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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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president putin is putting things in order with all social payments to svo participants and their families. this is news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. good evening, watch now. the largest nato exercise since the cold war.
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from the area of ​​​​the village of leptsy , kharkov region, who gave the criminal order and that, western sponsors, massive attacks on ukrainian military targets and brutal battles at the front, faster, faster, no calm is expected, no nato equipment can detect a target with such a range, with which we discovered why songs from the times of the great patriotic war are back in action, this is some kind of bridge. this is some kind of
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land, this is this smoking heart, the heart of the homeland, the blockade has fostered some incredible love for the city and an awareness of its beauty. unconquered leningrad, how they survived those terrible 900 days, why the truth about the blockade was not immediately revealed. as you can imagine, the vast majority of this material was classified. texas is up in arms, why don’t local security forces obey the white house and ask biden to get out of the way? donald trump is in charge and the only republican presidential candidate. i want to thank everyone, how will biden answer why gun sales in america have skyrocketed? these days the country celebrates something important. eightieth anniversary of the complete
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liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. on friday, president putin arrived in his hometown. on saturday, the head of state took part in mourning events at the pekarevskoye cemetery on nevsky piglet. about filled days alexey golovko. overfilled. a wartime lorry and a half rides across the stage, cars are replaced by steam locomotives, the spectators, among them many veterans , are literally immersed in memories with the help of words of light and sound.
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for besieged leningrad, the metronome sounding from the radio points was the pulse of the city, a reminder, its defenders of its population, although dying, are alive, despite the bombings, for 125 g portions of bread in 40 degree frosts, those 872 days of the siege a decade later, a difficult memory for the current st. -petersburg, and on january 27 there are always endless streams at the peskarevsky cemetery. with flowers, because carved here on the wall, and these are the words of the poetess olga bergolts, it is about leningrad that no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten. bread and sweets appear on every tombstone of mass graves almost immediately after the opening of the cemetery. now it’s hard to imagine that such a small piece of bread could have saved even a few people back then. the harshest days of the blockade, 10,000 leningraders died a day. in total , half a million victims are buried here at the peskarevsky cemetery. nazism vladimir putin
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has always visited this cemetery for the last few years enters along a side alley, as search engines established in 1919. it was here that his brother victor was buried in mass grave no. 27; a two-year-old child died in a besieged city in 1942. the lifting of the blockade and the victory over the nazis for the president, as for all leningraders, is, of course, a very personal story. another page in the history of putin’s family and tens of thousands of other soviet families is the bloody battles on the neva bridgehead, from which the red army tried to release leningrad. there
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the president's father, vladimir spiridonovich putin, was seriously wounded. now the site of the battles marks the boundary stone, and the head of state lays red roses on it. the days in the leningrad region are short; already at dusk , vladimir putin and the specially arrived alexander lukashenko arrive together in the gachchinsky district, here they open a new memorial dedicated to the inhabitants of the ussr, the victims of the nazi genocide. the complex was erected by order of the president by builders from the ministry of defense together with specialists from the russian military historical society. the place was chosen in memory of the german victims. from the camps located in these parts, the massacres of unarmed, defenseless old people, women, children, and the disabled were thoughtful , systemic punitive actions. there was a death camp here, in gatchina, and not far
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away there was a camp where they kept children, very small children, who were nazis in the literal sense... it is no coincidence that stella , 47 high, is marked by the figure of a woman trying to hide her children; at the foot of the monument there are monuments to dead people, in whose palms you can place a lit lamp. her light must preserve the memory of the victims. in some countries , not only are they rewriting history and justifying the executioners, but revanchists and neo-nazis have adopted the ideology and methods of the nazis. they are declared subhuman and deprived of the most basic rights, and subjected to persecution. the regime in the baltic states, tens of thousands of people in kiev exalts hitler's accomplices, the sss members, uses terror against all
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those they dislike. in a number of european countries, russophobia is promoted as a state policy. we will do everything, everything to stop it completely eradicate. nazism. belarus, in this fight against historical unconsciousness, is an ally of russia. the memory of the victims of that war, of the heroism of our fathers and grandfathers, today prevents many from living, especially the ideological henchmen of murderers and traitors. they feel this today and honor the polochs in their parliaments. it was they who started the war with the graves. and monuments in poland, the baltic states and ukraine, complete madmen. 80 years ago , leningraders celebrated their victory with fireworks over the neva, and now guns are roaring again at the peter and paul fortress. this week
