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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 28, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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the whole movie gives me goosebumps, it’s like your song can change the world for the better, it’s funny and touching at the same time, we even shed a tear, dancing with the princess, i think this is the best film of all the films, it’s just a miracle, bullseye, temporary musicians. got used to watching videos on youtube and stopped working, install, open, watch russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documents. free without registration,
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watch, watch in the application or on the website. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international one. exhibition forum russia
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fourth annual forum - strong ideas for the new time, more than a thousand participants will receive large-scale support, do not miss your chance in the new year, perhaps your idea will become the best and will receive a resource for implementation, applications are accepted until january 31. this is our first family freckle on the nose of my great-great-grandmother, you can’t immediately understand its value, but everything changes when you get to work love is taken, a freckle conquered a rebellious heart and ran away, went their separate ways, became the most precious value, a family value, some try to disguise it, some wear it as decoration, keep it and pass it on to other generations. national project demography.
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for dad, for mom, for brother , for grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the tablet, for the smart watch, for home security, for the gate in the garage, it ’s dad who plays like that, it’s dad who has everything in the overall balance, with beeline you can forget about paying for different numbers, add them to the total balance, replenish only one number, all the rest will be paid automatically, it conveniently does not fit into the bear anymore, it fits into the total balance on yours. when you rush along the highway, you will easily fly past this sign, in the new children's clinic there is something to see, besides it, this sign is modestly hidden behind the loud victories at the built stadium, you will certainly not be interested in it against the backdrop of great talents.
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in russia, new opportunities to study well appear regularly. alexey makrushin made from one of the oldest schools in the city kaluga is one of the most modern. caring. project of russia by decision
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of the president and concerned people. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order sovita with delivery starting from one ruble. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! maybe a sister? appetite anywhere! only dad will tame it! papa! yesterday's appetite! a snack won't hurt! yesterday's appetite! sausages, dad maybe my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? can.
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connect for a maximum of 399 rubles. and get a superbox as a gift. can. iota. i saw a sign in the sky. harsh winter. something that has never happened will appear, the stars of the world will align, where east and west meet, big and small, people and robots will come together, deft eyes and precise hands, but no one knows who will take the heavenly trophies, games future, subscribe and watch the broadcast on social networks. well, dear friends, i again, with pleasure, welcome you to our new release of the besagon tv author's program,
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which will be called who serves nato in russia, in my opinion, an intriguing name, but i think you will understand. what we are talking about, i wanted to immediately fulfill my promise to make some amendment, some correction, after our previous program my friend, sergei vladimorovich stepashin, called me, we are talking about the plot where a big book award is awarded. i said, not on his own behalf, but having received this information from open sources, that sergei vladimirovich handed over. award to the writer lgbt activist oksana vasyakina, to which sergei vadimirovich told me that this was not so. he did not present this prize, specifically, he presented another prize, but nevertheless he himself was generally outraged by the fact that this kind of
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literature not only appears on the shelves of bookstores, but also receives such high prizes, but this does not change. viewers, ours, our citizens, but not without reason however, having a huge number of entertainment channels of all kinds of news programs during the holidays, almost 29 million people watch besogon reruns, which means it is needed, which means this is the truth that people need,
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this is what the youtube management, located on the other side of the pacific ocean, does not like. too many people are beginning to understand what we want to convey to them, that is, besogon is becoming dangerous, it’s funny, but really, i’m sitting here in my office, we ’re talking, and this suddenly causes such a hysterical reaction, listen.
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we call fascists fascists, that we talk about the atrocities that happen to our prisoners of war, who are shot, shot through. knees, who are tortured, castrated, whose phones are taken out of their pockets, then they inform their mother with laughter that their son has been killed, because we are telling that bully is a lie, this is a fake, this is a staged act, because we are against so that there would be a war with the palestinians of israel absolutely without any rules... consuming cities, peoples, hospitals, children, pregnant women, old people, we are talking about this
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we say that this is a discriminatory statement, or that we are exposing the lies that are pouring out from everyone in general, from all irons made outside the russian federation towards the west, insulting lies are pouring in, for this, for what we are defending. it’s necessary and that means this thing you’re doing is important. i can tell you that i do not
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feel resentment or grief , absolutely none, if the enemy does not surrender, he must be destroyed, this is the right idea, we remember it from the time of the great patriotic war, which means we are considered enemies, those whom we consider enemies, we will destroy. it will somehow resolve, it will not resolve , it will only multiply, by the way
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, assuming that this could be the case, we have saved our entire collection, it all exists, it is on our telegram channel, on our website, it is already there in rubles, and soon our besagon vkontakte community will appear, so just take a step aside and come back to us. "i'm sure there won't be fewer of you, there will only be more of you, why? because we are right. when they ask me, well, right after this news, what is the reaction, how would i reacted. you know, to be honest, i am absolutely satisfied with the quality of my answer, my reaction, with the performance of a producer from denmark of iranian origin. damon and money. listen. i am grateful to the world economic forum for
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giving me the opportunity to be on this stage to say, "fuck you, klaus schwab" with your new world order. we people were born free and we will remain free. and all of you, your friends, are globalists, including everyone present in this room. fuck you all. admitted that the video so humorous. well, you see. there is a grain of truth in every joke, because he said literally what millions of people on the planet are thinking about the globalistic world about everything that they are trying to impose on us, when at an economic forum with painted prostitutes, costing 2,000 euros per session, with smart conversations, with... famous faces, country leaders with porcelain
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smiles, and so on and so forth with pilots who have the right to lead foreign delegations only if they are not vaccinated, despite the fact that all the rest of the people in the world must be vaccinated, here at this most serious event, which takes place once a year, where the entire elite of the world gathers, in this way, in order to purify themselves, spirits are expelled in the presence of a large number of, as it seems to us, normal people.
