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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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iran denies involvement in the attack on a us base on the border of syria and jordan. what will be the us reaction to the drone attack and how will the americans now defend their bases in the region? sharp warming is predicted in the european part of russia this week. in which regions should we expect abnormally high temperatures? let's ask our meteorologists. a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state will take place today in st. petersburg. in anticipation, the leaders of russia and belarus held talks at the konstantinovsky palace. moreover, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko opened a new wintering complex at the vostok station in antarctica via videoconference and also visited the ska arena. danilo makhalin will tell you what was discussed at the world's largest hockey stadium. it is in st. petersburg
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that the largest hockey arena in the world is located , as vladimir putin is now personally convinced of, who , together with alexander lukashenko, toured the stadium from the inside; the presidents of russia and belarus dropped in on the training and practice of the local ska team; one of the coaches, canadian daniel bochner, compared skaaran with those that he saw overseas made a choice in favor of a modern palace in st. petersburg. i 've seen a lot of rentals in canada, but this. putin asked canadian bochner in english how long he had been coaching in russia, and the president’s answer pleasantly surprised him. the sky arena seats 21,500 spectators, which is several hundred more than... the now previous leader
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in this indicator, the stadium in montreal. the newest sports complex allows for competitions in more than twenty sports, includes a large ice and small arena, two tiers of stands, a two-level restaurant, twenty-five-meter swimming pool, 101 boxes, gaming gym. they almost wanted to make a market here at one time, but it’s much better than a market, right? thank you, together.
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we hope that soon we will actually play on it; the nice thing is that it was really made in st. petersburg, of course it ’s expensive, hockey is really one of our favorite sports, so you know it, guys, it’s all up to you time, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people are constantly watching, watching, loving you, wishing you good luck, well, ska petersburguno was lucky to have such a platform.
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it turned out to be the largest stadium in the world, well, probably the most modern , the most modern, the most modern , well, you have to master it, when when you master it, something will probably come out, it always happens, but during the development , gradually, gradually problems arise, that will appear, it will be necessary to quickly simply decide to close them, and the builders promise to do this, the entire ska team presented the presidents with personalized gaming ones. sweaters with the inscription leningrad in honor of the eightieth anniversary from the day the fascist blockade was broken. lukashenko at the same time drew attention to the progress of fellow belarusian stepan falkovsky, who several years ago moved from dynamo minsk to st. petersburg ska. belarusians take hockey well when playing in russian, but i must say that you have grown over the year. became faster.
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berega will play on february 11 against the sochi club. daniil makhalin umart uskaev, news. the electoral commission center will today consider the issue of registering vladimir putin as a candidate for the post of president of russia, as well as will register a second list of proxies as a self-promoter. the meeting is scheduled for 11 a.m. moscow time. earlier , the cec stated that out of 315,000 signatures in support of vladimir putin, 60,000 had already been verified. all of them. authentic, which allows consideration of the issue of candidate registration. presidential elections are scheduled for march 17. voting will last 3 days. the inauguration of the elected head of state is scheduled to take place on may 7. the head of
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the ministry of defense checked the progress of modernization of military research institutes departments in the moscow region. thus, in the twelfth central research institute, thanks to the improvement. experimental base was able to increase testing of new types of weapons and equipment. further modernization, according to the institution’s management, will reduce research time, increase throughput and bring testing conditions as close as possible to full-scale experiments. as reported by the ministry of defense, sergei shaigu also checked the development of the infrastructure of the forty-eighth central research center institute. two new buildings are being prepared for commissioning there. the main stage of construction has already been completed, research is underway in new ones. laboratories will allow, in particular , to identify biological threats in the shortest possible time, develop and manufacture means of indication and prevention, including vaccine preparations with testing of their effectiveness. the assault unit of the vostok group of forces captured six
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strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction. soldiers from primorye distinguished themselves, accounting for dozens of captured fortified enemy positions. eduard punigov will tell you how the battle went.
