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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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god forbid, let there be a hint of sympathy, of russia’s gratitude to the russians. in slovakia , the liberal press turned on vice-speaker of parliament lubiš blach. before the meeting, he was presented with a souvenir can of beer with an image of a red star, st. george's ribbon with the inscription ussr, which he did not hide, put on the table, and then put the press in its place. sorry, but i will never hide gifts symbolizing the victory over fascism, it doesn’t even occur to me. thanks to the red
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army, thanks to the russian people for our liberation from fascism thanks to all the peoples of the ussr for fighting for us. for the collective fondelen, lubusz blaha is a mortal enemy, destroying anti-russian mythology, and he is no longer alone. saravagenknecht is the face of a new political party in germany, a total opposition to german power, including in the understanding of history. they talk about ukraine as a young democracy, but nazi germany as a young democracy.
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him from the stage. this is not the time to appeal to a state symbol. but if the german anthem evokes such a reaction, will they go do these people fight for germany? question they took away his microphone, and the police stole his open one, maybe they’ll go, but so far there are no queues at the recruiting centers. soon there will be another exhibition in berlin, the same large one in europe, however, the one where they sell not meat, but bodies. exhibition of achievements of the adult industry, erotic messa 24. perhaps the bundeswehr personnel department should think about renting a pavilion. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, gleb napara and andrey putro. news of the week. germany. tonight's night
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french farmers intend to put paris under complete blockade. the idea is that not a single truck will be able to deliver at least some of the products to the capital. all the promises of the authorities have not yet found a response in the peasant souls. and then there’s ukraine. they help her with money, and even let her into france, where she receives cheap and low-quality food. first, polish truck drivers protested. then the baton in europe of this rebellion was picked up by farmers in germany, italy, spain, holland and romania. the list is getting longer. from france with hot news, our european correspondent, anastasia popova. it all started peacefully, but the farmers’ patience quickly ran out. trucks carrying foreign products to france are emptied, bulldozed and set on fire. the product is most often
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distributed to poor relief organizations, but sometimes it also burns well. there are products that... from spain, morocco from the african continent, which also do not meet the standards of our products, but at a price 10 times cheaper, we want to say that enough is enough, which means demonstrators are destroying shelves with bottles foreign wine, food security, everything is only french, there are demands to ban all food imports from outside the eu. stop this over-concern about free trade that is causing us to die out as we import into our country. products do not meet the standards, but they demand from us that we comply with them, this is unbearable, we want food sovereignty. these are rather claims to the european commission and parliament, which, having lifted the bans, flooded the market of european countries with no duties, cheap goods from ukraine, with which
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the locals cannot compete, are too expensive to produce, too many standards of prohibitions. french farmers reached brussels, and belgium, in turn, began to seethe. tractors in the center of the belgian capital, a rather unusual sight , a cow as a symbol of what european standards have brought french farmers to, a green agenda, reduction of arable land, a ban on irrigation, paperwork, and most importantly, costs within the european union increased significantly after the decision to declare russia sanctions war. we have been talking for months about our problems in agriculture, but nothing is changing, now we are saying enough is enough.
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centers and supermarkets, so much so that the roof is collapsing, from north to south, barricades, burning tires, hundreds of kilometers of blocked roads, at the same time, gigantic traffic jams. communications with neighboring countries have been partially disrupted. this is what the main route that
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connects france and belgium looks like now. traffic in both directions is blocked. on the road there are tractors, agricultural machinery, a lot of hay and firewood so as not to freeze at night. blockade. it lasts for the third day, they are on duty in shifts and do not leave, despite all the attempts of local politicians to intervene in the matter, they made a container for a fire from the tank, and they cook food on it. what do you have here in your camp? coffee is the most important thing, coffee and small cookies, sausages are our producers who help us.
