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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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hello! i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg
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skepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2012 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics.
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literally, at the snap of a finger, the leader of the child, his assistants bring a folder for negotiations with putin. our program has revolutionized the idea of ​​political television journalism. and every detail of this visit attracted the attention of journalists, but only we found out why the leader of chad, first entered the first building of the kremlin, and then into the representative office of the president. this is not a cane, it is a command baton, symbolizing military authority. and five stars symbolize.
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the name of this teleconference. to express my gratitude and joy for the noble participation of my dear friend, his excellency, president vladimir putin. rosatam's large-scale work around the world greatly irritates some politicians. zelensky and his sympathizers are calling for sanctions. western leaders, of course, are not exactly the same limited, that's all.
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understands that it’s probably not very practical to shoot off both your legs, that’s why there’s no solution, and i’ll tell you honestly, it worries us, but not much, and you’ve just come from egypt, it ’s a completely different climate, how do you like it? such, it ’s been colder, neither frost nor heat, it’s not a hindrance to us, so there are such important events almost every day, an important event in st. petersburg, the laying of a new icebreaker.
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his health is the health of our country for a healthy lifestyle, nikolai is watching here patrushev, a graduate of this university, is new. there are already sports facilities and there will be more, and there will be a photo as a souvenir, the girl’s face when she is waiting for an answer, will the president take a photo with them, thank you, thank you, but for the development of all of st. petersburg
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, a lot still needs to be done, and one of the key problems - transport, and so that people don’t have to spend hours getting to work, school or a social facility, putin and lukashenko, this is what happened from... they experienced local tubes for themselves, the motorcade got into one of them, passengers buses look out the window in surprise and realize that the president’s car is on the same road with them, in the same traffic jam. it is clear that the city’s development plans are huge and require huge amounts of money. for the first time, we will show you the moment of the closed part of the meeting. maybe about money? yes, about the money, please, now. thinks that we will fork out now, we will fork out, indeed, this is correct, the federation has helped and will always help st. petersburg, everyone here is talking about the northern capital, but
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st. petersburg does not receive any money for capital functions, does not receive, it is necessary, of course , to come up with such complex solutions, but solutions can be found. and it seems to me that it is necessary, st. petersburg deserves it, st. petersburg deserved and received another new sports complex, ska-arena. you’ll move soon , he says, but he’s already moved, he says , we’re moving from where, hear, they smile slyly, that no, well, it’s a real palace, everything, everything is provided for, everything is calculated, everything is very beautiful, like in a movie.
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there i'm in shape, some fighters have become even more powerful, but you've grown over the year, you're faster, even grew up, putin and lukashenko were given personalized sweaters, asked about a lot, but understandably, they were worried, vladimir vladimirovich, there is a very important question, the nearest, how many, cameraman for the best angles. well, where there is always ice in antarctica, a new wintering complex has opened at the russian vostok station, scientists will be able to live in more comfortable conditions, their research under glacial lakes is like something out of a book about science fiction, but this is reality, over the past 420 thousand years
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have passed four complete climate cycles from warming before glaciation, interesting, right? but such a graph is being built, as far as i understand, and you can understand where we are moving, it would be interesting to know what period we are in and in which, at what point we are, we really want the planet to exist, our researchers and scientists are drawing some conclusions the edge of understanding, when you don’t understand, sometimes it even becomes creepy, vladimir yakovich, do we have any chances to exist normally in the near future? 10,000 years, there is a chance, but for this we definitely need to better understand how life works on earth. dna molecules were discovered from thermophilic bacteria that live in waters with temperatures above 60°. what does that mean,
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there could be volcanoes in these lakes below, yes, we can only build some, well, let’s say, theories, maybe another table is ready and there are the presidents of russia and belarus.
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him about personal things, for which peskov is ashamed, in a couple of minutes there will be an answer in our story. a family of families, and a family living in the tundra, invited putin to the golden wedding, let's take you for a ride on three white deer. oh great rides on a deer, the deer goes fast, what a speed, well, big, 70, then i
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’m the fastest deer, 70 km/h, yes, yes, yes, yes, okay, they run so fast, they run, this one doesn’t get tired, deer walk everywhere day and night, like athletes on bald heads, for safety. also no? no, it’s not needed, but there’s a rope there, and you’re going to use a rope to secure the president there, right? and i showed everything that here are the ropes, this is the steering wheel, right, left, and this steering wheel, the rope, and grief is the speed, yeah, daughter, this is the smallest one i have, the very last one, the smallest one, your dad always so fiery, yes always, is he just a tv star today? i worked as a pripodir all my life, i was a commander
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, but it’s understandable, and then, but you always commanded with a smile, apparently, of course, the prigadier still loved me, and that’s who else he loves there, the atmosphere of the meeting was such that he turned to putin hey, he loves you very much, tuntri, we also received an invitation to the golden wedding of the kolenivods. we are getting ready, we are already reaching an agreement with the president, we have almost agreed, i remember that you will rush together on reindeer early in the morning, but we will rush straight to deer, so if we go, let’s cooperate, i’ll definitely help you get there, i promise you that, thank you, we brought two completely new button accordions here, you won’t tear up the button accordion at the wedding there, no, no, no, how do you know , well, as it turns out, we ’ll take a spare and the last frame, volodimirovich, well...