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the spirit of besagons is expelled from them, because almost immediately after the economic crisis, after all these events, youtube closes, which means the problem is solved and the spirit of evil, bessagonism, but that’s all, in general, this can be treated with irony, but seriously must be treated differently. youtube management blocked our besagon tv channel, simply put, the discrimination for which they are punished is the truth, which has full factual confirmation. i really hope that in this sense, the state will help us,
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maybe slightly increase the sessions of our programs on... the russia 24 channel, and since the russia-24 channel is not received everywhere, then maybe russia 1 channel will be able to increase also shows of our non-agonists. i really believe in this, because it is needed by those people who even on holidays, people are interested in besogon and there are so many spectators. and now about our today's... program in 2016, already 8 years ago, we had an episode of besagon, which was called how tomorrow is born today, where i was offered an application to write a script about china's invasion of the territory of the russian
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federation. i’ll just remind you of a few episodes so that you remember what... russia is in a traditional new year’s suspended animation. in moscow, late evening, january 2, in the far east, the morning of the next day, in siberia, deep night. at 4:00 am on january 3 , local time, two dozen mi-17 helicopters, with chinese special forces on board on...
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urga filmed the territory of love there, besides, to be honest, we don’t understand that one of the most important tasks of our , so to speak, western, as we call them , partner is precisely to push russia against china, as confirmation, i want to quote you the words of my very good friend, bishop tikhon, metropolitan of simferopol and crimea. if we were finally with the help of what was done to the beautiful one we loved, amazing, tragic. ukraine, if with the help of ukraine, from which they made a whole projectile against russia, we were forced into submission by those who started this whole
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fraternal bloody fight, then the next stage would be a war between russia and china, and millions would be sent there, this what... what threatened us and is threatening us, why did i remind you of that script of that application, because quite recently another one caught my eye, this is not a script, well, some kind of, i would say, improvisation about, about nearby future, i want to share this with you, look, in the near future, the conflict between russia and ukraine continues. at the same time, confrontations in the red sea are intensifying. the yemeni houthis, as a sign of solidarity with the palestinians, actually blocked the soviet canal, an important trade
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artery between europe and asia, they were supported by egypt and saudi arabia, not wanting to even indirectly support israel. these events sent oil prices above $100. the arctic is warming, and russia is exploiting these
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changes without thinking about the consequences for ecology. nato expansion continues in the north, beyond finland, and sweden is also being accepted into nato, that is, the same green agenda that continues to be exaggerated today. with all the ensuing consequences, and where the terrible consequences of this green agenda are absolutely excluded, associated with what happens to these windmills, what happens to people who live nearby and get heart disease, what happens to the soil when moles and worms and ants leave these... places, thereby making these soils infertile, think about it, or solar panels that become unusable after 15 years, and their waste is 300 times
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more harmful than nuclear waste. but listen to the speech at the economic forum in davos, an activist, her name is joja mehta, she is the founder of the stop ecocyt cash movement, listen. the word ecocide is becoming increasingly popular in the modern world. in general, this concept means massive damage and destruction of nature. our organization and its partners strive to ensure that this is recognized as a serious crime from a legal point of view. in contrast to international crimes such as genocide, which require specific intent. in the case of acocid.
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gotsit, well, think about it, let’s return to our scenario: meanwhile, in america there is a crisis of power, scandals with pedophiles in the highest echelons of power are causing reputational damage to both democrats and republicans. on the eve of new elections, both parties are becoming hostage to the course of escalating a new war. military leadership. nato understands that it will take russia years to restore its military potential after the ukrainian conflict, it must act
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quickly, because the military. social nato is in better shape, because the money that was transferred, as it were, to help ukraine, actually remained in the united states, it stimulated military production, new factories were opened where missiles, drones and other weapons were assembled. the plan to attack russia is finally maturing. it implies a blitz, that is, a lightning-fast invasion of russia with a quick occupation.
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why dormant cells in the elite, among opinion leaders, big business and the presidential apparatus are activated. another direction is internal protests, where the emphasis is on youth, national minorities and an army of extremist-minded migrants from central asia, where as a result of color revolutions in kyrgyzstan and tajikistan. with the participation
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of american intelligence forces , pro-american functionaries come to power, they stimulate the transfer of members of extremist religious organizations through certain channels of immigration flows to russia. in day x in the baltic sea, off the coast of latvia and estonia, during a nato naval exercise, a british submarine is torpedoed. the entire crew of 189 people, including high-ranking officers, were killed. the investigation concludes that the fired missile belonged, correctly, to russia. the russian ministry of defense calls this a provocation, but this is no longer important for nato, which has long been looking for reasons to start a full-scale war against russia.
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happening. launching nato missiles from military bases located along the perimeter of the borders with russia, they get 16 cities, including moscow, murmonsk, st. petersburg, rostov-on-don, chelyabinsk, novosibirs, vladivostok. there is a split in the highest echelons of government regarding the response. victory in the first couple of years for everyone.
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values ​​of the free world. the clans of the oligarchs, who appropriated the main objects of the national economy back in the nineties, have finally moved on to a kind of privatization of the political and power space of russia, which was so awkwardly interrupted in 2000 . with the coming to power of vladimir putin. the end of the film. let me improvise, but what will the new government of this russia of the future look like? look. tamara adelman is the minister of education, anatoly chubais is the minister of economy, viktor shenderovich is the minister of culture.


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