.. . already in production of other berths, modular, in the plans, of course, shipbuilding, on the rivers it is necessary to replace the outdated fleet, we are actually both technologically and legally ready to produce, including ships, so to speak, the next order, because these...


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