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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 28, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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its qualitative development. today , the russian energy complex is one of the most powerful in the world. and we are proud of it. at the plenary session , the phrase was repeated more than once that the energy industry is key to the russian economy. tech provides half of the budget income and jobs for more than 3 million people. oil consumption around the world will only increase in the coming years, and demand for it will grow accordingly. the general spoke about this. director of the gazpromneft company
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alexander dyukov. over the years we have increased production volumes by more than 60%. and the russian federation is one of the three largest global players that determine the state of its position in the oil market. and this market is certainly probably the most important market in the world. our russian domestic industry, the oil industry, will continue its confident development. these are talking about it. the reserves that we have, the infrastructure that has already been created and the achievements in technological sovereignty that have already been achieved. russian technology is 2.0 oil and 180 gas fields, 250,000 km of oil and gas pipelines. the industry is huge and rapidly growing. new fields are being discovered, a country gasification program is being implemented, and alternative types of energy are being developed. at vdnkh, exhibitions in almost a dozen different pavilions are dedicated to the fuel and energy complex. it’s very
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cool that such events are organized on weekends when both adults and children can take a walk and have an interesting time, recharge with good impressions and emotions, we really like everything. the gazprom pavilion has a weekend rush of more than a thousand guests day, here you can see the path gas takes from the field to end up in the homes of russians, look at rock samples, cores extracted from great depths, learn more about each profession in the company. very interesting, interactive learning. rossy, a new russian sports car, it will participate in major races, 700 horsepower, acceleration to 100 km/h in just 3 seconds, full-scale testing will begin in the coming months, while
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testing the car will use gazprom neft fuel motor oils. for us motorsport, auto racing is a testing ground for our oils and fuels, so now we have our russian product, on which we can win races and still test and refine our fuel and oil formulations. we are very pleased to welcome you here today, including today at vdnkh, the power engineer’s day. guests of the exhibition are greeted at the company's pavilion. the largest petrochemical enterprise in russia. we really enjoyed. we looked at the polymers and touched them with our hands. was very, uh, fascinating. the most exciting thing is, of course, we did wonderful things, what? berelki? these are the ones we made with our own hands , from our bottle caps. eight out of ten things that surround us are created using polymers. here in the pavilion , visitors are clearly shown how to use associated gas. objects are created that
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people use every day. by developing the petrochemical industry, we are at the same time a bridge for consumer industries, the medical industry, the textile industry, housing utilities, motor transport and many industries, packaging, today simply cannot do without polymers, creating a solution using modern technologies, we are a reliable partner for dozens of industries in... a significant part of russian hydrocarbons is produced in difficult climatic conditions beyond the arctic circle, it happens that the rocks from which oil is obtained resemble silicate brick in their permeability. it was possible to increase production in such conditions thanks to the development of new russian technologies, which makes the domestic oil industry is not only one of the largest, but also one of the most technologically advanced in the world. anastasia panko, alexander makridin, ivan usanov, lead. it ended in st. petersburg today.
