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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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and i am oleg stepanov and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories we can.
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thaw and icy conditions are the forecast for the week for moscow. the next atlantic cyclone will ruin the weather in european russia today, as forecasters say. and evgeniy tishkovets has all the details. there is another thaw on the russian plain. when will the temperature rise in which regions? where is the snow today may turn into rain, including ice, and how many days in moscow will it be plus. time for meteorological news on channel russia 24. i am evgeniy teshkovets, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello, the thaw is intensifying again in the european part of the country. last week was very warm in the region, only over the weekend the weather got a little closer to normal. in moscow, for example, it got colder to -3-4, in rostov nadon, after +3 on friday, readings.
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reservoirs and conduct preventive conversations with winter fishing enthusiasts, who are completely not worried, the thinning of the ice cover is possible, well, this is what happened over the weekend in the kaliningrad region, speaking of safety on ice, in kaliningrad itself, for example, the air warmed up as if in spring to +5°, here is the result: ice drift began on the neman river, in in the city of gvardeysk, a temporary pier was demolished, the reason for such a warm end to january on the russian plain is... the high activity
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of atlantic cyclones, they move mainly along northern latitudes, so the north-west of ours gets the most heat countries. today another such whirlwind will break into european russia. precipitation will occur in the arctic zone and the volgovyad region, but not everywhere in the form of snow. in kareli it will be rain, on the kola peninsula and in pomorie local freezing rains are possible. together with the clouds , a new portion of warm air will break through to us. days, a thaw is expected over a fairly large area from smolensk to the western shores of the white sea. they won't make it to moscow yet. now in the city it’s about -7, and in the daytime it’s down to -2-3° without significant precipitation. warm the front will begin to influence the capital's weather this coming night. the thermometer readings will rise to zero and it will snow. and on tuesday we expect about plus one. warming in european russia will continue throughout the week. and it will peak on thursday. by this
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moment , not only the central, northwestern and northern regions of our country, including even the arkhangelsk region and the vologda region, will be at the mercy of the atlantic air masses. only the cis-urals and volga regions will remain outside the zone of anomalous warming, but even here the thermometer readings will rise sharply. in samara, for example, it will snow lightly down to -1-2. but moscow is preparing for temperature swings. the capital will freeze and thaw. on tuesday. on thursday , precipitation in a mixed phase is expected; in this situation, in megapolis, as well as in other areas of central russia, there is a high probability of ice formation. that's all for me, goodbye.
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the national identity of ukrainians in the territories of russia, calling it the return of the truth about the historical past of the country, what kind of past it actually has and how it was formed in... ukraine, the host of the vesti nedeli program, dmitry kiselyov, will remind you of this. head of the kyiv regime zelensky ordered, with the participation of international experts, to develop an action plan to preserve the national identity of ukrainians in russia. the corresponding decree even mentions our specific regions where this plan is planned to be implemented. krasnodar region, as well as bryansk, belgorod. voronezh, kursk and rostov regions. in total, zelensky calls this territory historically inhabited by ethnic ukrainians, and russia, according to him, has been systematically destroying the ukrainian nationality here for centuries identity, violating their rights and freedoms. well
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, you know, here, as they say, either stand or fall. what kind of plan can kiev implement on our territory? yes. with the participation of international experts, what could russia do for centuries with ethnic ukrainians, when for centuries ethnic ukrainians simply did not exist, how...
