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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. "investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general , here's how to achieve what you want have reached, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, shook yourself off and went
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"? is sick with mental, serious mental illness, there is such a disease in psychiatry - obsessive-compulsive disorder, this is a constant increase in anxiety, this is a desire to inflict violence on yourself or someone else, this is the feeling that if you do not perform some monotonous repetitive actions, then something will happen to you, there are a lot of symptoms there, they are quite extensive, but in certain cases, if this happens too far, that is, patients who simply cannot leave their ... home,
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this is what we are now seeing in europe, this is an absolutely accurate symptomatology of mental illness, this is an increase in anxiety towards russia, this is russophobia, this repetition of mantras, a mantra that something will happen to us , so we must use violence, this is , in the end, a certain certain craving for saying some kind of monotonous prayers, in quotes prayers, but in this case this is what is happening ,
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society has long been divided into several , this globalist world, it has long been divided, there is a world that lives on its own and is definitely sick with this, and there are still some separate worlds that do not yet realize this, but mental illnesses, they are induced, they are transmitted, it is impossible to live for 10 years next to a mentally ill person without adopting a number of his symptoms and not getting sick yourself, this is absolutely certain and this applies if we honor the master. buna, then this absolutely
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applies to the human masses, then it is possible to transfer a person’s illness to the behavior of the human masses , to absolutely clearly imagine how this behavior will develop over a long period of time, well, if we talk about diseases, then it would look something like this, but these individual little worlds, they are not only dangerous by the fact that they were divided into separate worlds, several more morals appeared, but before we used to say morals all the time and thought, well, here’s the moral. no one talks about this, well, for example, a few days ago, by the way, very it is symptomatic that at approximately the same time as holocaust day in the united states of america, the execution was carried out using the nerve agent asphyxiant gas nitrogen. it's called, it's called, if
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you translate it into scientific language, at least it sounds exactly like this in the official certificates: listen, what is cyclone b at all? what production. cyclone b was produced on the basis of american developments, which were used for rats, for various sinkers, for all these other of things. moreover, in the early thirties , german specialists, who were then already the pharmaceutical industry of age, which produced cyclone b, then all subsequent gases, they purchased not only patents, they bought in bulk what the americans produced, produced this gas, passes . for 80 years, german society has been reading quite calmly that in america they executed, i don’t know, they were convicted there rightly or wrongly, that’s not the question, but they used a gas chamber, they used that very same gas chamber to carry out the sentence, oh
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which we now say all the time, the holocaust, what a holocaust, in our time they actually use asphyxiating gas, completely openly in a democratic country, in the main country in the world, 22 minutes is long.
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it turns out that she is a deputy of one of the local councils from the green party, at the moment when they try, they demand documents from her, she has documents, she gives documents, she suddenly jumps out of the car with a hitler salute, and shouts this greeting twice, i don’t want to repeat it, i know that in russia it is prohibited, twice she greets the police with a hitler salute, well, a big scandal, the next day she of course surrenders her mandate, this is a representative of the green party, who... we shout so much about human rights , about how bad it is in russia, about how in ukraine we don’t have nazism, in germany we don’t, but she says: no, you misunderstood me, giving these zigs, give these zigs, i thought to the police that they were behaving
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like nazis towards me , i'm not a nazi at all, that's me showed what you need to be, well, i’m finishing it all off, well, in general, you know, this is the brilliance of the poverty of prostitutes or whatever he was called , this filthy guy? germany, or maybe this is the first thing that is important now, turkey is introducing its own faction into the european parliament, turkey, which is not a member of the european union. the fact is that in germany 2.5 million turks have passports, including turkish ones, and now under the new law even more.
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com this week, foreign minister sergei lavrov personally went, the main topics were. crisis in ukraine in the middle east, while france, which chairs the security council, tried to postpone as much as possible another important meeting on the terrorist attack on the russian il-76, which was transporting ukrainian prisoners of war. in the evening studio, director of the information department of the
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russian press, marya vladimirovna zakharova. marya vladimirovna, a very active week. hello, vladimir, hello to your entire huge audience. not only within russia, but outside, they watch you everywhere, they quote you, they quote your guests, they rewatch them, they forward your videos, i i think that considering how much.
