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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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news of the last hour in the center of moscow , a fire occurred in the satire theater, the fire area is 300,350 m2. at the moment, people from the building have been evacuated and there are no reports of casualties. 76 people and 21 equipment were involved in eliminating the incident. due to the fire , a traffic jam formed in the garden ring. in a high-profile case of mass poisoning at an aircraft factory in taganrog, an engineer added poisonous thyme to the drinking water. what were the motives, why many still consider him innocent. watch eduard petrov's investigation immediately after advertising. one is better than watching it 100 times.
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waist as a weapon in place, aircraft plant engineer vladislav shulga sent dozens of his colleagues to the hospital bed, he put it in...
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more than thirty examinations were carried out on me, in all cases the chemical element thalium was discovered, a nineteen-liter bottle of water was found on the territory of the plant, in which a waist element was found. thalia has no distinct taste or smell, or any characteristic color. to my question, where did i get this? substance? for the purposes of the criminal case , it doesn’t matter to us where you got it? technically, the shulga simply brought a solution of thalia salt in small bottles. from under vitamins, very competent, very responsive, he is an engineer with a capital letter, they found a scapegoat in him, we will say, for the fact that he is an honest person, now he is suffering, well, i think that from judge kubantsev soon too something will happen, i deny my
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involvement in these events, i am a completely normal, sane person, he deserved it, i’m sure it was a scam, on still, if you believe the books, then... poisons are the lot of women. at the end of 2017, employees of the beriev plant in taganrog began en masse to visit the company’s clinic. everyone had different symptoms. some complained of chest pain, others of an upset stomach. some began to lose hair. every day the patients got worse. consequence.
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at first he confessed, but then retracted his words: why the shulga poisoned his colleagues, where the engineer got the waist and how he brought the poison to... the plant. we took up this matter and conducted their investigation. several days in a row. taganrog aviation engineer vladislav shulga went out into the corridor and headed towards the stairs, where there were empty water containers. i hung around them,
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and then returned to my workplace in the design bureau, and once i stayed a little longer near the transparent one with the inscription kb7 department 720. looking around and clearly fearing something, the man took a small plastic jar out of his pocket, uncorked it and quickly poured out the contents. he looked around again, no one seemed to have seen him, and with a hurried step headed to his department.
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the georgiy beriev aviation scientific and technical complex in taganrog is one of the oldest defense industry enterprises in russia. the world-famous b-200 amphibious aircraft for the ministry of emergency situations are produced here. several thousand people work at the plant, the responsible work
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is prestigious by local standards, there is a strict access control regime, as expected, a reputable enterprise has a canteen, a gym and a clinic on site. in november 2017, they went to this medical unit. contact employees different departments. the first to appear on the threshold of the clinic was the leading design engineer of the enterprise, konstantin kolesnikov. the man told doctors that he had been feeling disgusting for several days. quite unexpectedly, he developed severe abdominal pain and dizziness. this is despite the fact that konstantin leads a healthy lifestyle and
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plays sports. kolesnikov was examined and sent to the city hospital, where an ultrasound was immediately performed. the result greatly surprised the doctors: there was deformation of the internal organs, and after a few days the designer began to lose hair. hair. for some reason, the doctors did not pay attention to this circumstance. an ordinary diagnosis was made - chronic gastritis , the patient was prescribed treatment and sent home , but kolesnikov’s condition was rapidly deteriorating, my legs hurt a lot , i couldn’t sleep, i got up in the morning, somehow made it to the bath to wash, washed, turned around and fell , moreover, i fell vertically, but my legs just gave out at one moment, everything collapsed under me. so it happened literally 2 minutes later my father and brother drove up, they basically
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they took me out of the bath, helped me get dressed and took me to the doctor, and now he looked at me, he said that i needed to go to the hospital urgently, the doctor recommended that natalia be tested, similar symptoms. could have been poisoned by something right at the workplace . nobody
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could understand what exactly was going on. the alarm was sounded after thallium was found in konstantin kolesnikov’s blood. the study was carried out in a private laboratory and the analysis showed that the heavy metal content was 150 times higher. employees of the aviation factory went to donate blood. the plant’s lawyer also came to the medical center sagil makhmudov. waking up early in the morning, he felt severe chest pain and general weakness, but did not attach much importance to it. mostly it was pain in the muscles, that is, my muscles began to quickly become clogged when, well, when walking normally, since before. it wasn’t, well, towards the end of january i noticed that i was also experiencing heavy hair loss, but
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not as much as my colleagues, of course, it wasn’t all that scary, but more than usual, it already became clear that this was poisoning, in among the victims was plant economist ksenia sergus, a woman remembers that time... and for me , probably the biggest dissonance that happened is that we live in the 21st century, who will persecute us, who am i, i am a simple economist, in the care, in taganrog , who needs me, and until recently, until i arrived in moscow for examination at the klifosofsky institute, i had no understanding of what
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thalium is, well, just think, thalium, well, well, i know, metal, yes, i studied chemistry at school. but no more than that, when already at the skleifosofsky institute they told me all the seriousness, it was at that moment that it became scary. our information. thalium is an extremely toxic heavy metal; its compounds are classified as cumulative poisons; they accumulate symptoms during chronic poisoning. once in the human body, thallium affects the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract of the kidneys. one of the symptoms of poisoning is hair loss. high doses are fatal to humans. accumulation in the body, when it is not yet excreted in the urine, accumulates in the body, clinical manifestations are associated with an increase its accumulative function, you know, can simply be called a silent killer or
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something like that, yes, absolutely true, but it should also be noted that there are no pronounced specific signs of waist poisoning.