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he is its author and architect, this is entirely confirmed by archival
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documents, including lenin’s strict directives on donbass, which literally squeezed into ukraine, now grateful descendants demolished monuments to lenin in ukraine, they call this decommunization. so, just to remember, one more time. modern ukraine was entirely created by russia, or more precisely by bolshevik communist russia. this process began almost immediately after the 1917 revolution. moreover, lenin and his comrades did this in a very rude way towards russia itself. due to separation, rejection of part of her own from her. historical territories, among the millions of people who lived there, of course, no one knows anything
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asked, then on the eve and after the great patriotic war, stalin annexed the ussr and transferred to ukraine some lands that previously belonged to poland, romania and hungary, while as a kind of compensation, stalin gave poland part of the original german territories in 1954. khrushchev for some reason took crimea from russia and also gave it to ukraine. actually, this is how the territory of soviet ukraine was formed. russia was actually robbed in this way. and i want to ask: why on earth? many questions immediately arise here. and the first of them, in fact, the main one. why was it necessary to satisfy any, limitlessly growing, from the master's shoulder? nationalist ambitions on the outskirts of the former empire
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, to transfer huge territories that often had nothing to do with them at all to the newly formed, and often arbitrarily formed administrative units of the union republic, i repeat, to transfer together with the population of historical russia. moreover, in fact, these administrative units were given the status and form of national-state entities. i again wonder why it was necessary to make such generous gifts, which the most ardent nationalists had never even dreamed of before, and even to give the republic the right to secede from the unified state without any conditions. putin is talking about ukrainian nationalists, to whom the whole of ukraine was broken off from the soviet master's shoulder. the soviet government did not think that ukraine would fall to the nationalists. on the contrary, they proceeded from proletarian internationalism, but the nationalists eventually broke the country over
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its knees, with the help of the west, they turned it into anti-russia. this was and is still being done by ukrainian nationalists who present themselves as patriots. but there is nothing in common between patriotism and nationalism. nationalism has a different nature and different goals. very accurately defined the essence. that's right: regardless of their color of right or left, nationalists are political reactionaries because they tend to consider the common good to be the property of a particular ethnic group or religious belief, not the good of all people. this is why the nationalist government, in its own way, by nature is intolerant,
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discriminatory and ultimately totalitarian. actually, this is exactly what we are seeing. led a form of aggressive russophobia and neo-nazism, hence the participation of ukrainian nationalists and neo-nazis in terrorist gangs in the north caucasus, and increasingly louder territorial claims against russia. and zelensky also declares that he has some kind of strange plan for russia, and at the same time he cynically
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refers to the international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination. the european charter for regional languages ​​and minorities, something else like that, having violated everything that is possible and impossible in their country, is now coming to russia with the same thing. the idea is to split, drive a wedge, oppose, ultimately sow discord. it is possible that the moment was chosen for this provocation deliberately, on the eve of the presidential elections in russia, but to at least somehow shake things up. defending someone’s national identity from zelensky sounds especially strange, introducing himself as a jew, he is not ready to defend his own national identity, judaism as the basis of the jewish national culture, very far from him, and he himself spoke about this more than once, even with some challenge, i don’t go to churches, synagogues,
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mosques, i don’t go anywhere, and i’m not a seventh adventist, i’m definitely not a baptist and so on, i... yes, of course, i was everywhere, and went everywhere, my wife baptized the child, of course, i , well, it’s like, we all live here, everything, everything is fine, some kind of rubbish, if if we talk about ukrainians in russia, then people with ukrainian roots live not only in the regions named by zelensky, they lived and live throughout russia, no one even thinks of oppressing them in any way, kievan rus is our recognized root, but historically.
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they never were; their position was no worse, in certain periods, and significantly better than the position of the russians. they also know that russian public thought did not consider the malorosovs a separate people from the russians. this is confirmed by the fact that the little russians, along with the great russians , took part in the construction of a common state, became chancellors, ministers, senators, major military leaders and even the first leaders of the country, which took place during soviet times. in fact, right up until independence, the ukrainians did not experience an inferiority complex from their little russianness. you know, i even have a personal story about this: my mother’s maiden name is not tasty, in ukrainian it means tasteless, if documented, then the first mention of the name of our family was in the 16th century in
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the zaporozhye cossacks. my mother’s surname is from my grandfather, a graduate of the imperial moscow engineering school. we managed to collect a lot of documents about him, there are seemingly funny, for example, a letter from his dad, my great-grandfather, which means a statement to his excellency, mr. director of the moscow engineering school, we, the undersigned, bring to the attention of your excellency that on our part there are no obstacles to marriage our son, nikolai ivanovich nesmachny, an intern at the moscow engineering school. with krestyanin’s daughter ekaterina ivanovna smirnova. we consider it necessary to add that they will live on their own means. signatures. nobleman, ivan konstantinovich is not tasty. nobleman's wife maria alexandrovna nesmachnaya. moscow september 16, 1911. the signatures were certified by the presented
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priest. signature. september 17, 1911. nikolai ivanovich is not savory, as academician tolochka writes, he certainly did not have any complexes about his little russian origin. during the first world war , he built bridges and crossings as an engineer. army general, in 1939, apparently due to his non-proletarian origin, he was declared a polish spy and disappeared in the magadan camp. rehabilitated posthumously, like his brother, vladimir ivanovich nesmachny, also an engineer, worked in siberia, was shot in 1937 for allegedly participating in the counter-revolutionary transkist underground, the third brother, that is, my cousin. grandfather, nesmachny alexander ivanovich, hero of the russian-japanese war, here is the service record of ensign nesmachny from december 1910.
