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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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rubles to pay off the mortgage at the birth of a third child, preferential mortgages for families with children will also continue, despite the fact that they are issued at 6% per annum, and real bank rates are already 16 and higher, with an increase in the key rate, budget expenses subsidizing preferential mortgages will increase twice, up to a trillion rubles, we are doing this, we are not canceling anything, and we will continue to do this, everyone talks in detail about their families. they asked putin: how to raise a worthy person? i never, i want to emphasize this, never saw my father drunk, i i’m not even talking about my mother , i never heard a single swear word from him, in general , you know, responsibility is manifested in the little things, i remember how my father was on such an extension of the stairs, we lived in a communal apartment, the electric meter was on the landing, i remember how he crawled and wrote out, you know, every penny. that
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you need to pay for electricity, i did everything on time, at exactly 6 in the morning the anthem played, he left for work, then i remember how he met with his comrades in battle with a friend who pulled him out of the battlefield and saved his life, putting his life at risk danger, all this together, an atmosphere of goodwill, an atmosphere of love, this is what educates. this is exactly what lays the foundation, when a child sees how his parents live in the first years of his life, he copies, simply copies us. this is the news of the week, next in the program. a barbaric terrorist attack in the skies of the belgorod region, our plane was carrying ukrainian prisoners for exchange. the first conclusions of the investigation, and which ethnic ukrainians zelensky gathered.
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alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. thousands of holiday discounts in magnet. pork shoulder 269.99. magnet - the price is what it takes, on wednesday morning the ukrainian military shot down russian military transport planes over the belgorod region with a nato missile. six crew members and three accompanying persons transported 65 ukrainian prisoners of war who were heading to ukraine for exchange. in russia , the plane attack was called a terrorist attack.
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president putin spoke in detail on the topic at a meeting with students and svo participants. they shot down our il-76 plane with its military personnel. but it is obvious that they did it in the first place, because the launches of two missiles were recorded from the territory controlled by the kiev regime at 11:10 minutes, the defeat of the aircraft occurred after 2-3 minutes,
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it was almost impossible to respond, secondly, it could not under any circumstances be friendly fire, as in ... only the operator would not have pressed the button, our air defense system would not have worked, the technician, and the weapons seized on the spot, they say that this is an air defense missile,
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most likely these are petriot systems, american or european systems air defense, most likely french, but in a couple of days it will be for sure...
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zelensky spoke, saying that the main intelligence directorate of the armed forces of ukraine will investigate the fate of the prisoners and an international investigation is necessary. on the day of the terrorist attack, russia requested an urgent meeting of the un security council regarding ukraine’s actions, but france, which chairs the security council, refused on the pretext that there was insufficient data. thus, the west is giving ukraine time to come up with at least some acceptable solution. version of events, it turned out to be blamed on russia the crash of a malaysian boeing, but now
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there are somehow no plausible versions, because everything is obvious, while no one has condemned the actions of the ukrainian terrorists. on the russian side , an investigative committee is investigating the crash; it has been confirmed that the il-76 was attacked by an anti-aircraft missile from the territory of ukraine, and the launch site has also been established - the village of liptsy, kharkov region. fragments of the fuselage and flight recorders seized from the scene of the emergency were sent for examination. all the details of the tragedy are in the reports of our belgorod correspondent alexander korobov and host of the 60 minutes program on the russia tv channel olga skabeeva. these are the last seconds before disaster. lian is right here. the military transport il-76 crashed as a result of a missile attack by the ukrainian armed forces. when the plane hit the ground, a strong explosion occurred and fragments of the aircraft itself were scattered over
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a fairly large distance, the radius reaches several kilometers, the burning transporter swept over the houses of several settlements in the belgorod region, the fall occurred in front of the locals residents, the plane was already flying across our street there, further a little in front the fire burns then. we can see black smoke somewhere behind the forest. on february 24, a russian aerospace forces aircraft took off from the capital’s chikalovskiye airfield with six crew members on board, 65 captured military personnel in the isu and three accompanying persons. an exchange of prisoners was to take place on the border with the belgorod region. the transporter was hundreds of kilometers short. the plane was destroyed by the ukrainian armed forces from the area of ​​the village of leptsy, kharkov region area using an anti-aircraft missile system. the launch of two ukrainian missiles was observed using prophylactic means of the russian aerospace forces. the plane crew acted selflessly.
