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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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touch the rock star burger king, vatter , on fire taste, at avito work just find your place, dad, home soon, soon, i won’t be late now, mom, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes before a new job,
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purchases from a thousand rubles on any sberbank credit card until january 31, an apartment in moscow can be yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free sberbank credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country. the pain can be different, no matter what became the cause of pain if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin, we can do without pain. the head of the kiev regime, zelensky, ordered, with the participation of international experts, to develop an action plan to preserve the national identity of ukrainians in russia. the corresponding decree even mentions our specific regions where this plan is planned to be implemented. krasnodar region, as well as bryansk, belgorod, voronezh, kursk and rostov regions, in total,
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zelensky calls this territory historically populated by ethnic ukrainians, and russia, according to him, has systematically destroyed ukrainian national identity here for centuries, violating their rights and freedoms. well, you know, here, as they say, stand or fall, what kind of plan can kiev implement on our territory, and even with the participation of international... experts, what russia could do for centuries with ethnic ukrainians, when for centuries ethnic ukrainians were simply... simply did not exist as an ethnic group, did not exist, if this word was ever used, it was only in relation to the inhabitants of the territory, which in russia was called the outskirts, that is, the outskirts, then there was poland, and from this outskirts the word ukrainian later came.
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it’s the same as the inhabitants of the volga region are called volgars , but the volgars are not an ethnos, although if you try maliciously, then, probably, you can single out the volgas as an ethnos hostile to the russians, separate the volga dialect into a separate language, come up with a story about some kind of discord and declare, that joining nato is ahead. what if not a project? we are, of course, coarsening, but with ukraine as a state and ukrainians as an ethnic group there is something.
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russia's methods, due to separation, did it very rudely in relation to the very separation from it of part of its own historical territories from... the millions of people who lived there, of course, no one asked anything, then before and after the great patriotic war stalin had already annexed to the ussr and transferred to ukraine some lands that had previously belonged to poland, romania and hungary, while as a kind of compensation, stalin allocated poland part of the original german territories, in 1954 khrushchev took... crimea from russia and also gave it to ukraine. actually, this is how the territory of soviet ukraine was formed. russia was actually robbed in this way, and i want to ask: why on earth? many questions immediately arise here, and the first of them,
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in fact, is the main one, why it was necessary to satisfy any boundlessly growing nationalist ambitions from the master’s shoulder. on the outskirts of the former empire, transfer to newly formed, and often arbitrarily formed administrative units, union republics, huge territories that often had nothing to do with them at all. i repeat, pass it on together with the population of historical russia. moreover, in fact, these administrative units were given the status and form of national-state entities. again. i wonder why it was necessary to make such generous gifts, which the most ardent nationalists had never even dreamed of before, and even to give the republic the right to secede from a single state without any conditions. putin talks about ukrainian
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nationalists, to whom the whole of ukraine was broken off from the soviet master's shoulder. the soviet government did not think that ukraine would fall to the nationalists, on the contrary, they proceeded from... proletarian internationalism, but the nationalists eventually broke the country over the knee with the help of the west, turned it into anti-russia, this was done and is still being done by ukrainian nationalists who present themselves as patriots , but there is nothing in common between patriotism and nationalism, nationalism has a different nature and other goals, pierre very accurately defined the essence of nationalism eliot trudeau. representative of a brilliant galaxy of western politicians of the 20th century, the father of modern canada. this is how pierre iliot trudeau entered history. regardless of their color of right or left
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, nationalists are political reactionaries because they tend to view the common good as the property of a particular ethnic group or religious belief, not the good of all people. that's why it's nationalistic. government by its nature is intolerant, discriminatory and ultimately totalitarian. actually, that's exactly what we are we see in ukraine, except that nationalism there has acquired its extreme form of nazism. the ukrainian authorities initially, i want to emphasize this, from the very first steps, began to build their statehood on the denial of everything that unites us, they sought to distort consciousness and historical memory.
