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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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they will never say why they destroyed traces, as if a crime had been committed , as if by us, they will not present anything, just as they will not present, and the united states of america satellite materials, videos, photos that monitored the situation together with the crash of the malaysian boeing, we have them for how many years we ask and they have them, they will never present them, just as they, by the way, will never present vladimir rudolfovich with his companions.
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participated in nato exercises in the black sea, nato has the right to do this, we have been a british warship for 8 months they said 100 times that they are doing this on purpose, that they are not escalating the situation , that they are threatening, but one way or another it was an exercise, but it is the british destroyer that is going for a breakthrough in... outside of the exercises, outside of the declared maneuvers, it is going for a breakthrough russian border , what we answered then, we answered so that they understood what would follow, but that was what you are talking about, for them it means nothing, they have no international obligations, they blocked it out with their concept, world order based on certain rules, they do not respect international law, they do not respect bilateral agreements, they have no concept of any borders or anything else. this needs to be remembered
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only when it is beneficial for them, when it is not beneficial for them to get a world order based on rules, well, in fact, they can simply unnoticed for themselves cross the line beyond which a hot war with them will begin. excuse me, please, this is the point, where, where and how who records this hot, hotter phase? sergei viknovich lavrov spoke about this at two security council meetings, the first one we created for the supply of weapons. what the us representative said in the meeting room, why are we still - said the american, as if a diplomat - forced to listen to what russia says in the security council hall. this is how the question is posed: they are not ready to block our facts with their arguments, our facts.
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speak for themselves, they can no longer tolerate these facts being laid out to them in the security council chamber, why? if it were a meeting, for example, a consultative one, the un security council behind closed doors in a small room, yes, i think they waved their hand, well, they talk and talk, but the whole world is watching with translation into six languages ​​from a publication on the un website, a text version, and a video version. forever and ever, it is clear that they can destroy the archives , which they didn’t do, but one way or another, today all this is part of the general information for the entire world community, this is what they are talking about: don’t talk about it, but we don’t want to listen to it, they say, for them the truth is scary, the truth they are afraid, but it’s interesting, here’s another argument as to whether they are not afraid. the same shells
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that you were talking about, terrorist attacks are carried out, planes are shot down, markets, civil infrastructure are being damaged, and then there is the combined uranium, which is supplied by who, the british? you see, there is idiocy, and there is another word that begins with a consonant, but also ends in ism, but i can’t pronounce it on air, which takes idiocy, as it were, to the highest stage of stupidity, depravity and some kind of dead end, because they are not on the opposite side.
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the land that is somewhere out there, it seems, is actually close to britain, through water , through land, through the atmosphere, but this is also the product that they use, this is the same food security, how will they then distinguish grain that was grown on uninfected land, how will they even distinguish between infected or uninfected land, they don’t ask this question, because consciousness is momentary... momentary benefit, yes, of course, this strategy of russophobia, it has been prescribed for centuries, undoubtedly, but today the catastrophic situation of what they are doing in the west is that this grant plan, which they have been working out
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for centuries, has a specific projection of immediate benefits, as they say, no matter what, regardless of anything, the main thing is to get profit now. unfortunately, it’s time to finish, but i can’t get past the most despicable statement, which decided that auschwitz was liberated by the allied forces, that is , anything, just to not appreciate and celebrate the feat of a red army soldier, well, again i can’t call on the air, i'm somewhere indeed, in these specific cases, when shells with a combined urad are used, which kill the inhabitants of the european ... continent, future generations are killed, by the way, blindly, not only those who will live on the territory of ukraine, everyone, because we don’t know , how this substance will behave , where these waves will hit, where this wind will blow, and the same thing
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when it comes to reinterpreting the history of the second world war, to such an extent, i really feel that emotionally this brings us to some certain ... we must stay on the edge, we must respond with facts , which is what we are doing , we must respond with documentaries, we must respond with materials, and not only for anniversaries, for major dates, but as the russian ministry of foreign affairs has been doing for the last 15 years, i guarantee this, literally annually and monthly, we have not had a single briefing at which we did not talk about the dates of the liberation of stalingrad, the battle of kursk, the battle for the largest... positions that led to the breaking of the onslaught of the third reich, and we do this from year to year, sometimes i don’t have the strength anymore, why are we doing this, because it needs to be done every year, every month, repeated, translated into languages, incorporated into the texts of speeches, not led by some
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western liberal model of human rights , climate, green economic something , it’s not clear what, but to follow exactly your own... course, to know your history, to introduce our and historical facts into what is today's current agenda, thank god, we finally heard.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important,
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honestly convenient, where to find out everything about the elections, the situation has become tense, my grandfather can’t find the leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer , this is the work of your hands, open the laptop, i’ll tell you a secret, there are resources about elections on the internet, i opened the site immediately in course, details of candidates, elections, locations and dates. the result of voting in election campaigns, wow, how technological everything is, you can see for yourself on the internet by looking at the tsikrf portal, choosing in the country is free, important, fair and convenient. relations between russia and belarus they are developing in all directions, progressing at a good and fast pace. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with alexander lukashenko. it took place in the konstantinovsky palace on the eve. svo, before sports.