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the fall of il-76 did not affect nearby settlements. this is the outskirts of the village of yablonovo, literally a few tens of meters away the planting begins , followed by fields. the vks plane was just heading towards a populated area, but after being hit by a missile , the pilots decided to turn away the burning side and it fell into. fields 5-6 km from the village. in yablonovo itself, at the eternal flame appeared a spontaneous memorial, next to the photograph l76 there are red carnations in memory and gratitude to the fallen pilots who, at the cost of their own lives, took the burning plane away from the village. you see, here is a school , a temple, streets, houses, people live , now we served them today, well, everyone who died at the port, i am very, very grateful to the guys , the kingdom of heaven is to them, there are children and families left, “it’s very sad, i think that they are real heroes. the heroes who managed to save the village from
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a major disaster studied here in the 117th aviation military transport regiment orenburg. the aircraft was flown by thirty-six-year-old stanislav bezubkin. 15 years ago he graduated from the krasnodar higher military aviation school. from that moment on, he served in orenburg, with flights to africa, syria, and firefighting in turkey under his belt. stanislav could complete any, even the most difficult task, the commander still had. two little daughters, as a commander, as a competent pilot, he was a very big man, a man with a capital letter. knowing this man, we can say that he could not have done anything differently. an example for the wife’s two daughters was flight engineer andrey peloev. he loved history and always strived to learn something new. he actually studied the engine of an airplane, that is, it had to work on the ground, but for some reason later, when he... was assigned to orenburg, he wanted to fly, so i want to fly and i will fly. flight engineer sergei
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zhitenev made contact with his family for the last time on the eve of the fateful flight. we always hoped for him, he would always come, always help. as part of the heroic crew, igor sablinsky, an experienced navigator, a veteran of combat operations in syria, alexey vysokin, flew on three types of aircraft. assistant ship commander vladislav chmerev, fourth generation pilot, great-grandfather, grandfather -father. military aviation pilots, vladislav himself only graduated from flight school last year. he was in an aviation family all the time, always in a flight uniform, smelling of kerosene, that is, he didn’t really have a question about who to be. orenburg mourns those killed in a terrorist attack; people at the military unit bring flowers to the monument. alexander korobov, news of the week. fragments of prisoners' bodies, remains of camp uniforms
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blood stains on white snow. criminologists record everything, including those characteristic of ukrainian nazis. plot of land, among the scattered debris of hundreds of meters, fragments of a rocket were found. after studying the fuselage as a result of the plane crash, the investigative committee confirmed the version of the ministry of defense. the il-76 was hit from a ukrainian air defense system, which was located in the village of libtsy, kharkov region. at 11:15
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, a russian plane crashed near the village of yablonovo, not reaching belgorod airport. exactly 70 km, look, right here, motherfucker, among the documents, there are documents of dead prisoners, a burnt passport of a ukrainian citizen in the name of dmitry kryuchko. on the lists for exchange he is listed as number 26, the temporary certificate of a person liable for military service in the name of evgen galtsev is number 7. the lists for a gran passport are in the name of ivan roy , born in chernigov, this is the youngest prisoner, in the summer he turned 21 private, so everything, pack, pack package, in these frames the early morning of january 24, five paddy wagons, two cars with flashing lights accompany prisoners
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to the plane chikalovsky airfield, il-76 preparing for departure, on board in the end. 65 prisoners from ukraine, 12 people, militants from azov, taken in mariupol. hence the volksan tattoos. 1 2 3 three teeth grenade launcher gladyr was captured from the azov-stal bunker in april 22. the day before the terrorist attack, he turned 28. the remaining 53 people are career military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, grenade operator oleg kuzma. 35 years old, served as part of the twenty- fourth separate mechanized brigade, also surrendered near mariupol, be at home, be with your wives, with your children, whatever varto, wash your clothes at home. the oldest, fifty-eight-year-old yuri lobushev, the senior soldier in the grenade platoon, vyacheslav kuropyatkin number 28, surrendered in
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march twenty-two. denis korchan, number 24, served in the 50th. surrendered in artyomovsk, bogdan dudyak, number 13, said that he did not want to fight, he came here for a month only for mobilization. in july twenty-two , the kiev regime cynically killed its prisoners in elenovka, sizo, and fired at khaimar from american multiple launch rocket systems. 50 people died on the spot, almost 200 ended up in the hospital, it was on these dates that the filming was carried out in the summer of 2022, one of those killed in the il-76 crash, forty-five-year-old danilchenko, said that soldiers in kiev were treated worse than meat, they were abandoned, they were not taken away, why he decided to surrender, to live