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i did this so that they would not understand that they were being attacked, well, i deceived them like that. and here is another battle of saval’s unit. 20 attack aircraft against 200 ukrainian armed forces soldiers. the battle lasted 5 days, eventually the enemy threw down their weapons and fled. 30 people leave. commander , we need people, we need people, just hurry up , my dear, saying, clearly, everything is ours, clean, 30 people are leaving along the road, the commander is running away, that’s how we go, about six oporniks we... that’s how we took without losses under their fire, they still move forward, so we were called iron attack aircraft, one of the participants in this battle was a sixty-year-old attack aircraft with the call sign fireman, he served in the army for more than 30 years, went through afghanistan and chechnya, signed up as a volunteer for a special operation, what did they feel in those
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moments and of course i wanted to stay alive, but an order is an order, the order was carried out with dignity, the stormtroopers are now on vacation, recuperating in a camp a couple of kilometers from the front line, the camp where they are located. assault troops are like that a mini-town hidden in a forest belt, soldiers live underground in these fortified dugouts, but in fact, inside there are almost all the amenities, since along the entire forest belt there are generators like these that generate electricity. the dugouts reliably protect soldiers from any shells, and they fly here almost every day. this is our medical center, equipment for providing medical care. the first-aid post has everything you need, supplies are replenished every week, especially in winter. everything is here necessary, in the center of the camp they also built a bathhouse, here our personnel do the washing directly
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, they have washing machines , they are powered by a generator, the guys do their laundry, clean themselves up, we have a bathhouse here, come take a look, soldiers are allowed to drink in the bathhouse any day , one condition - to chop the wood yourself, there is a field kitchen nearby, meals here are three times a day, the menu changes every day, you give us this stew... you must clarify that we need sweets , it’s better not to bring so much, it’s better instead bring copters, here are mavics, there
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are thermal imagers, jackets, the same thing, yes, walkie-talkies, now soval’s group is preparing for the next assault operation, in a couple of days the fighters will go to the front line again. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. an suv crashed into a security post in front of the russian embassy in seoul, yonhap news agency reported. as a result of the accident, one police officer suffered serious injuries to his neck and shoulders and was hospitalized. there were no injuries among the diplomatic mission employees. our the representative office continues to operate as usual, law enforcement officers are investigating the reasons for the incident. it is clarified that the driver was drunk. the european union is going to undermine the hungarian economy if it refuses to agree on a new aid package for ukraine worth 50 billion euros. the british newspaper financial times reports this. according to her, brussels intends to block funding for budapest and put pressure on companies that invest in
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the country’s economy. the plan can supposedly be implemented immediately after the eu summit. he will pass 1 february. this publication has already been commented on by the hungarian minister for eu affairs, janiss boka. according to him, the country does not link assistance to ukraine with receiving funding from the european union. however, budapest will not succumb to blackmail, notes boka. mobilized in france. an additional 15 thousand police officers, the reason is the massive protests of farmers that are taking place throughout the fifth republic. the most massive action will start in the coming hours in the capital. demonstrators announced plans to block traffic on the streets of paris. it is already known what to support farmers are gathered by local taxi drivers. the riot in france also set off a chain reaction in neighboring countries. moria will tell skorodilka how the authorities react. fire and emotions this night.