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boris ivanin has all the main statements of state leaders. the meeting of the leaders of russia and belarus in st. petersburg is another important step towards strengthening the union state. this is the first working visit of alexander lukashenko to our country in the new year. however , last year the presidents met at least ten times and... not only in the northern capital, but of course, in moscow, in the kremlin, and also in sochi and minsk. now the negotiations are about a new stage in bilateral relations. in general , our situation is developing very vigorously; in the first 10 months of last year, our trade turnover, according to our data , was $42.5 billion; if we say in dollar terms, it is growing constantly. russia is the largest investor. our investors have invested 4 billion dollars in the economy of belarus, this work is going on bilaterally
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, our enterprises, our business is working in belarus, but our belarusian friends are also more and more actively exploring the russian market, working here more and more actively. on saturday, the presidents of russia and belarus paid tribute to the memory of the residents of besieged leningrad. to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of the city. from the german invaders in the gachchinsky district of the leningrad region, where the nazis created concentration camps, a monument to the victims of the nazi genocide during the great patriotic war has now been opened. historical memory - patriotism, what unites the fraternal peoples, russians and belarusians in the spiritual sense. in politics and economics , the integration decree became the foundation of the union state. it is designed for 3 years and includes 28 sectoral programs, as well as a general military doctrine and the concept of migration policy.
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no, i don’t want to, they are looking for a better life beyond the seas. the discussion at the meeting was about international issues. minsk intends to join the sco, and this means integration throughout the entire eurasian space, including belarus. strategic ally of russia , political partnership is taking place on the platform of the cis, the economic format of the eurasian economic union, and the military within the framework of the csto. as alexander lukashenko has already said, quote: we, the heirs of the victors, oppose the ideology of nazism , president vladimir putin also called for everything to eradicate nazism. this is one of the goals of the special military operation to protect
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donbass, the progress of which is also on the agenda. during our conversation, i will inform you in detail about what is happening. arctic, but we were very seriously immersed in we did not say that the gap was after the economy and issues of military-industrial complexes, we are not hiding anything, we discussed many problems, we thought about how to further develop in the zone of a special military operation, and what systems we will develop taking into account this bitter experience, a special military operation, and in the evening the leaders continued the conversation over dinner in the constantine palace in an informal atmosphere, that called without jackets. sunday's negotiations in st. petersburg precede a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state, already on monday, where they plan to approve a new program and goals for the next three years. but a little earlier, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko took part in the launch of a new wintering complex in antarctica, it is intended for vostok station. the presidents of russia and belarus joined the ceremony via video link. today our country has the
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largest representation on this continent with only 10 stations. the east is the only one that finds it. in its center, when polar explorers move to a new wintering complex, alexandra perfilyeva knows what discoveries have already been made and what the harvest looks like in antarctica. i ask for your permission to transmit management for the new wintering complex. please, i beg you, i allow it. after the long-awaited, i authorize, i will start the operation of the new vostok station complex. start transfer of control. i accepted the command , i’m launching...
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understanding is there, it’s hard to even realize that our researchers and scientists are drawing some conclusions, moreover, i’m talking beyond understanding when you don’t understand, sometimes it even becomes unsettling, so the guys do very good work, the pace shown by russia, russia is a leader in antarctic exploration;
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to date, no one can compare with this. founded in fifty-seven . the first building has long been under a thick layer of snow several meters deep. today the complex is made of five modules with an area of ​​3,000 m and meets all modern requirements. the new land plot can accommodate up to 15 people in the winter and up to 35 people in the summer. there are laboratories for scientific research, a medical block with modern equipment for carrying out operations. all life support systems are duplicated many times and are designed for completely autonomous stay of polar explorers during the polar winter. the modules were delivered from the coastal station. progress to vostok station, which is more than 1,500 km through the icy desert, on such sani-tracked cargo platforms.
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the complex starts operating on the opening day of antarctica. it was on january 28, 1820 that russian navigators, led by mikhail lazarev and foday belingshausen, discovered the continent. but this kern cylinder of ice more than a million years old, it was extracted from vostok station. the samples contain information about climate changes on earth during the middle pleistacene, a period that began 2.5 million years ago, when astralopithecus evolved into a representative of modern humans, and mammoths lived on the planet. now the main research of scientists will be related to the study of climate. these samples will not just tell us about the past, but will allow us to predict future climate changes on the planet, we are in an interglacial period, it...