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they wanted it, they consider us meat, both black boxes have already been delivered. to the special laboratory of the ministry of defense, their condition is suitable for decoding; the study of the destructive elements and fragments of the fired missile, the operational services reported, will take several days. it is most likely that the strike was carried out from an air defense system american-made patriot or french sam sam. a total of 10 large pieces of il-76 were found at the crash site. hundreds of entry holes from... the striking elements of a missile fired by the armed forces of ukraine were found on the wreckage of an il-76 military transport shot down by ukrainian troops in the belgorod region, a representative of the emergency services said. according to him, the lethal weapons themselves were discovered. elements, some of them stuck in the casing, many pierced the casing . the interlocutor added that each type of rocket has its own filling of different shapes, and the missile is detonated when approaching the target in
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accordance with the parameters specified by the designers. the first official reaction of kiev, ukrainian truth, writes in the belgorod region, a plane crashed in the ukrainian armed forces , they said that the work was done on purpose. the message appears at 11:04 ukrainian time, that is... the downing of an il-76 near belgorod, work in the ssu , a similar trick on the rbc ukraine website was revealed, the fallen il-76 was transporting missiles for the s-300. at the same time, the ukrainian general staff, which is headed by zelensky’s close associate, lieutenant general. by this moment too actually takes responsibility for himself, declares that the il-76 is a legitimate target, five hours later in kiev the version changes again. gur
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refutes the general staff, saying that it was the russians who staged a provocation and hid the route of the il-76. today a failed exchange of prisoners was supposed to take place; according to the russian side, this happened as a result of the downing of a russian il-76 plane, which was allegedly transporting our prisoners. now. we do not have reliable and comprehensive information about who exactly was on board how many aircraft? ukraine was not informed about the number of vehicles, routes and forms of delivery of prisoners. it is known that prisoners are delivered by air, rail and road transport. at the same time , the kremlin once again officially said that kiev was promptly informed about the presence of prisoners on board and the route of travel. the plane took off from the chikalovsky airfield near moscow and was supposed to land in the city of belgorod; the exchange was supposed to take place in the village kolotilovka on the border of the belgorod and sumy regions, the prisoners were supposed to be delivered there
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by bus, 97 km along the highway, on average 1:30 minutes on the road, as was the case, for example, on january 3, 2024, when 248 russian military personnel returned home. on these exclusive ones.
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his birthday, as proof
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of the video he published after midnight, that is , that he was suffering, asked not to congratulate him on the holiday, said that he had held an emergency meeting with the minister of defense umerov, commander-in-chief zaluzhny shaptala, head the general staff, who took responsibility for himself in the first hours, and the head gurbudanov, who later refuted it. the cause of the plane crash is not yet possible, independent examinations are awaiting, this despite the presence of satellites. two days later , deputy pentagon press secretary sabrina sink was finally forced to answer. whose
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missile kiev hit the plane, promised to check all the data, including the possible use of the patriot, and immediately passed the floor to another. regarding the downed russian plane, i wanted to know if you have new information regarding claims that american weapons were used to kill him, you have your answer. thank you, laura. this is a matter we are studying, i don't have any more details. i 've seen some messages regarding liability. we're looking into this, but i don't have anything to share right now. next question. but the key message still came through. no matter who shot down the united states, they did not give their sanctions, said state department spokesman potel, who was also literally forced to explain himself. there are indications that this russian plane was shot down by a ukrainian shell or some kind of
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missile. what i can say for sure is that the us is definitely not involved in this in any way. forensic scientists continue to work at the site of the terrorist attack; some of the collected materials are already in moscow. president putin said that the results of the investigation will be widely published by the russian investigative committee so that everyone, including people in ukraine, knows what the kiev regime is doing.
12:28 am
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