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the president's work schedule in the northern capital was varied; in the konstantinovsky palace , bilateral negotiations between vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko, leaders of the union state. generally. our situation is developing very vigorously, in the first 10 months of last year , according to our data, our trade turnover was $42.5 billion, if we speak in dollar terms, it is growing constantly, russia is the largest investor, our investors have invested $4 billion in the economy of belarus, and of course i today during our conversation i will inform you in detail about what is happening in the zone of a special military operation, well, we are very seriously immersed in the economy and issues of military-industrial complexes, we are not hiding anything, we discussed many problems, thought about how to further develop and what systems we will to develop , taking into account this bitter experience, a special
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military operation, the presidents continued further communication at a business dinner, and this was a meeting with students, participants in a special military operation, all young people, but already experienced. i know that yours your loved ones and relatives, on the one hand , are proud of you, on the other hand, they are very worried about you, they pray for you, there is no doubt. i want to thank you for this decision and bow deeply to your parents for raising such young people like you, and it is generally in the character of our people at a difficult moment for the homeland not to spare themselves, to lend a shoulder to the country, and of course, the main thing the topic of conversation in this audience was a special military operation, there were no.
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relying on the pro-russian part of the ukrainian societies
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, of course, built relationships only through peaceful means , there were no other thoughts, but apparently our geopolitical enemy realized that it would not be possible to simply turn over the whole of ukraine with this population of the southeast, with the russian-speaking population, so in 2014 they carried out a coup d'etat and began exterminate, physically exterminate everyone who... was committed to the normal development of relations with our country, in addition, after the coup, as you know, events began in the donbass, the extermination of people in the donbass, i understand that they defend their country and do a common cause, soldiers, officers, the russian army are always ready to come to each other’s aid, well , this tank alyosha flew around us via the internet and so on, when i met with the guys, i think the commander just told me , when he was not yet a tanker, but simply... uh , served in the infantry, in motorized rifles, here he was -
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he was sitting in the compartment and arrived, a comrade was sitting next to him, he covered him with himself, i say who he is, this is your friend , that’s it, no, he was just nearby, and i, he says, lost him, he’s in to the hospital, help me find him, just nearby , a man was sitting next to him in the ward, took him and covered him, just like a comrade in arms, i don’t know his name, this conversation with young people apparently seemed so important to vladimir putin that he returned to him later, at a meeting on the economic development of the st. petersburg agglomeration, i met with students who interrupted their studies, many of them went to the war zone, it is from these people that we should form the country’s elite in the future, not from those, excuse me, who were genitals there expose or they show the back seat, well, we need those too. that let them be wild too, but the real elite of the country, into whose hands
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russia can be transferred, needs to be formed from these people. the venue for the presidential events of this day was the st. petersburg state maritime technical university, known among its students as korabelka. it trains engineers who develop marine technology from warships to drilling rigs. in recent years, the famous university has been modernizing its entire infrastructure.
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university, russia is building and constructing new ships. i ask you to give permission to install a laying board on the first compartment of the future nuclear icebreaker. leningrad: a new icebreaker is being laid at the shipyard of the baltic plant, a foundation plate is attached to the first section of the ship. the name leningrad, the future conqueror of the arctic ocean, was assigned at the request of veterans of the siege, and this is the sixth icebreaker of such a project; it will be able to work at sea on the river. russia today has unique, i want to emphasize this, unique, the largest icebreaker fleet in
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the world, and this is our huge competitive advantage. the arctic, siberia, yakutia, chukotka, after leningrad, the tradition seems to change. in 1925 we will lay down another ship, an icebreaker of the same class, let’s call it stalingrad. the name leningrad once again reminds us that the northern capital has always been the center. arctic research. in this i see such a great sign of respect for our heroic grandfathers and great-grandfathers, such a preservation of our memory about the great at the same time tragic pages siege of leningrad. the customer of the ships
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is rosatom, and they will be produced by the united shipbuilding corporation, control over which was recently transferred. vtb group, we are developing a strategy, it will be presented in the spring to the government, the president, of course, what we are signing today, work with rosatom on nuclear icebreakers is an essential part, but not only, we, of course, are planning a wider range of our vessels , but russia is present not only on the northern cap of the earth, from the south pole, from a distance of 17,000 km from the konstantinovsky palace, communication with the presidents of russia and belarus goes antarctic. vostok station. i ask for your permission to transfer control to the new wintering complex. i allow it. i accepted the command and am launching. the new vostok winter complex has been put into commercial operation. hooray. at this command , all life support systems started working, supplying light and heat to the new modules of the russian
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antarctic station. the wintering complex now looks like a space complex that has landed in the eternal ice. ship, inside, everything it is necessary for a comfortable life and work for dozens of people; now at the south pole it is the height of climatic summer and the weather is only -30, but in august the frost reaches 80°. the conditions at the vostok station are, without any exaggeration , extreme, real highlands, almost 3,500 meters above sea level, low oxygen content, extremely dry air, harsh ultraviolet...
