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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 28, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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closer and we see that they have a nest there, i had a good background, in civilian life i played a lot on the computer, i am very proud of them, super fighters, i was very lucky with them. vladimir putin commissioned a new wintering complex at the vostok station in antarctica via teleconference. president of belarus alexander lukashenko also took part in the ceremony. the russian leader called today’s event significant and expressed hope that the updated station will become an open platform for solving pressing problems in the field of nature study and will serve promoting joint programs within the union state.
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as if there were really a lot, including monitoring solar activity and other space weather phenomena that affect technology on humans, studying the role of antarctica in global climate change, a lot of very questions and uh and achievements are already here on this path, and of course it was very important to create conditions for the continuation of this so necessary for our country, and for everything. i am convinced that the new station will strengthen cooperation between scientists from different countries and will become open a platform for solving pressing problems in the field of studying nature, the environment, and of course, for promoting joint scientific, innovative programs within the framework of the union state of russia and belarus, i know that in the 25th, 27th years , several billion are required there to continue this.
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..research in antarctica, which brought unique data, for example, as a result of deep drilling of glaciers , it turned out that four climate cycles have passed over the past 420 thousand years, from global warming to global cold weather, this information impressed the belarusian president, it’s so beautiful , comfortable, cozy, i think it will come... you told everything in such detail, but what impressed me most was the information that you presented before the start of our video conference, well and what you told me is generally beyond understanding , it’s hard to even realize that our researchers and scientists are drawing any conclusions, moreover, i’m talking beyond understanding when you don’t understand, it’s sometimes even creepy...
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i feel uneasy, so the guys are showing russia, and russia is the leader , very good work, at such a pace that no one can compare with it. at these moments, vladimir putin, together with the president of belarus, alexander lukashenko, is inspecting antarctic exploration, today, the multifunctional sports and concert complex skaaren in st. petersburg. the complex is a truly huge building.
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attacked the arsenals and fuel depots of the ukrainian armed forces in dnepropetrovsk and zaporozhye regions regions, the ministry of defense reported. enemy positions in 137 districts were also hit. missile forces and artillery, attack unmanned aerial vehicles of groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation damaged an ammunition and fuel depot for military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the dnepropetrovsk and zaporozhye regions, as well as 118 artillery units. units in firing positions, manpower and military equipment in 137 areas. after a short advertisement, our broadcast will continue with a documentary film from the series “world war ii” war." today's episode is dedicated to the siege of leningrad. when you rush along the highway, you will easily fly past this sign. and in the new
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children's clinic there is something to see besides it. this sign is modestly hidden behind the loud victories at the built stadium. and certainly you will not before him, against the backdrop of great talents
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5:07 pm
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we’ll tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote on a trip, 1 2 3 4 5 we’re going to the village to relax, but our grandfather thinks the vacation can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but he mom said, vote directly in the village, be a mobile voter, dad, mom supported, i already wrote a statement about this, by the way, for the whole family. we are going to the village, animals, adults and children, to relax in nature and choose mobile, to choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient, on august 27, 1941, people gathered in the port of tallinn
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tens of thousands of soviet refugees, the day before the baltic fleet was given an order to urgently leave this city and break through to leningrad. the germans have already captured most of estonia. the passage of our ships from stalin to leningrad turned into a terrible tragedy. they were attacked in the gulf of finland. a clear indication that at that moment a mortal danger loomed over leningrad, hitler ordered it to be wiped off the face of the earth. it is absolutely clear that the population of leningrad must be destroyed, and completely destroyed. the battle of leningrad became the most the long-term defense of a large city in the history of world war ii. war , it lasted 2 years, 4 months and 10 days, this
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is a unique case in history, it never happened that a city of many millions was under siege for 900 days, survived, withstood, lost a million people, but did not surrender, why did hitler stop his troops on the threshold of leningrad, who helped the nazis surround the northern capital of russia, how did leningraders survive during the siege?
