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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 28, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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these are my best evenings, the pokrovsky evenings, and i want there to be more of them, because there is nothing greater than happiness. national project demography. russian gdp in 2023 grew faster than before the introduction of sanctions. this is some sad information for those who tried. putting a spoke in the wheels of economic development was, of course, supported by the state, the business itself was not at a loss, but of course, all the problems have not been solved, so we will now talk about solutions and prospects, here is our first story.
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from the products of this plant in chelyabinsk region largely depends on the safety of air transportation, aircraft, parts for them, no, special equipment for airfields, well, where would we be without it, if we talk about... history, then in the ninety-ninth year the company did not yet make equipment, it produced special equipment for the ural automobile plant, then she mastered the production of automotive components. 15 years ago we assembled the first special vehicle, and with the move to our own premises we were able to expand production to full capacity. today our production capacity is about 400 cars per year, we are provided with orders from government our contracts are for two or three years, so we also have a contract for the next year.
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why such strong demand? the fact is that some foreign competitors, instead of cleaning , decided to get out of the market themselves, but the russian manufacturer was not at a loss and presented three models that did not exist before. our latest models are the airfield sweeping and blowing machine behind me, this is just as part of import substitution , a machine developed that sweeps, blows snow and... collects with a magnet, metal debris and reagent are sprinkled on everything, and the process is carried out in a full cycle, that is, from drawing to painting. we have more than 100 organizations on our supply list with whom we cooperate to purchase components. taking into account the fact that our equipment is also supplied to the ministry of defense, of course, we use only domestic components. there are plans for new equipment, bulldozers, to expand exports. we are now supplying equipment. well, of course, this is
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the post-soviet space, this is kazakhstan, uzbekistan and tajikistan. also now we have contracts are approaching in vietnam, in iran, we would like to offer equipment for public utilities and also for airfields. in general, enterprises not only in the chelyabinsk region are successfully increasing exports. according to forecasts of the russian export center, last year the number of suppliers abroad will further increase to 75-80.
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taking into account the growth in the number of exporters and , accordingly, tax revenues, it turns out that enterprises have successfully adapted to the sanctions, in particular in the chelyabinsk region. russian export the center is our partner, we are one of the leaders in terms of interaction with the export center, we export our products to 118 countries of the world, including china, india, and other countries. well, including the southeast, africa, latin america, these are our current partners, they actively buy not only our traditional products, metal, cars, tractors, but also production means, we supply machine tools, equipment, of course, all of this it would be impossible without serious support measures, we’ll tell you about them a little later, well now, since we are talking about machine tools, our story is about increasing the pace
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of production from the penza region. machine tool building is an industry that, after the collapse of the soviet union, almost ceased to exist, but this does not mean that now everyone has given up and no one produces machines, for example, for metalworking from penza, for starters, let’s debunk it. myth, there is an opinion that in russia we don’t really produce tanks at all, and if they do, they are the ones that are most capable of making any kind of nut, they are not high precision and so on. well, you are right, this was the case 10-15 years ago, when the dynamics of development in tank building
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were very low, those old soviet factories that were built a long time ago, they were already dying out like dinosaurs, but there were no new ones, how... the company started with the restoration of soviet machine tools, well, now it produces a wide range of equipment from simple mechanical to high-precision machining centers, this is this machine, and this is a vertical machining center, btm-9, a unique machine, we are already producing them - the third year, it is very competitive with chinese machines, taiwanese, south korean, perhaps. a little more expensive, cheaper, about the same, like 20-30% more expensive than the chinese or taiwanese anal, but more reliable, but naturally already for clothes, as for russian parts, localization is about 80%, there are still difficulties with our electronics, the production of machine tools is a raft
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broad cooperation, a machine tool cluster has been created in the pendensky region, which includes 10 enterprises, some are engaged in for example, casting, others like... there are also a number of enterprises in russia that also do some work for us or make parts, they should also be in clusters.