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the first building is already deep under the snow, the new station, using its arctic experience, was built by the novotech company , it stands on three-meter supports, in case of increase snow level they can be increased further. the modules first had to be delivered to the antarctic coast, from there on a sleigh, piece by piece, driven 1,200 km across the ice. it was necessary to assemble the complex in monstrous frost; once upon a time it was the russian sailors bilenzhausen and lazarev who discovered the last continent, here the modern one...
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in february, but ska players are already settling into the arena, including the canadian brandonsik. this arena is better than the ones i've seen in the us and canada,
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both outside and inside, very beautiful. construction of the new arena completed at the end last year, now here, in addition to the main ice, there is a training pool and eight locker rooms; in the team’s home, the presidents talked with the hockey players. like a palace, guys , you’ll be moving very soon, i say, yes , you’ve already moved, they’re smiling slyly, or something, a palace, a real palace, everything, everything is provided for, everything is calculated, chic, beautiful, i think it’s just people coming here they will strive to come here, well, really, it’s like coming to a holiday, you, and from the very top you can clearly see everything, can you hear it, how is it there? guys they work, everything, everything is very beautiful, like in a movie. previously, there was an old stadium on the site of the arena, and the fate of this plot of land
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was in question: we would like to personally express to you the teams, all the fans, the army of fans, for the russian national team, pirate russia from everyone, for such a palace, this is the best palace in the world , it’s only thanks to you and thanks to everyone who participated in the construction that we were able to build together, not only thanks to me here. a lot of participants and investors themselves invested, the governor helped, almost the market wanted here to do in due time, but it's much better than the market, right? now the team that the whole of st. petersburg is rooting for, the team that won two gagarin cups, has its own home for many decades to come, the place here is very good, first of all, it ’s close, the transport links are very good for those who are sick, you know here... romanevich says, the service conditions are good, you don’t have to leave here anywhere, but you can get there by sick person, you have to leave, it’s very convenient, well, practically part of the city center, great,
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the park is wonderful, the metro is nearby , it’s great, everything is fine, there is a metro station next to the arena, but very soon the city is going to close it for repairs, there is a very important question, how long, that will come later. cska northern capital is one of the strongest hockey clubs in the country in recent years, and although many call football the number one sport. battles on ice arenas could
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argue with this. we held our first training session at the nazka arena today, a tremendous amount of work was done, everything was at the highest level. and in two weeks we are ready to accept the first home game in a hurry. we hope there will be a tag. and i’m sure, thanks to you, in russia hockey is the number one sport. i'm sorry.
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with vladimir putin, student participants of the svo raised the most important social issues that require an urgent solution. the president promised to restore order. the first question concerned property tax. now only svo participants are exempt from it, but not their family members, wives and children. and then it turns out that if, if, let’s say, not completely.
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there are problems with credit holidays for svo participants. one of the fighters shared his story. while he was at the front, he did not pay the mortgage, but the interest continued to accrue, and the total amount of debt increased by 2000. what happens? a person returns from the zones, he begins to pay the loan amount and current interest. after this, the time comes to pay the interest that has accumulated during the period of time when these credit holidays were going on, it turns out that a person pays this interest twice, you didn’t go on vacation, you went to war, so of course this must be kept in mind, and this issue must be resolved at the same time the day after
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the meeting with the students, the president... gave instructions to the minister of finance.


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