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with some defiance, i don’t go to churches, synagogues, mosques, i don’t go anywhere, and i’m not a seventh-day adventist, i’m definitely not a baptist , and so on, yes, of course, i ’ve been everywhere. empires are full-fledged participants in the soviet project, but now they are doing a common cause here
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on general grounds. probably the most prominent authoritative historian of ukraine, academician pyotr petrovich tolochko, wrote as if responding to zelensky’s accusation. all this is difficult to evaluate, even as historical ignorance, since historians mourning the bitter fate of the ukrainians definitely know that they were never particularly humiliated and oppressed. their position was no worse, in some periods and much better, than the position of the russians. they also know that russian public thought did not consider the malorosovs to be a separate people from the russians. confirmation this is due to the fact that the little russians , along with the great russians, took part in the construction of a common state, became chancellors, ministers, senators, major military commanders and even the first leaders of the country, which took place in soviet times, in fact, until they became independent. ukrainians did not experience an inferiority complex from their little russianness. you know, i
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even have a personal story about this. my mother’s maiden name is unsavory, which in ukrainian means tasteless. if documented, then the first mention of the surname of our family - the 16th century in the zaporozhye cossacks. my mother’s surname is from my grandfather, a graduate of the imperial moscow engineering school. we managed to gather information about him. there are many documents, some that seem funny, for example, a letter from his dad, my great-grandfather, which means a statement to his excellency, mr. director of the moscow engineering school, we, the undersigned, bring to the attention of your excellency that on our part there is no obstacles to the marriage of our son, nikolai ivanovich nesmachny, trainee at the moscow engineering school with the daughter of a peasant, ekaterina.
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shot in 1937 for allegedly participating in the counter-revolutionary tratzkyite underground,
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the third bra, that is, my great-grandfather, nesmachny alexander ivanovich, hero of the russian-japanese war, here is the service record of ensign nesmachny from december 1910. rank, first name, patronymic, last name, warrant officer alexander ivanovich nesmachny, position in service. junior officer. orders and insignia . has the badge of the military order of st. george's cross, fourth degree for number 145659. when was he born? 1882, january fifth day. what rank does he come from and what province is he born in? from the hereditary nobles of the moscow province. what religion? orthodox. where were you brought up? received general education in? in the house of his parents, he graduated from the tver cavalry junker school in the third
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category, salary 600 rubles. additional 120, total 720 rubles per year. in addition, he occupies a military apartment, read: ensign, unsavory , december 20, 1910. by the way, the military order officially became the cross of st. george be called since 1913. this... insignia was awarded to soldiers and junior officers for their exploits in battles to defend the fatherland, serving as an example of courage, dedication and military skill, here is a list... of battles where cornett, unsavory, took part during the first world war, including cavalry attack on the city of shuchin, underground and pursuit of the retreating enemy. military unit - the fourth dragoon novotroitsko-ekaterinoslavsky regiment, awarded the highest order, the order of st. anna, fourth degree with an inscription for
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bravery. the order, called cranberry in army jargon, was issued along with a lapel weapon, saber, sword, dirk, with the sign of the order of st. anne attached to its hilt, a red lanyard made of an order ribbon and a silver tassel on it. in the case of awards for military exploits , an inscription for bravery was placed on ephesus. and here is the last document. killed by the germans during reconnaissance. november 6, 1914.
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and zelensky, you see, has a plan for us, and even with the participation of international experts? however, what is happening in kyiv itself now, i understood our political observer alexander khristenko. nobody will go anywhere. heart-rending screams on the street, the wife is trying to fight her husband off from the ukrainian military commissars, the outcome of the unequal battle with a group of armed men is obvious, another fighter for the ukrainian armed forces is being packed into a minibus. well, where are you? cleaning of city buses according to the already tested scheme is carried out in odessa, call the police. among the passengers, mostly of retirement age , they are looking for those who are younger. where to click? for 40 years, you should already know where to click. they
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also reached out to the deputies of the city council in lvovskaya areas. here they are meeting every day under the flag of the upa. however, right during the award ceremony.