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september 4, 1941, a suburb of leningrad. chudova and tosna south of the city and cut railway connecting the northern capital with moscow. now the german army stood only 56 km from the center of leningrad. on september 8, the first aerial bombs fell on the city. in just one day , german pilots dropped over 6,000 bombs.
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a total of 178 fires broke out in the city. as a result of the bombing , badaev's food warehouses also burned down. in leningrad it was the largest food storage facility. the fire destroyed 3.0 tons of flour and 2,500 tons of sugar. another came on the same day. the city was completely cut off from the rest of the soviet union. there are only 30 days of food and fuel left. soviet poet olga bergolts wrote in her diary. it seems like a tragedy in leningrad. approaching the finale. during these days , a member of the state
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defense committee, georgy malenkov, was in leningrad. his son andrei later recalled that his father was shocked by what he saw in the city. complete confusion reigned at the headquarters of the leningrad front. contact with many units was lost. the commanders of some military units were not in their places.
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transport ships. in leningrad , it was planned to blow up almost 400 enterprises, all port facilities and bridges. for the soviet union. lening was of enormous importance, one can even say that in a number of parameters, it may have been even more important than moscow, so to speak, aurora shot there, a revolution took place there, lenin spoke from an armored car there, and this city bears the name of lenin, that is, for the soviet union leningrad is something sacred, moscow is the center of power, the center of power, where stalin sits, where the central committee sits,
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where party congresses gather, and leningrad - this is something spiritual, the spiritual capital of the soviet union, and one more thing...
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that you only tell us about our loss of this or that area, but usually don’t say a word about what measures you have taken to finally stop to lose cities and stations, let’s also take a break for a moment, now new footage that the authors of the leading program moscow putin, pavel zarubin, published in his telegram channel, is being inspected by vladimir putin at these moments together with the president of belarus alexander lukashenko. the multifunctional sports concert complex ska arena in st. petersburg is like a palace, the guys really like it, you'll be moving soon and we've already moved,
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did you say something, smiling slyly? natural they say, everything is provided for, everything is gorgeous, and for the audience, of course, we say they will raise it, it’s absolutely a holiday, i know, and the viewer will of course come with pleasure, i think people will just flock here, it’s really like coming to a holiday , then from the very top everything is clearly visible, you can hear how the guys work there, that's all.
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near lake ladyshskoe, soviet planes were attacked by misser shmitami, the military transport douglos with zhukov on board was miraculously not shot down. as soon as he landed, the general went to smolny. the security did not immediately let him in; they checked his pass for almost a quarter of an hour. they said that after this zhukov kicked down the door to the meeting room. having removed
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varoshilov from command, he immediately telegraphed to moscow. we decided not to take any measures in case of surrender of the city yet. we will defend leningrad to the last man. zhukov ordered the immediate strengthening of discipline in the army. cancel elections in battalions, shoot everyone who leaves their positions without orders. in order to suppress desertion , instructions were given to shoot even the families of red army soldiers who surrendered. this order was contained in zhukov's code number 4976. however, in reality this order was more of a warning in nature. it was practically not implemented by the commanders and was subsequently cancelled. the entire working population of leningrad was ordered to be sent to the construction of new
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defensive lines. work was carried out daily in several shifts. in some areas of the front, electric current was passed through wire fences. 150 tank models were built in the mariinsky theater workshop. made of wood and cardboard. zhukov ordered them to be placed in the pulkovo area to confuse the enemy. in leningrad itself , 4,000 pillboxes and bunkers were built, and 22,000 firing points were equipped in the buildings. 10 divisions of people's militia were formed from the city's population. by the end of september , the german advance suddenly stopped. this is probably the only battle. which we have no right and cannot evaluate only from a military point of view, because not a single battle has brought such a tragedy to the civilian
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population, such colossal casualties of the civilian population, and formally, regardless of military actions, that is, a blockade is, of course, military actions , but it’s not that the population is dying there under enemy shells, it’s gimtat, that’s why we talk all the time, that’s when we talk about the battle of leningrad there. but we try all the time to say blockade, that is, it is not just a battle of leningrad, like a battle of armies, but we say blockade of leningrad, meaning that this is, in general, a tragedy of an entire city. leningrad was one of the main targets of operation barbarossa. the german group of army north, with a total number of about 700 thousand people, was supposed to capture the city. these were mainly infantry divisions.