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volleyball tournament among veterans and youth, dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. nikolai, secretary of the russian security council, came to platonov’s volleyball academy to cheer on the participants. patrushev, and before that he and the athletes visited the peskarevsky memorial cemetery. dmitry akimov will tell you more. the traditional twelfth volleyball tournament among veterans of law enforcement agencies has expanded significantly this year; even a new line has appeared in the name. now not only veterans, but very young people compete. among the participants are 16 youth teams from ten regions of the country. the people who took part in this tournament, they never. they don’t want to miss it, the atmosphere is so wonderful, the level of sports is also high, so this tournament, i think, will never die. in the adult veteran category take part
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teams of the volleyball federation, the federal security service, as well as a team of veterans of law enforcement agencies of st. petersburg and the yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug. another traditional, very important part of this tournament is the laying of flowers at the monument to the mother of the motherland here at the pekarevskoye memorial cemetery in st. petersburg. the delegation walks 380 m. this is how long
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it takes to get from the eternal flame to the monument. on the left to right are small hills, 186 mass graves, where defenders and... residents of the besieged city are buried, more than 400,000 in total human. together with veterans , young people, competition participants and cadets walk this path. there are a lot of young people today, you see, it’s very nice. the children came, they will know what happened here. why are we really alive, what values ​​do we adhere to, the tournament ended with awards for the participants, however, awards are not the main thing here, the number of youth teams increases every year, and the main goal of the competition is not only the success of young
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volleyball players, but the patriotic education of young athletes. dmitry akimov, andrey kupaev and sergey fodeev, news from st. petersburg. the fourth annual forum - strong ideas for new times. more than a thousand participants will receive large-scale support. don't miss your chance in the new year. perhaps your idea will become the best and will receive resources for implementation. applications are accepted until january 31. everything about the elections in russia. we will tell you in detail. it's not difficult to understand them. important, honestly convenient. what is a newsletter? my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the ballot and writing down the candidates. didn't forget mom and dad, they imposed very clever, many degrees of protection, we took colored markers, made watermarks , we’ll go vote with it, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting,
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your ballot won’t pass, because in russia they mark ballots better money, it’s very carefully wired up, they have the most powerful protection, your trick won’t work, people choose honestly... but dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, on behalf of the president, the government has indexed over forty different payments benefits. first of all, we are talking about a one-time benefit, which is provided at the birth of a child and monthly payments for child care. maternity capital will also increase. the payment for the first-born will be more than 630,000 rubles. for the second and subsequent children - 834,000.
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there is also an increase in payments to disabled people, veterans of the great patriotic war and military operations, heroes of russia, heroes of labor and other citizens. in general, this measure will affect about 20 million people, they should receive the funds they receive, of course, no gaps. dear colleagues. please follow this closely in each region. the government, on behalf of the president, has updated a long-term program to promote youth employment. it is designed until 2030. within the framework of the program , conditions will be created that will allow young people, even before reaching adulthood, to decide on the choice of a future profession, gain the necessary experience, acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for their future specialty. legal status and basic social guarantees for parents with many children
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fixed at the federal level. now they will receive the same support, regardless of what region they live in. state support can be received until the eldest child turns 18 years old or 23 years old if studying full-time in an educational organization. various measures are provided to help parents, including benefits payments in connection with the birth and upbringing of children, the opportunity to undergo free professional retraining, free visits to museums and exhibitions. at the regional level free provision of medicines for children under 6 years of age is provided, as well as discounts on utility bills and other benefits. citizens with disabilities who lived or are living in the territory of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions will be able to re-register. unlimited documents on disability in russian in a simplified form. when replacing documents, citizens
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will be confirmed with the previously established disability group without specifying the period for re-examination. in case of deterioration of health, disability group will be promoted. the decision is aimed at ensuring the rights of people who received disabilities under the legislation previously in force in the new regions. we, alexander and dmitry koshnin. i calculated a model of a super-hard material for industry, and i calculated a model for a super-sensitive gas analyzer. and this is grandpa. thanks to his ingenuity, we became interested in science. develop an interest in science from childhood. apply for scientific specialties at uka.rf. the pain can be different, it doesn’t matter what caused the pain, if you have pintalgin,
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a universal remedy against different types of pain, pentalgin, let's do without pain, enjoy your favorite dishes with the taste of classic provençal from the brand i love to cook, it will turn a good dish into a fantastic one, i love to cook, for dad, for mom, for... for grandma , for the navigator in the car, for the tablet, for the smart watch , for home security, for the gate in the garage, this is how dad plays, it’s all in the general balance of dad, with beeline you can forget about paying for different numbers, add them to the general balance, refill only one number, all the others will be be paid automatically, conveniently, it doesn’t fit into the bear anymore, it fits into the overall balance on your side, not what the strict aunties taught? not what successful men teach, not where they coddle you, not what you know about
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learning, what will not leave you the same, netology, start learning for free at netologiia.rf. i help with liver problems, i use essential forte nn, tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on the yandex market. any business begins with a question, husband. main trophy from 20 million. hunting, check yours instinct. 100 lotto. so, so what
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's on our minds now? one benefit. eldorado, discounts up to 30% and fair installments for 24 months. 0 rub. down payment, 0% overpayments. select video and eldorado. i'm the chef of the coganese. and on my blogs i make simple and quick recipes. to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria, now it’s definitely delicious. this night our friend is already several.