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indignant american congressmen sent collective letters to kiev three times, including kuleba and zelensky personally, but to no avail. the letter put pressure on zelensky to use all possible measures to prevent the destruction of the cemetery. this has been called an important religious freedom issue as well. just these days, final preparations are being made for the active phase of nato exercises in europe. stadfast defender 2024. durable defender - 2024.
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military equipment and personnel are being transferred from overseas to germany, poland and the baltic states. these will be the largest nato maneuvers since the cold war. under 1000 military from 31 states, 50 warships. exhibition complex , anything can collapse, but here european farming looks like a cucumber. during green week, people come for a good mood; here you can
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breathe the air of the countryside, buy yourself a horse, a cow, or just eat a steak. this is an educational attraction for children. where will a city child even find out where the sausages that mom puts on the table come from? for adults - a gastronomic paradise, excellent bolyk and salami with truffle at quite store prices. and for... it would seem that what do an armored car and an exhibition have in common, except that they are green, but the german army is in such dire need of recruits that any site will do. young people are trying to fulfill the standard for push-ups in a bulletproof vest, plus 16 kg to their own weight. a group of girls fills out forms: the army is a major employer that can offer staff work, communications, medicine, but most of all, of course, we need infantry, without it we definitely won’t be able to fight the russians. nato is on the move in a way it hasn't seen since 1988. next
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week, from the east coast of the united states to the western borders of russia and belarus, the stalwart defender 24 exercise will unfold. it will simulate actions to blockade the kaliningrad region from land, air and water, in case the russians try to break through to their glory and cut off the baltic tigers . russian tanks under artificial control intelligence are breaking into the baltics, russian hackers, located, for some reason, in tunisia, are attacking the transport infrastructure of europe, and
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missiles. they are hitting civilian targets in germany, france and great britain, really, why hit the military? all this is planned by the daily mail for 2044, although they do not agree on the timing, maybe earlier. military experts assume that it will take russia several years to be able to begin hostilities, but this is just a guess; no one knows for sure. we must actively use the next 3-5 years to arm ourselves.
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we were too complacent, what appears on the horizon should shock us, it should worry us, and we are not ready. this is precisely why the lobbyists of the western military-industrial complex are trying as best they can to support ukraine’s ability to resist, while at the same time dispersing military hysteria at home, so far without obvious success, because there are also plenty of authoritative opponents. modern russian doctrine states that in the event of a threat to russian territory, the russian nation and the russian the state is authorized to launch a nuclear strike, so we are opposed to a doctrine that is so clearly obviously
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defensive. worsen your own position on the front line. on february 1, the european commission plans to push through the package of financial assistance to ukraine and waste another 50 billion euros. to do this, however, it will be necessary to deprive hungary of its voice, which slovakia opposes, so its opinion will also need to be somehow ignored. in general, a live summit is planned with consequences, especially since the thirteenth package of sanctions is still on the table, and transfer to ukraine, no, not frozen
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russian assets, but income from... use, which in itself is strange, how something seized can generate income, but for them the main thing is to decide, and then lawyers will understand the nuances, although from time to time the same lawyers criticize the producers of sanctions, because they are introduced on the basis of anonymous denunciations, russian businessman alisher usmanov won another libel lawsuit against the publication, which, taking advantage of what soroka on its tail brought, accused usmanov in the acquisition of a share.
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that the practice of applying individual sanctions based on manipulative articles in wikipedia and the opposition russian press no longer works, everything works, lies are an instrument of their policy. on the day of the liberation of auschwitz and the red army, the head of the european commission , vonderleen, lies about what is at the gates of the most terrible death camp. allied troops opened, god forbid, let there be a hint of sympathy, of russia’s gratitude to the russians. in slovakia, the liberal press turned on vice-speaker of parliament lubiš blach. before during the meeting, he was presented with a souvenir can of beer with the image of a red star, the st. george ribbon with the inscription ussr, which he did not hide and placed on the table. well, then i put the press in its place. sorry, but i will never hide gifts that
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symbolize victory over fascism. it doesn't even occur to me.


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