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on september 29, 1941, the german military command issued a special directive
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entitled on the future of the city of st. petersburg. it said: furar decided to erase the city of st. petersburg from the face of the earth. after the defeat of the soviet army, the existence of this city will not make any sense. it is suggested to block tightly. raze the city to the ground with the help of artillery of all calibers and continuous bombing from the air. if, as a result of the situation created in the city , an application for the surrender of the city follows, they must be rejected. in the end, hitler decided that he would not go to leningrad. the wehrmacht is an offensive army, it is a shock army, and urban battles have their own specifics, and very serious ones at that. plus, when a city is occupied, naturally there is a german military administration there , which automatically takes on the task of supplying the population, well, because the population must somehow eat, there is nothing in the city, that is
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, okay, the local population, let it die, but if it to die en masse, then these are threats of an epidemic, so hitler, having seen all this in kiev, decided that kiev was still in the middle of grain-producing ukraine, that is, there was something to confiscate from there, leningrad, there is nothing near leningrad, that is, everything must be carried out. from somewhere, so gittar said in his entourage it was recorded that we will not feed the leningraders, that is, there should be no fighting in the streets, and there is no need to feed the population, well, let the troops there slowly die of starvation. in the first half of october , the 250th spanish infantry division arrived near leningrad to help the germans. spanish soldiers usually wore light blue or blue shirts. and therefore this formation was often called the blue division. it was formed in madrid in july 1941. mostly
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volunteers were recruited into the division. these people went to distant russia for ideological reasons. according to them , they wanted to get even with the communists, whom they considered guilty of starting the civil war in spain. here is unique newsreel footage. spanish volunteers on the leningrad front perform traditional folk entertainment. karida or bullfighting. before being sent to the front, every spanish soldier took an oath: “i swear before god, absolute loyalty to the head of the german army, adolf hitler, the fight against communism. i swear to fight like a brave soldier and give my life at any moment to fulfill this oath. in total, during the war years , from 40 to 50 thousand people served in the ranks of the blue division. near
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leningrad, spanish units held the defense south of lake ladazh. in the north , hitler was helped to maintain the blockade of leningrad by his other ally, marshal of finland karl manerheim. he wanted to return the territories lost by finland as a result of the soviet-finnish war. the finnish army invaded the ussr on june 29 1941.
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then the neva would be the best border on the karelian isthmus. leningrad must be liquidated as a large city. the finnish blockade of leningrad is the same blockade of leningrad as the blockade of the nazis. here we must put an equal sign, they were the same aggressors and they are guilty of the death of civilians . yes, monerheim had a lot of things connected with russia, he was born on the territory of the grand duchy of fenland, he... studied in the famous fredrich sgamsky cadet corps, but at the same time he was an extremely anti-soviet person. i i don’t want to say that he was a russophobe , he probably still had some memories of his former homeland, especially since he had a russian wife, he was married to the daughter of general arapov, you also need to remember this, two daughters he had leftovers from it, but at the same time he was - as a politician - absolutely pro-german, pro-hitler, hitler
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was his idol, hitler gave it to him. personally knightly order of the iron cross, and he was very supportive of the idea of ​​the so-called greater finland, the theory that finland should, at a minimum, capture eastern karelia, what they called eastern karelia, our karlia, yes, they should have captured ingenbandia, the entire territory surrounding the ladyshskoye and onega lakes. in mid-october 1941, the germans captured petergov and reached the southern shore of the gulf of finland. there's a column here.
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four bombs hit the bow of the marat, the ship remained afloat, it was attacked for the second time on september 23, the german ace hans ulrich rudel from the bomber cars 87 dropped two real talenkor in the port of kronstatt 500kg bombs, one of them


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