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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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i read the statistics, they write that we also have nurseries, that supposedly our country is 90% equipped with nurseries where you can send a child from two weeks old, this is absolutely not true at all, we called one of the largest regions, they asked how many they have if, where can you give birth, you send the child there for your working day, go back to work, pick up the child in the evening, as was the case in the soviet union, zero, there are none, if, i won’t, i don’t want anyone to offend, i will not name the region. but i suspect this is the situation in most regions, well, dear men who make decisions about the country, legislators or others, if you want us to give birth, you understand that not everyone has the opportunity to hire a nanny, not everyone lives in the same house with their grandmother , mother-in-law, aunt, sister, like me , for example, there is someone to leave it to, yes, as a rule, women have a much more difficult circumstance, and not everyone is ready to erase 10 years from their career and profession, never to return to it again, accordingly , in order to become a lot. mother: give
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the women a nursery, give the women children the opportunity to give birth and return to your normal life. and the last wonderful news this week: they began to kick out our former people in droves from where they expected to become their own. this is, of course, wonderful, no matter how kind and merciful we are, but this cannot but please us. galkin. they turned away from indonesia, he was going to perform there, a man with an unpronounceable surname margenstern was banned from entering dubai , it seems that galkin is referring to a certain letter from the government that this russian government asked for these countries should not allow them to give concerts, i don’t know if this is true or not, but if it’s true, then it’s just wonderful, just a low bow to the one who thought of this, i don’t know about it... the economic bloc is involved or
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the foreign ministry, i i don’t know at all whether this is true or not, but somehow it went so lukewarm, it went a lot, there is another question, what kind of passports did they use to enter indonesia, right, and why? they are so proud that they are israelis and so don’t want to be russians that they are in trouble, probably because indonesia is a muslim country , it now has a difficult attitude towards israel, so all the principles are in the same place where... before that, love for the homeland, that is, they despised russia so much, they love israel so much that they prefer to travel with a russian passport, indonesia is not easy and problems arise because of this, indonesia is not just a muslim country, indonesia is the largest muslim country in the world for seconds, the largest muslim population in the whole world, yes, so the question for the boys is: boys, what are you talking about? yes, so you are a terrible patriot of israel, what happened to you, why are you traveling on russian passports?
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they won’t let you in if they find out that they have israeli ones, this is exactly what i’m talking about, all integrity has disappeared somewhere, and it became clear that israeli citizenship was only needed for what, exactly, absolutely right, that’s the price of it patriotism, that galkina, that bedva, that the rest of them all go, of course , that’s why they end up, but the joy here is not that someone wasn’t allowed in somewhere, god bless them, it’s that... something in the opposite direction the pendulum swung, i’ll now explain what i mean, in the opposite direction, this really makes me happy, i didn’t expect it to happen so quickly, or maybe i didn’t expect that in general, it’s not about them specifically, this galkin , then i fell for him there, of course , not because of his orientation, i don’t care about his orientation, you know, you can be a sensible person and think about the beauty of your nails, as our pushkin wrote, here in chegochev’s, in pushkin’s orientation there was never any doubt.
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exactly, we had negative selection with point of view of whether you want to make a career in showbiz, in the blogosphere, because all this is occupied by american platforms, american chats, everything, yes, it’s all american, accordingly, if you say nasty things about your country, you will immediately get views, you immediate recommendations, you are immediately higher, higher, higher, many young people have already developed such a conditioned reflex that in order to glorify...
