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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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discord in the camp of the enemy, i mean in the united states, to say that well, in general, this will all be resolved, of course it will be resolved, the question is how it will be resolved, because the fact is that the fact is that i even i’m not talking about this, the point is that a judicial decision earlier, a decision of the judicial, supreme court in the united states is the point at the end of any case, but according to the history of the united states, this is the last point, the supreme court could sort it out for years.
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vermont, a republican state, well, i mean where the governor is a republican, not here are 25 other states that support texas, one supported this one, and look, now on the map, pay attention to how the united states, they are no longer based on the principle of being for slaves, against slaves, and so on, they are splitting along purely territorial principles, then there’s more one important decision,
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the quality of returning to national status, well , should texas return to a separate state of a sovereign state, naturally the national committee of the republican party did not agree to this.
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this is simply our sacred duty, as fighters for true democracy, independence and sovereignty, the simple fact is, we must, well, we must, first of all, recognize, no, texas is an independent state, what difference does it make what they announce, the embassy should show them this house, right here will your embassy , ​​independently, appoint an ambassador of the russian, not the moscow region, better, an ambassador of the moscow region in texas, normal, in general daniel miller, who now heads the texas national movement, says that...
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what is happening and now you are like this to us here they slipped a pig, they say: who are you? says: we are europeans, says: who? no, here are
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the europeans, this is a great american game, there are some in general, that’s why biden didn’t even think about it, europe doesn’t play.
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take what we have, yes, well, sometimes twice, sometimes we went twice, yes, that’s the first, second, as the americans say, they have a saying, let’s not forget about that huge gorilla who is in sits in the room, and which no one sees, the biggest gorilla now is that canopy of debt, that canopy of all sorts of inflated paper assets, which exist, but...
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it is clear that all the suckers who hold the assets will be left with nothing, and the task of those who really call the tune is to transfer as quickly as possible. rush, let's all run into high technology, what will happen to this is also clear
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, but there is another question, where can we get these real assets, and i want to get them cheaply, right, and these assets are scattered all over the world, the biggest treasure of these assets - this is russia, where there are no assessed assets, land, minerals, industry.
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this does not happen with a strong russian government, with a strong russian president, this means that he must be removed, the strong government of a strong president in russia must be removed, so that we can negotiate, like with yeltsin, to buy up everything we have on the cheap, this must definitely be remembered, because that they have three main reasons for hating us, the first is this, to rock the regime and take everything they have, they are predators. yes, the same british elite are the normans who robbed, plundered, then settled in
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normandy, then let’s send a conqueror, who is it like, the gene pool is the same, right? and the second reason is that we do not allow the assets of others to be bought cheaply. i thought that the normans would have shuddered if they saw rish sunok. this is true. typical norman. but theirs were different. according to netflix and hollywood movies. very much, the normans conquered britain in 106, if memory serves, they even changed the language, as we remember, well, that’s right, that’s fine too, well, look, a different language, of course, the second reason is that we don’t allow you to buy other people’s assets on the cheap, if we weren’t the center of power, if the same arabs did not try to stick to us as close as possible now so that we would take them. under the wing, so they could be robbed in the same way directly, brix is ​​in the way, because
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now you can’t enter africa, look, now africa is beginning to understand that it needs to rely on russia, the same central african, mali and so on, this what does that mean, that means the french can’t get uranium out of there on the cheap, the americans can’t get out anything else on the cheap , and so on, oh well... returning to the united states, how interesting it is to me how an americanist who loves to look at all this, yes, this is a good definition, and knowing your biography, the definition of an amateur americanist, i look at all this with genuine interest, firstly, of course, this is what is happening in texas, i must say, that this is not the end of the system, this is a child trying to look at...
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when he starts playing his own politics to forget who really put him there, this is his end, in this sense biden is ideal,
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clean up, but, but, there is one interesting thought , if in the twentieth year we saw absolutely a clear mobilization of the entire deep state against trump, in fact, since the sixteenth year, the deep state has clearly shown that they will not let you live, then now little by little...
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here bilt, a german, spoke, in general, his role in inciting war in europe will still need to be done, probably separately study, but what is the purpose? on the one hand, yes, this is a consequence of skepticism about the state of the ukrainian armed forces, on the other hand, this is an attempt to blackmail public opinion, we see a clear line, all these statements by this dutch admiral, which the nato military committee is headed by bauer, and others, they say,
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there will be a war with russia, guys, there will be a war 2.35. 10 years, if, if we don’t give money to ukraine, if we don’t supply weapons to ukraine, because they can’t just ignore the growing protest in public opinion against subsidizing the zelensky regime to the detriment of their problems, and this simply affects electorally, those who really leave governments that relied on this, we can already bend our fingers, this is an attempt to blackmail citizens with the goal is to force them...
