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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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the country is demoralized and split by liberal ideology and propaganda of the values ​​of the free world. the clans of oligarchs, who appropriated the main objects of the national economy back in the nineties, have finally moved on to a kind of privatization of the politics of the power space in russia, which was so awkwardly interrupted in 2000 with the coming to power. look, tamara adelman, minister of education, anatoly chubas, minister of economy, viktor shenderovich - minister of culture, lyubov sobol, minister of health, minister of defense, perhaps will not be needed in this situation. what to do with
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the armed forces of the russian federation is already clear, the scenario was worked out in the nineties by minister of internal affairs alexander nevzorov, minister of sports gary kasparov, minister of foreign affairs dmitry bykov, and presidential press secretary ilya yashin. this is their dream, they do this all the time. it seems to us that they were spanked, they left, they seem to be out of sight, everything seems to be fine. but they exist, they work, they dream, they are subsidized, but how is it possible to gather there in lithuania without subsidies? or either in latvia or in poland, as is possible , someone is paying for it, you tell me, it’s impossible, as i say, everything is possible, well, it’s possible that thirty-four-year-old gabriel ottal, who has not proven himself in any way, has revenge, the only thing... . who stands out from the general
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crowd because he is openly gay, became the prime minister of france, and you know who, his husband, and his husband is the newly appointed minister of foreign affairs in stephane sejournet, well, how can it be, no, i understand, this is this humanistic considerations, but this humanism is ostentatious, deceitful, false, when a member a woman with the syndrome becomes a member of the spanish parliament...
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and this is a dream, this is their dream, that’s why when we raise this issue in our meetings, it causes horror, indignation, hatred, a desire to stop it immediately, we can understand them, i can, i can understand them, this is not something to be taken lightly. this network exists throughout the country, somewhere more , somewhere less, somewhere still invisible, like a sleeping cell, somewhere open, somewhere provocatively open, but i think you, of course, understand that i i won't film it’s such a feature film, but you know what i ’m afraid of, that it won’t become a documentary, that all these fantasies won’t be turned into something. into reality
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because of our connivance with the feeling that it will all somehow resolve itself, someone else has everything that i just told. fantasized, he will call it nonsense and nonsense in general , those fantasies that will never come true, but we see, we have experience , please look at zelensky’s speech before he became president of ukraine, look, you know, i became president ukraine in a very difficult time, for 2 years now i have been able to save this time... so, what is ukraine, why is it profitable to throw your money, excuse me, invest in it today. you know, we have a completely new level of economy, we have reached this level, this level is called begging. it's very simple, we beg for the economic surplus of the market
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economies of neighboring countries. the scheme is awesome, tested by gypsies. we just tried it within the framework of geopolitics and without guitars, it’s not a scam, it’s not a financial pyramid, just another one, no, i’ll just explain everything like this scheme, you give us your money, we don’t return it to you later, 100% guarantee, we write 100% guarantee, then this scheme will fit better here.
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they said at length: look how long nato maneuvers have been going on near our border. since the beginning of 24, nato has been rehearsing a full-scale war against russia on the future eastern front, from finland to romania. in january-february
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, major allied forces exercises will be held in eastern europe, nato firmly approved 24. in latvia , the winter 20 exercise will start in mid-january.
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from europe, well, it’s a simple question, i go there and bomb this for, because i need this, and what do i need in poland, what do i need in belgium, what do i need in england, what do we not have? what is there somewhere, why do we need it, this question is not raised at all, because it cannot be raised, it is necessary to hammer out the same one all the time. idea, so that it enters the western world as an axiom, not subject to either verification or doubt, this is what is happening, we recently talked about artificial intelligence, about the fact that soon
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time, it is artificial intelligence that will be used on a huge scale in military operations, in guiding guns, shells, bombs... and so on and so forth, and we think about what nationality this artificial intelligence has, what it is, here we have ? this is whose artificial intelligence we have, who he will call the enemy , at whom he will direct missiles, bombs, planes , artillery and so on, what kind of filling it has, here is an elementary example, the simplest, if you give the task to artificial intelligence, a neural network, asber, which called kandinsky, what kind of image is this, is it a neural network? will give if you ask the question, what is a nut, which means that we will see, we
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will see a nut, when asked a spring, the image will be spring, why? strange, right? but because our domestic neural network has imported filling, so it translates russian queries into the native language for this neural network, english, the words nat spring, which in translation mean: spring nut, in fact in russian it is a spring nut, and what to do, that is, you can imagine at what depth is what could become a catastrophic failure at a critical moment, you need a nut, but they are carrying a nut, you need a spring, but they are drawing spring, but this is serious, you can’t solve it with a snap of your fingers? what’s worse and more important than all of this is something else, they are telling us that
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there is a war going on between, relatively speaking, nato and russia, no, this is not so, this is an organized war between the slavs, when russians are killing russians on their territory, on january 3rd of this...
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this is at the same level that churchel proposed; we talked about this in 1945 after the second world war, after the end of the great patriotic war, to carry out this terrible act, unthinkable, to arm captured germans, to throw an atomic bomb on the ussr, bloodless, having lost 27 million of their fellow citizens, already... to take this weakened country with their bare hands, and not with their own, captured germans, whom to arm, that stopped, the presence of an atomic bomb , thank god, now it also stops, the presence of nuclear weapons, well, guys, well, there is a limit to vileness, you think there is, but i see no, there is no limit to vileness, i’m surprised that there isn’t us, this was not born in our country
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thought, this idea was not born to us, but was expressed by a member of the european parliament from slovakia, miroslav radakovsky, listen, today we have already begun to realize that we cannot defeat russia, so we must stop sending weapons to ukraine, stop supporting the murder of the slavs. if this is not stopped, then we, the slavs, will unite as brothers, and i believe that we will unite and raze western europe to the ground. i'm sure no one here wants that. the conflict in ukraine - the states, the problem of their interests, the european union is a pawn in american game. we must begin peace negotiations, but without the participation of the americans in them, we must put an end to the bloodshed. not a local conflict, this is an attack trying to destroy an entire civilization.