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accepted, but it will be accepted, i assure you, everything will be normal and in a timely manner. another largest geographical discovery on earth is lake vostok. scientists compare it to the lunar race. now they are preparing to penetrate the reservoirs and study the discovery. and this is what the crop that the polar explorers themselves grew in extreme conditions looks like in antarctica, a plate. this is not only an experiment, but a means of psychological relief. work on the development of the continent. will continue, at vostok station polar explorers will celebrate their housewarming already at the beginning twenty-fifth year. alexandra perfileva, news!
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history
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right now. hello. on january 29 , 1676, tsar alexei mikhailovich died in russia and his heir, the fourteen-year-old son from his first wife, maria miloslavskaya, fedor ii, became the ruler of the country. the king's elder brother. sofia, he was smart, educated, knew foreign languages, was fond of music and the exact sciences and understood that russia was lagging behind europe and reforms were needed. despite his young age, fyodor alekseevich stopped the boyar autocracy and ruled himself without regents or favorites. he abolished localism, the distribution of positions at court based on the nobility of the family. he introduced one direct tax, instead of many, conducted a population census, began reorganizing the army, he rebuilt the cream. he installed a water supply system there, laid out gardens, and issued a decree on stone construction in moscow. in international affairs, fedor ii strengthened the borders in the west and east and signed the peace of bahcesarai with the turks, assigning to
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russia the left bank of the dnieper with kiev. by the way, it was under him that young boyars began to shave beard and wear western dress. fyodor alekseevich was not distinguished by cruelty, he commuted criminal penalties, although he did not spare the schismatic old believers, but the young sovereign was in poor health. sometimes he moved only on a stretcher, perhaps he was ill. tsenga died at the age of 20. he is called a forgotten ruler, eclipsed by his younger half-brother, peter the great, but this is unfair. fyodor alekseevich anticipated peter's reforms in many ways, laid the foundation for them and did a lot in just 6 years of rule. january 29, 1913 year, the famous painting by ilya repin, ivan the terrible and his son. cut with a garden knife, it was done by twenty-eight-year-old iconographer, old believer abram balashov. the painting was
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created 30 years earlier. immediately shocked the audience with its realistic image. alexander ii banned its display, but the ban was lifted, what a scandal. out of despair , the tretyakov curator threw himself under a train, and the trustee resigned. right-wing, conservative clerics attacked repin, saying he slandered the autocrat, god’s anointed, but this crime has not been proven. balashova, who cut the canvas was declared not a criminal, but a victim, as they wrote, the effects of naturalism. recognized as mentally ill , released, the painting was restored, after more than 100 years it was attacked again and restored again, but until they figured out how to save the canvas, it will not be returned to the exhibition of the third edition. 60 years ago, on january 29, 1964 , lyudmila belousova and oleg protopopov became our country's first olympic champions in figure skating. this happened at the olympics in innsbruck. they came to the sport
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late. he was 15 and she was 16. it is believed that at that age there’s nothing to start with, but coach igor moskvin took them on. they broke stereotypes. that day, for the first time, they remembered a new element, todas on ice. now it is often called the cosmic spiral or the protopopian spiral. at demonstration performances, skaters danced the twist. this have not happened before. we became champions. soviet media, after the collapse of the ussr, belousov and bratoppov came to their homeland, where they were greeted solemnly as heroes.
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on january 29, 2010 , the fifth generation fighter su-57 took off for the first time. developed by the sukhoi design bureau. at that moment, the supermachine was still called the t-50 product due to secrecy. it is now known that the s-57 combines the functions of a fighter-interceptor of a strike combat aircraft. combat load - 10 tons. compared to its predecessors, traction has been increased and fuel consumption has been increased. the aircraft is inconspicuous, this is achieved by the form of a coating that absorbs radio waves by means of electronic warfare. high maneuverability is ensured by the uniform design of the hull and wings, the all-rotating nature of the vertical and horizontal tail and a vortex generator in front of the wing tip. the engines are domestic, they are now being replaced with more modern ones. these fighters have been tested in combat conditions in syria and, according to
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professionals, will give a head start to the american ones. analogous to the f-22 and f-35. the su-57 went into production at the yuri gagarin aviation plant in komsomolsk-on-amur. this is what this day in history was like. hello, i'm boris sakimov. and i, oleg stepanov. and we are the creators of the project russia 2006. headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we discuss how we can to equip the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns. protect your home by installing a fire alarm. the ministry of emergency situations
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of russia begins with you.


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