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everything is increasing, electricity is going up, taxes are going through the roof, the conflict in ukraine, supported by the macron government, is affecting the export of grains, meat and sugar. local farmers are moaning, they demand less from ukrainian goods, their prices are cheaper. in school canteens, our children are fed imported products, and we are forced to fight here for not to go bankrupt and to force the government to respect us. french farmers are furious, imported goods are like a bone in the throat, in this footage farmers are blocking the border with spain. foreign products are thrown onto the road to
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reassure the people, the french authorities seem to have made concessions, they promised not to increase fuel taxes and to establish a special fund, which farmers can call in a difficult situation, but with a very modest capital of 500 million euros. french farmers are outraged, macron is spending billions on ukraine to help he allocates pennies to his own - they say in the opposition. france has introduced requirements for agricultural producers. even too strict and at the same time so hypocritically turning a blind eye to the admission to our market of imported products that do not meet these requirements. the situation is catastrophic, the income of our farmers has fallen by 40%. since 2000, france has doubled the amount of imported products, while more than 20% of farmers in france are below the poverty line, newspapers write. so, slowly, walking through the almost empty hangars, patrick bezes says journalists, his business died, leaving debts and depression. i want to cry, but the authorities did nothing to help me, i don’t
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believe politicians anymore, not a single word, but the french authorities don’t want to talk, they answer all the people’s questions as usual. dispersal, batons, force. the country is in for a tough week. the french authorities will use 15 thousand police gendarmes to prevent possible unrest at demonstrations. the police are ordered to give a tough response in case of particularly dangerous situations. the suburbs of paris have already been cordoned off police, media reports, have deployed armored vehicles in the area of ​​europe's largest market, rungis. marias the thief olga ponovareva and evgenia zemtsova. news. it will take place in finland. the second round of the presidential election, none of the candidates received more than half of the votes in the first round. former prime minister alexander stup received more than 27%, and former head of the ministry of foreign affairs peka havista almost 26%. they advanced to the second round, which is scheduled for february 11. both candidates, however, are not inclined to maintain political ties with russia.
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among the proposals to contain moscow, in in particular, the ban on dual russian and finnish citizenship. now a short advertisement, and then about the situation in texas in the economics section about how much it costs to protect the southern border of the united states. what men are silent about is that life is out of control, fears of ceasing to be a man, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. recommended course is two packs. lanagitase against prostatitis. we are alexander and dmitry korshnin. i calculated a model of superhard material for industry. and i - for an ultra-sensitive gas analyzer. and this is grandpa. thanks to his ingenuity, we became interested in science. develop an interest in science from childhood. enroll in science
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will turn into a good dish. into the fantastic. i love to cook, hello, i am your stress, and this is your energy, i love it when you are exhausted, like squeezed lemon, stress leaves you exhausted, elkar contains elcarnitine, a source of additional energy and helps cope with stress. elkar - you can fight stress. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool video, what speed is high, and what? the opening is wide, where are we, where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone can pick up even there, the number one mobile operator in terms of speed of coverage, oh, and where is your damaged swallow, i won a new sticker, the owner of the car rvs 729 bought a big special in a delicious period,
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scanned the application code and won a car from the blueprints, believe it or not, a car and 36. half of millions of other prizes under stickers in the delicious application, period. this is our first family freckle, on my great-great-grandmother's nose. it is not immediately possible to understand its value, but everything changes when love gets involved. the freckle conquered the rebellious heart and ran away, went their separate ways, and became the most precious family value. some try to disguise it, some wear it as decoration. save it and pass it on to other generations. national project demography. i can't sleep again, i've lost my mind. actually, this is mine, but for you nakabs. calm, just calm! fourth annual forum:
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strong ideas for the new time, more than a thousand participants will receive large-scale support, don’t miss your chance in the new year, perhaps your idea will become the best and will receive resources for implementation. applications are accepted until january 31. the policies of the joe biden administration have led to divisions between states and divisions in the us congress. while the senators trying to find a compromise between funding ukraine and protecting its own borders, texas has taken on the fight against illegal migrants. we will find out more details from maria grigorieva. maria, how much texas has already spent on strengthening the border with mexico. daria, aged 21, has about $11 billion. now i’ll tell you everything. joe biden took the migration crisis in the united states to a new level during his presidency, that is, in just 3 years, more than 6 million people entered the country illegally. latin america, south asia, well