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broadcast on social networks. the history of the world is a history of invasions. one group of people moves to the land, another takes it over. one country is dying, another is born. invasions drive history. few americans understand that.
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well to destroy the country and change the demographics, those who live here determine what the country will be like, our country is changing faster than you can imagine, americans are being replaced, this is not a conspiracy theory, this is a fact. in august 2023, illegal immigration exceeded america's birth rate, creating an entirely new population. last year alone, more than 3 million people arrived here illegally across our southern border.
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without significant investment from our federal government, not only the city of chicago will not be able to support this mission. the whole country is now at stake. chicago politicians may publicly complain about illegal immigration, but privately they are paying for it with your money. they spend more on illegals than on their own citizens. they do it secretly, they hide it from the public. our team has discovered a shadow terminal at chicago's ohare airport. hundreds of migrants were secretly held there. our team arrived with cameras turned on; at first we saw little. urban the authorities erected a black curtain to hide what was happening. their motive is simple, they didn't want us to see it. and third-party security,
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paid for by your taxes, informed us that entry was prohibited. we can't look at this. what are you doing? i want to look inside. for what? they are not local or federal law enforcement, so we ignored them. they had no authority, they were hired guards. inside, our team found more than 100 beds on the floor. the smell was unbearable, repulsive, it was disgusting. but not only airport terminals given into the hands of people who came here illegally from the poorest countries in the world, without permission through criminal means, but at the same time supported by taxpayers in every detail of their lives. sey areas in chicago have been turned into refugee camps. this is new, never-before-seen video of what really happens in chicago police stations. keep in mind that the people who work in these police stations are paid to protect you, but they do something else, they run refugee camps for illegal immigrants. when our operators approached to the police station in downtown chicago
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to see what's going on inside, you see people, illegals, coming out, giving the middle finger, screaming, the county and the city should have a plan, but it ended in massive destruction, i've seen the worst times in the history of chicago. but this migration crisis has become the most devastating event in my memory, we see them in police stations, outside
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police stations, we see them in schools, outside schools, this is unheard of, that is why every city that calls itself refuge, faces the same problems, this is not texas along the rio grande, this is chicago.
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neighbors at night they drove them down the street, they hung out, gasped, rode with their girlfriends, the invasion of the years, yes, closer to the border, it’s even worse and much more obvious.
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houston, texas is close to mexico, houston is probably home to about a million illegal immigrants, but not only the city, the suburbs have also been invaded, in fact new suburbs have sprung up that cater to the illegal immigrants, colonyridge being one of the them, perhaps. largest concentration of illegal migrants in the united states. this is a residential complex specifically for people who have no right to be here. was created to make money from the migration crisis that is destroying our country. the owners of the complex provided migrants with loans on extortionate terms. this is not a guess. the southern district of texas sued kolonich, and yet he still exists. everyone is simply inactive. at first glance, colony reach looks ordinary.
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we fly a little closer and see what they have there nest, i had a good background, in civilian life i played a lot on the computer,
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i take great care of them. super fighters, i was very lucky with them, this is my group, we are called temporary musicians, beautiful, listen, this is the most important karaki, you can just sing the whole film, our happiness is alive.
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are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? we install, open, watch russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, for free. without
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registration with look in the application or on website. lev, i’m doing something wrong, and why are you distracting lev, you should ask your husband, well , how am i, average, bachelor 2, brilliant, as best i could.
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president putin is putting things in order with all social payments to svo participants and their families. this is news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. good evening, watch now. the largest nato exercise since the cold war. we must
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arm ourselves when there is a threat of invasion. how are the masses inflated in europe?


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