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the goal is to block logistics centers for food distribution and place the city in a tight ring, preventing trucks from entering. operation to strangle paris declared indefinite will begin on monday afternoon. anastasia popovlenansky denis lesitsin. news of the week, belgium, france. on thursday in st. petersburg, a court sentenced daria trepova to 27 years in prison. this is the longest period assigned. woman in modern russia. trepova was found guilty of committing a terrorist attack in the spring of twenty-three,
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which resulted in the death of military correspondent vladlen tatarsky. several dozen more people were injured. the terrorist’s actions were directed from ukraine, and in her final speech she cynically declared that her conscience was clear before god. in addition, the court ruled that trepova must pay the victims 16.5 million rubles.
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the court sentenced trepova to imprisonment for a term of 27 years, to be served in a general regime correctional colony. trepova was found guilty of terrorism, trafficking in explosives and forgery of documents. on instructions from the ukrainian special services, she followed the military correspondent maxim femin, better known as vladlen tatarsky, bought his books, and went to meetings. by on behalf of the organizers, she purchased sim cards issued in the name of unauthorized persons and a smartphone. she installed a program on it that allowed her to gain access to the microphone of the mobile device and its location.
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for all this, funds were transferred to her in cryptocurrency. she was controlled via telephone in march twenty-third by an employee of the ukrainian special services, yuri denisov gave her the same plaster bust, which contained 400 g of explosives. trepova brought the courier figurine she received here to her rented apartment like this: called the artist's house. all the interiors here are like this, there are many workshops that store. plaster blanks and paintings, and therefore none of the residents paid attention to the new bust, which trepovo, it must be said, treated very carefully; in court it was stated that she bought gold paint and a brush and periodically tinted the figurine so that it looked bright. i wanted to present the bust at the same time in march at a meeting at the new russian university, but the curators forbade it. metal detectors were installed in the building. she was aware of the presence of an explosive device in it. which is confirmed by her correspondence with her friend, traces of explosives in
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the apartment she rented and other evidence. during her last word , trepova stuck to her line and called herself gullible and naive. i didn’t support mine , i wanted to come to ukraine there, i fulfilled requests, which later became tasks, but all this time i thought that there was only a microphone in the statue, that... what was going on, well , crippled destinies, crippled relatives, friends , we are still all you see, we are being treated for ptsd and all other problems, he says that i am pure before god, but for me this is blasphemy. trepova did not behave sincerely at the meeting in the cafe, says victim elena telnykh. her photographs helped the investigation. just compare the look of that divine dandelion that is sitting now. behind bars for such a rather arrogant woman
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who came to our event. the victims are also outraged by the fact that trepova, a physician by training, wanted to go to ukraine to help the wounded; at the scene of the explosion she didn't help anyone. one of the very last ones came out through the main entrance, she stood right at the exit, looked around, went in this direction, along the embankment, towards the bridge, dialing someone's number along the way. call.
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it must be carried out, but the real criminals, those who organized the war, those who started the maidan, earned money to drive a wedge between the russian and ukrainian people. philosopher alexander dugin, whose daughter was killed by the ukrainian special services, believes that trepova easily succumbed to recruitment, constantly went to
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unauthorized actions, views are exclusively liberal. this is the first example of when... a terrorist attack, terrible, bloody, cruel, betraying the homeland, was carried out on the basis of liberal ideology. daria trepova opens a new page in modern russian liberalism, this is a bloody, vile, terrorist page that it is desirable to close with daria trepova. together with trepova , dmitry kasintsev was convicted, who, knowing about the terrorist attack, sheltered her at his home, he received a year and nine months in prison. the victims of the explosion are grateful to the investigators.
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news of the week from st. petersburg. this is the news of the week. next in the program. election battles against the backdrop of civil confrontation and division. how did texas riot, why did gun sales in america soar?