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it is easier for the cluster, which sets the dynamics of industry development, to interact with the state and provide loans at preferential interest rates and subsidies for development, here... the possibilities of technological support for design development. of course, support is needed. competition in the market, even after the introduction of sanctions, is high. per year in about 20,000 machine tools are imported to russia, but only about one and a half thousand are produced in the country. that is, this plant is ready to produce 150 high-precision machine tools per year, but demand is still three times lower. if many people noticed that... the quality and durability of our machines are much higher than chinese ones, of course, they understood that it is better to overpay a little, but get high-quality ones, in order to help the development of the russian machine tool industry, the manufacturer proposes to introduce a recycling fee, as in auto industry,
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if a chinese machine costs here already not 7 million, but 8 or 8 and a half, then we will be close in price to them, with a price of 9 million, according to the purchase...
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development, this is happening now, but what produces equipment for the chemical, oil and gas, metallurgical, coal industry.
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mine ventilation systems and various brakes for complex mechanisms and electric drives, that is, this equipment ensures the operation of the russian energy sector despite the machinations of unfriendly countries. our localization level reaches 98%. what happened yesterday. basically a miracle today almost everywhere in our national economy such engines are used, but the task was not just to replace foreign analogues, to make it better, this is part of the power gearbox, which is famous for the fact that it has a cycloidal transmission, something that has never been used before and not was exploited if the tasks that gazprom had not set for us today... i think that probably no one would have produced them, we are the only ones in the russian federation who have mastered this, we are using it successfully
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on objects. there is also a new product that is completing testing this year. we made a product that will be used in orenburg for hydrogen sulfide, something that no one could use either. 400 million rubles were invested in the modernization of production. by the way, thanks to the growth of automation and work with educational institutions. institutions manage to solve the issue of staff shortages; we have constantly built a relationship with universities on technical excursions. most of the young specialists, all with higher education, they all understand what numbers are, today the youth are completely different, young people are ready for any challenge. in particular, in the tomsk region there are six large universities, which every year train about 7,000 specialists for various industries, plus more than thirty technical schools and colleges, which is more than 30.
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there is a lot of support in the russian export center, this is the search for potential buyers,
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participation in exhibitions abroad under the brand made in russia and financial instruments, advance insurance, accounts receivable insurance, insurance against political risks and guarantees towards the tax authorities for vat refund, guarantee of advance payment, and so on, these are all measures that allowed exporters, despite the increased risks associated with export activities.
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serious support also means training. over the past year, more than a thousand companies that are just about to enter foreign markets or want to improve their positions there have completed export school. free. education in all regions for users of the my export platform. by the way, regarding the training of personnel for mechanical engineering, there is an interesting story from ufa. it's not exactly a factory,
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although it looks very similar. this is a production and training center. on the territory of an enterprise that produces aircraft engines, highly qualified specialists are needed to create complex devices. rustam, 21, is a multi-specialist. multispecialist, what is this anyway? a specialist is a person who knows many professions and is trained in this, that is , universal machines, computer -controlled machines, processing work, and many other professions, in more than a year in at the production and training center of rosstec, rustam has mastered working on several machines, that is, we are learning programming, we can
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program two or three machines at once, that is... he also works on two or three machines. the young specialist plans to work at the ufa engine-building and production association. as part of uec, this plant makes engines for military aircraft, participates in the creation of the pd-14 for the russian civil airliner ms-21, produces components for helicopter engines, and also produces equipment for the oil and gas industry, because turbines pump fuel. today it is a metal production association.
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this approach is necessary for the training of specialists and not only in the field of mechanical engineering, for example, in the same bashkiria, before the twenty-fifth year, a cluster of unmanned aircraft is being created, people are needed, the first ...