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alarming news about mass thallium poisoning at the city's largest enterprise instantly leaked to the media. the wife of perepatient konstantin kolesnikov, elena, posted a petition on social networks in which she demanded to understand what happened and cure her husband. everyone's voice is important for the petition to receive qualified specialists could provide the necessary insight. elena kolesnikova was heard, the plant management created a commission, which included representatives of the city mayor’s office, as well as local rospotrebnadzor doctors. experts examined the offices, but could not find the source of the poisoning. here is a fragment of a briefing at which officials and
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the director of the enterprise report on the results of their joint work. while the victims were undergoing treatment, representatives of the investigative department of the investigative committee for the rostov region were already working hard at the enterprise. areas. the version of a possible chemical release at the plant was quickly dismissed, because it was mainly the plant’s office employees who were affected. some workers spoke about possible poisoning from counterfeit alcohol, saying that homemade cognac was brought into the plant illegally and consumed illegally during the new year celebrations. investigators
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found no evidence of this. there was another version that with the help of thalia, they were poisoned at the enterprise. rats, but this was also not confirmed. in this criminal case, i conducted over thirty examinations of all the victims. in in all cases the chemical element waist was detected. accordingly, no other element such as arsenic was found during the examination of blood or urine. italy arsenic mainly enters through the oral cavity, that is, by consuming either food or water in which the arsenic is diluted. chemical elements practically cannot enter the body through air and arsenic. so the version of deliberate poisoning became a priority. investigators found that
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employees suffered the most contractual and legal departments located in adjacent rooms of the same building of the enterprise. representatives of the investigative committee were interested in the smallest details, for example, how, where, when. workers have lunch. it turned out that some wanted to go to the dining room, others brought food from home. lawyers kept tea and sugar in their desks. and the contract specialists across the street took everything they needed from a common locker.
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many of those poisoned did not know each other. while inspecting the offices, the investigator noticed another important detail: most of the staff got their water from these clear pump bottles. the plant has its own squash plant; the water
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from there is purified in a special barrel, and then bottled into containers and distributed throughout the plant. when the water runs out, the empty bottles are put out in the corridor, cleaners pick them up at night and then send them on their way. to the station where they are washed and refilled, but never sealed, the main evidence was probably a nineteen-liter bottle of water found on the territory of the plant, in which, during a chemical forensic the examination revealed a waist element. thalia does not have a distinct taste, smell or anything. characteristic color and if waist salts get into the water, well , there will be some kind of aftertaste, but water that is stored in
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a container for days always has some kind of aftertaste, and an ordinary person will not pay any attention to it, but why would anyone need to poison aircraft factory employees? during the survey , the victims said that among the staff there was one extremely quarrelsome and conflict-ridden person, leading design engineer vladislav shulga, he cursed endlessly, moreover, both with his colleagues and with his superiors, the man was detained, had a serious talk with him, and a few days later shulga unexpectedly confessed; during the investigation it was established that shulga had committed two episodes of poisoning. the first was in october 2017, the second in december, that is, the gap between them was just over a month. we established that shulga had found the heavy metal thalium,
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which, according to his testimony, he acquired while studying at the university and kept at home. according to the case materials. once upon a time new the head of the design bureau, viktor zubkovsky, whom we talked about at the beginning of the program, did not pay shulga a bonus, then the engineer thought about the place. i had a conflict at work with my boss, viktor vladimirovich, and with the employees of my group too, which was not justified. he found fault with our work during august, september, october, in october all my employees decided on bonuses together with me.
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after which i decided to use the existing substance with the aim of causing slight harm to the health of viktor vladimirovich zukovsky for whereupon, using battery acid, which i had due to the presence of a car, i converted it into a soluble form, dissolving it in acid, and then evaporated it in an oil bath. and the resulting powder was dissolved in water. shulga poured the deadly liquid into jars where he had previously stored vitamins. i found the required container,
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the office number was written on each bottle, making sure that it was intended for the boss, the poisoner poured the steel solution into it, it was early, at about 7:15, when no one was yet at work.
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in addition to the leader zubkovsky, his deputy secretary drank the poisoned water. soon all three felt ill. after zupovsky went on sick leave, shelga apparently realized that his actions could go unpunished, because...
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he would also be poisoned, hello, i am your stress, and this is your energy, i love it when you are without strength, like survived lemon, stress leaves you exhausted, elkar contains elcarnitine, a source of additional energy and helps cope with stress. elcar - stress relief for you i can do it. it is profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank, for pensioners a free sbercard, a favorable rate on deposits to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, loan assistance to buy what you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, and receive special, favorable conditions. lenta guarantees the best
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