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american know-how: death penalty by nitrogen asphyxiation. painful, but cheap. the triumph of the big ballet at the royal theater of oman. what traditions of the middle east had to be taken into account on stage in everyday life. fourth annual forum: strong ideas for new time. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. over the entire duration of the forum , over 450 thousand citizens took part. more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. february 19 and 20. the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on ideia.rf. hello, i'm boris akimov. and i, oleg
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stepanov. and we are the creators of the russia project. 162 headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. in the united states, security forces in the southern states have disobeyed the white house and are asking biden to get out of the way. point of contention: hundreds of thousands of refugees every month.
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and this is at the start of the presidential race, where the level of intransigence is also off the charts. our sapkor in the usa, dmitry melnikov, has all the details. the white house is not decreeing texas and the state continues to fence itself off. invasion mode which governor ebot announced gives local authorities the right to conduct their own security operations. federal border agents are not allowed at the crossings. texas national guard.
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25 states, that is, half of the united states, stood next to texas. republican governors supported the state's decision to take control of the border into its own hands. and neighbors florida, oklahoma and arkansas sent their national guards to reinforce them; biden’s ultimatum to transfer control of the border to the feds was ignored by texas. in reply, according to the constitution, the president can now take direct control of the state’s national guard. he will take control and order the military not
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to defend the united states. never before has a soldier been ordered not to defend his country. without enemies as neighbors, the u.s. border has been more symbol than bastion in recent centuries. whole sectors of the american economy have benefited from cheap labor from the south, but it was under biden that the policy of openness was introduced.
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would be the toughest fair set of reforms to secure a border that ever had in our country, it would give me, as president, a new emergency authority to close the border when it is overloaded, if i were given these powers, i would use them the day i sign the bill, but no one no longer trusts anyone, the republicans in congress, it seems, themselves really don’t want biden to save the borders, let him drown himself to the end, especially since the bill allocates four times more money to ukraine than to the southern border. further negotiations in this form are pointless - speaker of the lower house mike johnson responds to biden. if the rumors regarding
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the proposed project are true, then it is doomed to failure in the house of representatives in any case. i have made it clear that we support texas governor greg abbott in his heroic efforts to protect the citizens of his state, all americans. everything that happens in texas continues to play into trump's hands, especially biden's helplessness. trump publishes a call on 25 governors to send national guard forces to help texas and demands that congress block a bipartisan deal, behaves like the current president of a parallel other america. our country is dying, our border is open, it's an open wound. this has never happened before. we are waiting for a catastrophe to happen. the border security deal biden is pushing isn't about stopping illegal migration, it's about continuing it.
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joe biden does not speak, talks about the successes of bidenomics and scares trump, again confusingly calling him the current president. in recent weeks we are starting to see real evidence of this. what american consumers are gaining real confidence in the economy, you know, who else is seeing this, donald trump? we heard what he said recently, he said that he wants the economy to collapse this year, the current president, god forgive me, holding out until may to remove biden from the election is one of the possible scenarios that the democrats are now discussing, then he can will write off all the failures inside the usa, outside. from
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afghanistan, failure in ukraine in israel, but the current administration is unlikely to succeed withdraw troops from iraq and achieve at least some success in the war with the houthis. the day before, in response to another us and british air raid, they hit a supertanker carrying kerosene for the pentagon with their missile, and no one even in washington sees a good scenario. and according to polls , the overwhelming majority of americans are dissatisfied with the upcoming elections between biden and trump, but the political system... cannot offer them anything else. 10 months before the elections, the two americas have diverged to the maximum distance and live in two different realities, say the authors of the new york times. if america has ever been so politically divided, it was during the civil war. the upcoming presidential elections are a clash between two presidents of completely different countries. the upcoming confrontation between biden and trump goes beyond the usual liberal-conservative split between the two parties. today we are talking about
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race, religion, culture, economics. democracy, retribution and, perhaps most of all, about identity. border parliamentary and constitutional crises, in america has never experienced such discord in modern history. the confrontation between texas and washington and the support of this rebellion by half of the states drew the front line of the cold civil war. however, few people realized that by putting the country's security at stake, the american elites clearly showed in the election race for power that they simply do not need america itself. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, leading the week from washington.
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