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keep such a focus and not lose it, if there are fewer of us, we must be more effective, we must be better prepared for consolidation, meeting, margari touched on a very big topic, now everyone is discussing a certain director, who shot partly with
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american money, partly for some reason they gave him state money, he shot a great work of a russian classic, i don’t want to name anything, nothing, nothing. at the same time, in such a sharply lampooned anti-soviet, anti-modern-russian topic, so to speak, at the same time he will also donate to the ssu, and we treat it like this, okay, seriously, that is , seriously, okay, allowances, i ’m not okay at all, we don't look at it that way, i'm talking about too, the first question is, who is responsible for this and how did it all happen, this whole scheme, that is , they hid information, misled, carried out a special operation, in general how did it all... perhaps, it seems to me that before making decisive conclusions, it is necessary to look into it in the most serious way, in the most serious way, well, now i am there among the people on the front line, they have a lot of questions about what is happening
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inside the country, they ask questions very harshly, and vladimir vladimirovich said correctly, about who is the elite, and whose socks are in the right place, and i would like to politely hint that it’s time to wake up, it’s time for everyone to wake up in all directions, nothing will go away, it’s time for everyone to come to their senses, it’s true, mikhailovich, well, that’s exactly what i would like to do with to start this, because at the beginning of the program you touched on a very important topic, of course, everything that happens outside of russia, for it, for us, as educated people or striving for this. for people who care about the fate of the whole world, this is important, but still, everything that happens inside the country is much more important, not only because this is our country , but because it is here that the fate of our country is decided, and i repeat here, i do not share either a military operation or a special military
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operation, or the economy, or ideology, or culture, this is all our country, and the fact that yesterday, uh, including showing the faces of people who came to the celebration,
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foreign exchange earnings allowed the government , among other things, to plan at least imports , including not only consumer, but also industrial imports, including those related to technology and so on, then have started processes are very important for what the government is doing today, and in this regard, i would like, first of all, to take a clear position defending not only the presidential decree, but
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also, first of all, the position of the government, which , among other things, supported this initiative and is developing this is why he opposes the abandonment of foreign exchange proceeds and does not agree with the position of the central bank and simply... try to explain what these two opponents are? well, let's look at the government, i'll just say it, it means, well, the government is, first of all, that an organization that deals with economic growth and the welfare of the population. import substitution , food security, security in general and so on, that is, there is a huge list of these tasks there, then the tools of this government, but they, despite the position of the central bank, are trying to saturate the economy with the money supply, they are trying to use any form of subsidies, grants, and so on further, including the tax authorities, they support mortgages, which, by the way, the permanent president, including preferential mortgage, in fact, the government today uses any means to saturate the economy with the money supply. i repeat, and this applies not only to the opportunities that he has, but even he manages,
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the government managed to release money into our economy, based on gold and foreign exchange reserves frozen in the west, well, that is, they even managed to do this, that’s all it was this toolkit that led to what, firstly, the entire economy stabilized, despite the colossal unique sanctions against russia, secondly, there was a growth rate of more than 3 , thirdly, for the first time in many years, we had a real increase in wages and incomes, our economy as a whole received a colossal boost, and there were industries where growth rates were tenfold, it even a multiple, that is, we owe tens of percent, excuse me, multiples, because this is the manufacturing industry, all this still happened against the backdrop of inflation approaching 3%, and what is a central bank, a respected organization that has
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to make decisions related with the speedy subordination of the central bank to the activities of the government and the transfer
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of these functions to the government, because it copes better than the central bank with those tasks that are prescribed, including in the constitution and in the law related to the government, did not fulfill the tasks that were moreover, you and i we don’t have no no, i just had one task, they didn’t complete it, didn’t fulfill it, but i would like to ask where is a minute and what are the consequences, so far none, they are still discussing. but in a football club, if it wasn't set tasks, they are looking for another manager , well, it’s true, well, the team , well, buy, sell players there , that is, what’s happening, i don’t understand how they can punish something, they announced a reprimand, against this background, demand or insist on refusal to sell, necessarily selling foreign currency earnings, but why? i asked myself this question, i don’t want to say what it is, that i found the answer, but the numbers alone interested me a little, this is due to the fact that today you can’t ask anyone who knows the experts and specialists. in the auction on the currency exchange, they will tell you that up to 80% of trades are related mainly to speculative
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operations, we are not against speculative operations as such, which are an element of financial policy, but in general it would probably not be worth turning this area into work for speculation , i want to tell you the numbers, for last year the total trading volume, but if translated into dollars, this is about 4 trillion traded, and our entire need for export import operations is 1.4 trillion, the question arises, is it not this is... more than 100 billion dollars, despite the fact that the central bank committed itself
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to reducing this figure significantly, it did not work out significantly, but i would not only like to say exactly this, i would like to decipher the activities of the government or compare the government with the central bank to place one small emphasis on what, by the way, while defending the government in the person of belousy, he constantly says that this was the right decision, it must be preserved, i would even make a more striking statement. i i think that there is no need to discuss at all, the mandatory sale of foreign currency earnings should become a rule, because this does not mean that we are interfering with foreign exchange transactions, lord, yes, we have already said 100 times, we need to put a barrier on speculative... withdrawal of money, but as for the service , the normal service of these trading operations, yes please, but the report, the contract, transparency and no problems, no one interferes with this work, so there is no need to speculate on this part, especially for those who do not want to support this position, second , stability, the sale of foreign exchange earnings guarantees the stability of the national currency,
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and i would like to record one more position that i am very glad that the government today has moved on to the topic of macroeconomic planning. this is the element that allows us to move on to the understanding that not hundreds of billions, but trillions of rubles should be involved in our economy today, allowing us not even to argue about such a position as the mandatory sale of foreign currency earnings, to argue about how to turn the interests of the regions into a balance , population, business and federal center, i think that today the government has all this in its hands, yes vladimir , thank you, i want to return to where you started, about the fact that the west is preparing for...