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then he tells how fascisation took place under him, ukrainian society did not want fascisation, he tells how difficult it was, how parliament did not want to vote, how people resisted all
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those fascist ideas that he instilled, and accordingly, such problems, when we see them, they need to be stopped in time, so you started with a video of yeltsin at a nato meeting, there is also a war criminal there, unrecognized, but in fact before god, before the people, before the serbian people, javier salana, this is the person who, together with madlyn there and others, started the illegal war in kosovo, he is a war criminal, in 1997 yeltsin made this speech, in 1999 there was the tragedy of yugoslavia, this is where it all started, because they realized their impunity . yesterday our president alexander grigoryevich lukashenko , together with vladimir vladimirovich putin , were in leningrad, this is what happened there, it was amazing, so i observed our atmosphere. president, it seems to me, is a very apt term once again put forward, we remember how he called zelensky a nit, what terms he uses in relation, as we wrote earlier, to
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political emigration, who were also said here, runaways, but what to call people, it’s not like the opposition, those who against us, well, what kind of opposition are they , there in the duma, probably, there is a fair russia, communists, they may disagree on something, criticize each other, there are liberal democrats, we remember how. .. here is the opposition, but what should we call these people who are fleeing the country, who they are doing something here, president lukashenko said very precisely, vile, he said, these are vile of ours, and he used this term in relation to those who tried, you remember, there was even a writer there, i don’t want to read more of this writer, just we work a lot with grigory azaryonok in this genre, that is, we offer a wide range there.
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i’m glad, well, maybe there wouldn’t be so many victims, one writer spoke on the rain tv channel, and he’s right when he says, they
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want us, they wanted to accustom us to the idea that we need give up, no need to resist, well, why, why resist, just as well, no need to resist, that’s when it all began, just like this story, monergame, today , in my opinion, there are elections in finland, right? correspondence, because he did not storm from spas, it was a russian soldier who saved, read the north, he said: why should we waste finnish soldiers on the old fortified border line, if, as he wrote, in my opinion, to keitel, the german wehrmacht is loud and clear will knock on the gates of leningrad, yes, because they understood on the streets of leningrad. yes, the residents, the women , these soldiers dying of hunger, will defend their city, that’s why they didn’t storm it, because they knew the russian people, the russian people, the russian people, that they wouldn’t give up their city,
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that’s why they didn’t storm it, didn’t fire at it. so he wrote, he had few tanks and artillery and there were few planes, therefore he did not fire, the great lover of st. petersburg, the german field marshal monerheim, stalin wisely did in his own way that he did not bring finland to justice, like germany, for the crime of the second world war, monerheim was very afraid that he would be attracted, they gave it to him, they told him that you shouldn’t worry, it was probably in vain, in vain that khoruschev brought us out of the base... perhaps, but even ahead of time, that’s what we were after all separates us from the europeans, no matter which ones, you see, we are saying, well, not all of europe was for hitler, there were czechs there, well, it seems like they weren’t really for hitler, although they surrendered very quickly in strengthening the wehrmacht, they did a lot, you know, that from us separates them, neither about the french, nor about the british, nor about about the danes, norwegians and so on,
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hitler's germany. did not make a decision on total extermination, extermination, of course , these were jews, these were gypsies, these were communists, the political commissar, we forget about this, the order that was issued at the very beginning of the war, and there was a general plan for the east, i will say about us, about the russians, belarusians, slavs, ukrainians, who were designated there, 75%, like evicting, but we remember how they evicted the jews, where did they evict them, the vosvenets? who was liberated by our army, we also celebrate these days the anniversary , to destroy a certain percentage, and turn the rest of the mosque into slaves, neither about the french, nor about the hungarians, none of the european peoples had such plans, we must remember this, this is a civilizational border, my dad and i we went here as a child, we also lay like this, silent, figure skater, but i’m not
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just skating, initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. over the entire duration of the forum, over 450 thousand citizens took part. more than 90,000 people submitted to the forum ideas. the forum is a place for ideas and initiatives of citizens to formulate the strategy and development of the country. on february 19 and 20, the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on idea. rosscongress.rf.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, serious amounts, there is a clear and clear signal to russia about whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general on how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went.


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