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source of income - foreign exchange earnings. as for mechanical engineering, there are examples in the country where not only new enterprises are created, but
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seemingly lost production is revived. here example from perm. electric vessels. it's a trend right now. they go along moscow, the river, along the volga, but building water transport is still half the battle, infrastructure is needed, and the farm ship-top has made a significant contribution, by the way, this is the only shipbuilding enterprise for the urals. the plant was founded in thirty-one. i built ships for decades, but in the end, 3 years ago i actually didn’t work, i ended up in the hands of owners who were abroad. in the twenty- first year
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the government of the perm region came under control and began rebirth. when we came to the enterprise, there were already less than 50 specialists here, in general, whoever remained, we actually, as they say, hired them, because people with extensive experience, they have a very long... experience, they know very there are many different nuances in shipbuilding, but then we began to develop the staff, now there are more than 160 people on staff, in order to find specialists, the department of shipbuilding was restored at the nearest technical school, but it is clear that without a serious order there will be no talk of any revival can not. many people know. that the routes of the world's first year-round electric vessels were launched in moscow, they were made in st. petersburg, the main elements, including the engine are russian, here is the order for
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berths for them, and below the charging stations the perm sudovir received charging stations, the stages of production are clearly visible from above, here it cooks a frame similar to a flying saucer, the design, by the way, is russian, well... here is the final assembly, and the whole process takes about 3 months on average, i think there is no such project, at least i haven’t heard what happened where -that in the world, here, but for russia this is the first such project, and which, in fact, was done by moscow, st. petersburg, in fact, we taught to participate in this project, but this is today, and what about tomorrow is planned. a very large-scale modernization and we expect that in the horizon there will be 3-4 years, we will bring this enterprise to such a high, high-level state,
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other berths are already in production, modular ones, the plans of course include shipbuilding, the outdated fleet on the rivers needs to be replaced, we actually technologically and legally ready to produce, including ships, so to speak, the next order, because these last year and a half... allowed us, firstly, to restore the team, and secondly, so to speak, to reproduce, yes, repeat that structure, the enterprise , which has always existed here. the shipyard has become a resident of the special economic zone of perm, to help new companies and industrial parks, it is already private investments, which, in general, allows us to direct funds to other projects, in general this means. in recent years, more than 80 projects have been invested an amount of more than 17 billion rubles, this is a preferential financing rate, well, this is a well-known mechanism, thank you for the fact that the ministry
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of industrial trade is also helping us, and the regional industrial development fund should also actively participate and work here. against the background of the stagnation of the european economy, growth is expected in russia, even higher than the 3.5% that was in the forecast. industry is on the rise. at every enterprise we heard the same thing. "western sanctions only helped us, we are ready to grow further, the main thing is that there is enough specialists.
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these are the stories we managed to tell. in conclusion, i would like to emphasize that business support will, of course, continue. the russian government is launching a new program introducing the concept of technology credit for investment projects. web.rre will provide guarantees in key sectors of the economy in the amount of up to 200 billion rubles. to achieve sovereignty as quickly as possible. all about elections. rosi, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote if you’re sick, your grandmother is busy in the morning, she’s looking on her phone something, here’s the number of the election commission , i’ll vote at home, adult citizens of the country are given all the opportunities, even those who are without movement are offered a decision, call the elections home , take a portable box, the commission
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comes to them, does it, arranges for them in advance with a vote on the road , that means the elections are equal, citizens of my country, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient.
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wars end, for peace to be lasting, we need people with strong character, ready not only to stand up for their homeland, but also to crawl, jump, and run, and most importantly, for it winning, there is such a job, being a defender, when you become
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a professional... it becomes your life's work, a military matter. serve according to your heart, join your people. relations between russia and belarus are developing. in all directions they are progressing at a good and fast pace, vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with alexander lukashenko. it took place at the constantine palace on the eve of a meeting of the supreme state council of the two countries, which, let me remind you, is scheduled to take place tomorrow, monday. range the broadest, from the economy, cooperation in the field of defense, military defense, to sports. boris ivan has all the main statements of state leaders.


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