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well, actually it was at its peak in the seventies , well, they are already, so to speak, moving towards this, recreating the headquarters of the fifth army corps, albeit in poland, and not in germany, they returned to exercises on the transfer of strategic reserves, resettlement forces to the european theater, in principle they changed the direction of operational combat training, that is, now we are already talking... not about deterrence, but for now, repelling aggression on the part of the russian federation, but i do not rule out that in the near future they will begin to practice carrying out preventive strikes on the russian federation. the united states, judging by press reports, has begun returning its nuclear capabilities to europe. to the english airbase of lakenheath, from
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which there were nuclear weapons there throughout. resources and industrial base, as for human resources, according to eurostat , 108 million men live in the eec countries aged from 18 to 55 years, which in principle constitutes the basis of the mup resource, plus turkey, although they naturally do not count, but
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turkey’s position is also not one hundred percent certain that they are ready to fight with... they can put it under arms, something else the thing is that they, of course, have problems with conscription. 15 nato countries, including, well, the largest ones, germany, great britain, italy, spain, poland, the netherlands, refused conscription,
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they have contract armies, but taking into account the latest statistical data, polls, not so many. people are eager to go so to speak and fight for the values ​​of democracy, but nevertheless there is no need to be deluded, if so to speak, it will be necessary, they will increase and return the draft, increase material incentives for contract soldiers, so we need to be prepared that they, yes, at present, the number of generally united armed forces strength is 15 million people, roughly , there are different figures, but about one and a half million people, and since the year eighty-eight, well, it was already a cold ending, but... nevertheless, there were 3.4, but the decrease has occurred more than twice. now what regarding the industrial, industrial base,
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it would just be nice to understand the comparison with us, well, the comparison with us, if we count 150 million people, well, the male population is about 60%, well, count about 90. that’s 10% , well - i think that we can put a friend somewhere around 5-6 million, anyway, so to speak, well, two, more than two times less. another thing is that, of course, the quality of the conscript contingent, taking into account the fact that the nato countries no longer fought, i don’t know, well, the americans tried something else in iraq demonstrate, and europeans haven’t fought anywhere since world war ii, that’s why. with this, of course, the problems with us , in comparison with us, they are greatly inferior , now in terms of the industrial base, we also got a little carried away, so to speak, by the lulling
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messages there and the germans there, the poles, the americans, the shortage, we produce little, russia produces 160,000 artillery shells there per month, the americans will only reach the target by 1928... the eu is not capable of delivering the million they promised, all this is true, but that’s the problem of course, what is the point that all this is private and in america, in europe, basically, basically 90%, huge private investments are needed, and for private investments long-term contracts are needed, recently the head of the investment department.
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military equipment and ammunition are also urgently starting production. another thing is that , of course, all their factories are geared towards soviet calibers, i think they will be rebuilt
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and will help produce 155, that is, according to their estimates , it will take 2 years to restore their potential, we have only 2 years, of course, we are pleased the numbers that are here on friday at the acceptance day. defense, his deputies krivoruchka and ivanov , the minister voiced military products and there were a lot of figures, but i’ll just cite two, that this year the troops will receive 3,600 types of military equipment and 16.5 million units of weapons, well, i mean artillery shells , mines, well, that is, what various weapons systems produce when fired is like... of course it makes us happy, but in order to prevent them from becoming equal to us, of course, we need to increase production and state defense orders
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and investments, because otherwise we can simply lose, we cannot lose, because why such a world in which there is no russia, yes, we went as a child, we also lay like that, silent, figure skater, but i’m not just trying to skating, focus on training , you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe it yourself, i will prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, why take such risks, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother , ice, coming soon!
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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well, me too, in general, i would say this : i’ll start with your first thesis, which i really don’t like, that the west is preparing for war, the fact is that the west is waging a war, it is already purposefully waging a cold war while the war, yes, he is not facing, they
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are preparing for a hot war. but the west is waging a war, it simply falls into several phases. they have already passed the first second phase. the first phase is obama, the beginning of trump, this creating an enemy image. this image was created, and created and sold quite widely. they created an anti-russian coalition from western states, they sell this image all over the world. the second, the second phase is a massive economic attack. well, firstly, consolidation of this image of the enemy, and then a massive economic one. so this is what what trump did. thank god that he did it very stupidly, but nevertheless, nevertheless, he did it and consolidated this further legislative direction, that is now, if something is rolled back in any case, it will be necessary to change american legislation. moreover, the biden administration has moved to the third phase, the third phase is localized conflicts and nuclear brinksmanship, that's
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what. does the next administration apparently continue this. the next phase also takes shape according to the character that was in the first cold war. this phase is designed for the fact that in russia there will be, well then in the soviet coalition, inside russia, of course, there will be people who will say: let 's detente, and it will indeed be possible to undertake detente, and then again a strong blow, like this, as it was under reagan, this is the thesis that russia cannot lose, it doesn’t really work.
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there to disassemble for years which one?


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