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rank, first name, patronymic, last name. ensign alexander ivanovich nesmachny. service position. junior officer. orders and insignia . has the badge of the military order of st. george's cross, fourth degree for number 145-659. when was he born on the fifth day of january 1882, what rank does he come from and what province does he come from, from the hereditary nobles of the moscow province, what religion, orthodox, where he was brought up, received a general education in his parents’ house, military education, graduated from the tver cavalry school, cadet school in the third category. 600 rubles, an additional 120, 720 rubles per year, on top of that he occupies a military apartment, read: ensign not relished, december 20, 1910
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. by the way, the military order officially became known as the cross of st. george in 1913. this insignia was awarded to soldiers and junior officers for their exploits in battles to defend the fatherland, serving as an example of courage, dedication and military excellence. here is a list of battles where the carnet, unsavory, took part during the first world war, including a cavalry attack on the city of shchyuchin, podgrodna and the pursuit of the retreating enemy. the military unit is the fourth novo-troitsk-ekaterinoslav dragoon regiment, awarded the highest order, the order of st. anne, fourth degree, with an inscription for bravery. the order, called in the army slang, cranberry. it was issued along with a lapel weapon, saber, sword, korchik, with the sign of the order of st. anne attached to its hilt, a red lanyard made from
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an order ribbon and a silver tassel on it; in case of awards for military exploits, an inscription for bravery was applied to the hilt. and here is the last document. killed by the germans during reconnaissance. we are one people, and zelensky, you see, has a plan for us, and even with the participation of international experts. and now about
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the heroic feat of a schoolboy from the chelyabinsk region: he saved a friend who had failed under the ice on the lake. how it all happened and how ivan’s parents found out about their son’s brave act, anastasia ishmeneva will tell you about it. under a thick layer of snow, quite recently, as eyewitnesses say, the thickness of the ice was no more than 5 cm, this is where teenagers went for a walk, one of them went under water. ivan fomenov is now drowning in the snow, on that day his friend semyon almost drowned in this very place. the sixth-graders and i went for a walk; both of them might not return. we were on the site, he said, let's go to the lake, i said: yes, i don't i want to, but it’s dangerous, but he says: well, let’s go, let’s go, we’ll go. they didn’t bother going to the hem before the boys either; it was they who, perhaps, became the cause of the hole in which syoma ended up. the depth was a couple of meters. he fell somewhere all the way to here, as i pulled him out, i
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sat down. i started giving him my hands so that he could grab hold of him, and i pulled him out, he grabbed hold of him, i pulled him out, and he was all, all, all dirty, dirty, wet, and ivan, who didn’t tell his mother about the ruined new jacket, took him as an accomplice not a word to my father or him about the feat, but the bailiff service officer realized that something was wrong, everything was revealed when the mother of the rescued man came to thank his unsuspecting parents, yes, on the one hand, he was great, that is, he did what he should. was done, that is, he helped the person, but on the other hand, it says, yes, it’s scary, but they still scolded him, no, they didn’t scold him, all because in childhood , once ivan’s father, who also fell into the water, saved by a friend, so he only praised his son for his courage, but asked him to go to the press be careful, the boy does not consider himself a hero and dreams of becoming a football player, not a rescuer. anastasia shmeneva, konstantin detkov, lead the southern urals.
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you see how quickly the world is changing, the future of millions of people is under threat, they want to cancel your language, your culture, and tear your homeland to pieces, how to find a foothold and defend what is dear to you, become a force that will restore justice, become the support of the country, protect yours. future and the future of your children, who will not be forgiven if you stay on the sidelines. serve by contract. does she really read minds or
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not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee, she has special powers, who are you looking at all the time, well, there’s a girl standing in a scratch, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is , yes, just look without amateur performances, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, look ahead of everyone else in the application or on the website.
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today in st. petersburg a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state will take place, ahead of the leaders of russia and belarus held negotiations in the konstantinovsky palace. in addition, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko opened a new wintering complex at the vostok station in antarctica via video conference, and also visited the ska arena, which was discussed at the world’s largest hockey stadium, danila makh will talk about this.


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