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it grows from a small story. a global problem and catastrophe. remember the script that i read at the beginning, where it is said that in addition to the external enemy, nato, weapons, and so on, there is an idea to undermine the foundations of russian statehood, to set fire from different sides. and by the way, the emphasis is mainly on inciting conflict within the country. on a national basis, isn't this already happening? look, boris titov was a candidate for the post of president of the russian federation in 2018, received 0.76% of the votes, now he is the commissioner under the president of the russian federation for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs,
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despite the fact that his powers ended in the twenty-second year, on june 22 , his term of office has expired. well, for some reason he continued to hold his position, it’s none of my business, but today boris yuryevich says the following: about russians’ fear of migrants i know well, although it is completely groundless, russian citizens commit far more crimes than migrants, i don’t even understand, or mr.... titov doesn’t know, or mr. titov is misleading us, as he has done more than once, so document of the investigative committee, voiced by the chairman of the investigative committee, mr. bastrygin, we talked about this , remember, i turned to the investigative committee to the chairman of the investigative committee
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, alexander ivanovich bastrikin, with a request to explain what the general situation is today with migration. year the same for january-july 2023, compared to the same period last year, the number of serious crimes increased by 40% from 1871 to 2626, the number
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of crimes against sexual integrity increased by 22% from 285 to 300. 48. from two to nine extremist crimes have increased . from 14 to 25 of a terrorist nature. another interesting question: mr. titov considers russian criminals those migrants who have already received a russian passport and are citizens of russia, but commits crimes. he classifies them as... russian criminals, i really liked that journalist andrei medvedev responded to this remark from mr. titov, listen, you know, i would completely agree with boris titov, but only if i knew for sure that he lives in an ordinary apartment, in a new quarter, where migrants also live,
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who arrange life around them, as they are used to in their native village or town. his grandchildren go to a regular school, he himself lives in the summer at a six hundred square dacha, in an ordinary snt, where migrants live in an illegal hostel, and for groceries mr. titov goes to the five on the corner, where the sellers are migrants, when the man from the castle talks about how russian citizens should think, it looks ridiculous. remember what the queen of france, marie antoine, said at one time. on january 7, titov’s message about migrants appeared in the media, and a few days later,
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posters and leaflets with approximately the same content began to appear online, allegedly at the tambov gunpowder plant. rest assured, according to statistics from the ministry of internal affairs of the russian federation, russian citizens commit much more. and what is this plant? just one phrase dropped by an official representative of the authorities, yes, then it turns out that there were
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no such leaflets at this plant, that this is a fake, this is a lie, and so on and so forth, but does it really matter, the poison has already been launched , the fuse has already been removed, how long it took for it to explode is unknown, here’s another one, which is absolutely...
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doesn’t this work for nato, all this taken together? i ask this question to you, everyone knows that we have a huge number national organizations, thank god that they exist, let’s say there is such an organization, like andozh, which deals with the uzbek community, they help visitors, they provide employment, help with registration, help with learning the russian language, with resolving legal... disputes , well, the president of this community is a certain usman baratov, here on baratov’s page his text appears with a picture, where he
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quotes our president, who dealt with the issue of egg shortages, and then a postscript from mr. boradov, fic you don’t have any butter, bring back the roosters from the front, roosters... this is who, apparently, these are our soldiers who are fighting now in the donbass, immediately after this this statement comes up, mr. baratov, we are watching malyshev’s resurrection health program or live great, she already forgot the russian word, everywhere she was, there was coronavirus, our russian scientists invented one for coronavirus, here i am, as a citizen of russia, but it touches me, i’m not russian, i never have. near the blood, i’m an uzbek, i don’t want to dissolve, adaptation, yes, i graduated from russian school with the famous people of russia alexander abdulov, we studied in the same school, adaptation
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is needed, integration is needed, but you cannot assimilate , assimilation is a dangerous thing when you lose your roots, and even russian passports began to be called from the federal channel, russian passports, well, this is nonsense, where you do not have the word russian passport, there is russia. passport, then it gets even more interesting, here mr. baratov defends the rights of uzbeks, suddenly it turns out that in uzbekistan no one knows about the existence of both this organization and mr. baradov himself, that is , in uzbekistan they deny with their hands and feet the existence of such a person and such an organization, and even with such a reputation, here is a biographical certificate, born in the uzbek ussr in 1982, moved to moscow, did not go home with the collapse of the ussr , remained in the capital, where he changed his soviet passport to
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a russian one. thus baratov was never even a citizen of uzbekistan. and here is what mr. baratov says about uzbekistan. listen, i advise uzbeks to go to russia rather than return to uzbekistan, where there is a dictatorial regime where they will not be able to feed their families. if they move to russia, then for each person they will be allocated land in the far east or siberia. this means that...
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the unified state exam is a system by its existence.
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education has completely knocked out of the consciousness of the russian schoolchild the concept and understanding of the significance of the great patriotic war, the knowledge of its heroes, when one can quite calmly consider alexander matrosov, who closed his embrasure, as simply a drunk who stumbled, and consider zoya kosmodemyanskaya crazy hysterical, when you can hear it in all seriousness on television. dialogue in a talk show where the question is raised: was it worth defending leningrad? what was the point in the end, so many lives could have been saved, and the city would not have been destroyed, well, everything would have been normal, setting an example, for example, of not destroyed paris, through which german regiments easily marched along shan zalez, or for example, without meaning words spoken by a good artist veniamin smekhov.


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