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formulated differently, i would call it not a psychological or psychiatric illness, i would call it mental
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illness. when sergeyvich lavrov, the russian foreign minister, flew to new york, he spoke with his fellow diplomats, with members of the security council and with journalists. he gave an extensive interview to cbs and answered questions from reporters during a press conference. how do you think western journalists started talking to him? considering what? his interview with cbs was before the press conference, that’s what was sore, what was the main question that interested western journalists? trump? but how do you know, vladimir rudolfovich, do you know how this question was formulated, did you meet with trump when you arrived in the states? this despite the fact that the tv channel interview was recorded a day after the russian delegation arrived in new york, this with all kinds of restrictions . imposed restrictions on russian diplomats, american authorities, visa restrictions,
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visa duration, sanctions, let me remind you, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs russia, so to speak, was added to the sanctions list by the united states of america, the first question, and this topic was constantly discussed in interviews, at press conferences, what’s wrong with trump , they asked us, either us citizens, or those in the usa works affiliated with this very western political science. you know, yes, who, it seems like trudeau, is the prime minister of canada, is completely affiliated with the united states of america and within, the seven always vote the way they should vote, and in general in the international arena he is completely like would be... here is a follower, you know, one of the first to follow biden, and all
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american presidents, what do you think he said recently, just the other day, the end of december, in these very weeks that they are organizing a special body, i don’t know, a commission, a committee, a working group, which will analyze and prepare for the case of trump’s return to the white house, i will remind you. elections, how many months are left in their states? how many divisional commissions can you imagine, and this is canada, which is not just a partner of the united states and not only a neighbor , in general a successor, that is, not even a backyard, but a terrace, yes, the northern part of an american house organizes some kind of special institutional... such a story in order to understand how they can survive in case trump comes, how
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to behave, he immediately adds that he is ready to work with him, a strong history, that’s all, where this is what distinguishes a world leader, a country that claims world domination, that’s why to be a pioneer, they is it normal to act like this, okay, a pioneer, a missionary for the whole civilization? when no one understands inside the usa, and what they will have in six months, so outside, everyone sits, trembles and is afraid and does not understand how they will live, not because... the states will attack them, but simply , if their course changes internally, it’s not just a person, it will affect everything, you remember what they did with international agreements that related to iran and climate and all other areas, from iran to climate, sorry, at there’s a whole abyss for me, everything is constantly changing anyway, here’s another example, the other day
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the anglo-saxon world, i don’t know how to say, stood up on its feet or was just stunned by what they saw? in no case do i want to defend a person as this very american prisoner,
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because at one time he killed another person, but not on his own, but on order, as a performer. in fact, you need to think carefully about history. let me briefly remind you what we are talking about. in the late eighties, several people in the states received orders from american pastor, i just did not make a reservation from the american pastor about the murder of his wife. these were the performers. they, unfortunately, did what they did, they killed their wife, the pastor then committed suicide, each of them received different sentences. this same kenneth smith was unjustified, he... history: the judge overturns, this was a precedent in american law, jurisprudence, overturns this story and
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says that the jury is nothing significant for it, and awards him death. it's just, he just didn't die, this man, try again, but now using a new substance, already the organization of the united nations, which, unfortunately, in recent years has largely identified itself with this american or pro-western position, even she said, think about what you are doing, so the execution was carried out , all this took more than
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20 minutes, convulsions, the person was conscious, it was, it was something monstrous, scary, and so on. i have one question: when, perhaps, did i miss something, when a representative of the us state department or someone from the white house, a press secretary or their human rights ombudsman, will say that this is impossible, because every month they point out to everyone, literally every country on our planet, that there is something wrong with their penitentiary system, with human rights, with the situation around prisoners. in some countries they generally demand that these prisoners be presented to them literally every month, can you imagine, against this background , the anglo-saxon press, which is not russian, i don’t know, asian, and their native american british press are wondering question, how are things going in general, not just
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with justice, but at least we took a narrow segment from the situation in the prisons of the state of alabama, where all this... happened, this is a monstrous story, what is happening there, here i am now, naturally, given yesterday date, this is the lifting of the blockade, this is also international holocaust day, which in our country is part of the great patriotic war and so on, so i read a lot about the torment and suffering of people, but they were caused by an external enemy, a monstrous external enemy, dehumanized, this is what is happening now in the prisons of alabama, this is what you...
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will see what is happening there, you just discussed the topic of texas, maybe they will figure out how to conduct elections, how to print ballots, how to themselves with observers from international organizations , how to calm down demonstrators, what to call those people who do not agree with the voting results, what to do with independent candidates, what to do with the systemic opposition, maybe they will somehow resolve this issue with themselves first? before you climb these endless international stands or bring your own stands and put them on the international ones, saying that their stands are superior and endlessly teach everyone.
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well, it seems to me that we should support the right of free texans on our own topic about this, they did it themselves, we simply have to, i think they did it themselves, requires compliance with all international rights, they didn’t ask a question at the briefing, literally 2 days ago, regarding that , like us...
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there is a wonderful phrase: at first they said that there was not enough information on zaporozhye nuclear power plant lacks information , they don’t know where the missiles are coming from, regarding shelling
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of civilians in which civilian infrastructure, markets, hospitals, schools, kindergartens or just streets are located, they have no information, neither the westerners nor the united nations organization nations , there were no nations for a long time, and then they... there are many facts confirming your words, but let's leave it now, let's look from a different angle, in this regard, i think
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that in general it is necessary to release documentaries, as western media lie mass media and how many lies were missed and played through the bbc, this is phenomenal in scale, but let's go from a slightly different angle, no matter what kind of media she is a journalist and... a journalist, she cannot ask questions that predetermine the answers and impose a certain perception of this answer , if she is a journalist, and if she wants to understand what happened, she must ask a question, from which she will receive additional information, from this she can draw a conclusion, from this she can ask the next question, or to this speaker, or start... working with other official structures, authorities, politicians and so on, but she is not interested in this, she is interested in taking a yellow
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sticker on which it is already... written how the audience should perceive the speaker , stick it on then sit and freeze, you understand what we are talking about, they will work out this story further, what sergei viktorovich told her, well, he told her that since 1918, for example, the case of the salsbury newcomer and the skripols is still hanging in the air, and no one from her country , countries the origin of her media, does not wonder what?
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but they need to take the skripols , put them on the floor, they can even tell about it by the movement of their eyes, a worldwide audience, allow all willing journalists to join them , they pumped up this topic to the whole world so that they answer all the questions, they will never do this, never they will not show what happened to the skripols, they will never answer the question of who this amazing nurse was, who was an employee of the military hospital. armed forces, yes, yes, armed forces - britain, which, moreover, by a completely random coincidence , specialized in chemicals, namely chemical warfare agents. does she really read minds or not? premiere, anna ostrovskaya,
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investigative committee, she has special gifts.
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traces of a crime committed as if by us, they will not present anything, just as they will not present, and the united states of america, satellite materials, videos, photos that monitored the situation at the site of the malaysian boeing crash, we have been asking them for many years and they have them, they will never present them as by the way, vladimir rudolfovich will never present his companions.


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