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mexico, guantemala, granduras, el salvador, all these countries, of course, are the main suppliers. migrants are trying to find a better life for themselves, sometimes just to get away from banditry, which is associated with the activities of the drug cartels. the problem is truly enormous. because the number of these migrants exceeds all reasonable limits, they are not socialized, this is an increase in crime, a burden on infrastructure, money, and so on. last december alone , more than 225,000 arrived from mexico, the highest monthly figure in almost a quarter of a century. republican governors of 25 states accused the current administration of unwillingness to protect the american border. illegal migration represents a major economic and social problem for america, due to the fact that too many illegal migrants come to the united states, and the burden on
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regional budgets is growing; in some cases , the regional budget devotes up to 10% of its expenses to maintaining illegal migrants, except in addition, social tension is growing and crime is growing, as well as jobs being taken away from the legal... in labor sector. the southern republican states bear the brunt of the blow; they become a kind of filter for migrants who, over time, become socialized, move to democratic states that are ready to provide them with asylum, and there they begin to bring certain benefits to the economy, and most importantly, they replenish the democratic electorate. texas feels a particularly heavy load in this system; in 2022, it transported more than 100,000 illegal migrants to other states, but their flow is only ...increasing, so texas authorities came into conflict with washington and took independent protective measures, attracted the national guard, installed barbed wire and buoys on the border riogrande river. local
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truckers announced the formation of a column of thousands to protest against joe biden's immigration policies. the rally should last until february 3. well, the texas nationalist movement is even calling for secession from the united states. meanwhile, the texas economy is one of the largest... in the country and the eighth largest in gdp in the world, about 2.5 trillion dollars. texas is the second largest us state after california, it is a fairly large state with a diversified economy, but if previously its blessing was based on oil and gas, which was a key industry in the texas economy, now it also includes many other industries, including technology. texas responds with relatively low taxes. and a lower cost of living than other states, making texas an attractive destination for both migrants and many us citizens. another front of the fight
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unfolded in congress without strengthening measures against illegal migration, politicians refuse to consider the issue of additional funding for homeland security. in total, washington wants to receive 106 billion dollars, of which more than 60 billion are going to be used for support. to protect their own borders is a little more than 13 and a half. congressmen consider this measure insufficient. in order to reach a compromise , the option of limiting the flow of migrants to no more than 8,500 per day is also being considered. if the limit is exceeded, they will be obliged close to illegal immigrants. however, this will not change the situation much, since the difference from the peak figures in december is small. at that time , 10 thousand people a day entered the country. and they are not cheap for the american economy. the net costs of illegal immigration for the federal and state levels, that is, regional and local,
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is an example. 150 billion dollars a year is actually not so much money as such, it’s rather lost opportunities, for which, in fact, those same us citizens pay, it is estimated that more than a thousand dollars a year every legal citizen, that is, a us citizen, pays money for the maintenance of these same illegal migrants. against this background, the border wall project for 25. maria, thank you, maria grigorieva spoke about how much it costs the united states to fight illegal migration. at least 40 people have died after israeli bombings in central gaza, al jazeera tv channel reported. the victims are being evacuated from residential areas and refugee camps to a hospital
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located in the ministry of health. give up, the same thing happens in other places, we continue our ground operation, we have no alternative. washington does not rule out the possibility of a strike against iran in response to an attack on an american military base in jordan. bloomberg reports this. according to him, the united states operation will be secret. tehran previously said it had nothing to do with
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the drone attack. to an american military base. let me remind you that as a result of the attack on kanone , three us military personnel were killed and at least 34 people were injured. senator linty graham was one of the first to comment on the losses in the middle east. east and called, i quote: to hit iran harder. president joe biden announced a minute of silence during one of the events and then promised that the united states would definitely respond. we lost three brave men during. fall on one of our bases, i ask that we observe a minute of silence in memory of all three victims, and we will respond, god bless you all. does she really read minds or not? the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has special gifts,
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who are you all looking at, well, where? look first in the app or on website.
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