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as if nothing had happened, after that the presidential plans for the next few minutes were already predetermined by the children, parents with children, even parents with children, thank you. well , how could it be otherwise, dear, beloved, all-russian
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a forum with this name is the beginning of special events, the start of a family year, an important presidential decree so that large families have the same status throughout the country, its status is established indefinitely, social support is provided to children under 18 or up to 23.
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then the population decreases , even if there are two, it remains on the horizontal bar, in order to ensure the growth of the population, this minimum is necessary for a family to have three children, and for this to happen, the family must be born early, you have children no, some bureaucrats are planning, but it’s a blessing to have children, you will find out, well, probably, this question is already addressed to mine...
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the eldest son showed her love as a sign that he was growing stronger, and soon he would really i had to demonstrate my character. mom, can i ask, can i call him here? it turns out that mom just gave permission to the president to do something, it surprised me, why? firstly, he himself is already big enough, vanya is with us, and secondly, respect for the fact that...
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i don’t know myself, i don’t know, you know, you they said recently that you still remember how your mother put you in a corner, yes, exactly, but remember why she put you, everything popped up by accident, it was an unexpected question, i don’t remember, i was 3-4 years old, i remember how i did something wrong there, she put me in a corner, and then why did i
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remember that, so she walked next to me back and forth all the time... asked the same question, will you ask for forgiveness, will you, i i sat, stood there, slouched, she walked, walked around me, asked all the questions, then she couldn’t stand it, she grabbed me in her arms and took me i began, as i said, to kiss all places, this is unconditional absolute maternal love, i remembered this and carry it with me throughout life, it is the family that should be at the center of all public policy, but we are trying to do this as a government. with an increase in the key rate, budget expenditures
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subsidizing preferential mortgages will double to a trillion rubles. we are doing this without canceling anything and will continue to do so. at such events, when asking a question, everyone always stands up, and putin responds by asking him to sit down. hello, vladimir vladimirovich, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, please sit. dear vladimir vladimirovich, vladimir vladimirovich, a great honor , good, good, i can’t help but stand up, because the best president, i’m here with my family, well, yes, if possible, yes, yes, of course, and only one person refused, the teacher with many years of experience, sit down, please sit down, please, can i just stand, after all, i stood in front of the class for 30 years, this is more familiar to me, it rarely happens that the president... tells someone to do something, but they told him, well, no, i’ll stand, you know , sitting down, i probably wouldn’t be able to put together two words, and i’m used to always
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standing in front of an audience, he probably also knows, habit from above has been given to us as a substitute for happiness, she, we mom, here, this is the mother-in-law, that’s right, but you call mom, yes, yes, we have a very close relationship, that’s how respectfully another participant in the meeting about the mother-in-law, the wife’s mother, didn’t say the mother-in-law said the wife’s mother. everyone talks in detail about their families . they asked putin how to raise a worthy person? never, i want to emphasize this, never i saw my father drunk, i’m not even talking about my mother , i never heard a single swear word from him, in general, this is all together, an atmosphere of goodwill, and an atmosphere of love, that’s exactly it...
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the belarusians came here together in one car, and further, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko in st. petersburg have another extensive joint program. three days
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of negotiations in total, well, on monday the leaders will hold meetings of the supreme state council of russia and belarus. belarus is the most important strategic partner, ally. the most important details of key political events are available earlier than others in zarubin’s telegram channel, well, you are an knowledgeable person, subscribe right now. during the week, putin will also deal with issues of the defense complex and hold a meeting on the socio-economic development of new regions of the country. your people are very talented, able-bodied, this has been the case for centuries. vladimir putin will also hold events as a candidate for the post of president of russia. and of course you remember that the most important political events of the week next sunday our program will show more than others. thank you, pavel, as always , we will see you in a week. and i don’t say goodbye to the audience, after a short pause, i’m waiting for you in the studio on sunday evening.
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she definitely reads the mind or not, prime minister anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has special details about who you are looking at, well, there is a girl standing in a scratch, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, but look only writing activities, stand still, don’t move it. for some reason i believe you, ann medium, we look before everyone else in the application or on the website.
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the united states is sending two squadrons of bombers to britain closer to our border, without hiding the fact that precisely in order to be able to strike russia, two squadrons of bombers are using their nuclear weapons, and they are also trying to turn the rest of europe into a battering ram against russia, and she agrees to this, the europeans.
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on may 27, 1997, yeltsin was in paris, tune in to the russian wave. and governments, dear secretary general, the document was so that the situation was such that everyone, including russia, would feel comfortable, comfortable in europe.


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